I wish

I wish

A Poem by Zee Langa

I wish..

I wish I knew what was inside your mind at this moment.
What are you thinking about?
What are the thoughts running through your mind.
Are you thinking of me?
Are you thinking of me as much as I think of you?
I wish I could swim in your mind and see what you're thinking and not telling.

I wish I knew what the smile on your face meant.
Am I the cause of that smile?
Are you always this happy or does sadness roam in the background.
Can you give me the opportunity to make you smile like I always do.
Does that smile fade away when you walk away,
Or does it stay there and always a part of you?
I wish I could see through the distance between us to see whether you're smiling or not.

I wish I knew what was running through your heart at this moment.
How are you truly feeling?
Are you hurt somehow that you can't open up to me?
What can I do to reach the depths of your heart you don't allow people to have access to?
Can I be part of your heart and be the link that connects our hearts?
How I wish to dive into your heart and make you happy.
The only thing you just have to do is allow me in.

© 2016 Zee Langa

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Hahaha really? Well I'm glad you like it.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Sincere and beautiful. I really enjoyed it. I like the conversational style of the novel, it's like talking to oneself out loud.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 12, 2016
Last Updated on April 12, 2016
Tags: poetry, love, romance


Zee Langa
Zee Langa

Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

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A Poem by Zee Langa

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A Poem by Zee Langa