![]() Chapter 7: Occultus FomesA Chapter by Amanda Knotts![]() An impromptue Family Reunion![]() “What the hell is going on down there?” Both Kings said aloud as they heard shots being fired.
“I don’t know but I take that as I sign to move all of you into the shelter go now. I trust you to find your way Majesties?” Jet assumed,
“Jason,” Ralf said entering the room, “Why don’t you get them down to the shelter then meet me in the ballroom. It’s time to take some names.” he commanded
“Already done friend see you soon.” Everyone stood and moved very quickly out of the study and back in to the hallway of paintings. Caleb and Alexiel were the last to leave the room after Alexiel kissed her father who was going to stay behind. They walked down the hallway until the painting of the King Derrick’s family.
“Do you really think that I am who you all think I am?” Caleb asked turning to Lexi
“Yes I do.” She took his hand and squeezed then did not let go, “turning to face him, “I only wanted to bring you home.”
“I just don’t know if I can do this.” Caleb confessed
“Do what?” Prince Jonathon entered the conversation with his sword drawn.
“Be King.” Caleb said
“Do you think that I am ready to be King?” Prince Jonathon asked
“You’ve had the training all your life.” Caleb stated
“Have I? Real training to be king started at about 15 years old how old are you?” The Prince asked
“I just turned 17 today actually.” Caleb told him
“Then you have missed nothing really we need to teach you to wield a sword. As for being King no one is ever ready. If my father died right now I would be depending King Derrick to teach me what to do. So if worst come to worst then you have to hang out with me and my Father until you get the hang of things, along with you have to be crowned first and I don’t see that coming for a while yet. We still need to sort things out with these rebels first. Now let’s get a move on its not safe to be loitering right now.”
“ You can say that again majesty.” Jet came up behind them “Get a move on all three of you.” He scolded them as he almost missed Alexiel holding Caleb’s hand.
“Did you see what I saw?” Jet asked turning to Ralf
“I sure did. Guess you don’t have to worry about marring her off after all.” He joked
“I’m starting to worry she brought him her because she loves him.”
“When has you daughter ever made a rash decision without thinking it through? You raised that girl well” Ralf commented him
“This is true.” Jet agreed, “On the 'her thinking things through' I don’t know about 'raising' part of it but she is a bright woman for this court.”
“We do need someone like her to run this country and she trusts him. Everything is going to be okay you will see.”
“I’m sure your right. We do need to get down to that ballroom and straighten this mess out.” Jet said matter-of-factly, “I guess we do not have to worry if the war is going to start or not.”
“No kidding.” Ralf added
Caleb nodded he really like Prince Jonathon. They began to follow him down the steps that led to the ball room when Caleb noticed men Aldrayian and Serindraile armies with guns to the heads of the courtiers looking as if they were taking their jewelry and money.
Prince Jonathon led them down the stairs into to the ballroom and it was utterly horrifying. People were covered in blood many were crying while a few men not dressed in Aldrayian and Serindraile uniforms were walking around taking jewelry and money from people that were standing.
“Prince Jonathon those men are they from the Serindraile Army?” Caleb asked worried.
“No they are not move now.” He whispered pulling his sword from its sheath as Caleb grabbed Alexiel’s hand and gently pulled her closer to him and Prince Jonathon as they edged to the wall adjacent from them to get to the door.
The Prince turned as he was spotted by one of the men. “Caleb run now, Lexi you know where to go show him get out of here.” Jonathon hissed
“You three just where do you think you are going?” One fo the taller builkier man shouted
“But we can leave you what are you going to do?” Caleb hissed back after listening to man’s threat
“ I will be fine. You don’t know how to fight properly so go. I will be find Jet is on his way.”
They dashed for the door adjacent from the stairs slamming door behind them as they hard swords meet.
“Come on this way Cale.” Lexi still holding his hand tugged him down to the end of the hallway where there were three doors.
“Which door?” Caleb asked panic filling his voice
“This is the one.” Opening the she pulled him through shutting once they turned around there were face with a junk yard which she walked over to.
“There is nothing here but a junk yard how can we be safe out here?” Caleb asked not trusting her at the moment.
“It’s right here she lifted a broken door to reveal a shelter door. She knocked three times and door was opened a second later she went first still holding Caleb’s hand and pulled him down she then climbed the stairs back up and pulled the broken door back over the shelter doors as they closed to hide it again.
“What now?” he asked.
“We wait for Jet to come get us. They know where we are.” King Edward offered
“Caleb come here for a moment.” King Derrick said from a darker part of the shelter Caleb left Alexiel’s side and went to the king.
“Callie this boy, and I know you can’t see him, we believe is actually Tierney. Caleb this is Queen Callie Kildare she is my wife and your mother. Your sister is over there her name is Dominique she is just a few years older then you.” The King concluded.
Callie leaned forward and hugged him. “Welcome home son we missed you so much.”
Dominique sat in the corner her face shadowed as sneer crossed her face. This is the worst thing that could have ever happened to her. The ghost that had haunter her all these years was no longer a ghost. She would have to fix that. But first playing nice was in order, for now.
“I’m so glad you are home brother!” she crossed the room and flung her arms around him and smiled looking at her mother and father.
Several hours after they entered the shelter Prince Jonathon, Jet, Ralf, and Jeremiah opened the shelter door.
“All is safe majesties you may come out now.” Jeremiah said
“They all took off for the hills for now.” Jet followed
“Good work men.” King Derrick said coming out first he turned and help his wife out who me kissed, Alexiel, followed by King Edward, Caleb, and finally Dominique who he hugged tightly.
“You okay baby?” he asked her?
“I’m just fine Daddy. This shelter was great idea.” She giggled a little making her eyes sparkle.
“I think dinner is order for us am I right?” King Derrick asked
“I sent everyone one with a promise to reschedule the signing of the treaty.” Jet announced
“Thank you Jet what would I do without you?”
“Well you’d lose your head for one.” Jet joked
© 2009 Amanda Knotts |
Added on November 8, 2008 Last Updated on June 14, 2009 Author![]() Amanda KnottsWAAboutHeya this is Amanda and I am 23 years old and attending college to be a Elementry teacher in Private schools. I grew up in Washington with my mom, dad, 3 brothers, ages 21, 21, and 17. (yes two are.. more..Writing