Arguing with the enemy Chap.1-8

Arguing with the enemy Chap.1-8

A Chapter by _Baby_Gurl

... Its chapters 1 though 8 basically almost the whole thing... maybe... I dont know yet Please Critique

In trouble again!
   “Ally Carter! Get over here this instance!” the school teacher yelled to the 9 year old. Sighing, the school teacher thought ‘I wish she wasn’t such a trouble maker. She is such a sweet child outside of class…’
   The teacher had black hair and deep purple eyes. He was in his mid-thirties and stood about 6’4. He was on the slimmer side, which made people misjudge him, but solidly built. He had his upper left ear pierced but wore no earring in it. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a white dress shirt.
   “What do you want now?” The young girl asked walking over, in a tone that could kill, but with eyes that said the complete opposite.
   Ally had long brown hair that reached mid back, and honey colored eyes. For her age she was slightly taller then average, about 4’9, and only weighed about 98 pounds. She wore a red and black plaid mini skirt and a blood red tank top.
   Ally definitely was showing the forming of a heartbreaker in her looks, attitude, and style. The way the boys bustled around her already proved that, but she treated them all equally and fairly, as if just friends with all of them, showing no attraction towards any of them.
   “How many times do I have to tell you not to tackle boys in your skirt? That will be 100 lines after school today.” The school teacher said tired of having this conversation with her.
   “But Mr. Pearson! I can’t stay after today! I have piano lessons! Can I do it before school tomorrow? Please?!” Ally pleaded as if desperate.
   “No, you must serve it today. If you don’t want to miss piano lessons anymore then I would suggest not tackling the boys. Now go and play, recess is almost over.” Mr. Pearson said kindly.
   “Yes Mr. Pearson…” Ally said running off to play with the other girls in her class. Ally only ever played with the girls when she got into trouble.
   “Ally, come back and play football with us!” One of the boys shouted from the field.
   The boy had blue tinted black spiky hair and eyes that were the darkest shade of black. Other than his eyes the boy had nothing that particularly stuck out, he, like Ally was going to be one of the popular kids in high school and in the real world, people could tell by how well he socializes with others.
   “I can’t anymore!” Ally shouted in reply and turned to start her turn in four-square. ‘I hate playing four-square! It is so boring!’ Ally thought grimly stopping the ball getting a player out and moving up.
   Walking over the boy asked “What’d you get in trouble for this time?”
   “What do I always get into trouble for Blake?” Ally asked hitting the ball back to the others.
   Blake just grinned at her, “Playing football in a skirt?”
   “Of course. Its stupid, Kaylee never gets into trouble for it!” Ally whined.
   “But Kaylee’s dad isn’t his best friend.” Blake countered smirking.
   “Kaylee is lucky, the teacher favorites her.” Ally replied grimly. “I’m tired of always being the one that is always in trouble for doing the same thing as everyone else.”
   “So then make a point to the teacher or stop playing football we can play basketball to you know. Or here’s an idea, stop wearing skirts.” Blake said trying not to laugh at how many times he had suggested these things.
   “I would choose the last thing if I owned anything other than skirts, but since I don’t; I choose to make a point. I’ll do it during detention today after school. You know, including today, I set a new school record?”
   “Really for what?” Blake asked raising an eyebrow at her.
   “For total detentions in a row. It used to be 10 days, now its twenty-six days.” Ally said smiling.
   Throughout the conversation, Ally moved through all the squares and had succeeded in becoming completely bored out of her mind. Deciding she was tired of four-square, Ally purposely got herself out, and was now walking around with Blake.
   “Oh wow, you’re actually keeping track of the number of detentions. That is sad.” Blake said rolling his eyes at her.
   “No, I’m not keeping track of that. I am keeping track of the days since we got back from spring break.” Ally said smiling, then out of no where added, “I’m bored!” and ran off.
   “Ally! Come back!” Blake said running after her laughing. He was used to such things from her and knew he was expected to chase after her and play tag or be questioned about what he was thinking about, or if he was alright.
   “Nope, you gotta catch me if you want me!” Ally said laughing, running to the far side of the field in-between all the football players.
   Ding the bell for recess’ end rang, and Ally along with the rest of the school went back into the classrooms.
Chapter 2
What makes me the way I am…
   “Alright Ally, take out a piece of paper and write ‘I will not play football in a skirt ever again’ 100 times,” Mr. Pearson said starting to grade some paper work.
   “No, I will not” Ally said strait out.
   Looking up Mr. Pearson sighed and asked, “and why not Ms. Carter?”
   “Because you punish me unfairly,” Ally said crossing her arms.
   “Really now, what makes you say that?” Mr. Pearson said crossing his arms.
   “The fact that Kaylee does the same thing and you never once said a word to her. The fact that you use my father as leverage against me, just because you have known him longer then I have been alive. You always pick on me in class when you know I don’t know the answer, and I am always the first one in trouble or the one blamed. I to be honest, am completely tired of being in your class altogether.” Ally said defiantly.
   “You think that I use your father as leverage against you? First of all, what books have you been reading to know how to use that word properly? And secondly if you want me to show you me taking control of my grasp over you, I can.” Mr. Pearson said walking towards her slowly.
   "Uh, Mr. Pearson? What are you doing?" Ally asked stepping back cautiously.
Chapter 3
At home
   “Hey sweetie, how was your day?” Ally’s father asked walking into the house.
   Her father had brown hair and eyes also except about a shade darker then Ally’s were. He was a muscular man for his age 
   “It was… fine, dad, just fine.” Ally said quietly looking up from her book on the couch.
   “What’s wrong?” He asked coming over and sitting down next to Ally, looking concerned.
   Looking up at her father, Ally put the book on the floor knowing this conversation was going to be a long one “I hate my teacher…”
   “You got in trouble again? Sweetie, I told you just listen to the teacher and it will be an easy year.”
   “I know but, I like playing sports and I cant in these stupid skirts!” Ally said angrily.
   “If I remember correctly your teacher has asked you not to play tackle football in skirts. He never told you to stop playing sports altogether. Just don’t play that one.” Ally’s father said sighing.
   “But that is the one I want to play. I don’t really care about the other ones.” Ally argued.
   “Did you finally get punished for not listening to him?”
   “Yeah, I had an hour long detention…”
   “What’d he make you do for the hour?”
   “…” Ally didn’t reply afraid of what he might do.
   “Ally?” Her father asked concerned.
   “Write sentences…” Ally said lying and looking down at her book.
   “Ally, don’t lie to me. What did he make you do?” Ally’s father asked seriously.
   “He made me write sentences, that’s all.” Ally replied close to tears. Standing up she walked into the bathroom as a single tear fell down her cheek.
   ‘I hate him, I want him to go die!’ Ally thought in her head as she turned on the water and stared into the mirror waiting for it to warm up a bit. ‘I’m never going back to that class again, not ever.’
   “Ally?” Her father said through the door, “What’s wrong?”
   “Nothing, go away! I’m going to take a shower!” Ally said climbing into the shower, as memories of what happened earlier flashed through her mind.
   “Mr. Pearson! Stop! Please! I don’t want to do that! It hurts!” Ally screamed through his arm which was jammed in her mouth to muffle her, while he ripped her pants down and undid his own, forcing himself in her.
   “… Alright… dinner will be ready in a while…” He replied slowly. He stood there for a while longer and then walked out closing the door softly behind him. Once he left Ally started to cry silently.
‘I’m going to kill him! I don’t care what anyone says! I’ll kill him and then let the world know why!’ Ally vowed silently. Deciding on what she was going to do she took a long shower.
Chapter 4
Asking for help
   “So what did I have to wake up an hour early for?” Blake asked yawning.
   “I’m going to kill the teacher.” Ally said flatly.
   “What?” Blake asked confused.
   “I’m killing Mr. Pearson.”
   “What? Why? How?” Blake asked still confused.
   “I’m killing Mr. Pearson for-… giving me detention yesterday. I’m not quite sure how or when, yet.” Ally replied calmly, “But I want your help.”
   “What happened during detention Ally?” Blake asked knowing that she wouldn’t joke around about something as serious as killing someone.
   “Nothing, he just needs to die, but I can’t do it by myself. Will you help me?”
   “Will you tell me what happened?”
   “I can’t yet, I will, but I just can’t right now…” Ally replied looking down.
   “Alright,” Blake replied nodding slowly and hugging her.
   “What was that for?” Ally asked pulling away slowly.
   “I just thought you needed one,” Blake replied shrugging.
   “Ok… why are you being so calm about this? I just asked you to help me murder our teacher.”
   “Because he obviously did something stupid and horrible to make you want to kill him. I mean you are one of the hardest people to piss off and he made you want to kill him in one day so, I figure he must’ve done something.”
   “I guess, but that thing about my temper is a lie.”
   “No it’s not. It takes hella long to piss you off.”
   “See, that is exactly what I mean you don’t get pissed off, or annoyed very easily.”
   “Just because I don’t pay attention to stupid things, doesn’t mean anything.”
   “Now you are pretending to get mad.” Blake said trying not to laugh at her.
   “Anyways, back to what I was saying, the first part of the plan, spy on him…"
Chapter 5
   “Make sure you write everything that he does down” Ally said through their walky-talkies.
   “I will,” Blake replied calmly waiting for Mr. Pearson to come out of the grocery store.
   “Don’t forget to write down all the places he goes!”
   “I won’t.”
   “And the times!”
   “I got it.”
   “And the-”
   “Ally! I got it. I remember everything we went over. Don’t worry. You aren‘t even the one who‘ll get arrested for stalking if we’re caught.”
   The two of them had wakened up at 7 A.M. on a Saturday morning to follow Mr. Pearson around town. The two of them have been doing that for about two hours now, and Ally was about to leave Blake alone for the first lonesome shift.
   “I know, I’m sorry, tell me at 1:00 P.M. where you’re at and we’ll switch positions, alright?”
   “Yeah, yeah, just be quiet already. We’ve gone over this a million times, I know what to do.” Seeing Mr. Pearson come out of the store, he wrote a time down in his notebook and started following him, making sure to keep out of sight.
   For four hours, Blake followed Mr. Pearson to the school, the sandwich shop, and then the park. Bored out of his mind, Blake watched as Mr. Pearson fed pieces of crust to the birds.
   “Hey, sorry, it’s about 1:20, where you at?” Ally’s voice came through the walkie-talkie scarring Blake momentarily.
   When he realized who was talking, he said, “at the park. You?”
   “I’m buying a pizza at the concession stand for you. Where exactly are you?”
   “Near the memorial statue.” Blake replied quietly.
   “Alright, I’ll be there in a while.”
   Blake listened for a moment longer then he should have because when he looked back to the bench for Mr. Pearson he was gone. “Ah, where’d he go?”
   “Where’d who go?” Mr. Pearson asked from behind Blake.
   “Uh, Mr. Pearson, What are you doing here?” Blake asked nervously.
   “Eating. You?” Mr. Pearson asked glaring at him.
   “Hey, there you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Ally yelled running up to him.
   “What time is it?” Blake asked looking at his watch. “I’m sorry Mr. Pearson, but I have to get home! I was supposed to be home an hour ago!”
   “Later Mr. Pearson, come on Blake!” Ally said anxiously, grabbing Blake’s arm and pulling on it.
   Once they got around the corner they stopped, “Uh, thanks…”
   “For what? You would have done the same thing for me.” Ally said shrugging and putting her hands behind her head.
   “Still, thanks…” Blake said starring at her “You need a longer shirt. I can see your stomach.”
   “Huh?” Ally asked wondering why he would suddenly care, looking at him; she noticed he was a little red. “Why are you red?”
   “I am? Huh I don’t know. Um I really do gotta get going though, so yeah, I’ll give you my notes later. I’ll be in the tree house at seven, later” Blake said and ran off.
   “Bye…” Ally said awkwardly.
Chapter 6
Relationships Destroyed
   “Ally, are we almost ready yet?” Blake asked impatiently.
   “No, the timing isn’t right!” Ally snapped tired of hearing this question.
   “Well, when is that going to be? We’ve been at this for six months now!” Blake snapped back.
   “Soon, I promise, first we need to get the proper equipment for the job, so we don’t get caught.” Ally replied going through all of their notes on Mr. Pearson again.
   “What did he do to you? And why are you always in a bad mood after detention with him?” Blake asked sitting next to her already knowing what she would say.
   “You don’t need to know, I’ll tell you everything, if we pull this off. I promise you.”
   “I want to know now!”
   “Well, you don’t always get what you want, now do you!”
   “Either tell me, or I’m leaving!”
   “I can’t!”
   “Then I’m gone.” Blake said walking out.
   “Blake, please! I need you for this!”
   “Tell me.”
   “I can’t, what don’t you understand about that?!” Ally pleaded.
   “I can’t kill someone for a reason I don‘t know, later Ally” Blake said closing the door gently behind him.
   “Why doesn’t he understand?” Ally asked thinking about the fist day it happened.
   “The fact that Kaylee does the same thing and you never once said a word to her, and the fact that you use my father as leverage against me. You always pick on me in class when you know I don’t know the answer, I am always the first one in trouble or the one blamed. And I, to be honest, am completely tired of being in your class altogether.” Ally said defiantly.
   “You think that I use your father as leverage against you? First of all, what books have you been reading to know how to use that word properly? And secondly if you want me to show you me taking control of my grasp over you, I can.” Mr. Pearson said walking towards her slowly.
   “Uh, Mr. Pearson? What are you doing?” Ally asked stepping back cautiously.
   “Exactly what you tell me I am doing. Abusing my power over you.” He replied grabbing her, and raping her.
   Shaking her head, she thought “No I can’t ever tell him. He wouldn’t help me anymore. He would think of me as a s**t…”
Chapter 7
On My Own
   ‘I don’t need him anyways!’ Ally thought fiercely in her head picking up all of the papers, Blake and she had been looking at. ‘But he knows what I’m doing… He will tell on me, and then I’ll be the one in trouble not him, and then I’ll never get the chance to tell the world what he did to me... I have to-’
   “Ally! Come down here! Its time to eat!” Her father called from the bottom of the stairs.
   “Alright!” Ally yelled back, putting their plans on her desk and walking downstairs. Sitting at the table, her father sighed quietly leaning on his fists.
   “Is something wrong dad?” Ally asked taking a bite of food.
   “Yes, something is wrong. Why am I continuously getting calls from Alan, saying that you are not following his rules? I thought you would get over this whole piss him off and get detention everyday thing. But, I guess I’m wrong, Ally I’m sorry but if I get another call then you’re going to have to be punished.” Her father said watching her eat steadily.
   “Dad, did you ever consider buying me clothes other then skirts? I HATE them. If I had 3 pairs of jeans I would settle for that and you would not get the phone calls because I would not be getting in trouble because I would not be playing football in a skirt because I would be wearing jeans.” Ally said calmly, never looking up from her food, the two of them had, had this conversation many times before and the answer was never changed. Young ladies did not wear jeans, they wore skirts. Ally’s father didn’t reply but just kept eating in silence.
   After eating, Ally got in the shower forgetting that the papers were sitting on her desk along with her homework and other papers. Walking to her room 45 minutes later, Ally stopped by the rail hearing her father on the phone.
   “No, I haven’t had the chance to tell her yet Alan.” her father said quietly, listening to the other person speak for a moment, before replying, “If you want you can come over for a while to be here when I tell her, you know that this would be the first time I left on a trip, and didn’t take her with me.” More silence, Ally assumed he was listening to her teacher speak. “Well, it’s just that she has been getting into so much trouble lately, I can not reward her for it.” more silence, “Well I have to go, I think I heard the shower stop a while ago. I’ll see you in a bit,” click.
   Ally had gone from wonder, too annoyed, to pissed, to frightened, all within the conversation, she ran to her room and locked the door. ‘Why? Of all people why did it have to be him that watches me! He knows I hate him, I thought I made that much clear,’ tears rolling down her face. ‘I don’t need Blake to kill him anymore… I need Blake to save me from that a*****e.’ Tears running down her face, she lay in bed and cried until her father came up and knocked on the door and told her that He was coming over.
Chapter 8
Arguing with the Enemy
   "You must behave this week while I'm gone Ally. I'm leaving tomorrow morning and Max will be here to drive you to school in the morning-"
   "No! He can't, I'll walk to school and take care of myself. I don’t need anyone to watch me! I can take care of myself!" Ally yelled slamming her hands down on the couch she was sitting on.
   "Yes, I know you can Ally but he is still going to watch you." her father said calmly.
   "No, I see him enough at school! I hate him!"
   "Ally, that's enough, Max is going to watch you this week and that's the end of it. Now, apologize to Max." he said sternly.
   "No, I won't! He deserves me hating him and he knows it that’s why he isn't saying anything at all! I won’t listen to him ever! And he is NOT watching me this week, at all!" Ally yelled running up the stairs to her bedroom crying.
   "I'm sorry Max, she must be tired..." Alan said apologetically standing up.
"I understand," Max said standing up as well.
   "Let me go and talk to her, wait here a moment please." He said in a stressed out tone.
   "No Alan, you stay here let me talk to her." Max said pushing him gently back onto the chair, then walking upstairs. "Ally open this door, or this week will be hell for you" He said lowly.
   "Go away!" Ally yelled through tears.
   "Ally now!" He said sternly.
   "Why should I? You will not watch me this week, if he leaves me here, I will not be here when he gets back..." Ally said her tears falling quickly.
   "How'd you unlock the door!" Ally yelled wiping her face and flying as far into the corner as she possibly could, shaking in fear.
   "I used the key, now, you will behave or your father may not ever take you with him ever again. Just think if you do leave, how sad, and depressed, and confused he will be," Max said smiling evilly. "Although, I'm shocked that you haven't told him about it."
   "...Leave me alone!..." Ally yelled getting up and running across her room to her window, but as she opened it Max grabbed her arm and yanked on it causing her to fly back towards him.
   "Now you will stay here, if you wish to leave do it after I've left. Do you understand?" Max asked coldly throwing her onto her bed and walking out before she could answer.
   "Did you get her to calm down a little?" Alan asked worriedly.
   "Yeah, she said she was going to get some sleep, and apologized for yelling earlier. She has quite a temper when she's tired, doesn’t she?" Max said sitting down across from Alan.
   "Yeah, she does... She gets it from her mother," Alan said softly then looking at the clock noticed what time it was. "You should get going soon, it's getting late and we have to work tomorrow."
   "Alright I'll see you when you get back," Max said as he stood up and walked to the door. Stopping at the door he turned around and said, "Your daughter might be a handful but we'll have a wonderful time together. You don’t need to worry," and then left.

© 2009 _Baby_Gurl

Author's Note

I cant ask you enough. Please critique.

My Review

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Slightly disturbing. Definitely keep writing it.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 1, 2009
Last Updated on March 1, 2009



Halloween Night, CA

I'm 16 am a junior in high school a*s. editor for the school paper, and love to read, write and draw. more..

[untitled] [untitled]

A Chapter by _Baby_Gurl