Fraility, Purification, and TruthA Story by ZeuxisStory about an excommunicated paladin of the Silver Flame in the dnd campaign setting of Eberron. Full of adventure, fights, and apathy!He woke up in the messy straw bed he'd been staying in for more than a month now. In his mind he thought of days long behind him and how now his life seemed but a pitiful excuse of what he strived for in his younger days. As he slowly rose from what had felt like his grave lately he went to the wrecked dresser in the room and got his clothes. Still as pristine as ever with his Silver Flame emblem shining as a bright beacon of some hope to himself. Toilsomely did he dismount the stairs to the tavern below. The regular faces were all there and they seemed so happy to see him. All greeting him with his name as he saw them. "Zeuxis! How was your sleep good man?" Madalene the barmaid said with an absolute glow on her face. "Fine." Zeuxis replied with little emotion behind his words. "Looking as good as ever with your messy red bed head and dull blue eyes!" Madalene joked. Zeuxis took his normal seat near the end of the bar next to various people he had met before. The Greasy Tankard has a pretty regular customer base being in such a small suburb outside of any major city of a once great country. This could be anywhere to Zeuxis. Anywhere but the place he wanted to be. With a small flash of his hand and coin Zeuxis got his usual drink and with great voracity he drank it down making a gesture for another. His mind was inexplicitably empty. Feeling as if a million thoughts were running through it, but nothing sticking on it. "Why didn't I kill it?" Was just one of the many thoughts that lingered for a second, but as soon as it stuck Zeuxis answered it himself. All this throughout the many conversations with people he considered to be good and friends from the past weeks at the bar. Hours passed and Zeuxis remained at the bar listening to Denkle, the bard who Zeuxis frequently had late night conversations with. A Bard of some skill his tunes breathed life into The Greasy Tankard for there wasn't a soul that disliked his tunes. He was especially on his game today thought Zeuxis as his foot kept beat as his hand ordered another drink.
Madalene came over with his drink and started talking about her various stresses of the day. "Can you believe that drunken lout actually touched my butt!? If I didn't need this job I tell you I'd give him a piece of mind!" She said so visibly irrate of not only her situation, but the situation of The Greasy Tankard as a whole. "Don't be angry with people who you should pay no mind to." Zeuxis said staring at his drink. He would never admit it, but he loved listening to Madalene's problems. She really deserved so much better than she had. Zeuxis thought as he began taking a large drink of the ale when he heard the doors open with such a crash he spilled some of his drink directly on the center of his light blue shirt. Normally Zeuxis paid no mind to those entering or exiting the bar, but it was so abnormal how this woman opened the doors almost everyone had their eye on her. She was a woman in a beautiful black robe with slight orange trim on the top half of the dress. Her face was quite ravishing thin and gaunt with a small nose and auburn hair dropping down to her shoulders. Fair skin and a lithe body, she was quite spectacle. As chance would have it the seat next to Zeuxis was open and she ran to the bar and sat down next to him. "So, you a regular here? What's good?" She turned to him and asked. As he opened his mouth to reply she began again with a small chuckle. "Heh, is that a Silver Flame symbol on your shirt? What are you some kind of priest?" Laughing as she got to the end of her question. "Yes. Personally I like the ale. Yes and no I'm not anything anymore." She grimmaced, ordered an ale and with an ironic tone. "Well aren't you just loads of fun?" Zeuxis couldn't help but smile at that and quickly retorted. "I have been lately." The hustle of the bar was still moving, but to Zeuxis it was as still as always until he looked up at the woman who walked in and into her eyes. His heart immediately skipped a beat and he tried to look back down yet couldn't. Her eyes were shifting from a stunning green to an indescribable blue and right outside the iris the most beautiful ring of amber he had ever seen seemed to be dancing around it so playfully. Zeuxis was completely dumbfounded the geyser of thoughts that normally went through his head was bone dry and he had nothing as good as those eyes to say. "So, what's your name?" He said as calmly as he could. "I really don't have one at the moment, but you can call me Tangerine." She said with wide grin on her face. "Tangerine eh? Quite fitting for one so bright." Zeuxis said almost instinctively. She laughed and half smiled. "Me bright? I'm darkest woman you'll ever meet mister!" Zeuxis leaned back from the bar still looking at Tangerine. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Zeuxis." "Well you look like a strong sort. Do you know how to use a blade?" Tangerine asked Zeuxis as he shifted his hand off the bar onto his belt. "Yes, I'm alright." Zeuxis understated as he spent most of his childhood with a sword in his hand and in study of how to defeat opponents of various sizes and strengths. "Well do you have one already?" "Yes, it's up in my room." "Good! I could tell you were a strong man just by your demeanor." She said with a coy smile transforming into a huge grin on her face. A smile that made Zeuxis' feet feel cold. "I was supposed to pick up a package on the other side of the docks, but with all the strange happenings lately at night I was a little afraid to head over by myself. Would a big strong man like yourself help a small frail woman such as myself?" Every word she grew closer to Zeuxis who remained as still as ever. "You shouldn't underestimate yourself. Yes, I'll do it. I wasn't planning on doing anything besides drinking and waiting for Denkle to finish his set to have a nightcap with him." Tangerine was practically hugging Zeuxis at this point her arms running up his body to his chest. Not knowing what to do Zeuxis slowly and almost roboticly put her arms down off his chest and put the distance they originally shared between them. Zeuxis quickly rose from his stool. "One second please." He turned away from Tangerine and suited up in his ornate half-plate from upstairs. He put on each piece delicately starting from top to bottom. It felt heavy, Zeuxis hadn't been wearing nearly as much as he used to. He got dressed quickly and bent over to grab his sword which he laid on every night under the straw bedding. It unsheathed beautifully with the cross-like hilt gleaming in the candle light. It's been too long. Zeuxis thought to himself briefly then headed back downstairs to meet with Tangerine again. She stood at the bottom of the banister and suddenly a rush of those thoughts came flooding back to Zeuxis. It felt so overwhelming the feeling of absolutely nothing contrasted with all the emotions running through him right now. "So where is this place and package?" Zeuxis said coolly as he strapped his sword around his waist and walked calmly down the stairs. "Oh it isn't too far. Here, while you were gone I wrote some directions and please be careful strong knight." Tangerine once again got close to Zeuxis as she slipped him the note and wished him well and goodbye. Zeuxis was at odds he often felt like he had nothing good to say, but now he felt like he had too many good things to say at once. So many things he wanted to say, but in a lot of ways felt completely out of place. "Don't worry I will." The knight said preferring to keep it short and sweet stressing that saying too much may give away his feelings that he couldn't begin to understand for this woman. Walking out of The Greasy Tankard and into the streets of Thurimbar his armor made loudly audible steps on the fine stonework streets. It was already twilight and Zeuxis wondered how he spent his day and questioned what he was really doing now. Slowly he took out the small piece of paper that she had slipped to him. He knew exactly where it was as the directions were quite detailed. The streets were extremely lifeless on this night. Not a soul laid on the streets of this town besides a group of thuggish gnomes and him. Zeuxis tipped his head at the gnomes' direction who were all laughing and carrying on with their night of merriment. Passing the lively architecture of Thurimbar had little effect on Zeuxis. The only thing in his mind was how different it was than the buildings of his childhood. Zeuxis crossed over the docks of Thurimbar quickly still questioning what exactly he was doing and why. All he really knew was he wanted to see Tangerine again as strange as it sounded in his head. He came to what he thought to be the specific alley the note would suggest. Zeuxis smelled the note one last time before he went down the alley and put it away. It was a sweet smell one that he would relate back to that beautiful woman. It was her scent he couldn't of smelled it in that musty bar, but he would never forget it now. As he began down the path darkness seemed to close around him as he went deeper and deeper in. The sounds of rocks falling from the rooftops made him feel uneasy in such a place, but he was fearless and continued on towards a small candle a few hundred yards away. As he began to approach the candle he made out two gnomes both wearing all black with a few leather straps around their chests both were armed and both didn't seem like the sort that he'd like to associate with. One came up to Zeuxis and said "Did da woman send some lackey again?" Right then Zeuxis felt like he had put himself in an absurdly stupid situation. "Yes, I was sent here by a woman who called herself Tangerine to pick up a package." Zeuxis never felt more like a fool than when those words came out of his mouth. "So do ya have da payment?" The one in front of Zeuxis said sizing him up as the one behind drew an armed crossbow from his hip. Zeuxis stepped back in an instant and put his hand onto his sword. "She never mentioned any payment and I don't want any trouble." Zeuxis said with a bead of sweat running down the side of his face wondering what in the silver blazes he just got himself into. "Look at him he got ta Silver Flame on his chest he'll rat on us for sure." The one in the back said quickly with the crossbow still aimed in Zeuxis' direction. The one in front grimly shook his head at his friend with the crossbow then whistled and Zeuxis immediately drew his sword. The crossbow bolt flew and hit Zeuxis right below his left hip. Zeuxis' sword fell fast on the gnome in front of him cleanly slicing the throat of his would be assailant as he tried to draw a concealed dagger. As the body and blood of the gnome fell to the floor Zeuxis could hear the running of people to the battle behind him. During his turn the other gnome had already reloaded and let another bolt fly hitting Zeuxis' armor, but flying errant to the side with a loud 'twang'. After the unsuccessful shot Zeuxis advanced as the gnome dropped his crossbow whistled again and drew a small short sword. Zeuxis could feel the men coming on his heels yet he pressed forward focusing only on the opponent in front of him. Seeing the wound's effect on the man's movement the gnome lunged hoping to exploit his opponent's weakness more striking his left leg, but Zeuxis quickly parried the blow and connected a solid slice down the gnome's right arm. The gnome dropped his sword instantly with blood running all along his arm. He whistled again and almost simultaneously Zeuxis heard a huge crash right behind him and felt the earth quake below his feet. Right behind him stood an absolute juggernaut of a warforged who stood at least a foot and a half above Zeuxis wearing a vibrant roseate cloak. The sound and the vibrations through the ground shook everyone in the alley. Zeuxis, the gnome in front of him, and the two gnomes that were advancing on his rear. All eyes were on the behemoth that laid before them and without hesitation he drew a massive broadsword and swung it wildly cutting one of the two gnomes behind Zeuxis clearly in two completely chopping through the man's sternum. As quickly as he fell the first gnome he lifted it and swung it again right down the other one's skull. The gnome in front of Zeuxis just darted down the alley and Zeuxis stood sword drawn at what looked like an unwinnable fight. The warforged turned around his long red cape still falling from the two blows he landed and with his blank yellow lifeless eyes he said "Are you harmed citizen?" Zeuxis was utterly perplexed this night just kept getting stranger. Why did he leave the bar again? Was the only thought in his head. "I'm fine." Zeuxis said as he pulled out the bolt from his left hip in a quick jerk and then laid his hands on his wound as it began to close up biting his tongue throughout the whole process. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" Zeuxis said not lowering his sword for an instant. Seeing the absolute ferocity and destructive force of this [i]thing[/i] it made Zeuxis uneasy just being around it. "Have no fear Cape is here!" The warforged said with a roar. "Are you good or evil?" It asked with it's head turned slightly to the side making it look quite inquisitive. "I'm Zeuxis, excommunicated paladin of the Silver Flame. Thanks for the assistance I didn't know what I stepped into here." Zeuxis very fluidly sheathed his weapon, hoping it wasn't his last mistake. "Pleasure to meet you citizen! I've been tracking that band of thieves for the past few nights. They've been shifting in and out of the docks obviously waiting for someone. Would you like to help me vanquish their little band? You seem to be the capable sort and a good soul at that! I can tell." "Thanks for the compliment, but I need to get back to the woman who sent me here." "Tangerine was her name?" The warforged replied immediately. "Yes. I need to know why she sent me here." "Perhaps she's the missing link to the band! It's my duty to investigate this further citizen. So either I can stalk you or walk by your side." Zeuxis took a cautious step back from the monstrous machine in front of him. "Sure, but can you guarantee to behave?" The paladin asked lining the bodies of the fallen gnomes side by side along the alleyway. Under normal circumstances he would turn their corpses to the authorities, but these were far from normal circumstances. While doing this Zeuxis found a pouch with several small glowing blue shards in the pocket of the gnome he fell. He quietly put them away without Cape noticing this is most likely why he was put in such a perilous situation. This warforged slew those gnomes like it was his job he must have several other murders to his name as well. The last thing Zeuxis wanted now was to try to get into an argument about authority with that thing. "Citizen, no need to fret I am the model of righteousness!" Cape said lightheartedly almost as if the events that transpired never happened. The two headed back through the city walking at a brisk pace. Zeuxis' mind was racing as always, but with ideas of what could've been that woman's motive. What would she had gained if Zeuxis died? Did she somehow know he wouldn't? Perhaps this monster beside him was also working for her? It did know her name after all. After about half an hour Zeuxis finally came up with the nerve to actually say something to the warforged. Zeuxis preferred silence, but he just had too many questions that he needed answered at the moment. "So, do you know Tangerine?" Zeuxis asked hesitatedly never taking his eyes from straight ahead of him. "No, I just heard her name from the rooftops waiting to get the drop on those villainous rogues!" The construct said in a loud booming voice obviously waking up some of the people dwelling in the houses around them. The trip back to The Greasy Tankard felt a lot longer than the trip out. Anticipation was filling every bone in Zeuxis' body although he didn't let it show through in the least bit. Zeuxis opened the door and walked in quietly only to hear Denkle call out his name. "Zeuxis! You missed one hell of a show buddy!" Denkle came running to the door then fell on his a*s when he saw the steel giant's yellow eyes behind Zeuxis. "U-uh, who's y-your f-f-friend here Zeuxis and why are you two covered in blood?" Every inch of Denkle was quaking with the huge machine man who was almost three times his size in front of him. "His name is Cape and he saved my life from some trouble just now. Not to keep this conversation brief Denkle, but do you remember that woman I was talking to earlier?" Denkle got up from the ground and brushed himself off still looking uneasy with sweat beading off his bald head. "Yeah, that beauty with the red hair. She told me that she was going to wait for you in your room.... but I suggest you clean up a little before going to a classy lady like that." Zeuxis stroked his forehead with his index finger and thumb. "Thanks Denkle, but don't get mixed up in this. It's a headache." In a spilt second Zeuxis turned back to Cape. "Can you please stay outside? You kind of attract a lot of attention in here." Cape without moving at all said in a quiet tone. "I'll be watching you." A shiver ran down Zeuxis' spine for a moment and then he started back up stairs trying to avoid the gaze from the owner who was tending the bar. He opened the door to his room hoping to see Tangerine, but sadly the only thing that was left was an oranately sealed letter on the dresser. Immediately he picked it up and smelled it. It was obvious in an instant to Zeuxis that it was from Tangerine. Zeuxis opened the note with the utmost of care slicing the letter's string delicately with the tip of his sword. The letter opened up with three folds and the print on the note was quite large. "Sorry I couldn't give what the conqueroring hero deserves sweetie, but I needed to leave. Meet me on The Aqua Alive. It's a ship that'll only be in tomorrow so don't miss me sweetie. -T" Zeuxis folded up the note and went back outside. Part of him was furious that she wasn't there and unable to answer to her nefarious deed and another part just wanted to see her eyes again. Right as Zeuxis stepped outside he could hear loud rustling in the alley besides The Greasy Tankard and Cape appeared from the darkness. "She left a letter telling me to meet her on a ship tomorrow. I don't know if I can trust this." Zeuxis said taking out the letter and his eyes were fixated onto it. "We must! It's the only clue we have!" Cape said stating the obvious. "I suppose you're right, but I need to sleep my head is killing me." Zeuxis said feeling uneasy in the pit of his stomach and a constant throbbing in the front of his mind. It was already well past midnight and Zeuxis was already exhausted he really had become soft in only two months away from the church. "I'll be awaiting your arrival back in the world of the living Zeuxis." Cape said and with a flash bolted away down the alley he came out of. Zeuxis questioned why he let Cape know exactly what was going on in his life as he still couldn't trust him completely. It never hurt to have someone watch his back especially when he could be walking directly into another ambush like earlier. Quite lazily he went back up to bed, put his sword under the straws and laid down for the night. It took him a couple hours of running the day's events over and over again before he wistfully fell to sleep. Zeuxis was sitting at his usual place at the bar. She was right next to him, but her eyes looked completely different. Her hair was wild and going in every direction. He realized right away this must be a dream, but he couldn't control his actions. He put his arm around her shoulders and looked into her eyes. It was like two giant suns gleaming into his soul he felt at peace like only before in the presence of the grand flame itself. Then they both whispered "Night." to each other as they both closed their eyes. Zeuxis put his head ontop of hers and could feel her chest expanding with every breath her forehead throbbing with every heartbeat. Soon he felt himself breathing in the same pattern and his heart copied her rythmic beat as well. He thought he could be like this forever. Together in this darkness. A bright light and a rooster's call woke Zeuxis to the beckon of the new day. He got up and ready hastily. It was strange, but finally Zeuxis felt good having some purpose and reason behind his actions. He never had a woman invade his dream like the beauty of yesterday, but he had to remain conscious of her deceit and trickery. A pretty face can be the most deadliest he remembered from his training at the monastery. His armor felt lighter today if nothing else it felt good being underneath his second skin. As he dismounted the stairs to the tavern below he did not even make note of Madalene who tried to stop him for a quick chat. She frowned in dismay as he walked out the door. Something in her bones told her that would be the last time seeing the graceful, quiet paladin. Walking to the docks Zeuxis could feel Cape's presence trailing him. Even in broad daylight the behemoth of the warforged could remain concealed upon the lofty rooftops of Thurimbar. Obviously he didn't prefer contact with the mortal races. A feeling Zeuxis sympathized with greatly. The docks at high noon are bustling with movement and life. All races of different creeds and of colors meet together here in Zilargo to go everywhere across Khoravaire. In the water before Zeuxis laid The Aqua Alive a ship stretching over one hundred meters long with two sets of giant sails rolled up in port. Zeuxis approached the ship cautiously and came up to the boarding platform only to be stopped by a half elven seaman wearing a turquoise bandanna with no shirt and tattered brown shorts. "Pass. Now." The man said with an extremely stern face uncharacteristic of his appearance. Not fully understanding the demand Zeuxis went to pass onto the ship only to meet the end of the man's rapier at his throat. Falling on his back foot the paladin instinctively bull rushed the man knocking him into the sea. That was a very negative first impression to give the crew of The Aqua Alive, one very unlike Zeuxis to make. Though when he boarded he was applauded with laughter from the crew and another half elf came up to him with a bottle in hand. "Haha that little prick deserved that one he did! Welcome to The Aqua Alive, I'm her captain Cantian!" Like a dancer the captain moved from side to side with impeccable balance his green jacket blowing in the wind as the ruffles of his shirt danced from side to as he moved from foot to foot. Obviously drunk out of his mind the captain stumbled for a second brushing up against Zeuxis and his long blonde hair blew into the paladin's view. In a quick step Zeuxis put around five feet between him and the captain and said with a clashing face. "I'm Zeuxis, pleasure to meet you. I'm looking for a woman who goes by the name Tangerine." The half elf chuckled and danced around a bit more and pulled out the letter Tangerine left him the night before. "Oooh looks like someone looking for a crush! So beautiful and lovely penmanship too." He said all while dancing and laughing while Zeuxis couldn't help but blush and look down at the ground. "Hehe struck a nerve didn't I?" Cantian continued to dance and poke fun at the paladin. "I need to see her again. She owes me an explanation." Said Zeuxis looking at Cantian's wild hazy green eyes. "Well, she has been riding on my ship for the past couple weeks and despite my best efforts I haven't been able to bed her! She'll be here later tonight though. I'm telling you though if you want to get her you'll have to get behind me though pal. Stay and have a drink! If nothing else I'm sure you'll be quite the useful crew mate." Zeuxis felt more than uneasy taking the stranger's advice. From what Cape had said these rambunctious oafs could be extremely dangerous criminals. Still Zeuxis demanded answers for the night before and staying on the ship was the only way to get them. Despite the sorry look of the crew the ship seemed to be in impeccable shape. Walking around the deck the sun began to scorch his face so he decided to take a trip down into the galley of the ship. The sweet smell of food made the pits of the paladin's stomach rumble. Had it really been more than a day before he last ate? He had no choice but follow his urge to try to get a bite of eat. In the kitchen bottles of wine lined both of the top shelves and behind a giant pot where the beautiful aroma emanated from, a rugged man completely focused on mixing the pot who was well over six feet tall. With curly black hair out in every direction and a wild untamed beard he glanced up for a second to see who walked into his kitchen with his one good eye. Greeting the guest with a grimace he pulled the ladle out and filled a bowl out to the top. "Eat up. Be thankful for scraps dog." Zeuxis gladly took the bowl and immediately said, "Thanks, it looks and smell delicious. You must be quite the chef.". "When you sail as long as I have you see things, lose things, and gain some skills. I just chose cooking." With a smile and a nod he began to slurp the stew straight from the bowl. Having such nourishment made him feel whole like he hadn't for a couple weeks. Ale and bar food just doesn't compare to a real chef's work. He cleaned the bowl in seconds flat. "So what's your name ingenious chef?" Zeuxis asked more satisfied than he had been in weeks. "Cookie." The surly man said readjusting his eyepatch. Zeuxis and Cookie sat in silence and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company for a few hours when crashes from above brought Zeuxis back up to the deck. Cookie stayed below and tended to his stew still fixated on his meal. On the surface of the ship there was quite the war raging. It consisted of Cape, the barbaric warforged taking wild swings at the cunning Cantian as he dodged each blow which would certainly end his careless ways with the utmost of skill. "Nice sword you got there, maybe you can hit something with it!" Cantian said in jest as Cape accidentally struck another crew mate leaving him bleeding on the side of the ship. "Villainous rogue! Taste my steel!" Cape roared as the sun shown on his light blue metallic skin which contrasted against the bright red of the drapes. Each swing Cantian dodged like Cape's cape blew in the wind. One huge horizontal strike from the greatsword of Cape that was dodged expertly by a leap by Cantian. With another swig of his bottle of wine Cantian used his wits to land a beautiful strike from his rapier stabbing the fierce warforge right below his right arm. "Got you!" The warforged exclaimed as it grabbed the captain. "Stop! Easy Cape!" Zeuxis ran up shouting to break up the duel between the two. Cape relaxed for a second and Cantian slipped out of the arms of the savage construct. In an instant Zeuxis was on the man who was injured in the chaos of the battle and just as quick he healed the man before he bled to death on the ship. "Cape! What in the depths of Khyber do you think you're doing!?" The fire in Zeuxis's eyes seemed like he was ready to attack the creature that assisted him but the night before. "Haha! Don't blame the machine man! He was just looking for you. Twas' I who challenged the beast to the fight, would've had the mindless ape if you hadn't interfered too!" Cantian defused the situation as quickly as Zeuxis reacted. "Have you met that nefarious wench yet mighty and merciful knight?" Cape came to Zeuxis with a few steps that shook the ground of the ship and sheathed his mighty sword. "No, but she must come before nightfall else the ship will set sail." As he replied to Cape a voice from behind interjected into their conversation. "Is that your dog you dirty altruist?" Said the swashbuckler that Zeuxis knocked into the water earlier. "Name's Lucchese and I won't forgive you for that affront earlier!" "Lucchese, step down before you get yourself murdered you ill-witted dumbass." Cantian scolded. "He may be the lieutenant of my merry band, but he really is a fool!" The captain said laughing at his first mate. Lucchesse glared angrily at Zeuxis, but fell in line with Cantian's words. The sun began to set and Zeuxis felt like he had been set up once again by that woman. He and Cape sat side by side and despite the hastiness of this warforged he was growing on Zeuxis. As Zeuxis thought this Cape turned his head toward Zeuxis and tilting it to the side he asked. "So, what do you plan on doing when you see Tangerine?" "I'm going to ask why she put me in such a precarious position? Why me?" "I think it's because she fancies you myself haha!" Cantian stepped in and threw his two copper pieces into Zeuxis' introspective questioning. "I mean look at you, the stalwart honorable paladin of the flame and the devious promiscuous woman who uses her body as a tool, opposites attract as they say!" As much as Zeuxis didn't want Cantian's words to be true he felt the sting of his accurate assessment all too well. The sun was setting and right as it began to slip in the horizon a silhouette broke the orange of the sun making the figure look like a standing shadow. It was her. Zeuxis sprang up off the ground and stood straight as an arrow and walked over to her. "You almost killed me." Zeuxis stated bluntly. With a great grin spanning across her whole face showing off her perfect smile she said "Oh, my valiant knight! I knew you wouldn't die. Please I need you, I need your help, your skill, your bravery, your--" "Save your words. You talk far too much. What is wrong with you?" Zeuxis stopped the beauty mid sentence, her eyes welled up with artificial tears and she shrieked "They're after me! I need someone to protect me!". Out of the corner of his eye he saw Cantian place his palm over his face, take another swig of wine and smile. Zeuxis gave as blank as a stare as Cape and they both said at the same time. "Don't cry." Then they both took their eyes off the woman for a second as they turned to each other and Zeuxis began again. "Who's after you?" "Evil b*****d troupe of monks, they'll hunt me down where ever I go. Just because I'm me!" Tears streaming down her face still she was completely unashamed of them as they hit the floor of the ship. Hours passed and the whole crew, new passengers included, went below deck to Cookie's magnificent feast of stew, fried fish, loaves of bread, and several steamed vegetables. Cookie was the only member of the crew not stuffing their face with Cantian at the head of the table. With unmatched grace Cantian rose from his chair and with a silver spoon tapped the side of his glass filled with wine. "Well, I know we have some new faces aboard, but our mission stays the same crew. To the jewel of the Lazhaar Principalities or die!" The ragtag crew mates all went crazy from two sentences. All of them howling like wolves at the moon. Zeuxis slipped out of the dining hall annoyed by all the noise. He saw Tangerine and Lucchesse necking around the corner as Cookie took drag after drag off his giant self-rolled cigar down the hall by the stairs. Deciding to turn away from Tangerine Zeuxis stood next to Cookie and asked "So, you know where I'm staying tonight?". Cookie exhaled a large billowing puff of thick smoke and said with a slight cough "With the rest of the grunts in the belly of the ship. Hope a fancy fellow like yourself don't mind a little sweat n' stink.". "I've slept in worse conditions. Don't worry about a fancy fellow like me." Zeuxis said with a sly smile and Cookie couldn't help but grin with his words used against him. Cape was on top of the deck swinging his sword like a wild animal. Taking each step, jump, and violent swing with the utmost of seriousness. The moonlight gave a slight glint off his skin, but he was moving so fast he was really just a blur and cape in the darkness. Thrust, swing, upper slice. Each movement of the great sword seemed effortless to the warforged. It was just thinking of Cantian. It couldn't even best some ship captain. How could it protect the defenseless from the mighty clutches of evil? All Cape knew was that it finally had found a benevolent figure in the world. That man named Zeuxis, a true defender of the weak. His honor reminded him so much of the boy who he saved those few months ago. The boy who taught Cape a thing or two about being a true hero in such a bleak world. A world where evil, exploitation and tyranny reigned supreme and altruism, justice, and kindness were after thoughts. Each swing he thought of the evil he would cut down and how no matter how much tried to hone his skills there would always be more to quell. Cantian poured himself another big glass of wine as he sent his crew off to their assigned duties. He saw that Tangerine had went off with Lucchesse once again, "That stupid fool is going to get robbed blind by that beauty once again." was the thought in his mind. But really who was robbing who in the deal? Or the bigger question, why did Cantian want to get robbed by her so badly? Was it just lust for one so fine and delicate? No, he could lavish her with the riches of the ship, it was but his intelligence getting in the way refusing to allow himself to be taken advantage of. He was just teasing the ace of a man paladin earlier. Knowing what that woman was he still allowed him to get played a fool. Sometimes it takes the folly of a man like that for him to truly see his own stupidity. Tonight though Cantian would end his day like every other, intoxicated with blurry eyes and a clouded mind. Regalport would treat him nicer than the open sea. Tangerine was taken to Lucchesse's room once again laid in his decent bed, in his decent quarters, with his decent love making. How else could she describe it really? I mean it was pleasurable to her, but so very mundane by this point. Lucchesse looked into her beautiful eyes as they swirled with life, but was uninterested in such a spectacle and preferred her succulent breasts. As he turned away from her for a moment to undress she took the twenty gold pieces from his dresser drawer. "The least I deserve." was the thought in her head as she pocketed the pieces into her purse. It was as pleasurable of a night for her as it was for Lucchesse though in the heat of the most passionate moment between the two she couldn't help it. The thought of the paladin crossed her mind. Right at that moment she told Lucchesse to grab another bottle of wine from the kitchen. She wanted to enjoy this as much as he would. Zeuxis laid down next to the crew in the belly of the ship for a few hours still in his half-plate. Despite his best attempts at sleep it was futile he had too much taxing his mind at the moment. He went to the deck to gaze at the stars when he noticed Cape so focused on his training. Remembering days of the monastery in Thrane and how much he was reminded of himself by looking at Cape. In his youth and today they were so much alike. Zeuxis wanted desperately to let go of his past. It was all he was trying to do at that damned bar. What was the point of it though? It wasn't the Flame that despised the paladin it was the church. His life had been turned upside down for disobeying one asinine order and now he found himself apparently protecting a woman who could have gotten him killed just the night before for no reason. He wished he could have chocked it up to stupidity, but he felt it was good nature. A good nature he also felt was there, yet a bit misguided in the warrior in front of him. "I should ride this out. After all I have nothing better to do." was the thought running through his head gazing up at the stars hearing the sounds of Cape's training as he dozed off to slumber. Dancing upon a red velvet carpet the paladin was moving so gracefully and the moons of Eberron followed suit. There she stood frowning at him. He tried his best, but the best he could do was wear a fake forced smile. Still he reached out his hand and she took it without a second thought. The waltz they danced so beautifully seemed as if it lasted several lifetimes and as quickly as they were in space they sank to the depths of the oceans. In an instant his artificial smile turned into a pessimistic frown. While this was happening he saw her face smile. "Smile. Please smile." was the words that he was mouthing so mutely. Who was he speaking to though? Her or himself? The sun began to beat down on Zeuxis' face as it did the day before. He had fallen asleep on the deck and he awoke with Tangerine's black robe covering his body. There she stood as the sun just began to rise in her green and orange patterned undershirt still wearing a black skirt that hung loosely a little below her knees. First thing he did was check to make sure he was still in possession of the blue shards he had recovered earlier. They were still in his pocket, was this her way of showing kindness? He couldn't help but feel closer to her. "Thanks. I didn't mean to fall asleep here." "Don't mention it, I would've done it for anyone." She said her hair illuminated with the cracking of dawn on the open sea. "So, what's your real name?" Zeuxis asked rashly. "Aielle. Consider that a gift and don't go spreading it around." she said coyly. Seeing one so beautiful and normally assertive be so modest in such beauty made his heart sink a little in his chest. His tongue was tied and she quickly took her robe and hurried off below deck. As the sun climbed high in the southern Khorvairian sky the crew aboard the Aqua Alive all took time to accomplish their various duties as Zeuxis and Cape sat atop the bow of the ship lazily. The bustle of the ship reminded both of the warriors of their respective time in the service of the military. Zeuxis recalled being led into battle with absolute confidence that his soul wouldn't falter versus the dark denizens of the Karrnathi war machine. With their legions of undead in service Zeuxis had seen the horrors of corpses used as play things for battle. Cape on the other hand had a very different out look on the same war. In a squadron of similarly constructed warforged each completely ready to meet their inevitable end if necessary. The last war had shown both of their souls the horrors of combat and both of their souls had taken the best lesson from such battle, honor. Perhaps it was this unspoken invisible bond that connected the two of them. Regardless of why all they knew was after only a day of knowing each other they could trust one another. "You wee kobolds going to help or just allow the men to do all the work?" A voice from below called at the two on the railing of the bow. Lucchesse climbed up from below and looked at the paladin with an extreme hatred in his eyes. Zeuxis slid off the railing in a quick turn and walked steadily up to the man he had wronged the day before. In an extreme gesture of kindness he extended his hand outwards to the man with ire in his eyes. "Please, forgive me for my affront yesterday it was but a misunderstanding." The swashbuckling crew man spit on the deck in front of Zeuxis and with his back turned to the paladin said "I don't need any land lubber's apology.". Retracting his hand he could see this man didn't let go of grudges easily. One thing taught in the Silver Flame is that one cannot force forgiveness. It would eventually come or naturally stay as a wedge between the two. Zeuxis and Cape both went to work scrubbing the deck of the ship both were unashamed doing grunt work, after all they were guests on the ship. The day on the ship passed by in what seemed to be a flash while doing various chores on the ship. No one had seen Cantian or Tangerine throughout most of the day. Cantian most likely was several wine bottles in relaxing with a book in his room. Who knew what the woman was up to in her small stowaway room? Sweating profusely Zeuxis finally took a rest as the sun began to set on the blue plains. Wearing his armor all day felt natural to Zeuxis, like the old times he was trying to forget. Even though this was the longest time he had spent on a sea faring vessel Zeuxis found comfort in the seeming desert around him. The only souls he would see were aboard the ship or so he thought. © 2020 ZeuxisAuthor's Note
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