![]() Fall in love but don't lose itA Chapter by MilenaAs the sun hit my face I woke with a bad taste in my mouth. I looked at the clock; it read half past eight. My head hurt and so did my limbs. Then I dared to look to the pillow next to mine and on it was a big ugly COCKROACH!!!!! “EWWWWWWWWWWW!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Charlie came busting in; he was only in his boxers. I shielded my eyes and ran for the door. He saw what I was running from and started to laugh at me. “Ahahahah that is too good you can beat up other people but you’re afraid of a little teeny tiny bug? Hahahaha I can’t breathe. Oh this is gold!” he acted so mean I felt the tears in my eyes. Big fat wet soggy tears sliding down my face. He noticed this and stopped laughing. “Why is everyone so mean! You just don’t understand.” He looked sad I hurt his feelings and I knew it. “I’m sorry It’s just I never thought you’d…” he trailed off. Then I ran to the entrance. In the light the place looked better. It was a red color with white crown molding. She was the neatest girl in the world. It had plants in certain places and paintings in particular places. She had everything where you could see it except the cash register that was the only thing you could not see. The stupid cash register thingy. “Oh hi how are you?” she was extremely happy that kind of scared me. “Drop the I care but not really stuff with me chick.” She knew what I was talking about but she still tried to care about Charlie and me of course Charlie. “So where is your friend, the tall one with the sandy blonde hair.” She had to ask good god she had to ask.” Uh he is some where else.” She gave me this dumb look and I could tell she was going to ask where? In three two one.” Where?” “Some where your not that’s where.” I said it in a mean tone but what do I care about her feelings. I had my feelings thrown all over the place. Why should hers be handled with care? Why should I give a s**t? “Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” I couldn’t shake her no matter what I did she couldn’t no she wouldn’t go oh your bad or OMG! No for all of my efforts not even that GOD I was so P.Oed I don’t think I could get any madder. “Well you’re a bit of a jerk you know. I try to be nice and oh. I could just ah!” I did it I cracked her surface ha she did have a breaking point. “Well at least your human. Anyway I was wondering do you like Charlie at all or in anyway?” I was fishing I hoped she didn’t notice. “Well if you must know he is attractive but I would not go out with him.” This was interesting, very interesting. ”Why. Well why wouldn’t you not why is he attractive.” She seemed baffled by my question like on one asked it before. “Well because he is an animal that is why we don’t date animals.” I knew what she was talking about. But that was a little harsh I think cause she had no grounds to accuse like that not all of us are mindless animals. And vamps and werewolves are no better at full moon they will rip up anyone around. Anyone in reaching distance maybe even farther. “So what are you a vamp or a Lyken?” She was mad now I could see it feel it and taste it again hatred has a bitter taste to it. “A vamp thank you what about you? Oh don’t tell me you’re a Lyken aren’t you? I could tell by the look on your face last night you wanted to kill. And because of your hearing and I can read thoughts like your friend but only if you are giving off certain signals like if your going to kill I can read your mind, and if your really sad or happy or even mad I can still read them.” Yakity yakity yak boy could she talk, on and on and on, never ending. God she won’t shut up I’m sorry I asked now. “What is your outlook on Valsiare?” I said almost scared about her answer. “There okay there better than your friend, he is an animal. Be careful around him he can read thoughts with out emotion.” She said this scared or at least I sounded like it. “Well just to be polite I am a Valsiare. And so is he.” She looked shocked and sacred even more than she did before. Like some big black cloud came over her and zapped her with lighting. Then speak of the forbidden fruit who should come into the room but good old Charlie just the person I wanted to see. “Hey look sorry about earlier no hardes right.” He smiled I smiled back. “Sure no Hard feelings. I should be saying sorry really it was my fault I over reacted.” Hey are you gona stay another night or what?” we both turned to the lady behind the desk. Shook our heads in response and went back to the room before I left I asked. “Hey I never caught your name.” She pointed to a name slate on the counter. It read Sydney Owens. “Won’t forget thanks mine is Kishi it means night see ya.” She was surprised like what I said was important. It was scary her eyes followed me till she couldn’t see me. “Wow she is weird.” I said as we walked out the front door. “Is she? We are gona have to go back to the camp.” He didn’t look at me. “How far is it?” I asked cause before we got there I was out like a light, and I was in no mood to go on a super long trek back to hell. “Not to far only a few more days walk.” I looked at him scared and sad-ish. “I was only joking don’t flip and don’t look at me like that.” He was half concerned and half laughing. “That’s not funny that was mean.” There it was hell not really fire and flames and the devil laughing at dammed souls. No nothing like that, just people I scared and people that would have to bow down to me that hate me like Tala. She had to hate me by now. “Hey! So you have returned. Your friend was not lying.” Here we go Tala was itching to start a fight and here I was ready to beat her to the floor. “Look Tala if you think I cheated we can always have a rematch if you are not afraid to get your a*s kicked.” She looked happy to see me this ugly smirk on her face. “No you did not cheat I know that. Just there is someone that was looking for you a boy by the name of Atrayu, know him?” Atrayu why was he looking for me I was a little nothing and he was so cutie. “Where is he?” “So you do know him. He is over there with Artex.” What grate directions over there, where over there? Then I spotted him he was so cutie. He was talking to Artex and tossing something to him. “Atrayu!!” He looked up and waved his friend laughed and waved to but I don’t think he could breath. “Hey where have you been Cinderella?” Artex was always making jokes, “You only left Romeo here with your head phones.” “Well if you must know. I was having some problems.” And after I spilled my guts out we went to the beach it wasn’t but a few feet away from where we were. “So here you’re the new queen of the Valsiare.” He looked at those eyes could kill. I was not worthy of such perfection and grace. “I guess I am.” “So do you get to chose your king?” “Not exactly they fight and I get to choose from them.” “Will this help my vote?” I was about to ask what when he kissed me right on the lips I was grate no better them grate perfect. I felt like the world had fallen away and it was just us up in the air, he was my angle holding me up with his wings. It was pure blissfulness as he pulled away we touched down on earth softly. “It most certainly will.” “Oh Atreyu kissed a girl, Atreyu kissed a girl.” Artex sang this as he kissed the air. “Artex you’re killing the moment.” I retorted back. “Well your majesty I will leave you and your prince alone to soak up the moment.” As Artex trailed off into the distance Atrayu and I began to walk along the beach some more “So I guess that means I’m in for the fight hu?” you bet your sexy a*s you are. I felt like saying that to him but it was to soon. “I guess you will.” He gave me a silly look and hugged me close. I hopped he would hold me there forever and say you’re my angle I could never leave you. But he didn’t. Then he whispered in my ear I love you. I giggled and kissed him on the lips. Then out of nowhere he scooped me up in his arm and threw me into the water. It was cold and wet and cold. “Aaaah! It’s cold!” “Hahahaha I know!” we splashed around in the water kissing and swimming and having so much fun. Then we got really cold and we went to the bond fire at the camp. “Have fun?” Artex was being smart again. “Oh yeah you have no idea!” I said that smart so he would stop asking about it. “I don’t want to hear anymore thank you. Hey Atrayu the fight is gona begin. You better get over there fast.” Atrayu jumped to his feet and ran like the wind over to rain and the old queen she stuck around a bit longer than expected. Seeing that I needed training the sprits wouldn’t let her go. I went racing after him sucking in big gulps of air as I ran. Rain all of a sudden popped up in front of me and said halt! Real loud, I stopped in my tracks clouds of dirt went shooting up as my feet dug into the ground. “What?!” “You can’t come through here the fights are about to begin. Go over the hill to your left and Angéla the old queen will be waiting there for you. Oh and Kishi be cautious with your choice.” I nodded and thanked him for his sudden help. As I ran to Angéla I saw she was wearing a blue shawl on top of a white dress with flowers it was beautiful on her. “Hola chica.” “Hola Angéla. ¿Ya empesal la pelea?” “No chica, no pelea.” “Gracias Angéla.” She bowed her head slightly in indication that she was welcome. “I hear amore is in the air with you and señor Atrayu, no.” “Ah, si un poqito.” She just laughed and I did to she was cool I was gona be sad to see her go. Then Rain got a megaphone and did the announcements. Ladies and gentlemen and I use that term very loosely; get ready for the fight for amore! The rules I know no one likes rules but we have them rule 1. No killing no, one leaves here dead. We know your out when the red light on you starts to flash or you can’t walk anymore that is when you scream Argano as loud as you can. Rule number 2 you may change into your monster but in that form you have to know when to stop. Number 3. No cheating simple hu. Number 4 stay with in the ring do not go outside it, as you know the ring is on the borders of the vamps land and Lyken land so be careful. Oh and may the best man win. GO!!!!!! After he was dune talking every one changed no man was human some changed into vamp like things others changed into Lyken like things. I could not recognize anyone there were a lot more guys there then I expected. “Angéla are all of these men out for me or are some of them just so I won’t fell so bad.” “No all of them are out to get you, not one of them are show dogs not one.” She was confident I did not know whom to choose. So as I sat there watching them I noticed one of them kept looking back at me with deep eyes that looked to be caramel and honey but when they where hit in a certain light they were yellow. It was Atrayu! I screamed look out cause another thing was gona hurt him. He jumped out of they way and slashed the red blink light thing on him. And then he was out he took out one after another after another. He was good. Then a split second later only four people left then three then two then the horn was sounded they changed back. One was Atrayu while the other was a slightly bigger man with red hair and black eyes he looked scary but buff. He was sure to win but I had faith. “Ladies and gentlemen I give to you the last two competitors.” The crowd screamed with excitement. They barked and howled some jumped. I was scarred my heart beating so fast I thought it would stop. I heard it in my ears pounding in my chest. Then the battle began the final battle this one would decide it. Left then right then left then right again. Punches were thrown back and forth and back and forth, kicking and punching and biting and thrashing. I closed my eyes and waited then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes it was Atrayu. “I have won my lady, I have won.” I jumped up he was standing in front of my glowing like a child who lost his first tooth. “Are you sure that you have one.” He nodded and I jumped up and hugged him with gusto. “Oh my god I’m so happy.” Angéla looked over with a smile. “You are happy with who has won my lady.” I nodded yes and kissed Atrayu and held him tight he grunted as I did this he was hurt. “You’re hurt what happened I closed my eyes and did not see!” he looked down he was bleeding. “I will be fine just trust me. They have already called for help.” I whished I could help him I started to cry. My tears feel on his wounds. His wounds hissed and smoked, they closed up poof, gone. “Your wounds there gone!” “Your tears closed them up.” I looked down. What dose this mean? Do I have super powers? “Not really your tears have healing powers. So no your not a super powers.” I looked to the side I knew who it was, but still I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t someone else. “Charlie what do you mean?” “I mean you’re the queen every queen had special powers some healing others fighting and then there was MItherndial she was the first queen she created our species. Basically we’re freaks to the others. She helped create the species of Lyken that we know of the first werewolves were mindless savages killing every thing in there paths not being able to take human form ever again. And then from them she created us. Half vampire half Lyken The ultimate breed of monster. True killers, we could take down anything we choose we could kill entire armies in minuets. Animals used for slaves and military purposes.” He hated being us. I realized that now that’s why the women at the desk said to be careful. “What dose that have to do with me.” “Cause you’re the one, you are to bring our species together you’re the one with all the powers. Do you get it know why that man wanted you over all others. He was a werewolf okay he was gona make you command us to take over the vampire kingdom.” He thinks were are just animals the a*s can’t get it thru his head that we are also people. Maybe not full-blown people but people none the less. “So your saying we can’t change that we’ll be animals forever. Is that it!” he looked down. I had about had it with him and his attitude he was always oh woes me. But yeah know every body has feelings. Not just him. “No! What I mean is you’re the one who is gona have to carry all our burdens. You and you alone you can’t marry it is inevitable. He will die before you and you will end up alone.” No he couldn’t he was just like me, how could he die before me. “NO!” I yelled I wanted it to stop he was mine he couldn’t leave me I needed him. I got up wiped the forming tears from my face. The air was cold and angry it started to rain. “You can control the weather. You’re the one the one to help us.” I didn’t want to I just wanted to rule have two kids and live my life and then die at the ripe old age of 122. “I quit. I don’t want any of this. None of it.” I ran I didn’t know what to do so I did what any other soul would do and booked. “You have no choice in this Maria. Kishi!” they called my human name and my Valsiare name as well. But I didn’t look back I kept running. “He’s dead if you leave.” I knew that voice. It was Sydney Owens the b***h followed Charlie and me. I stopped, slowly turned to face her. Breathing hard, my eyes narrowed to her all I could see was her the corners and everything around her was blurred out. My hearing was perfect I could hear everything the slightest movement. Taste I could taste her blood wanting it I got ready. Crouched low for the attack knees bent arms to the side back and head straight towards the target. I let out a cry, power and adrenalin rushed through my whole body. I burst forward running feet barley touching the ground. I rammed into her, knocking the wind out of her. “Ugh!!” she hit the floor I skidded and turned as I hit the floor on my feet. She spun up and got into a stance. Week spots were everywhere. Open spots where everywhere. I struck fast and hard. She went flying as I ran behind her I hit her again she went the other way. Her face hit the floor, I grabbed her and thru her to a tree. I hear something snap like a twig under a foot. She tried to get to her feet. Coughing up blood she laughed. I wasn’t surprised her body didn’t register the broken rib yet. I hit her over and over and over again. As she hit the floor I threw her even farther. She was too easy. The last time she tried to get up, I walked to her grabbed her head and neck and pulled either way. Snap! She was gone. Every one was shocked like they haven’t seen me fight ever. I was week I used too much energy. Charlie tried to help me to my feet, I yanked my arm away and got up my self and walked to Atrayu. “Please don’t do that during your period.” I coughed up a laugh and smiled. “Only if you promise not to leave.” He held me close. He was sort of squeezing me but I didn’t care. Then my knees buckled and I fell holding my head. “Augh!!! AHH!!” the pain. “What happened to her?” He fell to my side. He didn’t know what to do. “Charlie, help her. What are you doing put the gun down.” I mustered up enough energy to look up I couldn’t see straight. He was holding up a dart gun. It was fired. I began to look for the dart. It was on my shoulder. I yanked it out and screamed when I did. Warm red blood followed a huge a*s needle. My arm hurt it felt weird. As I threw it at him it stuck him in the chest right below the heart. He fumbled back words. Then he laughed and pulled the needle out. “You idiot there was nothing left in to the thing. I thought you were smarter then that. And you missed my heart too. You’re the worst.” As I looked up at him hatred burned deep inside of me. “No Charlie.” I coughed “Your wrong.” He looked down and then fell over. He was out like a light. As I stumbled to my feet, I shook off the haze. Atrayu took my hand and lead me away from the still aw struck crowd. Together we ran through the woods not looking back. And as we ran I heard a man say. “Live very second here and now don’t let go before it’s to late!!!!!” And I smiled cause I knew who it was it was my dad. He would always say that he would also say wake up! He was a strong man unlike anyone I have ver seen. We stopped at a huge cave with a big iron door. The door had all kinds of designs on it but in the middle was a big blue eye. “Do you think we can open it?” we both looked at each other and then at the door. “Were practically super heroes what can’t we do.” He smiled as I said that and we both pushed on the door. It opened with a big loud creeks and squeaks. The inside was dark and quiet. Atrayu looked for a light switch. “I can’t find the lights.” I walked over to him. Felt around a bit and then found the light switch it was right under where his hand was. “Nice it was right under you.” I flipped the switch and the lights went on. In the big dark cave was big stone statues of people most of them were girls only five of them were boys. The names read MItherndial, Scythe, Gathel, Emma, Iris, Anna, Fred, Beatrice, Daniel, and a name that I knew it was my dad’s Jack and then my grandma’s Laurel. I had never known them my dad died when I was little and so did my grandma. Mom always cried when dad left she said ‘There will never be another Jack never.’ At first I didn’t understand now I did. I smiled as I gazed upon each name knowing that I belonged some where at last I knew my history. Atrayu looked at a name and sighed. I turned to him. “What’s the matter Atrayu?” he pointed to the name sleight it read Samantha Devonshire. “Devonshire that’s your name isn’t it. Was she your mom?” he nodded and said “I never knew my mum she was always gone she died when I was only six. I don’t even remember her only blips.” I looked up at her face she looked sad. “I lost my dad and grandma when I was little their graves are over there.” I pointed and he followed my finger to the two statues behind him. He sighed again and started to walk as he did he grabbed my hand. As we walked thru the hallway of tombs and fountains there were stain glass windows and as we walked through the light hit them in a way so the color hit us and we seemed to blaze with color and light. It was romantic with a scary twist. The hallway seemed to go on and on forever. Like a never-ending staircase in a scary story I loved it. Then we passed through an arch and the stain glass windows were in the shapes of harts. “I’ve been here before. When I was little. It’s where the queen gets married and mates.” I looked at him with vixen eyes full of sexual tension. “Really so were gona go hot and heavy?” he laughed and I giggled. “No. We have to get married first.” So let’s get married how hard is it. I felt like asking so I did. “So let’s get married how hard can it be.” “It’s hard because we need a certain priest. And oh this is a big and we need certain flowers. And a whole lot of other stuff trust me it is hard.” “Why do we need certain flowers?” “Cause it is written that if we do not use a thing called a new moon flower it’s grown in the hart of this place. That you will die at child birth and I couldn’t stand for that.” His eyes started to tear up. “Oh... well I didn’t know that you cared that much about little old super queen me.” “Well of course I do. Maria er Kishi I love you.” Those three little words meant the whole world to me he said it. And when he did my whole world went to puffy clouds and rainbows. Wow I felt weird my heart fluttered I got butterflies in my stomach. Chapter 13. The flower of death “Wow...” “What’s the matter you okay?” “I got butterflies in my tummy.” He chuckle to himself. “So where is this flower that will keep me alive through out child birth? Oh and where can we find a special priest?” “Well the priest should be somewhere in the mountains just north of here. While the flowers on the other hand are right over there.” He covered my eyes and led me to a different room. I could smell flowers they had a intoxicating sent to them ah they were like this honeycomb sent it was a good sent I was in heaven. I felt so good the flowers had a strange affect on me they made me hornie as hell man. Then he took his had off my eyes and I saw the flowers they were beautiful. They were this midnight purple with white lines around the edges and through the middle. They were beautiful no wonder I get to have sex on them. “There pretty aren’t they. Perfect wana have a test run.” “Atrayu only after our wedding okay.” “Aw but that spoils the fun of pre wedding sex.” “Ha well no I wana play it safe thank you and get married before I have yeah no sex. So lets go and find that special priest.” He smiled and looked at me as I helped him pick the flowers from the bed. We laughed and talked and had fun with it. Then we started to talk about the task at hand. He explained that the monks they weren’t priest they were monks. That they lived in the high mountains and that they were not very friendly so getting them to wed us is gona be a lot harder than I thought. So we had to figure out a way to pay them with out me getting sacrificed. So we have to find a watch and not just any watch a special watch one that can send you through time. So he has that now and we are gona go on the journey tomorrow morning. “So now that we have the flowers can we go to bed?” Atrayu asked tiered “Not until I arrange them around the edges of the bed. Kay” he snorted and I giggled I’ve been doing that a lot with him. A while ago I would have cried my eyes out. I would have also said that my emotions were dumb and inadequate. I was such a b***h back then only caring about me. It was always me, me, me I hate myself now. Gosh now that I look back I was a monster. “Hey you almost dune starring into nothingness while I arrange flowers.” I shook my head and laughed. “Oh I’m sorry. I was just thinking and pondering. I’m sorry if you did so much work.” “It’s okay I was enjoying your facial expressions and your giggles every now and then.” He was so sweet. We had finally finished arranging the flowers we laid down on the bed and kissed and giggled. Atrayu said that the flowers will last a hundred years. “Atrayu if I were to get pregnant how long will it take?” he looked at me with questioning eye’s. “Well as you probably already know we mature faster than humans but have longer lives.” I nodded in indication that I was listening. “So thus your children will mature faster as well. So instead of 9 months it will only take 9 weeks.” I…was…shocked! I hade so many questions buzzing through my skull. Why, how, what did it mean, can I do it, and other stuff that I will keep to my self. As I slept that night I dreamt about Atrayu and our son Peter, We were out in a garden and the sun was beaming down on us the birds were singing and the trees were in bloom. Then Peter started to scream, then the garden went zooming past and I was running in the wood peter by my side. I was crying, and while we ran I kept hearing the father will kill the son. Over and over and over again. I jolted up with fear eyes puffed up with tears I look to my side and he’s gone. Then I look to the table in front of the bed, he was sitting on a chair. He looked up eyes choked with tears and asked. “Did you see it too?” I nodded and turned to the window. The moon wasn’t quite full but it seemed to have a face on it. It was smiling at me it was kind of creepy so I turned away. He was still at the table wondering, wanting, waiting for something big. I was shaking I tried to hold still but I couldn’t. I stared towards the table where he was sitting. I walked slowly quietly. He was shaking just as I was but his shake had a larger beat. I didn’t sit I just stood there studding him. I was scared almost to death. My thoughts were far away, they were where I couldn’t get hurt where they were blind to everything around them. Where they were in a nice warm cocoon that was the brilliant color of ignorant. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t find the voice to do so. So as we © 2009 Milena |
1 Review Added on February 27, 2009 Last Updated on February 28, 2009 Author![]() MilenaHonolulu, HIAboutHey everyone I'm fourteen and new to the cafe. I love to write stories and i am working on my potery skills but i still suck. I am currently working on a book called In years a war could change. .. more..Writing