When someone doesnt know what youre talking about, maybe its you who doesnt know what youre talking about.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
As many of you may know, I enjoy discussing religion and theology with a variety of people on a variety of subjects, from many different religious backgrounds. One of my most recent partners in these discussions was an elderly woman by the name of Lily. She is a Jehovah’s Witness.
Now before you get all, "Oh those people are nuts," and such, please know that I was one of them once and know all too well how odd they can be. However, this woman was a real sweetheart that didn’t mind, too much, my unique questions. My goal in talking with Lily was to find out how much the religious beliefs had changed over the years.
During one of our 3 hour long conversations, I remember we got off track at some point. At the time she started talking about Mormons. Now mind you I do not follow the Mormon faith, nor do I know much of what they believe, but neither do I care. However, Lily seemed to not think very highly of them.
As the discussion continued, Lily informed me that Mormons had some "really weird" beliefs about Adam, Eve, and God. When I asked for an example, she couldn’t give me one, not because she was lying, but rather because she couldn’t remember. She is in her 70's after all.
Anyway, after not being able to provide me with an example, she leaned forward a bit and dropped the volume of her voice and said, "You know what the best part is?" I indicated I did not know as I leaned forward to hear her better. "The best part is that they don’t even know they believe this crazy stuff." I leaned back with a strong look of skepticism on my face. "Seriously!" She insisted, her voice louder now.
Now, I was not skeptical that she was telling me the truth or that the Mormons seriously did not have any idea what she was talking about. What I was in doubt about was the accuracy of her information and it’s source.
Seriously now, if you went up to a Mormon and said, "did you know that you believe this and that?" and the Mormon said they’d never heard of that teaching. It’s a pretty good bet they would know more about what their own religion teaches than a Jehovah’s Witness who is not allowed to research the matter for themselves.
So, how does this scenario apply to everyday life? Well...if you heard through the grapevine that so and so did, or said, this or that, but when confronted they seem to have no idea what you’re talking about, chances are you have bad information. Here’s a large example of just this sort of thing so you can really get a feel for how serious a matter bad information can become.
There once was a president named Shrub. He was told, or fabricated a lie, that the Iraqi government had nuclear weapons. The Iraqi government claimed they had no idea what Shrub was talking about. Convinced he was right and Iraqi were lying, Shrub declared war. Millions of dollars and many lives later, low and behold there were in fact no nuclear weapons. Shrub says his "oops! Sorry," and moves on, but sorry does not return life to the dead, nor does it repair the buildings and families destroyed. The damage has already been done, there is no going back. Bad information, if acted upon, regardless of the source, can have lasting consequences. Bad information can destroy a friendship, relationship, family, country, and even the race of man as a whole.
Now please, I implore you, think twice before acting on information received from any source, yes even your own mind. You never know how many lives you may be effecting.
Instead of acting on information, consider instead keeping that information to yourself until you see proof that your information may in fact be true. Also, if you decide to confront the individual about the rumor, please keep in mind that if the individual denies the claim, it’s a 50/50 chance they’re telling the truth. However, if they seem confused and have no idea what you’re talking about, it’s a better chance that they’re telling the truth. After all, let’s face it, it’s rather difficult to fake being completely dumbfounded by what you’re being told.
Please, everyone, give your friends the benefit of the doubt unless you have solid, concrete, irrefutable proof. Isn’t it better to be hurt later than to risk the loss of a wonderful friend because of bad information? I think so. What about you? Easier said than done, but maybe, just maybe, it’s worth the risk.
I seem to have lost my spark for conveying things in my normally humorous, though matter-of-fact way. Please give any and all suggestions for improvement, including gramaticly speaking.
My Review
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I know I'm way behind here, but I love the example of Shrub. Very astute. Now as far as jazzing this story up a bit, I think the only thing it needs is your own observation. You have a knack for giving fascinating details about what is happening around you, but in this one, I can't really picture your elderly friend, or where you are, or any of that detail stuff that brings a reader in.
great point though, and well made.
I know I'm way behind here, but I love the example of Shrub. Very astute. Now as far as jazzing this story up a bit, I think the only thing it needs is your own observation. You have a knack for giving fascinating details about what is happening around you, but in this one, I can't really picture your elderly friend, or where you are, or any of that detail stuff that brings a reader in.
great point though, and well made.
wow ,this is so mature writing especially i come from iraq ,and i know bad information ,cost us 1200,000of innocent lives ,see how many families and women and children are orphaned,it really breaks any heart even made of stone,i lost so many dear friends saying they were mistaken to be terrorist ,all their fault being at the wrong time and place and bad luck,a whole life and dreams thrown away just like that ,this is the way to fight terrorism,we have never witnessed such brutality in all our lives like that ,yes thats bad information ,that destroyed a whole country a nation ,all went to shreds
Even with out the humor, this was a wonderful write, you have made such strong points and without sounding preachy you were able to let the reader in on your ideas. No matter how smart you think you are if you follow bad information you are an idiot. I loved this. Great write.
Posted 16 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
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Thank you for this one. You know in Tibet and other Buddhist places, the novitiate monks like to go off into the courtyard of their monastery and debate the finer points of there sutras, they smack their hands together, and go on and on at lenth. They don't get mad at apposing ideas, but rather view debate as a tool to obtain higher understanding. I'm not a Buddhist, but I think that's way cool. It's all about whether you like to discuss religion, politics, and philosophy, with an axe to grind, or if you like debate to gain insight for yourself.
i like the way you touch upon the way people think on an everyday basis. Things people talk about like religion and gossip and then you brought it to the worldly political level. I always said, if people looked at themselves from day one we would not have people like Shrub in office. People that think with integrity, think for themselves, learn to dispel gossip are the people we should be putting in office. It starts from the heart of a person like you or I.
I like the humor even with the truth in the Shrub part.
I think it's a good write Andrea. Keep it up.
I think this reads really well. It is clearly expressed and I didn't stumble or have to re-read any of it. Also expresses a very valid point. I'm just glad someone like Shrub would never be able to become president in reality. If your friends mean anything to you then they should have your trust, otherwise how can anyone really call them friends? Nice write. NH