You sound like someone who's seen to much pain. You make me think of a waitress I met once who had become old beyond her years. One night, she shared poetry with a drifter. I never saw her again. But these words seem to conjure her spirit.
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
I have seen more pain than most. I try not to dwell on it, but sometimes it comes out in my poetry. .. read moreI have seen more pain than most. I try not to dwell on it, but sometimes it comes out in my poetry. When it rises, my words make snapshot of it. The poem is also about acceptance. I may not be those other things, but what I am isn't necessarily a bad thing. There may not be comfort, but there is strength. There is knowledge and experience and wisdom. I hope the memory this evoked was sweet as well as bitter. Thank you for sharing it, and your thoughts, with me.
3 Years Ago
I hadn't thought of Miss Charity in a long time. A fleeting night when I was twenty or so. She left .. read moreI hadn't thought of Miss Charity in a long time. A fleeting night when I was twenty or so. She left me with a reminder of why I first took up the pen. Still had much to learn. But this was clear: Poetry would always be in my blood. You are most welcome.
I love the theme. We all have times that we wish we were something greater than what we are, The thought is that others may covet what we are. Being happy with what we are is the key to happieness. I loved the poem and it's clean flow.
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Thank you! We always tend to discount what we are and focus on what we are not. We forget others loo.. read moreThank you! We always tend to discount what we are and focus on what we are not. We forget others look at us and envy our strengths. Thank you for reminding me of this, and for your beautiful thoughts!
This was wonderful. I particularly enjoyed the last verse. "A woman's gift for bearing pain" was such an impactful line. I thought of women I had known all my life, my mother, sisters and others; the pain of childbirth, how they dealt with loss of husbands and endured quietly the awful reality and threat of cancer. Brilliant work here and I thoroughly enjoyed. F.
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
I always say that if men had to have babies the human race would have died out with Adam. I remember.. read moreI always say that if men had to have babies the human race would have died out with Adam. I remember my father had kidney stones twice. The first time he passed out and threw up all over himself. The second time he ended up in the hospital. I've had them three times, the first when I was pregnant. A few trips to the ER, some pain killers, and I was over them in a day or so. Women know how to endure. Men are wonderful, and have strengths of their own, but bearing up to pain isn't one of them. Thank you for your thoughts and words. They are always such a treat!
I am so glad you like rhyming poems. Sometimes we poets are shamed for writing poems that rhyme. For.. read moreI am so glad you like rhyming poems. Sometimes we poets are shamed for writing poems that rhyme. For some reason they aren't considered intellectual. I disagree. A good rhyming poem takes balance and wit and considerable thought and effort. As for my author's note, I don't truly wish to be one. I just like being silly!
3 Years Ago
rhyming poems take more skill and effort I think. I always wanted to be Olive Oil and have Popeye re.. read morerhyming poems take more skill and effort I think. I always wanted to be Olive Oil and have Popeye rescue me from Brutus.. LoL
3 Years Ago
That reminds me of a little childhood ditty my brother and I would sing. "I'm Popeye the Sailor Man... read moreThat reminds me of a little childhood ditty my brother and I would sing. "I'm Popeye the Sailor Man. I live in a garbage can. I eat up the worms and spit out the germs. I'm Popeye the Sailor Man!" I love making up alternate song lyrics, too.
I really love this write, flowed smoothly...
I like your author's note...LOL
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Snort! I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that. Thank you for your kind words. It's so nice .. read moreSnort! I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that. Thank you for your kind words. It's so nice when my rhymes are appreciated by lovely people.
Me too dear Zoe.
"I wish I had a seeking sky
Spread out beneath a lover’s sigh
A heart to bless and wish you well
And keep the secrets you won’t tell"
I loved the above lines. I need a long vacation with great adventure. Thank you dear friend for sharing the amazing poetry and your thoughts.
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
I think we all need a long vacation. A great adventure, on the other hand, can be found close at han.. read moreI think we all need a long vacation. A great adventure, on the other hand, can be found close at hand in a good book! I hope you find yours and get to enjoy it at your leisure. Thank you for being so kind, dear Coyote. I've missed your words.
3 Years Ago
Hello dear Zoe. I loved this poem and you are welcome.
there is comfort in these words...the smooth rhythm...and I like the near rhyme in spots.
Nicely constructed wish list...into a poem.
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Thank you so much! I've been without a laptop for almost a month and missed out on so much here! It'.. read moreThank you so much! I've been without a laptop for almost a month and missed out on so much here! It's important, I think, to be honest. Even about my wishes!
This was a solid piece of poetry with a nice flowing ryhme scheme. I was drawn to this one particular verse:
I wish I were a prince of tides
With the gift of never choosing sides
To ride the waves both up and down
Without the fear of being drowned
It is not easy to aspire toward neutrality because we are riddled with bias and self perspective within our own personal lives. Balance requires an openess of heart and much empathy. Seeing past our own selfish nature. This is a good piece overall with the narrative voice wishing they had qualities they lack in order to be better toward another.
I want to thank you, not just for your lovely compliments, which are much appreciated, but for sayin.. read moreI want to thank you, not just for your lovely compliments, which are much appreciated, but for saying that balance requires empathy. I strive for honesty at all times. Sometimes, this comes across as a lack of feeling. But to be honest, I have to see all sides and understand them. To do less is dishonest, to myself and to others. It does require an open heart, and a willingness to let people have their own thoughts and opinions. I am so glad you saw that in my work!
2 Years Ago
You are very welcome Zoe. Art has that most human of character. It speaks. We may not always agree i.. read moreYou are very welcome Zoe. Art has that most human of character. It speaks. We may not always agree in its truth it seeks to convey because we have our own biases and life roads which shape them. We are imperfect as we are meant to be. At times it does not make us bad, sometimes only misunderstood. But empathy provides a bridge between two discordant thoughts. It places us upon a plane of mutual understanding. Art has that power to unite and see the world in many perspectives that differ from our own. In my old age I have come to realize I don't know as much as I think I do. Nor am I a wealth of information on any given subject that defines life. But I love art, because of its naked honesty. Its painful truth and most human aspirations. When I'm touched by it I find myself moved to respond and let the artist know how their work affected me. Your words come from a genuine truthful place and I do hope you continue writing and sharing your words with this community and the world. We may never be perfect, Zoe, but we can aspire to be better. I see much of my struggles reflected in your own. Though the difference with me is I tend to hold in my feelings and only allow them to breathe in my writing. I'm more cynical to the outside world. But I'm learning to show more empathy, instead of writing about it. Not every day will be bubble gum and rainbows but to recognize we are all still a work in progress as human beings is a step in the right direction. Thank you again for your art and words.
2 Years Ago
I've learned to show kindness to everyone I meet. I may not understand them. I may not agree with th.. read moreI've learned to show kindness to everyone I meet. I may not understand them. I may not agree with their opinions or know what they are feeling. But i can be kind. I can be patient. I can be positive. It's so easy to be carried away by a world that puts everyone into boxes. But I choose to be good to everyone because I may be the only morsel of human kindness they get that day and I want that to stay with them. Art uplifts us. It gives us something to drink in and hold onto, even if we don't get the same thing out of it. It's so easy to be cynical as we get older. But I'm choosing to be open. It's how I overcome!
Dear Zoe, your wishes here aren't asking the world. They are modest wishes not asking for much at all in my opinion. No mention of riches or wealth through your stanzas with their fine images. But then your last stanza, and my heart sank for the loss of happiness and the sorrow that remains. Tgatcsrabza has impact. Nicely penned poem. Strong title too.
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Dearest Chris, I think this poem is meant to convey longing more than bitterness. We all have moment.. read moreDearest Chris, I think this poem is meant to convey longing more than bitterness. We all have moments when we wish we were different, and feel we are somehow less in our own eyes because we aren't what we wish. That wistful feeling of "If Only..." Then we snap out of it, give ourselves a hug, and say grace for who we are. I am glad this poem impacted you. And I am glad you offered me your opinion!