The Meadow

The Meadow

A Chapter by Zoey Balderston

Chapter 13 of Love from Above


The clearing is absolutely breathtaking.


It is filled with flowers of all different shapes and sizes, colors and textures. The light breeze that dances among the flowers blows their perfume in a mini tornado around me. I hear a stream babble by, lapping at the edge of a dilapidated gazebo that sits in the center of the single ray of sun filtering through the jade canopy above. Fallen trees have created a natural, mossy bench at the edge of the clearing. Opposite the logs is a collection of huge boulders with woodland creatures darting from rock to rock. Jeremy stands back silently and lets me take in my surroundings.


“It’s beautiful,” I whisper, but even that sounds too loud for my surrounding area.


I feel Jeremy’s arms wind around my waist as he rests his chin on my shoulder, his hair tickling the column of my neck. “I’m glad you like it,” he whispers, kissing my cheek.


We walk slowly across the grass to the gazebo hand in hand. I lead him over to lean against the railing, watching the fish swim about the stream. I giggle as one leaps out of the water, splashing us on his way back. Jeremy tugs on my hand and pulls us over to a patch of grass near the stream. He lets go of my hand and motions for me to stay.


I plop down among the dewy blades as he walks over to a patch of wildflowers. Jeremy plucks a long sprig of lavender from the center of the bush and hands it to me; I bury my nose in it. The petals tickle my face and the intoxicating aroma makes my head spin. Concealed within the flowers is a small picnic basket.


“How did you know I would call you?” I ask as he walks back to me.


“I didn’t. I just hoped you would; so, I was prepared,” he smiles and unpacks some delicious looking food.


“What are you, the king of picnics?” I ask, plucking a grape off the stem and popping it into my mouth.


“It’s a great way to enjoy food in a more interesting place than a house or restaurant,” Jeremy defends, setting up a whole charcuterie board of meats, cheeses, crackers, and fruit.


“That’s fair,” I shrug. “You’re a little bougie with your food choices, aren’t you?” I say, eyeing the professional looking spread.


“I prefer to think of myself as discerning,” Jeremy says, laughing and bumping his shoulder against mine.


Once all the yummy food is gone, we lay back in the grass, totally hidden by the tall blades. Kind of like when Alice disappears into the daisies at the beginning of Alice in Wonderland. This meadow feels like our own personal wonderland.


We lay on our backs gazing up at the fluttering green leaves above. I roll onto my side so my head is on Jeremy’s chest. I can hear his heartbeat through the thin t-shirt he is wearing. His hand absently tracing designs on my back causes a shudder to ripple through me.


“Cold?” he asks, pulling me closer.


“No, not really,” I say gazing up into his serene face. We stare into each other’s eyes for an immeasurable amount of time.


Suddenly my heart acts faster than my brain can stop it and I blurt out something I’ve been wanting to say but have been afraid to. “I love you,” I whisper, and then freeze as my brain catches up. “I mean, I think I do. I’m definitely starting to. Is that crazy? Have I freaked you out? I’m rambling...” I trail off holding my breath, panicking, awaiting Jeremy’s reaction. His face lights up almost as bright as the sun. He gives me a thousand-watt smile and crushes his mouth to mine.


“I think I love you, too,” he whispers against my lips.

© 2023 Zoey Balderston

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Added on March 30, 2014
Last Updated on October 24, 2023


Zoey Balderston
Zoey Balderston


I'm a girl who absolutely loves to read, I often got yelled at to put the book away by my teachers. I am a huge art geek. Anything to do with art I'm all for! I write and draw whenever life allows tim.. more..

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