I was summering on the south jersey shore right before my first year in college an me an my mom thought it would be a good idea to get a mt bike I didn’t know at the time that it would be a great partnership so to say so me an my mom went to the local bike shop an I purchase a great mountain sports bike that had special tires for snow a foot straps to make the bike go faster fast forwords a month an bam I took it up to college with me I rember a few different things about it like that I would bike to work an that I would bike really late at nite an in all sorts of weather an that would keep it 5 minutes away on the bike rack or in my dorm room I rember that students an even teachers would make fun of me because I really liked it I rember I got a black vest that I would wear a lot on the bike I rember it got vandalized once I rember that it just gave me very good exsercise I rember I got into a bike accent once I rember that I nearly got killed once on it to I rember that it had this really cool red pin stripe brand label on the frame that blended in with the Snow White color an the fall leaves color really nicely I still have it today but I don’t use it that much