

A Poem by Love-Me-Softly

Today you let me drive!
And even though I'm new
You had to criticize 
Everything I do
I'm doing my best
Far better than the rest
But like with everything I do
Unless I'm just like you
I'll never be correct
Unless what I do is perfect

© 2023 Love-Me-Softly

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My second pause here...

No matter what I say - it could be taken as a "ding" even though it is NOT meant as such. Some "accidents" will always happen. Some are often avoided BECAUSE experience stepped in and the driver thought ahead or through various situations.

Being behind the wheel requires focus, awareness, knowledge, practice, patience, intuitive understanding, and decision making. And still accidents happen to even the best. Many get "nervous" giving the wheel decisions to others regardless of how that other thinks of their own abilities. So many cartoon issues of back-seat drivers can't be all wrong! So catch a breath, practice as you can, listen with consideration and avoid giving in to rage or frustrating moments... I know " easy for another to say." But, it's what we all did in gaining our turn behind the wheel.

Take care.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


My second pause here...

No matter what I say - it could be taken as a "ding" even though it is NOT meant as such. Some "accidents" will always happen. Some are often avoided BECAUSE experience stepped in and the driver thought ahead or through various situations.

Being behind the wheel requires focus, awareness, knowledge, practice, patience, intuitive understanding, and decision making. And still accidents happen to even the best. Many get "nervous" giving the wheel decisions to others regardless of how that other thinks of their own abilities. So many cartoon issues of back-seat drivers can't be all wrong! So catch a breath, practice as you can, listen with consideration and avoid giving in to rage or frustrating moments... I know " easy for another to say." But, it's what we all did in gaining our turn behind the wheel.

Take care.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Teaches someone to drive is scary. I taught wife, children and other people. I liked the honest tone and sometimes. We must ask. Did I do something right? Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry and your thoughts.

Posted 1 Year Ago

It seems that everyone in this world are critics of each other, even the ones we hold dear to our hearts. But we can't always please everyone, we can only please ourselves. Hopefully people, Old and young, learn this! I like your title as well.... "Permit" made me think of "Drivers Permit" which is related to your first line, but it also made me think of the poem as a whole, as if the narrator is seeking permission to be imperfect. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading!

Posted 1 Year Ago

Just be you in all your imperfections and perfections then you will be the true you
Ps you probably don’t have many or any imperfections!

Nice write

Don’t compare to others we are unique. I have to tell myself this quite often ha ha

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Not sure if you want to be in someone's shadow or.. the opposite. Your writing suggests you are already as perfect as someone can hope to be. This is such a finely written poem, whether true or not, is sad as sad can be. Take care, keep safe.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Forgive me but anyone who can write as you have should stand proud - plus grin like the Cheshire. I .. read more

1 Year Ago

I appreciate that! I write with my whole heart and I’m glad it shows in my writing!

1 Year Ago

It certainly does. :)

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5 Reviews
Added on June 19, 2023
Last Updated on June 19, 2023



Female I like art, baking, cooking, writing, listening to music, reading, and most of all sleeping. more..


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