![]() The spiesA Story by Zell Sixx![]() A story about two spies that fall in love with each other.![]()
So confident was the target that he just stood there. Not knowing that there was another person right above him, he pulled out his knife. "End of the road missy." Just then Zed jumped down from the second story of the mansion. Knife in hand, he grabbed the target by his hair, pulled his head back and held the knife to his throat. "I don't think so." Zed said as he held the knife to the mans throat. The man knew if he pulled the trigger he would die so he dropped the gun. Sia got up from the ground and looked at the man.. She punched him in the gut. Zed kicked him in the back of his knees. As the man fell to his knees He said "So you caught the famous Calipso." Zed looked at him and stabbed him in the arm."I wouldn't say your famous where I come from." Calispo said "If it's money you want I'll double what they're paying you." Sia said "Were not in this for the money. It's just a bonus." She knelt down. "Now, your going to tell us why you raped that girl, robbed that bank, and killed that man." "Are you going to make me?" She looked at the man, "No, he is." Zed slammed his head onto the ground. he grabbed the gun and put it to his head. As Calispo looked at his reflection in Zeds sunglasses, he said "I raped her because she deserved it, she smarted mouthed me and flirted, once she was drunk enough I slipped her the date rape drug. So I did what it was intended for. As for the other two I did it for fun." Zed looked at him and said "Goodnight." He pulled the trigger and the guy started to cry like a little b***h. Sia giggled and said "He's not worth killing." Zed stood up and He really wasn't worth it. . "Let's go" "But I'm having fun." "Hurry" Zed walked out the front door.Sia quickly followed.
As they reached the 1968 Chevy Impala, which was about one hundred yards away, the place blew up. Sia said "I see." Zed looked at her. "Leave no trace that you were there." They got in the car and Zed started the car and drove off slowly. He picked up more speed and was soon going about 95 MPH. He drove down the straight road. He looked over at Sia and said "Why don't you go to sleep I'll wake you up when we get to the place. He put his knees up to the steering wheel and drove with them. As he pulled out his lighter and cigarettes. Putting a cigarette between his lips he lit it and put the case of cigarettes on the floorboard. Putting his right hand back on the steering wheel and his left hand grabbed the cigarette, Sia was already asleep. He rolled his window down a little bit and blew the smoke out. He took his sun glasses off and put them in his shirts collar. Once he looked at the road he got a his implanted communicator. "Zed here" "Zed, how did the mission go?" "Fine," He took a drag off his cigarette and continued, "Sia is asleep and we're almost there. I'll talk to you more when we get there." About a hour later Zed pulled up into the parking lot of the underground hidden base. He parked and put his sunglasses back on. He woke up Sia and said "We're here." When it came to business he was very serious. Sia looked around and yawned. How long was I out for?" Zed looked at her and said "About three hours. You have any nice dreams?" Sia had a dream that Zed had kissed her on her birthday. Blushing she shook her head. "None that I can remember." She had always liked Zed. From the moment he saved her for the first time. They got out of the car and walked into the office. Passing a window they went through the screening room. They had to show all of their weapons. Zed' only had a three knives and a pistol with a silencer on it. Sia had nothing. They went to the briefing room where they were met by Grace. Zed looked at Grace and said "When and where is the next mission."Sia looked up, "I'm ready for anything." Grace smiled "Good" She closed and locked the door. and closed all the blinds. " You two will be posing as students in a Hghschool. for at least a year. ." Zed stood up and said "I graduated two years ago and you want me to go back to school? Grace pushed him back in his seat. "Yeah. But your highschool won't be the same as it was it's not going to be worse than they were for you. Zero chuckled and said "High school wasn't bad for me I had plenty of friends. But ever since I moved here to be closer to HQ I haven't kept in contact with them. The only friends I have are the ones here.." Sia looked down She had graduated but she didn't want to go back. Knowing that she'd be made fun of again for being too smart. She had graduated early because of it so she only went for three years. Zed looked over at Sia and said "Hey" He put his hand on her shoulder, "Just stick with me. At first we'll act like we don't know each other but then I could pose as your boyfriend, if you want. You know kissing hugging and all that stuff.Also it'll be good to party again." Once he said kissing and hugging she blushed and smiled."I guess that could work" Grace said "Good the school year starts tomorrow. Zed looked at Grace. "What are we doing at the school?" Grace grabbed the clicker and said "Your going to be observing the students. We believe that they're being brainwashed into taking over the town, State, country, and then eventually world. It's up to you two to stop them" Zed looked over at the corner and saw boxes. He went over and opened them one was filled with clothes and other stuff for him and the other for Sia. The boxes had their new driver licenses and money and everything else they'd need. As they walked out Sia looked at Zed and asked "Where are you going to live?" He shrugged and unlocked the passenger side door for her and then walked over to the drivers side and unlocked the drivers door and got in and started his car. About a mile down the road Sia asked, "What about your parents? They know your a spy right?" Zed said "No they don't. They're dead." Sia looked at him and said "I'm sorry if I brought up any bad memories." He stopped a a stop sign and said "It's all good" He grabbed a cigarette from his case and lit it. He rolled his window down and his bright red hair with blew in the wind. Sia rolled hers down too. Her short brown hair blew a little bit. It wasn't too short, about down to her chin. He looked at her and said "They're dead because I killed them. Sia looked at him and asked "Why would you do such a thing?" Zed looked at her and said "When I became an agent I hunted them down after they kicked me out and killed them." He took off from the stop sign. Sia said "I still don't see why you would kill them. " They killed the only person I ever truly loved. They killed my sister" Sia looked at him and said "Oh." She had known that they beat him when he was little but not known that he got them back y killing them just made her squirm. Soon Zed pulled up to the school and looked at it."It looks like a nice school. Sia looked at Zed. He took one last drag off his cigarette and put it out in the ashtray. He blew the smoke out and said yeah." He drove off and to Sia's place. Once they were there She got out and he turned the car off. He got out and clipped the keys to his belt loop and walked her inside.and carried her box into her house. Once they were inside she said "Would you like something to drink?" He looked at her and said "Ummm soda would be fine." He went to her room and He looked around and put the box in the corner. The clothes were washed so they just needed to be hung up. He looked in her dirty clothes hamper and saw a thong. He grined and picked it up. She walked in and he said "What is this?" He chuckled and she said "Put those down." and accidentally spilled his soda on him. He laughed and sad "I'm sorry if it made you blush. Her whole face was red. He looked at the cup on the ground. "Can I use your shower?" Knowing that she wouldn't mind he took his shirt off and she quickly looked down and then back up at his tattoos. He had a a pirate skull with the Jolly Roger impaled through it on his chest. A fairy on his right shoulder and wizard on his right. She Walked up to him and said "I love your tattoos. Where did you get them done?" Zed looked at his arms and his shoulder and chest and said "I drew them up but someone at HQ tatted them on." She looked at them and them back up at him. "Your a good artist, you know I've been drawing my self lately." She went to her desk and looked, She couldn't find any of her drawing." I'll have something drawn up when you get out of the shower. As Zed was in the shower Sia drew up an elf. She liked mystical creatures , so she thought he might lke an elf. She was holding a sword in one hand and a gun in the other. She had big b***s and a brazier on that barley covered her b***s. As for her pants she had capries with many belts on them. She had markings all over. Soon Zed was out of the shower and wrapped his towel around himself after drying off. He walked out and looked at Sia and walked over to her. He looked over her shoulder and saw the drawing and said "Damn. That's really good. " She smiled and turned around to see him in nothing but a towel. She blushed again. Covering her eyes and said "I'm sorry." He looked down and said "Amazing isn't it?" She turned back around. "Why don't you go get some clothes from your box of stuff that HQ gave you." He said "Will do" He grabbed his keys off a table and walked out to his car. He grabbed a pair of boxers and pants. They were all skinny jeans. He grabbed a unisex tank top. He walked into Sia house. He walked passed her room. "Don't you get lonely all by your self? She had fallen asleep at her desk. He walked into the bathroom and changed. When he came back he picked her up and said "Let's go to bed." He took her shoes and socks off. After setting her footwear to the side he covered her up and said "I guess I'll stay the night here." He turned her ceiling fan on and walked out. laid down on the couch and quickly fell asleep. Sia woke up around 1:00PM She sighed and said "Last day before we start school." She then remembered that Zed was there and wondered where he went. She shrugged and looked at her bed She was wearing her clothes from the previous day and then got undressed. Not knowing that Zed was still there she walked into the living room and saw him on the couch. Looking down she realized she was in her bra and panties. She ran back to her room. "Zed, spent the night here." She smiled and looked in her mirror. She modeled her body to her self and then looked at her hair. "Damn it" She sighed.Poking her head out the door she looked around. Not seeing Zed around she ran to the bathroom. Zed woke up and walked ot the bathroom. He heard the shower on so he just passed by it. He looked in a room with some guitars and a drum set in it. He picked up one of te guitars and began to play. He looked around the room as he played and looked over at bass guitar. "Well f**k, she plays everything I do." He stopped ad walked outside and lit a cigarette. Sia got out of the shower and dried off. She wrapped her towel around her and walked out. She looked out at the couch and saw Zed wasn't there. She peered out the curtains and saw his car still there and him on the front step. Smiled as she went back to her room she looked in the mirror. She then looked at the box of clothes. She found yellow dress with a sunflower on the side. The dress was a lemonade color and the sunflower was darker yellow. She got dressed and walked out. She looked at Zed who was now siting on the couch and tapped him on the shoulder."How do I look?" She blushed and held her hands behind her back. Her head was cocked to the side. Zed looked at her and said "Very pretty" She smiled and giggled in her head. He said "Do you mind if I light up in the back?" She looked at him. "But you already had a cigarette" He chuckled and said "I mean pot." She looked at him and said "Do you mind if I try it?" She put his arm around her and said "Not at all." They walked out tot he back. Sia smiled as Zed walked with his arm over her shoulders. Once they got out of the house and into the backyard He pulled out his separate cigarette case with some joints in it. He said "We'll share. I'll show you how it's done." He lit it and held it between his middle finger and thumb. Once he took a hit he passed it to her. He held it in. Sia looked at his as he let the smoke out. She asked "So I just hold it in?" He said "Yep."She inhaled and coughed after about three seconds. "That's better than most people I've seen on their first try. About a half hour passed and they were sitting on the couch. Sia looked over at Zed,"Zed. My mouth is dry." She started to laugh. Zed looked at her and said "Control your high." He looked at her and then looked at the phone. "Pizza?" She stopped laughing and said "Yeah that sounds good. Get two one for me and one for you. I want a cowboy pizza." Zed grabbed her phone and ordered two Cowboy pizza's and garlic bread. He walked out and looked at the address. Once he hung up he said "The greasy pizza will get rid of our high." Seventeen minutes later the doorbell rang. As Zed got up to answer it Sia jumped off the couch and said "Holy crap that was scary." He laughed and answered the door. He grabbed the pizza's and paid the man.After closing the door He gave Sia a pizza and said "Eat up." He looked at her and began to eat. Soon their high was gone. She was asleep and he was watching T.V. Sia woke up and looked at the clock. It was already 4:30PM. She said "Oh crap!" As she stood up. Zed looked over at her and siad "What's wrong?" "I'm going to be late for my art class.It starts in 10 minutes." He stood up and said "What the f**k do you need art classes for? Your already a good artist." "It's not that it's something my parents are trying to do. They keep setting me up on blind dates and the one they found is in my art class. I'm supposed to sit next to him today." As he walked over to her. She looked up at him. "Let's go" He grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door. She got in his car and said "I really don't want to do this." He got into the car and started it. "Just tell your parents you found someone you really like?" She though "Oh, you have no idea" then saying out loud. "They wouldn't believe me." They buckled up and Zed took off. They pulled up to the art studio. She got out and said "Thanks. I'll just take the bus home." He turned the car off and got out. She looked confused and said "What are you doing?" He said "I'm taking art lessons today." He walked passed her. She smiled and said "Well okay." They walked in and sat down next to each other.. Zed asked "So did you like it? What we did earlier." She nodded and said "Again tonight?" He said Sure why not." a guy walked in and sat next to Sia. Looking over at Zed, he said "If this guy gives you any trouble or is too scary for you we can trade seats." He looked at Zeds tattoo's and piercings. He had his ears stretched, septum, tongues nose and both eyebrows pierced. He also had snakes bites. Sia shook her head and said "No he's not scary." The guy said "Well I'm a little cheeped out. Anyways my name is. Jake. Soon the teacher walked in. Zed began to draw the dress Sia had on.He Looked at her and then turned her around and said "Okay" She was about a 36D He finished and said"Done." He had drawn Sia and looked at it. "Doesn't really look right." He Drew a rose on her wrist. The pose she was doing, in the drawing, was perfect for it. The teacher walked over to Zed and said "Very nice. Very very nice. Where did you learn to draw?" He looked at her, "I used to do cover art for bands. At first it wasn't very good but I practiced and got better" Jake looked at him and said "What do you think your doing drawing my girl?" Zed looked up at him." Is that why you introduced yourself to her at the beginning of class? Because she's your girl?" He punched Zed in the face and said "Not so tough now are you?"Zed stood up and said "You punch like a b***h." Sia slapped Jake and said "My parents can never pick a good guy for me to date." She turned around and walked out. Zed looked at her and said "I'll take my drawing. Later teach" He followed her. She was tearing up a little bit. Zed caught up to her and said "Don't even worry about him we can just go back to your place if you like." She nodded her head. Once they were at Sia place they walked in and sat on the couch. She said "I'm sorry about what happened to you." She looked down. He said "Don't even worry about it." He stood up and grabbed arm. He looked at her wrist and said "You want that rose tattoo like the one I drew in that picture." She said "Yeah but I wouldn't pay for it. and my parents would freak out." He let go and said "I'll have the guy that does mine do yours. And you gotta stop worrying about what your parents are going to do. What would they do if they found out that you smoked some weed? I stopped caring what other people think a long time ago. If I cared what people thought about me do you think I would of walked away from that fight? All the people in your art class could think I'm a huge wuss for not fighting back. But I don't give a s**t." She looked up at him and said "Well, your right but what about my parents?" He looked at her and smiled. "Just wear a wristband when you see them." She said "Well okay then." As they drove to the tattoo shop she asked "Is it going to hurt?" He stopped at a red light and said ."It really depends on how you handle pain." She smiled "Well I can handle it pretty well." They took off when the light turned green . Soon they pulled up to a tattoo shop and he said ."Here we are." They got out and walked into the shop. The man they were there to see was in the back more than likely.Zed walked up to the desk. "It Richie here?" The girl at the desk said "He's with someone right now" Zed looked at her and said "Just tell him Zed is here." Sia looked at Zed and then at the girl. She was nervous about getting her first tattoo. She said "I really don't want to bother him." Zed sighed and said "Then I will." He grabbed Sia's hand and began to walk. She blushed a little bit. She was getting used to Zed grabbing her and pulling her places. Once they got o the back, Zed walked over to Richie and said "You about done with her?" Richie looked back and said "Zed. How's it hangin'?" Zed said "Like a f****n' horse, slightly to the left." Richie laughed and "Smart a*s." He finished up on the girls tattoo and said "Your all done." Sia sat down in the chair. Richie said "So what are your guys' next missions?" Zed looked over at him and said "We have to pose as students in a school. That's all I'm going to say." Richie said "I see. Can you at least tell me your names that your going in as?" Zed replied." I'm going to be Sora and she's gonna be Xion.""Okay so What am I doing on you today Zed?" Sia said "Actually it's me today. I want a rose on my wrist." He turned and said "I see. Well I just gotta draw it up It'll take like three minutes. He looked at her wrist and began to draw after turning around. After he drew it up he asked "How do you want it? Stem facing down or what?" Sia said "Facing down yeah." He got started and said "So how long you guys been partners?" She looked at Zed and then replied." About three months now." He looked at her and said "Really consider yourself lucky he hasn't gotten rid of you yet." Zed said "Enough of that. Anyways you know what she would look good with? An aqua color in her hair." Richie stopped and looked at her and said "Your right. She would look bad a*s" Sia looked at them and said "I have been thinking of dying my hair." Richie grabbed her hand and continued. Once he was done she said "It looks great! thank you." Zed sat down and said "Give me the same thing." He started to tattoo Zed's wrist after getting everything set up. When they were done Richie said "No charge" Zed said "Well I've gotta go I'll see you at HQ." They walked out and Sia said "Now that I've had some time to think can you take me by the hair salon I actually do want to dye my hair" As they got into the car Zed asked "What about your parents?" Sia smiled and said "It doesn't matter anymore." He smiled at her. "That's the spirit." Later that night they were smoking. Sia's hair all aqua and looking pretty. Zed had his shirt off and looked over at Sia who was moving around in her chair alot, trying to find a comfortable spot He got up and said "What's wrong?" "My back hurts." she replied. He pushed her forward and did an old trick. Her back popped and she felt better..He said "I should probably get going" She stood up and said "Okay well Thanks for spending the day with me,as friends." He looked at her . "Don't mention it. I'll see you at school tomorrow." The next morning Sia got dressed into a plaid skirt and a white button up shirt and black leggings. Walking out the door she saw Zed there. He was standing in front of a red car. It was a Chevy Cruze. Looked to be a 2011. She walked down and said "Well look who's got a new car." He tossed the keys to her and said "You" She looked at him "Let's go to school. But first take me to my place so I can get my car." she hugged him and said "Okay let's go." With a huge smile on her face. They got to Zed's place and Sia looked at the apartment buildings across the street. They had been condemned. Zed got out and said "Just follow me and I'll park next to you. But I don't think we should act like we're friends while we're at school. They might get suspicious. IN like a week I'll kick it with you." Sia nodded and said "Okay. Um is this street busy?" "Nope never. I'm the only one that actually drives on it." Sia smiled and said "How about a race?" He laughed and said "It's on.Just until the stop sign,"He got in his car and backed out. He remembered he had a 69 Camaro in his garage. It wasn't quite read to drive, and he hadn't really been working on it because he had been too lazy. He figured that it should of been fixed by now but he had been putting it off. Lightning his cigarette he he revved his engine and it sounded way better than the Cruze. But the Camero was much sweeter. And it was straight pipe.so it was loud. Sia revved her engine and they took off after three seconds of sitting there.. Zed took a drag off his cigarette and looked over at Sia and smiled as he passed her. He got to the end of the road and stopped. Sia caught up and stopped. He smiled and put his sunglasses on and took off. They soon got to the school and Zed got out of his car after parking. He looked over at Sia who was now getting out of her car.. As he walked on to the side walked and made his way to the office, where he would get his list of classes, he noticed all the stairs he was getting. He heard some girl say "He's, in highschool?" He walked over to her and said "Yes I am. I got held back a year and spent one in Juvinial hall. But don't let that effect out you judge me I'm actually a nice guy." He looked at her and then over at the guy she was with. He seemed to have his defenses up and his back turned. They had to of been together and in a fight. Zed did what any other guy would do, hit on her. She was pretty and everything just not his type. "So What's your name?" Looking down with his head he put his arm around her and said "flatter than a washboard, they'll be my nickname for you, Washboard, or I can call you washy for short." The guy turned around and punched Zed in the ribs "She may be flat but I love her and don't care how she looks!" As she cocked back his arm for for another swing the girl said "Really?" Zed who was now smiling, grabbed the wrist as he was being swung at. He put it around the girl and siad "Problem sloved" Sia walked passed him and to her locker. She had already gotten all her books and locked number and combo and everything. A football player walked up to Sia and said "Hey, are you new here? I haven't seen you around here before" She said "Yes I am new." He said "Well if you ask me you should stay with the losers" He laughed. Sia sighed, it was her highscool days all over again. The only things that were different were the hair and tattoo. She just opened her locker and bent over to pick her books up and the guy slapped her rear bumper, She stood up and as she did she hit him in his balls with a heavy text book. She planned on standing up for herself this time. Zed was getting out of the office and saw the guy grab her hand and pin her to the locker. She was bend back a little and said He saw the guy making out with a girl earlier . Zed saw her in the office. He ran back in and pulled her out. "Looks like your boyfriend is cheating on you." She walked over to him. He had his other hand running up Sia's arm Zed walked over to him and said "Hey bro, why don't you let her go?" He got close to her lips and said "Why should I?" Then his girlfriend said "Because we're through, you pervert." She slapped him and he let go. He looked over at Zed and said "You little b***h what's your problem?He pushed Zed back. Zed looked at him and said "My problem is with any little maggot that has to resort to low life tactics when they have girlfriends" Zed pushed him back but with one hand. He sent the guy flying into the lockers. Sia said "Well what is the name of my savior. The name's Sora, what about you?" She smiled and blushed, "I'm Xion." Later that day at lunch Xion sat by herself. she had remembered what Zed had said to her.about not hanging out for a while. She thought, "Well yeah I see why he said that. Our cover might get blown." She saw Zed leave the lunch room. About 2 minutes later she followed. They had to investigate during school and not at night. She soon found her self at a door. Zed grabbed her shoulder as he hung upside down from the stair railing. "Whatever happens" He dropped, Happens." Walking into the room he stopped and said "Here. might as well give this to you now." It was a letter he wrote to her. He went into the room and said "Run along now." He smiled. The door closed and locked. Zed said "You can come out now." Right before the man walked ut the lights turned off. Zed pulled his gun out and began to run around the room dodging hits and projectiles from every direction. . Then a dart was shot into his arm. "Damn" He pulled it out and said "Just keep Sia out of this and I'll do whatever you want." As he wobbled around and eventually passed out. Sia had gone off as son as she heard a gunshot. At least he had gotten one shot in.She walked along and suddenly remembered, Zed used a silencer.She began to worry so she called HQ. "I think something happened to Zed. Grace said "hun this was a suicide mission for him he told you that, She dropped her phone and fell to her knees. She started to cry. The mission was over so she pulled out of school. For the next year and a half all she did was sulk and write and draw. But everything seemed to remind her of Zed.. She was going to drop out of the spy business so she could open an art studio. She cried herself to sleep every night. © 2011 Zell Sixx |
Added on November 28, 2011 Last Updated on November 28, 2011 Author![]() Zell SixxModesto, CAAboutYo, my name is Zell Sixx. I'm 19 years old The day I left the womb was on March 30, 1992. I love anime, manga, video games, music etc. I live in Modesto California. My favorite bands are Motle.. more..Writing