![]() Dream Journal: Entry One - 2nd/3rd October 2013A Story by Zone![]() This is the first entry for the dream journal I plan to keep updated as much as I can. I describe my dreams as half-lucid as I can control myself but not my surroundings. This dream was mental.![]() Dream Journal - Entry 1 2nd/3rd October 2013 Dream type: Full colour, realistic, some intense s**t. --------------------------- This dream started with me and a bunch of my mates all in my room on campus. Well it started with just a couple of mates in my room and me heading off to the kitchen, I bumped into my house-mate who lives opposite me on my way there. I don't remember what I did in the kitchen or actually going there for that matter. When I got back into my room it was full of people, most of whom I recognized except for one guy. I remember seeing the locks on my window missing and it was wide open, so I had a go at the guy and he said he'd fix it. I don't remember him fixing it but I was sure he did. If my memory serves me correctly I woke up at this point to see if I was actually dreaming. When I woke up I was still with all the people. Go figure. After chilling out in my room and chatting bollocks for a while we left through the back door of the house and going off to smoke a joint. It was good s**t, getting high in a dream is quite a strange thing to do, but whatever we smoked was grade f*****g A. We walked back to my campus which looked bigger, more spacious and with more grass and trees, and the construction works were all gone. By this point the line between dreams and reality had completely blurred in my head. After hanging out for a while me and an unknown person went off for a little walk and talk, the walk away from the house was quite quick, but the walk back took me a couple of minutes and the other guy about 10 seconds. He shouted my name to me and I tried to shout back (looking back I think I was trying to shout out the name Otis or Oliver) but trying to shout somebody's name proved to be impossible as the three times I tried to do so were stopped by a kind of vomit-y feeling. I could make a noise but then I would keel over as if I were about to throw up. Eventually I got back to the group and apologized for not being able to shout back to them. Some of the next scene is a blur to me (remember that I had smoked a doob about 10 minutes earlier) but eventually I ended up standing in front of a block of flats with a new group of people, almost all of whom were completely unknown to me. I was standing under a tree talking to the new people and all I remember is feeling a constant worry that they weren't real. I carried on talking to them as if nothing was bothering me, but inside I was scared to offer to shake anyone's hand or touch anyone, afraid that I would go straight through them because they weren't real. By this time about half the people had left or disappeared and I was talking to one older man and being scared of making physical contact with him. The conversation took a turn for the weird and he started talking about bending someone over and spanking them and other strange bollocks. The conversation returned to mostly normal and after a while he hugged me and I felt a physical connection. This was comforting to me. After we let go of each other a friend from my course came up to me and we hugged and started chatting. I was still feeling a little on-edge about making physical contact with people but most of the fear had subsided. The arrival to next stage of the dream is a blur to me now, but according to the notes I took after it happened I had walked off and started on my way home. Or I just appeared at the bottom of bullshit hill, I really can't remember. Anyway, I started making my way up the hill, which would prove to be a long and repetitive journey. This took up a lot of my time, but I like long walks so I was all right with it. Part of the way up this hill there was a dirt car park with cars either side of me, I looked to one car and saw a child getting into the car with his mother while asking her a question. I couldn't remember the question when I woke up and wrote the basic notes for this but I do remember the answer being "No" or "No, not today" or maybe even "No, maybe another day". I also remember the child looking like a primary school kid: short with short black hair and one of those poofy jackets mums always buy their kids because God help them if they leave the house without it. The mother was a slim blonde woman (I can't remember her face at all and what she was wearing from the waist up though) in black trousers with a brown(?) bag hanging from her shoulder. On my right there were four busses/coaches and four drivers. (One driver was some butch woman with face-length dirty-blonde hair and the other was some big, bald English guy finishing off his coffee and cigarette. I can't remember the other two bus drivers) They were all wearing that bus driver uniform kinda thing, a dark blue fleece with a hi-vi vest over it and dark blue/black trousers. This made the walk up the hill more interesting, as at least I had something to look at for a bit. After just crossing some grassy kinda s**t or a forest or something I came across a similar (well so it seemed at the time) car park. I don't remember seeing the mother and child there, although I may have seen another mother and child (this time both had black hair and a darker complexion) walking down the hill a distance away from me. I did however see the bus drivers. Two of them were the same as two of the last four that I saw. The big, bald English guy was still there, and the other two were unfamiliar. I can't remember which of the other bus drivers was the same (now you can see why I described the people I saw in the best detail I could). This happened again further on up the hill, I saw another mother and child walking towards a car and the same butch woman driver was there again. I kept walking and came to the final car park. The first mother and child were there again, the child climbing into the car while asking the same question. This may be why I can't remember the answer the mother gave him, because she would have answered it more than once. Actually looking back at it I think I heard a similar conversation between the third mother and child. I think the child was asking if he could go in something but because they were about to head (to where I assume was) home, the mother refused and offered to let him go another day. Anyway, the bus drivers were more interesting this time; I actually listened to what one of them said. After three of them walked off, the big, bald English guy was saying some stuff about immigrants and s**t (despite one of the other bus drivers being an oldish black man) and this really drilled into my head for some reason. By this time I had finished climbing the hill and the last couple of things the bus driver said was f*****g with my head slightly. I started thinking of an old fashioned England. Like. Really old fashioned. I started thinking about what Tudor England would be like, and closed my eyes for a moment to imagine it. It was kinda odd, but I opened my eyes to continue my walk home. (I told you this was a long a*s walk.) While the bus driver's words were still ravaging my mind (I remind you again that whatever we smoked in this dream was grade f*****g A) I came across what to me was the entrance to my campus. It was all done up Tudor style. I walked into one entrance which was closed (kinda like trying to get past the Forum on my way to the pub, but different angle and different structure) so I walked into the other one. Amazed by all the Tudor style s**t I carried on walking thinking that it was f*****g cool, like I had travelled time or some stupid bollocks like that. I opened a door and found out it was some kids fun place. Yeah, I basically walked into a s****y Clown Town remake disguised as a Tudor block of houses. The man at the door asked me if I really wanted to be in there, considering my age, to which I replied "F**k yeah I do!" while making my way down a tiny slide designed for someone about 10 years younger than me. Being high in a Tudor-ish Clown Town thing was f*****g awesome, and I wish one existed in real life. I remember there were a couple of trap-style things, when something like a mace (less than half my size) would come down. I dodged one, but ended up being smacked in the face and being knocked over by the other. I was crouching to get myself through this little tunnel thing and I got hit in the face. I must have looked like such a tool, but I didn't really care because I was fucked and it was hilarious. After basically a minute in there (dear God I wish I spent more time there) I went through the exit and I saw one of my mates from campus on the other side laughing his a*s off at me saying something like "you're a madman, Zone". I looked at his phone screen and it was on the news saying that my house-mate had won some cup thing, it looked like it wrote '[Name of house-mate] won the Heineken cup today' and I looked at it and probably thought something like: 'awesome, well done man'. I think about a minute later after walking a bit further my dream ended. I was awake and I got up to write the dream down in a notepad in my room. Except I could feel myself still lying in bed. The writing was quite vivid and I could slightly feel myself doing it. Then I actually woke up, and rolled onto my back. I lay there for a moment to take it in and wrote down an entry in note form. I then rolled myself a cigarette, walked out of my house and sat down on the concrete outside to contemplate what the f**k had just happened. I went back to sleep after my smoke and no more dreams were had that night. My mind is still a little blown at the time of writing this, which is the next evening. God f*****g damn that was a cool dream. Zone/ © 2013 ZoneAuthor's Note
Featured Review
1 Review Added on October 3, 2013 Last Updated on October 3, 2013 Tags: dream journal, dream, journal, madness, half-lucid, reality, blurred lines, awake and dreaming, sleep |