The Enigmatic and ArcaneA Story by Christopher ZuelkeA story written with the inspiration of Yin and Yang Looming, they caressed the pale, steel blue
sky. Colossal ebony streaks sneaked through amethyst leaves. Everything
shimmered, light refracting and reflecting off the crystal foliage. Where there
was intense sunlight, blessed was their cotton color. Devoid of sunlight, the
infernal, obsidian soul was revealed; consequently, blended colors spanned
between, some slightly and others darkly, only a few ever reaching a truly pure
or proven taint of the heart. Now, she supposed, the sky did the same;
mimicking, she walked a path of absolute white, as if the sun was illuminated
below, tracing a path in the stars above. She dared not stray, for the stars
did not move, frozen in winter solstice. Those frolicking the skies saw a man
was visible up ahead, nonchalantly waltzing to an invisible beat. She twirled
to him, her dress billowing a dance beside her, though never interrupting the
careless steps. Hair, onyx as the night, blazoned behind her, arms pure as
water, swooned around her. Eyes, a shadow of sapphire, glimmered with dusk…
© 2015 Christopher Zuelke |
Added on October 29, 2015 Last Updated on October 29, 2015 AuthorChristopher ZuelkeStratford, WIAboutAn aspiring singer, writer, and bookworm who loves words and loves languages even more. "A true logophile, a true singer, a truer lover of Japan, and an even truer linguistic freak." -A friend more..Writing