![]() (A story) From the eyes of the inosentA Story by Milena![]() This story takes place in 1888 in london's country side. Under a thached roof cottage in the town stourhead next to the fire place on his favorite pillow. Darcy is a Weimaraner puppy only a year old. His very bis birthday is only three days away and he wa![]()
"As the grate Holmes peered around the corner he could see the two suspicious looking characters leave the Jameson’s home and with in a blink of an eye vanish behind the thistle bush." Lidia read aloud to me. I love how her voice changes with the characters. How it goes deep and stern for Holmes and slightly higher and more frightened with Watson. As I inched closer to the hearth she continued. Visions of Holmes and Watson danced through out my consciousness. The fire slowly died and the story came to an end. Lidia Closed the book with a shuddering thud and placed it back on the book shelf from whence it came. She then gave me a kiss on my forehead and sent me to bed. I loved Holmes but he lacked a canine. Sir. Arthur Cannon Doyle should add a trusty mutt I believe that would make the Story most favorable. It's 1888 for crying out loud, but as far as humans go man's best friend doesn’t have a place in police work. But I think tomorrow I shall discuses the matter with my good friend Toby he always knows what to do. But I can't seem to recall the last time I've seen him sane. Well no matter I'll still try. The night brought a chilled air to the house. I soon realized I wasn't about to get to sleep out here when I noticed a piece of paper on the dinning room floor. Just below the table so I decided to do as Sherlock dose and investigate. Nathaniel Lovelace 762-555-0908. "Lovelace what kind of a corny name is that. Hm! probably her new hair dresser she's been talking about lately." I get the smell of coffee and find the coffee cup. As I lick the remainder of the coffee from the bottom of the mug. I decided to go up stairs see what Lidia was doing. I climbed up the two flights of stairs and ran for her door. She herd me coming and came to open the door to her bedroom. I slipped in and jumped on her bed. "Haha well don't we think we are the big kahuna just because in three days we'll be two years old. Hmm that means in dog’s years you'll be....ah yes fourteen." She crawled into bed and I snuggled close to her my back to her tummy. I slept like a baby. The beams of sunlight hit my face as the sun rose over our little house. I decided to get up and go over to Toby's. As a dragged my self out of bed and stumbled down the two flights of stairs. Once I reached the kitchen I noticed the number was gone she must have taken it. I pushed the doggy door open and squeezed through the door. I need to lose weight. The walk to Toby’s is nice. It's even nicer in fall the leave they fall and I can run and try and catch a few. Its grate fun. The road is lined with oak trees I know where Toby’s is because in front there is a weeping willow and in the spring it's pink. Lidia loves spring she says it makes even the dullest things look pretty. She loves to paint spring and fall I like it when she paints they always come out very beautiful. "Hahaha hey look what came over to play. Hehey if it isn't Mr. big two." Toby was always a smart mouth even if he knew what he was doing. "Not yet Toby I still have the three day speed bump in my way. So you and your human can make it right? Toby looked up at me and shook his big floppy head. “Yes I and Emiliouse will make it. It's Cristal, Gadget and their human Zeth that I would check on." Toby was always skeptical about Zeth. I think its silly Cristal and Gadget Are border collies there only eleven months old. There sheep herders there really good at what they do. "Yeah I probably should go over there. Toby your suck a spoil sport." "No your wrong I'm just a fat lazy Bassett hound who is an excellent judge of character. Witch is something you lack I might add." He always held that over my head. I soon paid my dues and left Toby's house and headed to Crystal and Gadget's house. They agreed to come and they wouldn't be late. They seem to have a habit of not being punctual with things. Well I’m sure Zeth will get it right this time. Lidia will be there and everyone knows Zeth likes Lidia lalala. I made my way home but on my way I saw Lidia was outside calling my name. I bolted to her side barking as I came. She giggled and hugged me upon my arrival. "Well where were we this fine summer afternoon? Hm? You went to Toby's didn't you bah! I hope you don't snatch up new habits." She worries too much about me she should take a brake sometime. Later after lunch she took me to the library I love the smell of the library. It smells like old socks and bark its good! But Lidia has to be careful she knows the store owner so it's okay. Women aren't supposed to read an intelligent woman is something most guys don't like that's why she's single. She seems happy single and my birthday is coming so she won't find anyone I hope. Thinking about this I decided to sit in the sun next to the fiction section after a while of keeping close watch on my Lidia I decided a good trooper deserves a good nap. Then I herd a thump I popped my head up and looked around it was Lidia. I chuckled to myself and was about to close my eye's when this boy came and picked up her book. I flopped my paw over my snout and said to my self. "Were dune for..." Wait what's he doing! "Holmes you a fan or just playing the part?" A fan he insults me she is no fan I am! Lidia looked to me she could see I was going to be displeased with her answer. "I am not much of a fan Darcy is. I read to Darcy he enjoys when I read to him especially when I change my voice with the characters. That's his favorite part." He looked to her and smiled. He wasn't a bad looking boy. He was wearing a tan sweeter nothing underneath I suppose very manly pshh! Black kakis and delicious brown leather shoes. Perfect for chewing on. His hair was a hazel nut brown the fell over his face. His eyes were such a light blue they looked clear. Lidia! What was she doing that joke was so corny! He likes her it’ll never work my birthday is coming and that's my day. I got up and shuffled over to her feet and sat up tall and strong. "So is Darcy special?" You damn right I'm special you scruffy hobo! "Umm what I meant was dose he hold your heart?" You hit the nail on the head s**t for brains. "Well in a way he does." You tell him Lidia! "You see he's a very dear life partner." Hahaha hear that hobo I am a life partner! You on the other hand. "Oh well I am sorry I hope I haven't offended you Mrs.?" Wait what? You dolt she said a dear partner she never said she was married you assuming hobo. "Oh no I'm not married you see he's my dog." He looked confused. Tolled you he was a dolt. "Wait but you said life partner. Did you marry him or something? Is this him?" He looked down on me like if I was nothing more than a dog. He bent down and started to talk to me in this stupid baby voice. I looked to Lidia who just shrugged and tapped him on the shoulder. He got up and was still confused but more to earth. "Don't talk to him like that please he is just as intelligent as you or me." Hahaha she's on my boat you failed you hobo. "I apologize He's a very handsome younger pup. May I ask you a question?" she looked to me and I nodded my head. "Well why not." He just looked to me and winked I shuffled and gulped. "May I see you and Darcy again sometime?" I can't believe it she agreed to let him see her again and I have to go also! This is so unfair well so long as she's not at my birthday. The next two days were slow and rainy I would go outside and jump around in the mud puddles and Lidia would call me in and wash me off and cuddle with me in her bed and read Sherlock Holmes to me for the rest of the day. I was glad the hobo wasn't around to spoil our fun and we do have fun together. I was jazzed the next day was my birthday it was gona be all about me. Toby would be there and Emiliouse and Crystal and all my other friends. Best of all no hobo! I woke before the sun had a chance to raise its rays over my bed. When Lidia awoke and made breakfast, got dressed, did her hair, brushed her teeth and came over to me and read a Holmes story. Later she tolled me we were going for a walk, on our walk I saw Toby with a box on his back. He turned the corner where I saw Crystal and Gadget run to carrying boxes too. Lidia took me to the corner where around it we saw a doggy cake and balloons that said happy birthday on them. It was the coolest all my friends were there everyone made it. The park seemed brighter and happier. I and Toby played with Gadget and Crystal. Lidia even got into the games Zeth watched from the side lines. Until I pushed him over to Lidia and they seemed to hit it off. But Lidia her mind was else where and so was his after a short while. After the games at the height of the party I sat in Lidia's lap and the cake was about to be served. When who should show but the scruffy hobo. It was total bullucks! After that Lidia was no longer by my side she was by his scruffy side. That pushy double crosser. So what if he's charming and handsome and has a chilled laid back attitude. He was taking Lidia away on my birthday mine! By the time presents came I wanted to bay at the moon. Or maybe curl up in a corner and die. Here lies Darcy cause of death heartbreak caused by the scruffy hobo. The party ended when the sunset hobo offered to walk home Lidia and of cores she would say yes. Maxwell that’s his mane Maxwell Lovelace. The brother of her hair dresser it's sad. She's replaced me with the brother of the hair dresser. When we finally made it home after they smooched all the way. I slinked to my bed by the fire place curled up and wept myself to sleep. She went straight to bed after kissing the hobo good night. The house had a certain cold chill to it. Like the love was sucked out when the hobo left. I got up and went to her bed maybe this couldn't be a perfect birthday but she could fix this hole in my heart. No! That’s all I got out of her was a big fat no... Was he really that special that you couldn't share the warmth with me? She was afraid I would drown out the smell of his cheep calone. The next few weeks were the same nightmare over and over. Every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday puzzle day she would go out with the hobo for the whole day. So many puzzle to finish she'll never finish all of them. Not with that hobo around at least. She was going for a world record of fifty thousand dog puzzles. She only needed fifty more to break it. One day Toby came over to check on me he was concerned because normally I would come over after two on Tuesdays. Not this Tuesday this Tuesday I stayed home cause she left for the library without me. "She didn't even ask Toby! That's the whole thing I wouldn't mind if she would have asked! She just AAAH!" Toby looked up from the funnies. "Well she does have the choice to see him or not you know that right? She doesn't need your approval for her to be happy. Besides look at all the free nap time you get and all the play time." I looked to my pillow it's turned cold since the love left. I then peered at my new toys all of them untouched. "It's not the same without Lidia. It's just not the same." I sighed deeply Toby soon had to leave we were pushing four o'clock and he had missed tea time for me. The seasons pass with utter boredom and sorrow. My life began to follow this schedule: get up to find Lidia was gone eat whatever she left in the bowl. Wallow in self pity then have Toby over from two to three sometimes four. Watch people play with their dogs and feel shity from three to three ten. Then go home and hold Bubbly and cry in silence. Then when Lidia gets home wait to be feed. No Holmes before bed just lie down at the foot of the hearth and sob self to sleep. My life became nothing more than a pool of self pity. Then one mid April day Lidia went out to paint shockingly she took me and as I played in the field with the dust and small insects that called there home. She painted away I didn't look as to what she was painting. I soon returned to her side and laid in the soft, cool, green grass and dozed off. I was arose from my nap by Lidia. I shot up and saw the hobo on his knees with a small red box in his hand that contained something shinny and small. She said yes I had no clue what was happening to Lidia at the time. The next few days were filled with boxes and new nick knacks. The hobo was moving in he had proposed to Lidia and she accepted. I was the only one against it. The wedding was only a three weeks away. When the hobo was officially settled I our house I was fed up with it. There was no way they were going to get married and I was going to make sure of that. The next two weeks were hell pure hell. She took me to his tux fitting and to her dressed fitting. We went to the flowers I couldn't stop sneezing. Then it was off to the bakers for the cake and other food needs. She even got me a tux specially fit for me. The big due day was only four days away no way I was going to sit and watch my life be destroyed by this, this hobo! That very next day when everything was at home all ready for the big day. Everything was perfect well not for long. I started with the seating plans she was good everyone would have been happy as a bee in a honey mine. Well they use to be I then arranged it so that fights and arguments would start. I knew who hated who so this was easy. Next were the flowers yucky things they make my nose tickle. I got Toby to help me with this one he was happy to be a part of mischief. We bit, tore, scratched and bent all the flowers we could. We the put the tops on the flowers back on so no one would see what we had dune until the big day. I was afraid to report that that's all we could do. The next day I asked the help of a bad cat named Irene who was notorious for being mischievous. She gladly helped for all the milk we had witch wasn't much. She soon got to work on the wedding dress. While I got the tux who knows what she was doing all I knew was this was gona be fun. I saw hobo boy walk in and he looked to me then to the tux then back to me. You want it lover boy well come and get it. I grabbed the tux and took off for the doggy door. The hobo was hot on my trail but thankfully hoboes can't fit through doggy doors. The dolt of a hobo ran into the door and I was already headed for the mud puddles. He took an awful long time to open the door. Once he was out he was out! Down the steps and to the puddles. I took a detour through the Lilly pad fields just to make sure his allergies would kick. Then it was hallelujah mud heaven. We both met at the gate he was slow for a hobo his age. It was a stare down...dog against man. Brain over brawns, intelligent canine versus the stupid hobo. We were off through the mud field and down the steep muddy hill. One day till the wedding and he wouldn't have anything to wear shame but who cares. I was having fun for the first time in a while I was having real fun. But too much of a good thing is well too much. I tripped and fell the rest of the way down. I broke my left paw and sprained a back leg. I was immobilized and in pain. I had no choice but to let out a cry of pure agony. Hobo boy came to me and asked where it hurt. I tried to move my paw but I squeaked and left it to him. "It's going to be alright I'm here" those two words I'm here Lidia would say that during a storm when I was little she would say 'its okay Darcy I'm here.' A tear rolled down my fuzzy cheek. The pain was more than I could take. I closed my eye's and as Maxwell carried me to Lidia all mud covered and in pain. I realized that it was me the whole time. It wasn't Maxwell at all I just wouldn't let him in. I was so wrapped up in my own pain that I missed out on the most important thing and that was Lidia. He talked to me the whole way home it was comforting. When I saw that thatched roof I never felt so happy to be in the hobo I mean Maxwell's arms. Lidia hugged me witch made me squeak then they both Lidia and Maxwell took me to the vet. Where I was bandaged and ready for the big wedding. (The wedding day) Music was playing and people where dancing the song Bruca Manigua was playing and people were happy I was standing next to Toby who had two toy poodle girls by his side. "Some party isn’t it?" I just smiled I had my eye's on one dancing couple especially. "Ah yes some party" © 2009 MilenaAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on August 2, 2009 Last Updated on August 3, 2009 Author![]() MilenaHonolulu, HIAboutHey everyone I'm fourteen and new to the cafe. I love to write stories and i am working on my potery skills but i still suck. I am currently working on a book called In years a war could change. .. more..Writing