

A Chapter by Amanda Knotts

aftermath of a war torn country





March 17, 2001
The Chronicles of Aldrayas:
The Rise of the Aldrayas

             The Snow fell like a thick blanket covering the tracks of the three riders that rode through the forest as fast as knee deep snow would allow. The covered everything it touched, making it harder for the horses to move as the time progressed. Coming to as silent of a halt as possible two of the men began scouting the area then dismounted and looked beyond the safe wall of trees that ended the forest leading to open fields.

            “Seems all clear.” Whispered the shorter of the two men on the ground.

            “Good, then then prayer and let’s move out we’re running out of time.” The man still mounted stated urgency filling his voice.

            “As you wish, Sire.”  The men knelt as dropped from the tired horse to the ground. " May the good and gracious Father above keep us safe.  Guard those how hides where only your eyes can see.  Watch over all who work to your will Lord and we pray that your will be made known to us.  In thy holy son's name, Amen." With that he remounted his horse and both men responded with, "Amen." quickly and remounted their steeds as well. The men began to ride again with the King in between them to make he made it back alive. They rode with a second wind as the horses breaths became shallow and ragged from the deteriorating weather conditions, as from being ridden to hard, to long.

            After some distance of riding a city began to birth along the horizon its walls were gone, crumbled to ground from catapults that ravaged it during the first siege of the war. The capital city of Aldrayas lay in ruins the towers of the once beautiful palace public to all who enter and place of refuge as destroyed as the rest of city.

            Once inside the false comfort of the fallen city walls one of the two men yelled, “Sire, why are moving so fast? What happened back there? Why was Jared with the King of the Serindraile? Will he be okay?” He asked as they dismounted about a half a block from the building they were headed to. Tying the horses on one of the few trees that still stood in the city they began walking through street at first in silence the King very contemplative. 

            Jack he breathed, “Things are not good.  I know this is your first run and I wish…” he was cut off as they climbed over a large fallen tree before he continued, “I wish it could be different this is supposed to be a learning experience and you boys were trust into a war I’m sorry. To answer your questions  and in a better order that you asked them,” He helped the shorter of two over a fallen wall of a house,” The King of the Serindraile is now our alley.  We were fighting the wrong side as we suspected. Jared was poisoned and he will not live the King is going to take care of him while we move everyone out of Aldrayas if it kills me. As for what happened between King Edward and I, I own Jet my life again.  Jared Also had information that leads me to believe that rouge army in headed this way.  That is why we have been so cautious as of late. Did I cover everything you asked?”

            “Yes sir, thank you. “Both of the young men smiled

            “Where are we moving to sir?” The taller man asked sincerely

            “We are heading to the capital City of Serindraile.  The King has promised us safe passage over the border and will help us to rebuild the palace and country.” The King finished as they reached there destination.

            He opened the door to one of the last standing buildings of the city.

            “Welcome back your majesty!” and “He’s finally returned!” As he entered into the main room of the house when another voice reached his ears above the roar of the people gathered there began to subside.

            “Daddy your back!” a small child wrapper her arms around his legs and his mind began to wonder…

            They say he is the best ruler this country has ever seen! King Derrick Kildare is the most just of any rulers.  The Palace opened as a sanctuary for the people the King and Queen, CALLIE, themselves help resolve the issue of those that come to stay in the palace. Now the palace lay in ruins the great cities and its supporters scattered with the four winds.

            He stood rooted to the spot for a second longer before remembering what he was here to do, looking down at the child who had the death grip on his legs, “Daddy, Daddy something is wrong with momma ‘arah says she’s sick!” She whimpered into his knees.

            “Not now princess Daddy has something very important to deal with okay?” He asked as she stroked her golden curls. He lightly pushed her away and raised his voice to silence everyone,” Everyone listen up for a few moments stand where you are this is an emergency,” the room became deathly silent, “ Those people that are hunting us know we are here.  We have made treaty with the King of the Serindraile .  No I do not have time to explain but they are our Allies now.  They want everyone over the border when this is finished they will help rebuild all the country to its former glory. Pack up and move out immediately head towards the eastern border do not stop for anything sleep as minimally as possible.”

            “Sire we will not leave your wife sir she is labor.”

            Slightly losing his composer the king spin on his heels, “When did you say this happened?”

            “Earlier this afternoon sir about two hours before you arrived.” He replied

            The king sighed deeply and looked at the ceiling lost in thought once again,” Great she’s in labor and they know we are here. What are we supposed to do?” After a few moments his mind drifted back the present as realization of the situation set in. He darted to her side as wuickleyas a cheetah pounces on its prey. He then knely down and gently took her hand excitedly whispering, “Callie, are you okay?” By the last word he uttered he was whispering sweetly in her ear just audible enough for her to hear

She smiled contentedly as she saw him kneel down beside her, “better love, now that you are here.” She whispered back sweat matted in her hair and beaded across her forehead,” where has Sarah gone to?”

            He looked around him and then back out the door to the living room, “ I must have pasted her walking in but she over there talking to Jet and he is holding their daughter…oh thank Heavens he made it back!” He jumped to his feet and bounding over to him like an excited child.

“Jet when did you get back you made it through the battle at Castor h-how?” The King stumbled over his words.

“That is a matter to be handled later Majesty right now you need to be with your wife.” Jet looked at him smiling

“Later always, its later with you.” He smiled and walked back to her side.

Jet stared down and the little one in his arms and she began to slowly wake up. “I believe that she is beginning to wake up friend.” Said a familiar voice beside him

“I do belive that you are right Ralf.” Jet agreed

“How are you?” He asked

“I’m fine, tired but you, how did you survive the battle of the bridge of Castor? Were there many casualties?” Ralf Asked

“"Thousands if not more then the first count, then there are countless many its horrible..." Jet trailed off before continuing, "We almost lost Derrick last night." He said looking at Ralf Lord knows what we do without him..."     

"What do you mean we almost lost the King?" Ralf inquired suddenly paranoid.

          "He was there with a gun to his head...he was going shoot him Ralf. I still don't know why he didn't do it." Jet whispered so that only Ralf could hear him.

          "Is that why everyone is packing?" Ralf asked suddenly

          "I don't know about that I showed up after they did." he replied look at his daughter again, silently thanking the Lord above for her.

As he continued to converse with Ralf a young soldier appeared next to him and stated, "Not to interrupt you friend, but there is a man approaching from what appears to the North."
          Jet looked at the young soldier, "Your name son?""
          "Thomas, Sir." the young soldier replied saluting him.
          "Good, Thomas, at ease son, I want you and a couple more to keep watch, scout the area a ways out a couple of miles should do it, try uncover his intentions, and Thomas you boys be careful okay we've lost enough men today" Jet cautioned him with a fatherly smile.
          "Yes sir but what if they mean to harm us what then? Do we have the capabilities to survive an attack here?" Asked the boy
"Do as you are told and we will worry about that if it happens okay? Have Faith in your King. Now go on be safe" Jet cautioned again.
          Sarah announced it was time after a glass-shattering scream filled the musty air of the shelter as she was forced to bear the pain without medication. "Do not scream my Queen it's a terrible waste of energy." Sarah said in an almost commanding voice towards her.
          A few hours later Sarah laid a small child into the Queen's arms, after checking to see it was alright. The King looked on, smiling as he watched Sarah go into the next room. She stood in the center of room she brushed her long red hair out of her face her bright green eyes shown with pride as she threw her arms into the air and proclaimed, " All hail the Prince of Aldrayas! We have Our'eir to the throne at last!" With that she dropped her arms to her sides and the place erupted in yells and cheers women wept and men slapped each other on he back. They congratulated the King and Queen in yells and chants. Then a moment of silence was held for the late King of Aldrayas who had been murdered. Then King then picked up his son and held him for all to see. The Whole room once again bowed to their King as he held their heir. The King then pulled the baby to his chest and held him close and proceeded to the center of the room and took Sarah's place. As he held the child he began to speak loudly and clearly, "My son's name is to be Tierney Ashton Kildare. Ashton is after my father the late King of Aldrayas who was murdered five years ago tomorrow. Many bowed their heads and still many others knelt in reference to the King. With that the King led and small prayer and those with hats took them off to join in.
          Four hours after the announcement of Tierney's birth, the King was sitting cross-legged on the cold earth staring once again at Callie and his son Tierney at one side and on the other his three-year-old daughter, Dominique. This was the proudest moment of his life. His family was the way he had always dreamed it would be. "he knelt for the second time that day tears in his eyes, " Father I thank you for this chance to restore out kingdom as it should be.  Let it be done as you will.  Bless my son and keep him will to his baptism and beyond. May he grow in your light and live to lead your people better then I have led them.  Bless all who remain in this house and keep them safe/.  In Jesus name Amen." He made the sign of the sing of hte cross and rocked back off his knee to a sitting position and looked at his peacfully sleeping family when he suddenly remembered what was missing.  He wished
 his parents were here and the Kingdom was already restored to its original state. However something else was trying to surface something that was nagging at the back of his mind. how odd it  was that things seemed amiss it was way too peaceful for the way that everything  had happened in the last few years.

           Then it happened all at once in one fleeting, horrific moment. Shots were heard over head, guards came stumbling down into the hideout along with seemed to be the Serindraile Army in tow. Then more guards screamed as they died before they hit the ground. Derrick could see the men advancing toward him and his family. One thought ran through his mind, "I failed all of them tonight over my being selfish of my wife. Why didn't I tell them to all leave?"
          Now he realized that his worst fears had come true. They were caught and there was nothing that he or anyone else could do about it. He then reached over and unsheathed his sword from his belt as if he was going to defend everyone by himself. Kneeling he said a quick prayer and made the sign of the cross and then stood up with a look of determination crossing his face. As we walked to the Door Ralf, Jet, and a third man joined in all beside him.
          "Jeremiah, good to see you." The King said nodding his greeting towards him.
          "Your Majesty" he bowed in return and stood up quickly readying himself for battle.
          "Gentleman," Said Derrick, “Let’s Dance!" They then began to walk into the big room he turned to Jet and said,  “Jet if I die to watch over my family okay?" 
          "Understood My dear friend can I count on you to do the same?" Jet asked confidently flashing one of his more dashing smiles.

"Always!" Said Derrick and he began to march the few steps into the room he raised his voice for all to hear, "Everyone there is a second way out...I have told no one about but a few chosen men follow them and flee the country its everyone for themselves and please be safe!" He watched as the people began to scatter and a couple of soldiers started ushering the people out of the hideout. 
          As the four onlookers watched in suspence a man entered and he was not who they were expecting at all. It was not the King of Serindraile that stood there but a man that was roughly the size of a younger red wood tree. He waltzed in as if he owned the place, grinning like madman. He was about six feet tall, his hair was the color of a walnut and he eyes were like two soulless black caverns. He waltzed straight up to King and spoke one simple sentence, "And you thought the Serindraile were behind this didn't you?" With that he swung his sword towards Jeremiah hitting him right side blood spilling from the wound. Ralf angry and trying to defend Jeremiah and his King step in and swung angrily at the man. He managed to strike the man on left side by sidestepping him and swinging to the left instead of the right and caused a small tear in the cloth that he wore over his armor. The battle raged around them metal meeting metal as men and women fought for their lives. Not quite sure how it happened the battle between the King and his men and the stranger halted and all four watched the battle rage around them man after man falling.
          "Take what you can and run." The voice of an Aldrayian soldier came from the other side of the small room 
          "Go with them!" The King yelled, "It's everyman for himself Take them to the second exit Carl show them the way out" The King Yelled breaking the silence that had fallen on the four of them.
          Tierney and Dominique, who had been sleeping, woke up with a start and both began to cry and because Tierney was so small and frail was drowned out by the screams and clashing of the metal. By now, the hideout was almost completely deserted and destroyed. Men occasionally returned to carry the wounded. In the middle of everything, Jet saw his wife running with his daughter Alexiel, around behind the man to get the Queen's side and Jet watched in horror as the man before him spin on his heels and brought his sword to waist level with Sarah and cut her clean through she fell to the ground without a sound dead before she hit the ground. Jet fell to his knees and crawled to her side. Knowing full well she was gone he reached for his daughter. The man Lunged for Jet and the King stepped in this time he blocked the stroke of the man's sword catching him off guard he struck him in the chest and left a deep gash in this armor. Jet pulled back his daughter in his arms and bolted to the Queen's side. The man stumbled and fell to the ground and then got back up pulling out a long thin stick from his back he pointed it at the king and a loud cracking pop filled the air the King hit the ground hard dropping his sword, which clattered to the ground. Ralf and Jet flew to his side as the man darted towards the Queen. She screamed as the man grabbed for newborn son and began to stumble towards his other men and the entrance clinging to the child in his arms that was now screaming at the top of his small lungs. the Queen attempted to get up but wilted back to the floor as a gas began to fill the air. Of the few things that crossed Derrick's mind he called out to the man, "Why," gasping for air, "who are you?"
          "Who am I?" he grinned wildly, "Why my dear King I am the man that pinned Aldrayas and Serindraile against one another so I could destroy both kingdoms and have them for myself. By the way the name's Crevan Kione not that you'll be around to find me" He flashed his evil smile once more and went out the way he came in.
          "If not die tonight," he said to no one, "I will hunt him down and kill that man and bring my son home." With his words he passed out as several men covering their mouths entered the hideout from the second exit.
          "He's over here come quickly he is wounded!" called a man that stood just over Derricks bleeding body. 

“Where?” A tall powerful looking man shouldered his way through the few men that blocked his way.  Dropping his helmet on the ground knelt next to the fallen King. “My Friend, I am sorry that did make it here sooner.” Get him up and his family we need to get them back over the border and then we’ll work on getting them up and fed.”

“Yes Sire.” Said the solider as the others began checking to see if there were anymore survivors.  


© 2010 Amanda Knotts

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Added on February 9, 2008
Last Updated on October 3, 2010


Amanda Knotts
Amanda Knotts


Heya this is Amanda and I am 23 years old and attending college to be a Elementry teacher in Private schools. I grew up in Washington with my mom, dad, 3 brothers, ages 21, 21, and 17. (yes two are.. more..
