![]() That One S****y NightA Chapter by MysteriousWhovian![]() Being trapped in a closet with the single-most person you've loathed since the 3rd grade.... What s**t is going to happen?![]() Seven Minutes in Heaven…. More like Seven Minutes in Hell. All those stories I hear about seven minutes in heaven goes like this, “oh, I'm a shy girl who has a crush on this cool guy… and oh, look! the bottle happened to land on me! yes, I finally have an excuse to kiss the boy of my dreams!” My first time playing was quite different, and you’ll see why. One, I am not a “shy girl” I might be “geeky” but not shy. geeky because I watch Doctor Who, and love to write, not because I get good grades, or because I’m not friends with anyone. I would like to say that I have a great little group of friends. But no one “popular” likes me because I do not hold my tongue when I am pissed. I went to all the school parties, but only if my Best Friend would go with me, so I wouldn’t have to “mingle”. I would hangout separate from everyone else talking to her. Anyways, this story all happened in one s**t-storm. I got to this party that “everyone” was going to, only to learn a half an hour later that none of my friends were coming, for reasons unknown. When I get there I hangout for a while, but when none of my friends show up, I just turned to leave. But this girl, I think her name is Bella, who has hated me since the 5th grade tapped my shoulder and said “Your not going are you? We’re about to play Seven Minutes in Heaven!” I could tell she was drunk because, as I said she's hated me for years. But before I could say no, she grabbed my arm and pulled me to this little circle in front of the couch. I sat kind of behind someone so I would have a lesser chance I being land on, so I was just watching as all the boys and girls that didn’t like me as much as I didn’t like them went into this little walk in closet for seven minutes. Time flew as I was texting my friend about how much on her made up scale that I wanted to kill myself, and also, her apologizing about not being able to make it, still didn’t know why, though. Through the night I would see random people get up with either happy, embarrassed, or sad faces on and stepping into the closet. For some people, the kids in the circle didn’t care about, and would just silently sit until the 7 minutes was up. But some people, as soon as they closed the closet door, the kids jumped up and put their ears against the door. I didn’t care about anything through the night, though, and didn’t notice when the girl I was sitting behind got up to go get some more beer. Then, it happened. I couldn’t care less what was happening outside of my phone screen, and I didn’t care if people thought I was being anti-social or some s**t. But out of no-where, the girl sitting next to me, well, diagonal of me, elbowed me in the arm and gestured to the middle of the circle. I put my phone down and looked in the middle of the circle. There was that foresaken beer bottle, pointing straight at me. The room fell silent. I said softly, mainly to the girl who elbowed me, “Who spun that?” She didn’t respond, but I heard some laughter from other kids. I looked up, and looked around. A boy lazily raised his hand, and I looked over. It was Iann. My heart dropped, he was the worst person I could’ve possibly been stuck in a room with. I saw him there, sitting with his feet slightly out in front of him, leaning on the couch that was behind him. I just thought of the times that he would actually speak to me in a normal school day. Once, it was because we were assigned a History project together. Second, was to tell me I looked like Maggie from the Walking Dead, which I haven’t seen. Third, was to tell me that I looked ridiculous in the T.A.R.D.I.S. jacket I was wearing. I snapped back into reality and sighed, started getting up, and putting my phone in the front pocket of my T.A.R.D.I.S. jacket, that yes, I was still wearing. I stood there and Iann didn’t move a muscle. “Well… come on, then” I said to get him to get off his a*s. “Ai’ght” He said, which I’m pretty sure meant Alright, but in Iann language. He slowly started to get up with a huge smile across his face. I started to move towards the closet that I was 70% sure was the closet we were supposed to go into. But behind me I heard laughing, so I stopped to turn around. I saw Iann and his buddies laughing and doing that weird boy-high five thing. Are they exited about him getting some action? because one, he ain’t getting any, and two, he makes out with girls all the time at school, I don't see the difference. When Iann finally started moving towards the closet, Bella got up and said “not so fast you two, there are no cellphones allowed in heaven.” She held her hand out, palm up. I sighed, and reached into my pocket, and handed my phone to her. I looked to Iann who was very slowly pulling out his humungous phone out of his front pants pocket. When he handed it to Bella, he looked as if His joints were being controlled by a puppet master with strings. I guess thats how the “cool” people hold themselves. I turned towards the closet, and pushed Iann forward because he was not moving again. He flinched, but started moving. He flung the closet door open, and walked inside. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. As soon as the door snapped shut, I heard everyone get up and run to the door. I looked around the closet. The closet was narrow, but long, with hanging clothes on both sides of me. At the end of the closet was a dresser, which Iann was leaning on with one foot on it. He was again, motionless. I leaned against the door, looking at the bare ceiling, and waiting for the seven minutes to be over. I could hear some whispering coming from the other side of the door, but I couldn’t make it out. I could hear Iann shuffling, too, so I looked down, away from the ceiling, to see Iann a few steps away from me. I flinched, not thinking he would want to come near me at all, and stopped leaning on the closet door. Iann put his finger over his mouth, and reached out to touch my arm with his other hand while getting dangerously close to me. His cold fingers graced down my arm sending shivers up my spine. I despised Iann, and there is no way in hell that I was going to let him kiss me. Iann got closer to me and I quickly put my hand a few inches away from my face. Iianns face hit my hand I pushed him away from me. He staggered while taking a few steps back before looking at me with a surprised face. I opened my mouth to say something, but he quickly put his finger over his lips again, and I realized that there are still people outside the closet door. I walked towards him quickly and pushed him against the dresser at the end off the closet. When I pushed him against it there was a loud thump sound, and I heard a few “ooooo”s from behind the door. Without thinking, I turned around and yelled, “Shut up!!” towards the door, and everything quickly turned quiet. I turned towards Iann with that stupid face of his, and I stood next to him, leaning against the dresser. “What do you think your doing”? I said in the quietist voice possible. “Me? What are you doing?” He answered back, also very quiet. “Do you really think I’m going to let you kiss me?” “Well, yea, everyone else does.” “Well, I’m not everyone else, I’m not going to let the biggest jerk in our school since 3rd grade kiss me just because we’re locked in a closet for seven minutes.” “Have you ever even been kissed before?” “………no…… But don’t change the subject.” “of course, you won’t let me kiss you because you’ve never done it before!” “sshhhhh!! No, it’s because I have loathed you ever since you stepped foot in our 3rd grade classroom for the first time, and nothing you could say is going to change that.” “Nothing I could say?” “No.” “Nothing?” “Nnn..” He grabbed my wrists and held them tightly below my waist. “Let go!” I yelled, well, in a yelling tone, I didn’t want any of those idiots out there to hear me. I tried to break loose of his hands, but all those times I decided to play video games instead of work out caught up with me. I couldn’t get away. He leaned in again, but this time I didn’t have anything to block him with. I then remembered that I had feet, so before he could touch me with his stupid lips, I kicked him as hard as I could in the shin. He flinched, but once again, I should’ve been working out instead of playing Skyrim all my life. He once again got really close to me, and out of fear I quickly blurted out towards the door, “Whats the damn time?!” I blurted. Iann flinched and looked back at the door, “Six and a half minutes! You guys still have plenty of time to give each other hickeys!” I rolled my eyes, and Iann had a concerning grin on his face when he turned back around. He got close again, and I decided to use my voice for distracting him again. “Ok, ok, hold up.” I said, once again not loud enough for our classmates to hear. Iann stopped, and loosened his hold on my wrists. “What?” “I don’t want my first kiss to be against my will. You obviously are not going to let me leave this damn closet with my “kissing virginity,” so I’ll tell you something, if you let go of me, I will kiss you, and then we’ll see where it goes from there.” Iann thought, lessening his grips on my wrists even more. “Alright, as long as you don't run away from me.” “There's no where to run to, idiot” He let go of my wrist, and I kinda shook them around a little, because I felt I was slowly loosing circulation in my hands with him holding them like that. He stood there, waiting for me to reach up and kiss him, with the most arrogant face on. Just looking at that face made me want to gag. “Just be warned, I’ve never done this before, so don't hold me accountable if it sucks.” He looked down and smiled, “I’ll teach you.” I rolled my eyes, but, that smile he made was the first time I actually saw him with a genuine expression on his face. It made me slightly less nauseated. I thought back on the times I’ve seen people kiss in the hallway at school, and tried to slightly copy it…. I really didn’t know what I was doing though. I took a deep breath in, went on my toes so I could actually reach his face, tilted my head slightly to the left, and slowly got closer and closer to him, until… our lips touched. I felt a chill go all throughout my body, as it happened. I aimed for his bottom lip, and thats exactly where I hit. I don't know how to explain it, but it felt as if he was trying to inhale my top lip, so I started to do the same thing with his bottom lip, my eyes were closed, so I didn’t know if his were, too, but I hoped they were. Soon Iann pushed against me, and I hit the dresser, but I didn’t care, I felt reality slip away from me as I continued to push against him with my wait. When that happened, I realized that breathing is a thing, and I let free his lip, and moved my face a few inches back, and looked up at Iann, as He looked down at me, and I wondered if he was going to try to kiss me again. I had an urge to stop, and reflect how my life came to this, but… I also didn’t want it to stop exactly, either. I took another deep breath in, and moved my face back towards his. He started kissing me harder, this time. Then it came, the tongue. I didn’t know how to deal with it, I felt that Ianns mouth started to open wider, so I decided to do the same, but when I did, the tongue retracted, and I realized that he wanted me to do the same thing. I slowly started slipping it in there, still not knowing what I was doing. His mouth closed in on my tongue, and I quickly returned my tongue into it’s natural habitat. Iann then went to kissing my bottom lip, which left me with his top lip, which again, I didn’t know what to do with. I mostly did the same thing I did with his bottom lip. I felt him kissing more passionately this time, as his hand slid up to touch my face, and he leaned in even closer. I thought I should do the same, so I started to move my hand up from my waist, but I stopped at his shoulder, and rested my hand on it. “Almost 3 minutes!” I heard from outside the closet door, and I paused to look at the door. I don’t know why, instinct, I guess. But before I knew it, Iann was back to shoving his tongue in my mouth. He started to mess with my hair, and gradually getting rougher with his body language. Before I knew it, both of my arms were around his neck, and we were so close together that I could hardly breathe. I paused for another breath, and to calm down because my heart was beating so hard I think China could’ve heard it. I released my arms from around his neck, and looked up at him. “So how was that?” I said, still woozy. “A+, I can’t believe you’ve never kissed someone before.” “I can’t believe that I kissed the guy that I’ve hated for eight years.” “Almost thirty seconds! hurry up and finish, lovebirds!” I heard from outside the door. Already? We were at it for a long time “Well, seems our session is coming to an end.” I said, walking past him, towards the door. “Hey,” he says, grabbing my arm as I passed him. “How about we schedule another session at my house?” “Hahaha!” I say, not believing what he’s saying. “Your asking me out? This… this was just because I won’t have to tell someone at a truth or dare game that my first kiss was against my will! Sure, sure… we got a little carried away but….” He cut me off again, kissing my harder than before, I stagger backwards at the pressure, but I stupidly kiss back. I pull away, though. I look at him, and catch my breath so I can actually speak a word. “Don’t you have a girlfriend?” I say “No” “wel….” The closet door sprung open, and I quickly pushed Iann a few feet away from me, and looked at the cluster of high schoolers that were behind that door. The same kid who was yelling out the times comes in and says “Alright, alright, your time is up! Come on out, you two!” I roll my eyes, yet again, and exit the closet, and look back at Iann that put on his “cool” persona, yet again. I snatch my phone out of Balla’s hand, and I check to see how blown up my phone is of spamming from my friends. Surprisingly not much, and I was super glad that I had a lock on my phone or else Bella would’ve gone through it. I paused at the end of the hallway that leads to the living room where there was a circle of people earlier. I leaned against the wall, and brought up an “add new contact” form thing in my contacts on my phone, and when Iann walked by, I slid my phone into his back pocket. He acted like he didn’t notice, but he had to of. I went and sat down behind another girl, and looked across the room at Iann who was in a corner on a phone, I could tell it was mine, but hopefully no one else could. When he finished he slid it back into his pocket, and I quickly jumped up. I went as if I was leaving, and I pulled my phone out Ianns back pocket, and casually walked out the front door. I walked to my car which was like a block away because I got to the “party” late. When I got to my car, I unlocked it, and got in, and put my keys in the ignition, but I didn’t turn it on. I instead opened my phone and saw that Iann put his number in my phone and named it “Hottie <3”. I quickly changed it to just “Iann”, and put my phone in the cup holder next to the driver seat. I turned my ignition on, but before I could pull back the brakes, I found Iann tapping on the window of my car on the passenger side. I rolled down the window and leaned over towards the now open window. “Can I help you?” I said. “It depends, may I get in?” I hesitated, but eventually motioned for him to get in. “So,” he said, “My ride ditched me, and I am way too lazy to call an uber or anything right now, and I was wondering if you could give me a ride home?” I looked at him for a long second, but eventually agreed. “Fine, but on one condition. You do not tell anyone about what happened in that forsaken closet.” He looked at me and smiled. “Ok. but on one condition…” “Hey! You can’t condition my condition!” I exclaimed. He put his finger over my lips, and continued talking. “You have to go out with me.” He said, and then took his finger off my lips. I paused. “You don’t have a girlfriend?” I asked “Nope, haven’t had one in a while.” “I don’t believe that, but... ok. one date, no more, no less.” “Great, how about at my house at eight, next Saturday?” “… alright, but you wont tell a single living soul?” Iann crossed his heart with his finger. “Cross my heart, and hope to die.” “Ok, then, whats your address?” © 2017 MysteriousWhovianAuthor's Note