It's been a minute

It's been a minute

A Poem by ur_ginger_girl

It's been a few years since I posted here. I've been rereading some of my old stuff, and thought I would write something to post

It's been a minute

I guess I'll try the rhyming thing. Haven't written like this in a while. Though maybe as much as I hate it. Maybe this is my style. 

I can't write anything serious. Feels like I'm trying too hard to be deep. I guess to a juvenile style maybe I should try and keep. 

I don't know what the f**k to do. I don't know if this is it. Can't catch a bus until December and I don't have to s**t. 

I grew up and hit the bottle. Way she goes for a whole 6 years. No matter how much I seemed to drink. Still I found the same old fears. 

Domestic abuse, cops called twice. You can say I had a grand old time. Found religion, Found AA, so I'm alive to write this rhyme. 

Met with an old acquaintance. He'd been through it like I had. Turns out I wasn't the only one almost to go stark raving mad. 

5 people are dead. One man tried. Two lost their sanity for a while. Hard to write about death and loss in a happy go lucky style. 

Left AA, kept the religion. Guess now it's just God and I. Got a dog, a cat, and a damned good friend. I still kind of want to die. 

Realizing it's been a whole 8 years since I'd been on this site. Considering how it all went down could have used a bit of foresight

I guess I'll end this stupid rhyme. Dedicate it to my friend. Back down into the cellar, honey. Another storm is coming in. 

© 2022 ur_ginger_girl

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Added on November 29, 2022
Last Updated on November 29, 2022
Tags: come back, poem, juvenile, light hearted