![]() Analyzing ReligionA Story by andrea![]() Analyzing religion through a sociological perspective.![]() Sociologists have been able to break down ways for analyzing topics no matter how hard t woudl seem. Some people may be confused when attempting to analyze something such as religion. For example "How do you analize god?" may be a response, luckily sociologists found a way to analize religion by using functionalist perspectives, critical thinking, and symbolic interaction. A Functionalist perspective gains knowledge on the purpose of religion and how religion helps a society. The purpose of rligion in a society is for reasons such as "Debunking." For example, the greek people turned to gods and goddesses (their religion) to help understand and interperate the world around them. A reason as to how religion helps soicety would be a part of socialization. Depending on the religion people gather every sunday to learn and grow as a community. When people thought that witches where after them and a demon in the movie "Sleepy Hollow." everyone ran to the church or safety and sanctity, that is where they worked together as a community. Religion also teaches people their version of right from wrong with some ten commandments, "though shalt not steal" is a personal favorite. Although functionalism tends to put a psitive spin on the subject they are analyzing a critical theory perspective is awhole different ballgame. Critical theory is geared towards exposing who has power and who gets hurt within a subject in this case religion. Depending on the religionis dependant on the power. In most cases there is some sort of higherarchy within cetain religions. Those people within the high ranks of those religions have the power. This seems true with Catholocism and their pure love for the pope. This is not to say the pope does no good, but that doesnt mean he doesntm have power, along with bishops, high priests and priestesses, rabbi, and people who say they are profits. The persons who get hurt by religion seem to be once again dependnt on religion. People who are unable to follow religious guidlines; those considered delinquents such as gay people in some churches. They cannot help or want to e different, but are being punished anyways. Wiccans who grew up catholic who wont give up thier traditions have been hurt and physically harmed due to their religious belifs. Animals get hurt in religious sacrifices. Symbolic interactionalism deals with face to face issue and socialization. Some face to face issues withreligion have been the lack of physical proof, or miracles, this is not to ssay that there have never been a miracle, but sometimes it is just easier to put your faith into something physical. (Like if god came down and said Hi im god...tadaa!" In todays society it is easier, and sometimes without choice that people have to work on thier religious day. Those people are missing out on their specific religious socialization "bonding" moments with their piers due to todays society. Luckily most religions have symbols that make peopke feel a a sence of peace or closeness with thier higher power. Some examples include but are not limited to crosses, pentacles, pentagrams, star of david, the pyramids. Being able to analize religion from a functionalist, critical theorist, and symbolic interactionalist perspectives give great, hopefully, semi unbiased looks ointo subjects otherwise unchallenged by other scientific ways. Sociologists have been able to accomplish alot of research and people now have a better understanding of their social lives thanks to sociological perspectives. © 2011 andrea |
Added on August 16, 2011 Last Updated on August 16, 2011 Author![]() andreaAboutI am in college to become a meteorologinst. I have currently found out that I have a nack for writing. I am also a pianist, live by the lake in a lovely little house, and have 3 dogs. more..Writing