A New Beginning

A New Beginning

A Poem by Abirami

'Rise and shine,its half past nine!'
Called mommy dearest,mom of mine.
'Its first day of school,please dont whine'
I thought, i'll make you proud mommy,ill outshine.

A pretty pink frock,a matching shoe,
Cheery smile and eyes deep blue.
I ran to school, along the green view,
The heartbreak I awaited, no one knew.

I entered my class,greeted by stares,
My smiles were replied by glares.
Was it my dress,my tie or my hair?
No one would tell me,its just not fair.

My teacher called me aside
And I listened to her teary eyed.
'The white patches on your hands' she sighed
'Wear longer clothes to cover and hide.'

I went back home sad and low
It's an everyday affair now,a routine woe.
Every time, my confidence takes a blow
Kith and kin shoo me away like a crow.

Day and night,to God I pray,
To give me a single friend to play.
To ride the swing as i sway
Am i the only one,born this way?

My doctor called this Vitiligo,
And many said it wouldn't go.
Im same as my classmates though,
If only everyone treated me so!

Oh come play with me,im not infective!
More than the disease,your comments are destructive.
Its high time,you change your perspective,
Breaking the stigma should be our motive!

© 2019 Abirami

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Added on June 25, 2019
Last Updated on June 25, 2019
Tags: vitiligo, world vitiligo day, dermatology, medicine, skin, discrimination



I love reading good writings and i enjoy writing informal essays and poetry.I have a gazzilion activities to do,all of which i enjoy.But i need something that seriously affects me,else i just cant wri.. more..

The choice The choice

A Poem by Abirami