To See Him Again.

To See Him Again.

A Story by ZombehxSuicide

So...yeah...a little apocalyptic piece of writing here. Um...hopefully the beginning will convey more of the woman's panic and less of my own rambling. XD And yea, I seem to like my writings ending with a bullet to the brain. Enjoy/Review/Crit.


This is just what was supposed to happen, everything thrown into reverse. Why? Why did it have to come to this? Why can’t things go back to the way they were? Why am I left here? Why was I left to suffer this apocalypse alone?

Why? Because you’re hated, unloved. Who’d waste their time with you? Worthless, idiotic…you. 

You’re wrong! He loved me…I know he did, he wouldn’t leave me…he lived to protect me. 

Yeah, and now he’s dead. Whose fault do you think that is? 

I could here the sneer in the voice…it hurt… Not as much as him leaving me in this world alone. No. That’s being selfish. He didn’t leave me, he wouldn’t… he was taken from me… He protected me against them so that I could go on living. I hate them; hate them from taking him from me… Hate them for having taken my life away, leaving me alone in this hell to suffer as nothing but a shell.


I can’t hear them; the silence is ominous to my ears… I do not like this silence.

Footsteps make their way to the cave of my ears, sounding too loudly on the walls, causing me to recoil from the sudden intrusion of noise. Shadows of silhouettes are creeping up the walls; they’re getting closer…and closer. It’s all I can do to cover my mouth to trap a whimper threatening to pass my lips. I shudder; shake, unable to control my fear much longer.

A voice, they’re conversing. I can’t hear what they say, blood welled up, pounding in my head now blocking every sound except my thoughts. That sinister voice in my mind, the one that tells me time’s up. I close my eyes, wanting to close out my thoughts, shutting their truth out.

Complete silence now and it’s not the blood rushing to my skull, a darkened light glazes over my eyelids.

I dare to open them.

A leer peers down upon me. A leer soon replaced by an ebony barrel, a long emptiness follows, one that I’ll soon drown in.

A click,

a bang…

A hand reaching to me.

I see him again.

© 2009 ZombehxSuicide

My Review

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Hmmm, I was thinking of adding to it, making it a little more in depth but I just randomly wrote this when I couldn't sleep.

I think I will develop it a little more, yea.

Thanks for the suggestion. ^_^

Posted 15 Years Ago

I like what I see here but it just seems like part of something. It seems like it would be better with more background, or more added to it, I'm just not sure how I like it on its own.

But yes, it sounds very nice and panicky :-)

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 27, 2009



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