A Day Dream
A Book by Jessica
My first day dream that I have actually written down and posted for others to see. It takes place durring my second semester of my freshman year, and may continue through the summer. 
© 2008 Jessica
Author's Note
Ignore grammar errors, although if I use the wrong form of a word (their, there, etc.) I would love to know. And, if I make a mistake over five times I would love to know, unless it is a misuse of commas. Tell me anything you would like, I love to get feedback.
Added on August 20, 2008
JessicaAtlanta, GA
I am a random person, and I sometimes keep to myself. I try to be more outgoing, but I can't seem to unless I am with my close friends. I do, however, become the most out going person you could ever m.. more..