To Everyone, Goodbye.

To Everyone, Goodbye.

A Poem by ZombehxSuicide

So...a couple of weeks ago I was feeling really down and just wanted everything to end and I guess that's where this spawned from. Enjoy/Review/Crit. ^_^


Violent taunts lash out at me
Following my escape as I try to hide
Cruel faces scream their pointed words
Never will I let them see me cry.

Now safe inside my sanctuary
My thoughts crumble through these walls
This façade of mine, shattering, breaking down
There’s so far for me to fall.

An expanse of white is my canvas
A painting of the last verses through my mind
Forgiving pictures are the only things left of me
Worthy enough to leave behind.

My hand keeps writing
all the words I could never say
Saline drops rain a path down
A scattered pattern across the page.

The ink slows down, as my tears dry
This is how you’ll remember me now
Coldness in hand, I gladly close my eyes
Sweet steel meets flesh and I‘m nearly out.

Darkness gives a loving embrace
Relief floods out in a sigh.

To everyone…

This is my last goodbye.

© 2009 ZombehxSuicide

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Added on April 27, 2009



With my friends, they're inside my head., United Kingdom

(Just copy/pasted for now. :D) Rachel | 18 | Insanely F*cked Up Welcome to my World. Consider that your warning... :P A few things: ☠ I'm a rather friendly person, to talk/ have a la.. more..
