![]() Chapter 6: Procul Fortuna SumoA Chapter by Amanda Knotts![]() Caleb's life takes a turn for better for worse only time will tell...![]() “Here we are Caleb.” Ralf said, “Now when we get inside you and Alexiel will change clothes,” he continued as he handed him a set of servant work clothes and pointed to a room where he could change, “We will meet outside the kitchens where Alexiel and I will come and get you.” He finished smiling and left him to change.
A few minutes later Caleb stood outside the back entrance of the Kitchens waiting. He didn’t have to wait long as he saw Lexi, Ralf and another man walk slowly towards him.
All were smiling and Ralf was the first to speak, “Jet this is Caleb he is the servant of Lord Horace Carrinbreak.” Caleb this is Lord Jethrow Gandry he is Alexiel’s father.” Ralf was still smiling as Jet turned to talk to him.
“Can you head to ballroom and take my shift so I can take them to the meeting?” Jet asked knowing that Ralf would have no problems with his request.
“Sure see you in a while. Caleb, hang in there son soon you will understand everything I promise.” He patted him on the shoulder and headed off to the ballroom.
“So this is Caleb?” He smiled and joyfully said, “I have been looking forward to meeting you for a very long time.” He smiled.
“A pleasure to meet you as well sir, but why have you been waiting to meet me?” Caleb said uncertainly
“Follow me then.” Jet said without addressing the issue and began to walk around the back side of the palace and opened a back door leading to a dimly lit corridor. At the end of the corridor was another door once opened revealed a foyer and flight of stairs to another door. Past the second door they headed up the stairs and through the door and down four smaller stairs to a small foyer and another door.
Like a perfectly wound clock in an awry of colors people were dancing. It took him only a moment to realize these were the royal courts of the two countries. “No one here can be trusted.” He thought to himself as Ma’s face popped into his mind watched them dance.
Once this door opened however Caleb breath caught in his throat. “…. I find he has been extremely unjust as of lately maybe it’s time for you to question the way things are done and make your own judgments, and who knows maybe she has answers we have never dreamed of…” Shaking his head and face of Ma from his mind he looked at Jet who was once again speaking to him.
He hardly had the time to process that thought as Jet laid a hand on his shoulder and gently pulled, “Come on son we need to keep moving.” Jet smiled, “Honey you look beautiful, good evening.” He remarked kissing her on the forehead, as they walked down the long hallway Caleb marveled at the well crafted large paintings that adorned the unfinished hallway. He stopped in front one and his mouth fell open.
“You two wait here I will be just a moment.” Jet lightly commanded
Caleb nodded and waited till he walked away, “Your father seems rushed but nice enough.” Caleb said nervously turning to Lexis.
“He is much better when you get to know him.” She replied as she saw her father appear in the hallway again.
“Lexis why does this man look like me…or rather why do I look like him?” Caleb asked startled.
“That is the very question that are trying to solve. Young Caleb” The King of the Serindraile was standing close to him and smiling. Alexiel curtsied and smiled.
“Good evening majesty.”
“Evening lady Gandry.” He greeter her with a hug
“Shall we proceed?” Jet cut in.
“We shall, by the way Caleb this is my son Jonathon he is the heir to the Serindraile throne and my bodyguard Jason Duster.” The King introduced.
“Hello.” Caleb said with out looking at the boy or the guard who looked like he could snap a branch off a tree.
“You can look at me you’re in safe company tonight.” Prince Jonathon replied.
Caleb smiled his demeanor calming a bit but more so when Lexis walked close by. ‘Its nice to have someone to trust thought Caleb. But can he be trusted?’ Caleb looked at the boy a little small but seemed wiry with wavy black cropped hair and thin lipped smile. His grey seemed determined to do something.
“Where are we going sirs?” Caleb asked feeling a little brave
“We are going where no one will disturb us this evening.” The King replied, “Besides balls have a nasty reputation for gossip among most of the ladies.” He said smiling at Lexi.
Caleb nodded but said nothing as the entered the room. The torches were giving a decent amount of light into the room. His eyes lit on a bar in the back of the room for just a moment before looking at the single window on the far back wall opposite of him, which showed the beginnings of a magnificent garden that was in desperate need of attending he observed with a smile.
The door closed behind him causing him to jump slightly and pull his attention from the garden.
“How are you Caleb?” King Edward asked
“Fine.” Caleb muttered determined not to speak more then he had to.
“I’m glad to meet you. So tell me what do you think of this situation?”
“I don’t know what to think sire.”
“There is not need to be so edgy son, I only want to have a chat with you is all.”
“No King just wants to speak to someone; there is always a hidden motive.” Caleb said turning to face him completely.
“I’m sad that you feel that way.” The King
“What is it that you brought me here for?”
“All of this will be explained shortly as soon as we have a little chat.” King Edward said, “Do you have questions about the new palace or the monarchy?”
“None that you should be concerned of, sire” Caleb said thickly
“Caleb Watch your tongue.” Lexi said coolly.
“What did you expect of me?” He reeled on his heels to face her causing Jet’s hand to once again gravitate to the hilt of his sword, “You walked in and told me “Happy Birthday!” Then you asked me my opinion on the monarchy and oh by the way you kidnapped me, no real choice there mind you” He fumed looking for the words to continue his rant.
“Caleb do not raise your voice to a lady ever no matter their status. “ Jet warned with a very dark tone to his voice.
“Father this is my fault he has every right be angry with me. I planned all this without telling him anything. What I shouldn’t have expected was for him to actually come with me without know what was going on.”
“It still does not warrant him to raise his voice to you darling.” Jet said through gritted teeth.
“Caleb!” Lexi snapped turning back to him causing him to flinch and step backwards towards the window with his eyes completely focused on the floor in front of him. Her hands clinched into fists at her side, “These men are trying to help you. Can you just answer their questions and be respectful to your elders?” She fumed and it was enough force for him to retreat his defensive stance.
He looked up at her then back down the floor. “Sorry Lexi,” he mumbled, “I just felt like I had been fed to the wolves.” He sighed and looked up at her. Jet exchanged a glance with King Derrick and both tried not to smile.
“Good evening Caleb I am very honored to meet you!” King Derrick replied as he entered to find a large amount of tension filling the room. He hoped he looked and sounded more confident then he felt. Shutting the door he walked over to the group standing near his desk. Jet and Lexi stood and bowed Prince Jonathon and King Edward both gave curt nods as King Edward stepped back for King Derrick to move in to the small gathering.
“So Caleb I trust that ride to the….palace was good?” King Derrick ventured they all laughed over the palace comment causing Caleb to be worried.
“Sorry it’s still not built yet. Its merely more then shambles actually.” King Edward chuckled we can’t help but make fun of it.
“Well enough Sire.” Caleb’s demeanor changed as he watching King Derrick cautiously but not nearly as mean as he was before. He was once again looking at the floor. He raised his head and if he hadn’t any composer at this point his mouth would have hit the floor. The King looked identical to him or he looked identical to the King he was not sure which. Everything except the hair was the same. The king’s hair was a was a light blonde with gold streaks in it while his was a dark brown that was feathery and moved at the chance of a breeze.
“Good I’m glad to hear it.” The King seemed unfazed by all this, “come sit let us have a chat if you don’t mind, after all this is why you are here.” King Derrick smiled gentle trying to calm the tension in the room. Caleb slowing walked from over by the window to where Kind Derrick stood. King Edward stood nodding to Derrick and stepped back allowing Derrick to sit down, Jet’s hand never left the hilt of his sword.
“I’m sure you already have questions am I right?”
“A few sire no one seems to be able to tell me what is going on.” He confessed as he sat down in the only other chair in the room.
“I will answer as many as possible. They were on my orders instructed not to. I apologize for that.” The King said sincerely, “To be honest I have been dreading this meeting all day.” King Derrick smiled uncertainly, “I had no idea what to expect.”
“Why sire?” Caleb mood diminished as he spoke with king. “What is it about his man? Why am I no longer worried about what they will do to me?” He thought to himself.
“Caleb what do know about the monarchy?” The King inquired
Caleb’s face noticeably paled as he looked at the King unsure of what to say. After several minutes Caleb looked at King in the eyes and said, “Why is everyone so interested in what I think?”
“We need to know where you stand because of...your upbringing we are unsure what your master has taught you.” Alexiel tried to help but her father held up his hand to silence her.
“I...” Caleb hesitated fearing what he beliefs would cause remembering the look on Lexi’s face when he has told her.
At this point Lexi ignored her father’s warnings and knelt down before Caleb catching his attention, “It’s alright Cale it’s just and me. I promise that no one is going to hurt you. Just tell them what you told me again what you have taught to believe by your master. No one is going to judge you just him.” She smiled up at him.
Caleb sighed as he looked into her eyes, “ My master told me that when I was born my family loved me very much and they were law abiding citizens. They waited and prayed for a long time for me. I was born during one of the worst storms ever recorded in Aldrayas, down in a shelter to rich aristocrats who worshipped and supported the King that had started the war with Serindraile. Several hours after I was born the shelter was attacked by the very King they worshiped. My parents were murdered along with the King’s best friend’s wife who tried to stop him from killing my parents. Master Carrinbreak said once everything was cleaned up he found me, raised me to be a servant in his home. He taught me to read, write, and do arithmetic unlike most servants because he wanted me to think for myself. I believe that the monarchy is a monopoly, It’s King murderous, corrupt, and liar. He needs to be dethroned and executed in order to right all of his injustices.”
Caleb looked around watching everyone’s faces in the room turn to horror, “I…it’s the truth as I know it.” Caleb was suddenly frightened worried that his honesty had cost him his life. He made to run for the door but Lexi was faster, “Caleb please wait we need to tell you our side of the story. She looked from the Kings to her father who all nodded in agreement.
“Most of that story is true son.” King Edward was the first to speak.
“Just of the facts are quite skewed.” Jet added as he sat down on the ground back to the King’s desk unsure of what to make of the boy’s story. It was nothing any of them had expected.
“Come sit back down Caleb and let us tell you the story that we know. Once done you can make your own decision about what is true.”
Alexiel and Caleb walked away from the door and Caleb sat back down in the chair that faced the King. He head was reeling, “Everything I have ever been taught is false?” He sat in shock for a moment starring at the wall behind the king’s head then he looked up and met the Kings eyes, “alright so what is your truth of things?”
“For one I am the King’s best friend,” Jet spoke first, “and the man that led the rebels is the man that killed my wife and almost your best friend.” he said acknowledging Lexi with a nod of his head.
“Not to mention the story of your birth is almost dead on save for who your parents were. This is what confirms to me who you are. My son Tierney was born during the worst winter storm ever recorded in the land of Aldrayas had every seen. The war actually was started over the murder of Queen Elizibeth Edward’s wife. The man that killed her stole, or so we think stole, an Aldrayian uniform. He then crossed the boarder on official business from me which I did not send him on. When King Edward found out what he had done he bypassed the rules of negation and executed the man that committed the murder attacking a defenseless country. Several long months later I was out in a battle field chasing down the Serindraile Army when” he was cut off by laughter and chuckles
King Edward chuckled from the ground, “Running was more like it. You didn’t have a chance using farmers with pitchforks and guns really, Caleb, not the way to run an army.”
King Derrick glared at him but continued to speak, “we got word that that a group was heading straight for hideout where Jet’s and my family was. There were also many guards’ families there as well as maids and other palace attendants that were waiting to the war to end and the beginning of rebuilding the country. We were rushing back and I made it just before my son was born. In a moment of weakness, excitement and anticipation I forgot why I had come back and I dismissed everything and watched your birth. Once I remembered four hours after your birth it was too late the rebels were on us. The stormed the shelter and began just killing everyone in their path. I was shot that night and due to blood loss passed out but was awake long enough to see me son taken from me. I vowed that if I lived I would bring my son home and restore this country to what it was before the war. King Edward and his men showed up and picked up the pieces got us to the Serindraile border where we could not be touched and when I was better we sighed a treaty just two days after you were born that stated for no reason are our countries to fight. That is the story we know to be accurate and that aristocrat, King-worshiping-family well I am that King.” He finished looking at Caleb for some sort of reaction.
Caleb still in shock sat in silence lost in thought, ‘if he had just told me I was going to be executed things would make so much more sense right now.’
“Cale, are you okay?” Lexi asked kneeling on the floor beside the chair looking up at him.
“ I just don’t know what to think right now.”
“ Well I believe that you are Tierney Kildare and that family you always wanted is right in front of you and you will never have to worry about your drunken master anymore. He can no longer hurt you.”
“I just don’t…” he was cut off as screams filled the ballroom below.
© 2009 Amanda Knotts |
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Added on November 8, 2008 Last Updated on June 14, 2009 Author![]() Amanda KnottsWAAboutHeya this is Amanda and I am 23 years old and attending college to be a Elementry teacher in Private schools. I grew up in Washington with my mom, dad, 3 brothers, ages 21, 21, and 17. (yes two are.. more..Writing