How do I mend a broken heart?
Shattered by sharp words spoken harsh.
A heart so fragile
And so torn apart.
A stony heart mishandled.
Turned bashful, and punctured
In all its parts.
A heart malnourished,
Void of courage, and highly unstable.
Unencouraged, and nearly disabled.
A playful heart rendered incabable
Of coping with emotions.
Hoping for every thing hopeless.
Tortured by forces spoken and unspoken.
Uncertain of everything
That was once certain.
And searching for shelter
In a place desolate and deserted.
How do I comfort a heart
So hesitant and nervous?
So cautious and removed.
A confused heart
That's learned to be more
Introverted and aloof.
Hiding far from the truth.
How do I soothe a heart
Bruised and teased?
A heart whose locks where broken
With stolen keys.
An open heart with no closure.