![]() Chapter 3A Chapter by ZipTieThe first thought that
registered in Ashton’s mind was that he must have been in a basement. It was
cold, and smelled dank and musty. The only light came from a single naked bulb
in the middle of the ceiling, casting dark shadows in the corners of the room. “Finally decide to grace
us with your consciousness, I see,” said a scratchy voice somewhere behind him.
Ashton tried to turn around but he couldn’t move. Damn it, the old man had tied
him to a chair. He had bound his writs’ with duct tape, making his zip tie cut
into his skin. “I’ve passed out twice today, that must be some kind of
record,” Ashton said, hoping humor might miraculously lighten the old man’s
mood. It didn’t.
The man walked to the corner and dragged a stool behind him when he came back.
Its rusted metal legs screeched across the cement floor. He
cleared his throat and pulled out an old army knife. Ten inches long and
sharpened to a deadly edge. “Now, the way I see it you’ve got two options. You
can either talk, or I can make you talk.” He paused to see
what effect his words were having. Ashton didn’t even
flinch. He kept his face calm, the way he’d been taught. “And if you can’t make
me talk?” he challenged. The old man gave him a
wicked smile. “You enjoy being a boy, don’t you? Cos’ if not I can fix that
real quick, free of charge.” Nothing in his tone said he was bluffing. Ashton swallowed hard and
cringed on the inside. This was not going the way he wanted it to. “How about we do it this
way, I ask you a question and every time you don’t answer, or you give me a
load of B.S., you lose an appendage? Sounds nice, doesn’t it? First question,
who are you?” “Well, some of my
favorite hobbies include pissing people off"” He leapt from the stool
and grabbed Ashton’s hand. “You wanna lose a finger, boy?” He held the knife
under his pinky. It was barely touching his skin but already blood was welling
up around the blade. “What is your name?” “Ashton. If you had asked
that question the first time"” He backhanded Ashton across
the cheek. “Don’t be a smartass.” “May I ask your name,
kind sir?” he spat. “No,” he growled. “How
did you get here?” “Well, I believe what
happens, kind sir, is that two people, a man and"” The man’s hand cracked
across his cheek again. “Damn it! How did you get to London?” he asked
impatiently. “An’ if you call me ‘kind sir’ one more time I’ll cut your ear
off. You can call me Baxter.” he added. “I walked,” he said,
which was the truth. The ship took him just outside of London. He had walked into
town. “Don’t give me that. The
whole damn town is up at Garvey’s place talkin’ ‘bout U.F.O’s, and here you
come, waltzin’ into town like ain’t nothin’ wrong when anyone within five miles
of this place knows that somethin’ is most definitely wrong, and you’re gonna
sit here an’ tell me you ain’t got nuttin’ to do with it?” “U.F.O’s?” “Yes, I said U.F.O’s. And
I know you’ve somethin’ to do with it. You an’ that girl Vic
done brought up from the highway"”
“Wait, what girl?”
“The one that was so conveniently found at the scene of the crash just a few
hours before it happened. She’s just as guilty as you are.”
Ashton was positive that she was here now. It couldn’t have been anyone else.
“Where is she now?” he asked urgently.
Baxter snorted. “Like I’ll tell you. You already got enough outta
me.” He got up from his stool and turned to leave.
“Wait!” he pleaded, but Baxter was already headed up the stairs. He flicked the
light switch on his way up and Ashton was engulfed in darkness.
Garvey spit into the dirt. “Did I stutter? I said TALK! How do you know this
place, right here where the path ends?”
“This was where Vic found me,” she said softly.
“Louder!” he shouted, tobacco spit flying from his mouth.
“Garvey, now there ain't no sense in this. Put the gun down,” Vic said calmly.
Garvey didn’t lower the gun. He kept his eyes trained on Carter when he spoke.
“She said that you found her here. This exact spot! That ain't no coinc’dence!
I want to know what she’s doin’ here and I want to know now!”
If Carter had been anybody else she’d have been trembling but she stood strong.
If she was a wreck on the inside she didn’t show it. “I lost my memory"”
“How damn convenient! You remember, don’t give me that bull s**t! Girl, you’ve
got a gun pointed at your head, I suggest you start tellin’ the truth real
quick like.”
“She is tellin’ the truth! If you’d stop jumpin’ to conclusions
and pointin’ guns at people’s heads you’d know that.” Vic paused before going
on. “Now how about you put the gun down and we go on up to the house an’ talk.”
Garvey grumbled. “She goes first. An’ if she does anythin’ funny I’ll shoot.”
He shoved his gun against her shoulder and they began to walk, Vic in the back.
It was like walking through a mine field, one wrong step and BOOM!
A few hundred feet away from the house they heard shouting and Vic cursed under
his breath. Word had gotten out and the whole town had gathered in Garvey’s
yard. All heads turned when they saw them coming. The he faces were a mixture
of terror and anger. And then there was Neon, leaning against a post on the
porch, a crooked grin on his face. Carter was happy to see a familiar face in
the crowd, even if it was his.
“What the hell is this?” Vic demanded.
A short woman with wispy white hair shoved her way to the front of the crowd.
She stood just over four feet tall but she commanded everyone’s attention no
different than a giant. “You know what this is, Vic! It’s a town defendin’
themselves against the likes of the Devil.
Vic groaned. “Carol, this is a mob you’ve gathered! What are you afraid of?
Her?”--he pointed at Carter--“She’s a fifteen year old girl an’ you’ve got
everyone terrified of her! You’ve done some crazy things before but this is
crossing a line.”
“Do you hear him? Lies!” she hissed. “He’s trying to turn you
against me! That girl is the Devil and she’s bringin’ her demons down on our
town!” The crowd roared in agreement. “She’s an alien an’ Vic brought her
“Now, stop this! This is madness! You can’t go around accusin’ people of bein’
aliens and the Devil!” The vein in the side if Vic’s neck throbbed.
“There ain’t nothin’ you can say to convince me that she ain’t the cause of
“Is this how you show southern hospitality? Someone new comes along and you
start a mob, accusin’ people of being an Alien?”
“This is more that someone new comin’ to town, Vic an’ you know it.”
“Have all of you lost your mind? She’s just a girl! Does she look
like an alien to you?”
No one had an answer to that. They grew quiet until Carol spoke up. The fury in
Carol’s eyes could melt metal. “You’ve betrayed your own town. You, who are
supposed to be protecting it, betrayed it to this--this thing!” She
had started out with a deadly calm to her voice, but it rose to a shout at the
“Look at yourselves! Do you hear what you’re saying? Everybody just calm down
and think for a second! She is not the enemy here. I don’t
know who is, but I’m damn sure it isn’t her.” He took a deep breath to calm
himself. Thankfully people seemed to be listening.
Carol was seething. She’d lost her control over the crowd and they were
starting to see sense. “This is not over. Somethin’ was
started here today that you can’t stop, Vic. When all is said an’ done people
will see. They will see how I was right and you were wrong.” She stormed away
and slammed the door to her car. A second later the engine started and she
floored it, kicking up gravel as she sped down the driveway.
The crowd departed, each one getting into their cars and leaving. The only
person who stayed behind was Neon. “Nothing like a good riot to get your blood
pumping.” Nobody laughed.
“You mind lowering your gun now, Garvey?” Vic asked.
He grumbled and said something under his breath, but he did lower the gun.
“You’re not welcome here. Now get before I shoot ya fer tresspassin’.” He
stomped up the steps and slammed his screen door.
Baxter came down twice more that night. Once to bring him food--a piece of
cheese on stale bread--and once to let him use the bathroom. He refused to talk
when Ashton asked him any questions, his only reply was the occasional smack
across the face. Ashton’s face was beginning to look like he’d been trampled by
a horse.
He had to get out of here. Every second that he spent in this basement was more
time that Carter was up there alone. He no longer thought that this town wasn’t
a threat. He had the bruises to prove it.
The only way out was up the stairs and through the house, and he had no doubt
that Baxter stood guard at the top of the stairs. He could hear him snoring
when he fell asleep. But even if Baxter wasn’t guarding the stairs it would
take forever to get out of his restraints. Luckily he’d been trained in that
His hands were tied and duct taped behind his back and his legs had been bound
to the chair legs. Rope wound tightly around his torso. He waited for Baxter to
fall asleep before he started in case he made enough noise to alert him. He flexed all of his
muscles and worked on pulling his feet away from the chair, and his hands
apart. He stopped for a second to catch his breath and then did it again. He
took a huge gulps of air and forced them out, expanding his chest. The ropes
got just slightly looser around him, but it was enough. He used the chair legs
to kick off his shoes and the movement loosened the bonds on his feet enough to
slide them out. With his feet free he was able to scoot the chair back to the
wall. The legs scraped lightly
against the floor, nothing like the stool, but still. His heart was pounding so
loud he thought Baxter must have heard it. There was a deafening roar in his
hears and he was almost scared that he wouldn’t be able to hear if Baxter stopped
snoring. He used the wall to help
scrape the duct tape off his hands and loosen the ropes. His wrists were being
rubbed raw but he kept going. If Baxter came down now there was no way he could
hide the evidence of his attempted escape. Finally the ropes were just loose
enough for him to squeeze his hands out. The zip tie got caught on the ropes
but a sharp tug pulled it free. He gave a sigh of relief
and quickly slid out from under the ropes binding his chest. Freedom! He
wanted to shout with glee but he knew that if he did Baxter would wake up. He
couldn’t risk being caught now. Instead he looked around
the room for something heavy. It was hard to see because Baxter had
the lights off but finally his hands met something cold. He slid his hands up
and down it until he figured out what it was. A fire extinguisher. He smiled
and lifted it in one hand. He slowly walked to the wall created by the stairs
and flattened himself against it. “Hey, BAXTER!” He
shouted. Baxter
gave a startled snort and started down the stairs. “What now?” Wait
for it. Wait, wait, NOW! Baxter reached the bottom
of the steps and flicked on the lights just as Ashton swung the fire
extinguisher at his head. The extinguisher connected with a hollow dink and
Baxter dropped to the floor. Ashton dropped the fire extinguisher and bolted up
the stairs. He didn’t have time to think as he ran through the house; he just
blindly turned the corners and hoped he was going the right way. The house went
by in a blur and suddenly he was throwing the door open and tearing down the
street. He took in gasping breaths of air, glad that they didn’t smell like
mildew. He was free. Finally, he was free and he could find
her. © 2013 ZipTie |
Added on July 22, 2013 Last Updated on July 22, 2013 Author |