![]() Chapter 3: The Girl in the WindowA Chapter by Amanda Knotts![]() Caleb's life looks like might take a drastic turn for better or worse he is not sure, as Lexi just gave him the proposition of a lifetime. He now has to decide whether to trust her he always has but then again she is part of the King's![]() "How are you Lex?” Caleb asked while she crawled through the window from the courtyard above.
Wonderful and Happy Birthday Caleb!” she squeaked as she dropped to the floor tossing him a small purple silk bag.
“Lex you didn’t have to get me anything.” Cale said looking at the bag that landed in his lap. He was sitting on the floor legs criss-crossed like an Indian the back landing the center. Pulling the small cloth slider towards him he stuck his fingers into the bag and pulled it open. He picked it up turning the bag slowly onto its side and small candies and chocolate fell out onto his hand. This was something he very rarely got and usually it all came from Lexi who seemed to bring it to him more and more often.
“This is worth a lot of money isn’t it?” He asked looking at the silk bag in his hand.
“Well for someone of…” she trailed off as she knelt down in from of him sealing the bag again and laying on the floor she took his hands in hers and looked straight into his eyes, “Cale that is why I gave that to you I want you to always keep that close and if you ever are in need of money you can sell that to keep yourself safe, well food wise, and other such things you might need. It is worth about two weeks worth of food. Hide it where you Master cannot find it.
“Alright I promise you’re making such a big deal out of this Lexi.” He chuckled to himself.
“Cale something is bothering you what is it?” She observed her facial expression becoming more serious
“Oh its nothing,” he shook his head, “as usual Master was drunk again.”
“Cale I’m so sorry are you okay? He didn’t…beat you again did he?” He green eyes changing from serious to helpless
“No, I convinced him that I was always home today and I’d just been working here.”
“How many times do you think that lie will work Cale?”
“Not many more I’m afraid eventually he will realize that I am lying”
“And then what?” she looked at him.
“Well we’ll find out when he realizes that I am lying.” An awkward silence passed between them.
“So do you have any questions from the lecture that you heard this afternoon?” Lexi asked changing the subject.
“Other then about that essay that you were assigned today, but really its not that important I can wait and asked your instructor on Monday.” He proposed
“Oh well if you want to wait, then I will go on with the other reason that I am here today. My father needs some help at the palace tonight and I told him that I would try and get you to come and we can spend the whole night together at the palace without have to worry about anyone beating you over it.” She smiled hopefully.
He looked at her and smiled,” She’s so pretty he thought to himself. He watched her slender frame get up from the floor in front of him and sat down on his bed. She was five foot six inches tall. How he loved to watch talk with her hands. How he wished that he could play with her long red hair, run his hands through it. “Stop thinking about her that way this is something that you will never get.” He smiled
“So…do you want to go?” She asked snapping his attention back to reality.
“Yeah, that be great but my master wouldn’t allow that. He’s also mad at some guy named Tierney, who in their right mind would name there kid “Tierney?” He said half laughing.
“Did you get home without problems from Brent and Holden?” She asked hopefully.
“Almost but it’s really nothing to worry about.”
“If you say so, so are you going to go or not?” She asked hoping he would say yes without thinking.
“No, I don’t think the master would approve of such things.” He said sadly, “Besides my master does not like the Monarchy so it would never fly with him.” He said truthfully, lowering his head to the floor to avoid her eyes.
“I’m sure he would let you go. Besides we plan on rewarding him for his services.” She replied sweetly
“Yeah, Lexi how in the world am I supposed to understand that you can convince him to let me go?”
“And what was wrong with the lecture that Professor Wicks gave today?’ she said ignoring his comment and changing the subject
“I um…it really doesn’t matter all that much I can ask Monday.”
“Really Cale you’ve been acting off lately you haven’t been talking to me either.”
“You promise that you won’t get mad at me Alexiel?”
“Sure Cale tell me what’s been bothering you?”
“ Well my master sometime lectures to me on the ways of the system and the lands surrounding the border and some ways inland, anyway, everything that was said in your lecture today was completely accurate except for who did what to whom. In the lectures given by Master he says that it was not some “murderer” that killed Lady Sarah or my Parents it was the King of Aldrayas himself. He also started the war that pinned the Serindraile and the Aldrayians against one another nearly decimating both sides. Finally in the height of the all the damage he murdered his “so-called” best friend’s wife.” Caleb looked her waiting for her to explode, yell, or leave.
She just sighed, then smiled, finally she spoke,” Cale, I think you should come to palace and work for my dad. It will help you to see things the way my professor taught them and you can decide for yourself okay?”
“Lexi, If you weren’t my best friend I would not be going, I don’t think that I would trust anyone else.” He said smiling at her nervously as Lexi’s skirt swirled around her as she stood and walked towards the window.
“Just how do you plan on getting me to go with you tonight?” Caleb asked unconvinced
“Cale just leave that part to me okay?” She smiled and his heart melted as she walked to the window and began to climb back out.
“Alright but I don’t think this is ever going to work.” He muttered to no one then left the room heading towards the kitchens.
“Is dinner almost ready Ma?” Caleb asked hopping up onto counter.
“First of all shoo get off of the counter, second yes love it’s almost ready to be dished up, thirdly what is eating you?” She asked nonchalantly as Caleb eyed her annoyed but got off the counter
“It’s not a whole lot Ma I just wonder if I can truly trust Alexiel?” He said with worry in this voice
“The Gandry girl?” Ma asked as she sampled the soup in the pot.
“Well she wants me to work for her father in the palace and wants me to meet some people while there, and you know the master’s view of the monarchy.”
“Caleb as loyal as I am to the Master lately I have not been so approving of his method of lifestyle. I find he has been extremely unjust as of lately maybe its time for you to question the way things are done and make your own judgments, and who knows maybe she has answers we have never dreamed of.” She smiled. “The soup is done love go draw the lady’s bath and get back down here and serve dinner.”
“Alright then I’ll be back soon.” He replied as he left the kitchens
Once Caleb got down the hall he stopped near the foyer to unlock the door to allow the mistress free access as he reached for the door he jumped when a knock shook the door slightly. Caleb immediately opened the door and bowed deeply, “Master Jarvis how pleasant to see you again will you be staying for dinner?” Caleb asked bowing
“He is in the library looking at his new books you may join if you wish.” Caleb said with a hand gesturing towards the staircase.
“I do believe I will join him, thank you.” He said walking down the hallway. Caleb closed the door to the retreating footsteps of the master’s friend. Caleb turned and closed the door checking to make sure it was unlocked then he began to walk away as another, though softer, knock sounded on the door.
Caleb sighed, turned back to the door and upon opening it his mouth fell open when he realized that Alexiel standing there dressed as a courtier. Regaining his composer Caleb bowed to her saying, “Milady please enter is there anything you require, drinks may haps?”
“She’ll have Water.” The man that had previously been unseen said properly and rudely clearly defining his place below her.
Caleb inwardly was hurt by how rude he was speaking to him as he led them to the guest waiting room. “Please wait here I will get you water and inform the master of your arrival.”
“Good and make haste I haven’t all night.” She added snapping
“Yes Milady.” He said as he bowed again before he left the room.
In a quickened pace Caleb made his way to the library and walked in forgetting to knock on the door.
“Caleb you will knock before entering any room in this house. Do you understand me?” The master said harsher then the man waiting with Alexiel
“Yes sir, forgive but there are two courtiers downstairs and I thought you would want to know right away sir.” Caleb said quickly
“Caleb I take back most of what I said you need to still knock though. Did you get the name of the Courtiers assuming they are together?”
“Her name is Alexiel Gandry master. I did not get the gentlemen’s name.” As he bowed he did not notice as the master’s face turned a violent shade of green.
© 2009 Amanda Knotts |
Added on July 28, 2008 Last Updated on June 14, 2009 Author![]() Amanda KnottsWAAboutHeya this is Amanda and I am 23 years old and attending college to be a Elementry teacher in Private schools. I grew up in Washington with my mom, dad, 3 brothers, ages 21, 21, and 17. (yes two are.. more..Writing