![]() The Buckle (Not finished.)A Story by Zell Sixx![]() A story about a girl and her brother.![]()
Zero pulled up in his 70' Chevelle SS. He was gone for around four years. He was in Florida helping his Grandmother then she died and he went on tour with his band.. Once he got out of his car he folded the seat back. He grabbed his guitar. He walked to the trailer behind his car, the trailer wasn't too big or too small, just big enough to hold what he needed. Once it was unlocked he grabbed his AMP and walked up to the door. At 5:30 in the morning he didn't think anyone was up until he looked in the house and saw the darkness. He put his amp back int he trailer and his guitar in the back seat of his car. He got in his car and cracked the windows. He soon fell asleep.
About three hours later. His dad knocked on the window. Zero woke up and looked at the gun pointed at him. He smiled and said "Yeah nice to see you too dad." His dad put the gun down and said "Z-Zero? Since when were you coming for a visit?" Zero replied "What I can't just stop by? All of a sudden a girl ran out and hugged him. It was his little sister Rika. She was a freshman when he left. Now she's a senior and graduating. He turned around and said "Damn Rika you got big" He hugged her. He looked at her pajamas and said "Really little bunnies?" She looked up at him and said "Yeah aren't they cute?" Zero said "Yeah they are." He smiled and chuckled a little bit. "Since I drove all the way from Florida to California, I got you something Rika." He had talked to her on the phone the day before he left and she always wanted something but never got it. She looked at him, "Well what did you get?" She pushed he glasses up." He smiled and said "You'll have to wait until later." He pushed his light red hair out of his eyes. She sighed and said "Fine." she crossed her arms. "I will however give you guys something I though you'd all like." He grabbed his bag from the trunk. "Let's go in and I'll give it to you." He handed Rika a high tech camera. She's been taking picture of scenery and need a better camera. "The guy at the store said that's the best camera they had. The only reason I trusted him was because he owed me a favor. So I also got it for free" Zero said and looked at Rika. She asked "Why did he owe you a favor?" He smiled and said "I took care of a guy that was harassing his daughter and played a private show for them." He handed his dad a hunting/survival knife. "I know how you collect these. I even sharpened it." He grabbed an apple and cut it in half with no problem. "It's stainless steel." He walked up to his parents room and his mom jumped out of bed and said "Zero!" She hugged and kissed him. "Here mom. I got you this." He gave her a diamond ring." She said "Oh Zero, it's beautiful." She put it on and asked "how much did this cost?" He looked at his mom and siad " Well I payed full price for it and got insurance on it so all together, around two grand." He hugged his mom. When it was time for Rika to go to school, Zero said "I'll take you." He looked at Rika. She was wearing a white sweater vest with a white button up shirt and a short plaid skirt. She hugged her brother. "Okay"She smiled. Rika loved her brother very much and was excited about him being home with her. She couldn't find her hat. "Zero can you help me look for my hat?" He grabbed it off the table and said "This one?" It was a red beanie with a small bill.. She took it from him and put in on. Once she was all ready she got her shoes on and grabbed her bag. "Bye mom dad." She hugged them. Zero said "I'll be back and when I do come back I'm going to sleep.I've been up driving for a few days straight." He yawned. Rika ran out the door. Zero followed and got in his car. Once he was in he unlocked her door and said ."Oh, s**t hold on." He got out as she got in. He unhooked his trailer. After doing that he got in and said "The same school I went to?" She nodded and said "Yes indeeddy." He said "And we're off" He started his car and drove off. He rolled his window down and his hair blew in the wind. His black V-neck shirt was thin so it gave him a nice breeze. =. He stopped at a stop sigh and plugged his music player into the stereo system he had installed. "Pick anything you want." He handed the music player to Rika. After they reached the school he pulled up. He parked on the curb and said "I'll pick you up after school." He hugged her. Right before she got out he said "You wanna go somewhere after school? Like hang out at the mall or something." Rika looked at him and said "Yeah but can I bring a few friends?" He looked in the back seat and said "yeah but only five people can fit in my car. Unless I can get mom's van. I'll text you with what I'll bring." She smiled and said "Okay. Bye Zero." When she closed the door he took off. Some girls walked up to Rika and said "So what's with the car?" They were the snotty b***h girls of the school. Rika looked at them and said "Can you just leave me alone?" She wasn't the most popular girl in the school. infact she only had a few friends. Although she does know a lot of people but they aren't all her friends.Some guy lifted her skirt up and said "Striped are always good." she slapped him and ran off. Some days she ditched school because she got bullied. She was way too shy to tell anyone about it. She ran with tears in her eyes. Once she got to the bathroom she leaned against the wall and wiped her tears away. "Well at least when I get home i know Zero's there." She said to her self.. She look out her phone and looked at the time. 8:00 am. The bell was going to ring in five minutes. She slipped out of the bathroom and walked to class. She was a very beautiful girl but a lot of people liked to make fun of her because she was smart. She looked up at the clocked and said "Only six hours to go." She sighed. Zero arrived at his parents house and walked in. He walked over to his mom who was on the couch and said "Okay I need to set something up and then sleep." He began to walk away. As soon as he remember what he was going to do after he picked Rika up from school, he turned around. "Oh mom can I borrow your van I told Rika that I'd take her and some of her friends to the mall." His mom said "I don't see why not. But put gas in it," He smiled and nodded. Taking out his phone he looked at the time. It was 8:19 AM. He yawned and walked out to the garage. He began to text his sister. "I'm taking mom's van." He sent it and soon got a reply. "Okay, I'll bring a few friends." He put his phone in his pocket and opened the garage door. He hooked his trailer up to his car and backed it into the drive way. Once he was done he sighed. He opened the back began to unload a bunch of cases that had drum heads in them. He set stands up. About five minutes later it was all put together. He looked at his mom and said "You get kinda quick at setting up your stuff up once you've been doing it for a while." She giggled and said "I'm sure Rika will love them. She's gotten pretty good at playing but she doesn't have her own set yet." Zero looked at her and said "I know I got this set from a store that I used to work at. I'll just say it's an early graduation gift." He smiled and then yawned again. He lit a cigarette and locked his trailer up. He then parked his car and the trailer attached to it on the side of the road. He took a drag off his cigarette and said "I had to get money for my bills after Grandma died. I also had to get another job just to pay for her funeral." His mom looked at him. "I'm sorry we couldn't make it out there we couldn't afford it at the time." Zero looked at her and took a drag off his cigarette. "Well I would of sent you some plane tickets but I didn't have the money myself at the time." Once he was done with his cigarette he sat on the couch. He set his alarm on his phone and then smelled his underarm. He said "I'ma take a shower." His dad said "Well just make yourself at home" Zero looked and said "I planned on it." He grabbed a towel and his suitcase with some clothes in it. He hopped in the shower. Once he was done with his shower he got dressed. He put on a black V-neck shirt that had a "6" on it. He put on some white skinny jeans with red on them so it looked liked blood. He walked out of the bathroom and looked at the time. It was almost 9:00AM. He said "Wow nine in the morning. Goodnight" He walked over to the couch and fell asleep. Rika was at lunch and sitting with her friends. "Oh hey, you guys wanna go to the mall after school?" She was now happy instead of sad and depressed about what had happened in the morning. Her friends looked at each other and one girl said "Are you okay?" Rika looked and had a smile on her face. "Yeah I'm fine, why do you ask?" Another girl said "Because you never want to go to the mall your always at home in your room on your computer or doing stuff." The guy next to her said "So why are you so happy?" She smiled and said "If you agree to come to the mall I'll show you." They all sighed at the same time. Rika looked over and saw the same group that was laughing at her this morning, come over. She looked down as one girl said "Yeah I think I will go." A girl said and sat next to her. No one had any idea that her brother was Zero Sixx, or that was his stage name. His real name was Zero Shaddix. She looked at the guy who lifted her skirt up and he said, "I think I'll hamilulate you there too." He grabbed her wrist and picked hr up. He squeezed and said "Now about that slap this morning." He smiled and pushed her down. Soon a campus supervisor came over and said "What's this about?" Rika said "They're just being their usual a*****e selves." With a tear in hr eye. She hid her wrist that was now bruised. The guy that was standing there said " She's just being a crybaby. She'll get over it." Her group of friends talked among them selves. The guy got suspended for Sexual harassment. Right before school ended Rika got a text that said "I'll be a little late. Just wait in parking lot by the van. It's in the back parking lot." She replied. "okay." And put her phone away. She looked at her wrist and thought How am I going to hide this from Zero? Soon Zero walked into her class and she smiled. Zero was visiting all his old teachers. The teacher looked at him and said "Can I help you?" Zero said "Aww you don't know who I am?" He walked over to her and sat in her lap. "Well I'll just be obnoxious until you figure it out." The teacher just looked at him and said "You should leave before I get you escorted off the school grounds." Zero just siad "You can't do that. You love me.." He got a marker and drew on the board. The teacher laughed and said "Zero." I should've known it was you from when you sat on my lap." They hugged. The teacher said "This is an old student of mine. Some of you might listen to his music. This is Zer-" Zero cut her off and said "My name is of no importance But I am living here for about a year." He looked at Rika and walked over to her. Well who is this young lady?" He grabbed her hat and put it on. She smiled at him and said "Give me hat back Zero." He sighed and ruffled her hair. "So much for keeping my name a secret." He gave her hat back as she fixed her hair. The teacher looked at the clock and said "Just finish the rest up for homework." The class looked at Zero. The teacher said "So are you two an item?" Zero said "Nope Rika is my sister" The teacher laughed and said "Well I never would of guessed." Then the bell rang. Rika walked up to Zero and said "I'll go out to the van." The teacher said "So Zero why were you gone for so long?" He said "Well I was originally taking care of my grandmother but she died and then I went of a year long tour with my band." He pulled a camera out of his pocket and said "Here" He wrapped his arm around her and she smiled as he took a picture. He looked out the window and saw Rika and her friends. "Well I should get going. I'll send Rika to school with a copy of the picture." They hugged again and Zero walked out. Rika looked at her friends and smiled. She had her side bag in front of her. A girl said "So what's the surprise?" Rika knew that they all listened to her brothers band. Once he walked up she said "Right there." as he walked to the group they all looked at him. One of the guys asked "Please tell me that your not talking about Zero" She nodded as he reached them. Zero said "Hey, so what are your names? I'm Zero" He held his arms out and said "Let's all hug" He hugged each one of Rika's friends. "Oh and don't get the wrong idea I'm not going out with her." A girl said "Well why not she's a great person." Rika hid her wrist. Zero said "Because I'm hre brother." They all looked at her. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?!?!" they all asked at the same time. Zero said "So names?" A girl said "My name is Kawa, that 's Luke, Yama and Tama."Zero said "Well let's get going guys." He pushed the button on the key chain and the door unlocked. Rika got up front as Zero walked to the driver's side. He got in and they took off. The roads were now clear because everyone had already gotten out of school and went home. Zero saw Rika's wrist and asked "So, are you going to tell me what happened?" He pulled to a red light and grabbed her arm. Tama said " a guy at school lifted her skirt up and grabbed her wrist." Zero said "He just better hope I don't get to him." Rika looked down . Once they arrived at the mall Zero got out and said "Let's go" He looked at Rika and was a pissed off. Rika knew that he was mad but she didn't know what to do about it. Once they got to the door the same guy who had grabbed her wrist walked up to her and said "Hey w***e." to Rika. Zero lit a cigarette. Rika looked at him as he grabbed her wrist again. Zero grabbed the guy by HIS wrist and said "Let go" He looked at the guy. "Whose gonna make me?" Zero looked at him and said "So you did that to her?" He guy let go as Zero squeezed his wrist. He punched Zero and slapped Rika. Zero said "Call You just sealed you fate." Zero grabbed the guy by his throat and slammed him into the wall. He swept his feet from under him and threw him on the ground. Zero took a drag off his cigarette and said " Do better than that b***h." He blew the smoke out and the gut said "So who are you supposed to be?" Zero looked at him as he got up. "I'm your worst nightmare." Zero punched the guy in the stomach and the guy coughed up blood. He was knocked out. Rika said "Thanks but don't do it again." Zero looked at her and said "He hurt you and it pissed me off." He looked at the guys pocket. He grabbed the knife that was there and said "I'll be taking this." He put it in his pocket. and put his cigarette out. "Let's get going" He smiled at everyone.Tama said "And he can fight." Soon the girl walked up to Zero and the others. "Oh hey there Rika." She hugged her. Zero said "I know your type, you not fooling anyone you w***e. You get close to girls you've made fun of and laughed at but really you just trying to take you pain out on someone else." The girl looked at him and said "What are you talking about?" Zero laughed and said "Pretty much your trying to get o my good side by acting nice to my little sister so you can sleep with me, It's not going to happen your kind are w****s that just use people for sex and you'll probably end up in a w***e house with a fat old guy onto of you." She gasped. She couldn't believe what she had heard. It actually hurt. Zero walked up to her and said "Now that didn't feel to good now did it?" She said "No it didn't" Rika said "Well that's how you make me feel." Zero said "Don't take you anger and pain out on other. Write in a diary." He walked into the mall. Rika, Luke Kawa, Tama and Yama followed. After the mall Zero dropped off Rika's friends at their houses. It was 7:30 and he was getting calls from his mom. Well hell he would be calling too if his car was out without him. He looked at Rika and said "I'm sorry about today." Rika looked at him and said "It's okay. And thank you for standing up for me. She's really mean to me at school. I just hope that she doesn't do it anymore." Zero pulled up to a gas station and said "I'll be right back I need to put gas in. And don't mention it. I love you" He looked at her. He walked to the other side of the car and asked "Do you want anything?" She said "Umm how about an energy drink?" He nodded and walked in. He looked at the clerk and said "Hey" He grabbed two Psycho's and paid for them and the gas. Rika looked out the window and thought "It's nice having him here even if it is just for a short while." She then remembered her graduation was coming up in a week. She was so happy that he was going to be there. She smiled and watched him walk out. Zero pumped the gas and said "Here ya go." She opened it and took a drink. Zero took the pump out of the car and got int he drivers seat. He started the van and said "What do you wanna do now?" He opened his drink and took a drink. Rika said "Let's just go home" She looked at him and turned the radio on. Rika thought about how she was almost raped but Zero nearly killed the guy. She looked over at a scar on his neck from a knife that had cut him. She loved him very much and decided that she wouldn't kill or hurt herself because she'd only be hurting Zero a million times worse. Once they got home Zero and Rika got out. Zero said "Go to the garage Your surprise is in there." She looked at him and went tot he garage. She opened it with the panel on the side and saw a drum set there, She smiled and hugged Zero" Thank you!" He hugged her back. "Mom said you've gotten pretty good. Let's see what you can do." She looked around and said "There's no stool." Zero said oh yeah" He went to his trailer and brought out a black leather stool. He set it in front of the drums and said "Go for it kid." She sat down and started to play. She went to step on the bass peddle but it was double. She stopped and said "I've always wanted to play double bass." She continued. Zero grabbed his guitar and plugged it in. He hear her stop and said "Keep going." Their parents came out and watched. Zero started to play his guitar. After they were done jamming he said "It's already eight o'clock. Shouldn't you get started on you homework?" Rika Yawned and said "I'll just get up early and do it." Zero said "Okay well I'll stay in my car tonight. Unless I can crash on the couch. His mom looked at him and said "Of course you can." Rika said "Well I'm going to take a shower." She got up and grabbed her camera that Zero had given her, "but first a picture of all of us!" She exclaimed. Zero grabbed ht camera and said "Let me set the timer." He turned the camera on and set it on the hood of the van. He put his arms around his mom and Rika. There was a flash and the picture was taken. Rika ran over and looked at it. [updated on7/10/11 ]Once she looked at it she said "I's great!" She hugged Zero. Nothing could ruin her time when her brother was in town. The next day when Rika got up for school she saw Zero on the couch. She made her way over to him and sat down in front of his stomach. He reached his hand over and opened his eyes. He began to tickle her and said . "I did this to you when you were little." She laughed and said "N-no stop it." between laughs.He stopped and asked "You want a ride to school?" She sad "Yeah" with a mile on her face. He looked at her and said "Did you do your homework?" She nodded "Yep" He got up. "I'm gonna go take a piss and then I'll drive you. " He got up and went to the bathroom. He saw a piece of toilet paper in the trash with a line of blood on it. He finished and buttoned, zipped and re buckled his belt. He picked it up and threw it in the garbage. Now he was mad. He walked out and looked at Rika. He said "Show me". she looked at him and said "Show you what?" She grabbed her and looked at her arms. He then looked at her sock, she was wearing black socks today. He put his finger on a darker spot on the knee high socks by the ankle. He said "Why?" as he looked at his hand and blood was on it. Rika looked down and said "It's because of those boys that did that to me at school." "Oh yeah, your going to school today." He got his phone and turned it on. Zero grabbed Rika by the wrist and drug her to the car. She got in and said "Zero don't do anything stupid." He smiled and said "I can't help it." He started his car. "I'm all about stupid." He drove off to the school. Once they got to the school he got out and said "Let's go" He got his video camera ready on his phone. He held it in his hand and his hand down by his waist line. Rika walked up to the school. The same boys came up to hr and said "Well what have we here. Rika with some loser." They laughed Zero laughed too and said "We'll see who's laughing last." quietly. The guys teased her. They grabbed her b***s and it pissed Zero off. Then they soon lifted her skirt up and slapped her rear bumper. The girl from the mall yesterday came up and asked "Are you okay, Rika?" She said "Yeah I'm fine:" she was crying. One of the guys went over and slapped both Rika and the other girl. "Now make out." Zero went up to him and said "Say hi to the cops." He laughed and then said "I go the whole thing on tape." The guy that slapped the girls laughed and said "You just going to beat off to this later." Zero said "Oh and whats this." He lifted the guys shirt up and relieved a knife. He pulled it out and opened it. A stiletto. Very nice you're going away from a while." He took the knife and put it in his pocket. He was soon punched in the back. He fell forward a little bit dropping his phone. Once the guy tried to hit him again, Zero said "Rika grab the camera." He stopped and looked at Zero. Zero said " Now let's make this more interesting." They all came at him and Zero ducked and two of them hit each other in the face. Soon Zero was hit in the face and he spit blood. "Perfect." He pushed the guy don the ground and laughed. "Now your all going to jail for assault." He looked at Rika and she got it all. He walked over and said "Hey, girl, can I use your phone?" she the girl gave him her phone and he called the cops. He put it on speaker and said "Yes I would like to report sexual harassment and assault and weapons at school. I have a video to prove it all." The operator said "We'll have a unit right there." Soon cops came and Zero showed them the video and said " They've been doing to for sometime according to my sister and her friend." Rika looked down and said "It's true." The other girl said "It is.:" The cops took them away in handcuffs. The principal said "Well there goes half of the football team." Zero put his phone away and said "My work here is done" He hugged Rika and said "I'll be back to pick you up after school." © 2011 Zell SixxAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on June 7, 2011 Last Updated on July 11, 2011 Author |