The Beginning Of The Date

The Beginning Of The Date

A Chapter by MysteriousWhovian

Iann is the most out of my mind guy I have ever met. What the Hell is he thinking?


“What the hell are you doing?” I say as I slowly walk out of my house, closing the door behind me.

“What does it look like?” Iann says glancing behind him, “I’m taking you on a date.” I look at him, intenesly,  he’s wearing a black suit and a bowtie, holding flowers, and behind him is a limo with a driver, smiling. I look around to see if there was any hidden cameras…I don't know why… Then stepped off of my front porch.

“You… are crazy.” I say, still stand at the sight before me.

“You said you wanted it to be more romantic, here you go.” He says handing his empty hand out to me. I hesitate, but I take it, as he brings me in closer. “This is your first date, your gonna remember this forever, and it needs to be awesome.” This was too much. My anxiety came over me yet again, my mind just kept on going to, this is Iann, Iann. The boy you loath, giving you a limo ride, to Barstow, for your first date

“This is too much.”

“This is just enough.” He leans down and kisses me, really sweat and soft, I might add, he’s never done that before. I’m very confused, I was surprised he accepted my offer to go to Barstow and everything. This… This is way too much. I was just expecting him to make the drive really corny. I guess I forgot he’s rich as hell.

“This… is definitely… not what I expected.” I finally mutter.

“Thats the point.”

“I’ve never been in a limo before…” I don’t know what I’m saying at this point. I realize he’s trying to hand the flowers to me. “…Thanks.” I turn around to see Trish pretty much loosing it in my room, I look at her with a concerned face, and she motions me to turn around. When I turn around I see that I gave Iann enough time to realize that Trish is in the house.

“Isn’t that someone from our school?” He says after a second. I turn around to see that she closed the blinds to my room.

“That girl hiding in there? Yea, thats my best friend.”

“Isn’t her name Pricilla or something?”

“Patricia, and I’m surprised you don’t remember her.”

“Why would I remember her?”

“You dated her in ninth grade, not for long, I guess you’ve had too many dates to keep up.” He looked down at me, I had a straight face, I think he realized he screwed up, so he turns around and opens the door to the limo for me. I feel myself smiling as I get in, I don’t usually smile… I am going to slap Iann across the face if he tries to take me to one of those stupid fancy restaurants that give you barely give you any food but then charge you three-hundred dollars. Iann sits down in the seat next to me.

“This thing seems a lot bigger on the inside.” I say, but immediately regretting my accidental Doctor Who reference. Then I remember that Iann doesn’t watch Doctor Who…

“Doctor Who reference, Right?” As he said that my eyes widened. He didn’t even look at my face before yelling to the driver to start driving.

“How did you…” I start saying before being cut off.

“I started watching it after the party.”

“Really?” I turned more towards him as I said that.

“Yes, and I never realized how easily you can get into shows.”

“Thats called my life. Just wait until you accidentally get emotionally attached to a character and then they leave the show.”

“I don’t think I would ever do that.”

“You don’t realize until they leave, then your a wreck the next week.”

“I really don’t think that could happen to me.

“Whatever. Where are we going?”

“Somewhere special.”

“I am going to warn you, I made a pact with myself that if it’s one of those stupid restaurants that cost way too much and give you barely any food, I’ll slap you.”

“It’s not, and I don’t think you can hurt me.” I looked at him then kicked him in the shins after he said that, with no flinching coming from him… ugh, I'm weak.

“While you were working out, I was entertaining myself with playing Skyrim, and World of Warcraft, and Assassins Creed… So screw you…Seriously, where are we going?”

“I’m not telling.”

“Tell me! I’ll go crazy!”

“Nope.” I glared at him after he said that, but he just smiled.

“I changed my mind.” His smile quickly turned into a concerned face.


“Yup, your not Jess, your Logan!” Then his face went to confused.

“Who? No more Gilmore Girls references, please!”

“Well, Jess was the mysterious, always getting into trouble, leaving for California and leaving me crying for a week, while Logan is the one who sometimes gets into trouble, but is witty and funny, blonde, like you, and loaded!

“You just had to throw the loaded in there, didn’t ‘cha?”


“Did you really cry after Jess left the show?”

“Yea… I had a meltdown in the cafeteria, and none of my friends will let me live it down. When you and I go public, they’ll tell you how emotionally unstable I am, even though I’m not.”

“It seems that way to me.”

“Shut up.” He just smiled.

“You said I was Jess, and you cried after he left.”

“That wasn’t for him being him, it was because he just up’in left for California, and he was on the show for a really long time and…” He cut me off by suddenly kissing me. I can’t say that I wasn’t glad he did, I didn’t have another thing to say after that last “and”. I can’t believe I told him about that, though… I was emotionally unstable, but now… I didn’t even cry at my Grandmas funeral, I think that the meltdown was the last time I ever cried. But, in the middle of our kiss, Iann stopped and asked me,

“You said when.”


“No, ifs... or buts, when…”

“I just… said that…”

“So that means more then one date.” …S**t…

“Umm…” He went back to kissing me, more passionately this time. Before I knew it, his lips left mine, and were going down my cheek to my neck. This was yet another thing I have never experienced before. I didn’t know what to do, I kept the hand that was on the back of his head, well, on the back of his head. I eventually just went with it, I’m not going to bore you with the details, but basically, ten minutes went by. We were horizontal on the limo seat when I checked the time

“Ok, ok…” I say trying to slowly get him off of me.

“What?” He says as he’s sitting up.

“Ten minutes is a long time, ok?”

“Fine… What do you want to do, then?”

“Let’s talk.”

“Alright, what do you want to talk about?”

"Bowties are cool." I say, touching his bowtie. He starts to un-tie it, it looked stupid on him anyways

"Wow, really, what do you want to talk about?"

“I don’t know… uh… Lets play truth or dare!” I say with a huge smile on my face.

“What kind of dares could we do in a limo?”

“I don’t know, we’ll figure something out.”

“Alright… let’s play truth or dare, I go first since you made up the game.”

“S**t, fine.”

“Truth or Dare?”

“I’m gonna go easy first and go with truth.”


“Shut up.”

“Fine… who did you like in 7th grade?”

“What? 7th grade?”

“Yea, everyone had a bet behind your back on who you liked, and you never confessed or anything.”

“Uhh… let me think…” I said that, but I immediately knew who it was… Luke Carro… I still kinda like him… I mean not so much anymore, for obvious reasons… but that crush started when he first came to our school in 7th grade. “Luke… Luke Carro.”

“Oh, wow, really? No one guessed him!”

“Who did you guys guess?”

“It was between Leonard and Ezekiel. But then Leonard ended up with Sierra, and Zeke… went through puberty.”


“Ok, your turn.”

“Truth or Dare?”

“Well, since you said truth, then I will go with truth.”

“Almost as wimpy as me.” He just smiled again. “How many girlfriends have you had, and what were their names? If you can remember them.”

“Well, first was my fake girlfriends in 7th and 8th grade that “went to different schools” then, there was Sophia, then Desiree, then Bella, who I was with for a while… then the rest I just went on one or two dates on, so I wouldn’t call them my girlfriend. Obviously.”

“Obviously… You know, you reminded me of a reason.”


“A reason not to tell anyone… about this.”

“Why is that?”

“Because I don’t want random popular people to talk to me, and when someones dating you… well, they go up about a thousand percent on the population scale.”

“Thats not true!”

“Yes it is… Remember how no one knew who Bella was until you guys went out? Now she's almost more popular than you, and your the reason why she has to say “like” 7 times in each sentence.”

“Oh… yea…” He looked down, but pretty quickly bolted back up again. “Truth or dare?”

“D****t… I’m gonna regret this… Dare”

“Aha! I dare you… to take off that ridiculous makeup.”


“You heard me, I can tell you don’t want it on, and I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

“Wow… If you say so…” Inside, I was have a mini dance party. I pulled out makeup remover wipes that I was going to use right when I got home.

“You were prepared.”

“Yup.” I quickly took off all the foundation, concealer, that other makeup s**t… I don’t even know whats it's called. As soon as I was done, and I put the used wipes in the little tiny trash can that was conveniently near my feet, Iann pulled me towards him and started kissing me once more. I will, again, not bore you the details, but, this time, we stopped because we lost our balance on the seat from being on top of each other, and fell to the ground of the limo. We both started laughing, then actually got back up onto the limo seat.  “Ok… Truth or dare?”


“Come on!”

“Yup. Truth.”

“Ugh… Ummm… Did you ever like me before week ago?” After I said that he looked at me with a weird face.

“If I didn’t like you before a week ago, I wouldn’t have wanted to kiss you in the closet.” He then smiled at me and I was totally in shock, now I get why him and his friends were so exited when the bottle landed on me.

“H….How long?” I finally responded.

“Remember that time in 7th grade when my friends and I were jumping over chairs and falling and being complete idiot b******s?”

“Do I? You fell on me, and then proceeded to get up and push me to the ground, and run off!”


“That long?”

“That long.”

“Wow, have I been that clueless girl who is liked by a boy and whenever he tries to hit on her she just accidentally friend zones him or something?”

“No… You loathed me remember? How could you friend zone me?”

“Right… I think I was too worried about f*****g PCL class and gagging inside my mouth whenever Luke and Toni made out”

“Toni! I remember Toni! She used to always talk smack about y…. never mind.”

“Yea… I know. It was super annoying how her and Makaila Ramirez hated me so much.”

“Yea… It’s complicated.”

“Oh my god! You remember that?”

“How could anyone forget?” Iann was making a reference to a long time ago when Leonard first went out with Sierra. For the first month they wouldn’t admit to it, and whenever someone asked them about it they'd just say it’s complicated. I made fun of them until they actually admitted to dating.

“Your crazy.” I smiled at him, and he smiled back. “Where the hell are we going though? It’s been about thirty minutes, so we have to be almost there.”

“You like movies? Right?”

“Was that a rhetorical question?”

“No…” I face palmed after He said that. I wish people could get my sarcastic-ness.

“Movies… very general subject, I like certain movies, although I have come a cross an occasional horrible movies.”

“I meant the movie theater.”

“Oh, yea! Is that where we’re going?”

“Yup, were going to see The Rings.”

“A horror movie? I can’t handle horror movies!”

“Well suck it up.” He smiled at me and I just looked at him with a cross face.

“What happened to this night being special and remembering it forever?”

“I think You’ll remember your first horror movie with me.”

“First? So theres going to be more?”

“I love horror movies, you need to get used to them. I’m watching Doctor Who for you, remember?”

“I didn’t ask you to!”

“Your going to the movie, you have no way to get back to your house without me.”

“Your a jerk!”

“Your gonna love it!”

“No, I’m not, but if you buy me a large popcorn and let me have all of it, I’ll go.”

“Deal.” Iann held his hand out for a shake. I slapped it like the beginning of a weird handshake… I don’t know how to explain it.

© 2017 MysteriousWhovian

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Added on February 12, 2017
Last Updated on February 12, 2017
Tags: First Date