A Book by Joseph
After the death of Jacobs friend Alyssa, him and his two other friends decide to urban-explore an abandoned Six Flags in New Orleans Louisiana. 
© 2020 Joseph
Author's Note
I'm not the best at writing but it's something that I'd love to make a career out of if possible. In short, don't be afraid to rip this apart. (Within reason, don't be mean. I am just open to criticism)
I like your author's note... & the positive attitude you have toward literature/writing. looking forward to reading your work, though before i check out your chapters, mind me asking you the meaning of your title and what this book is about exactly?
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
The best way that I could describe the story is that it has a lot of similarities to Jacob's Ladder .. read moreThe best way that I could describe the story is that it has a lot of similarities to Jacob's Ladder from 1990. The name "Ghoul" is suppose to represent the mythic creature that robs graves and feasts on the bodies of the dead. The name is going to be given more meaning as the story progresses. In short, three friends are about to go on their last adventure together after one member of their group had passed away. It's sort of an honorary thing that they're doing when suddenly, things go south. In further chapters, I'm planning on the timeline to jump around a bit similar to Kurt Vonnegut's writing. Forgive me if this isn't the in-depth explanation that you were wanting.
4 Years Ago
well. that's exactly the explanation i was expecting from u, and u have clearly described which u r.. read morewell. that's exactly the explanation i was expecting from u, and u have clearly described which u really appreciate.
looking forward to reading ur work. good luck w/ ur new chapters!
Hello! I am a seventeen-year-old who is an armature at writing and literature but I try none the less. I typically write horror and thriller but sometimes I branch out and try some new genres here and.. more..