Rash Decisions - Chapter 2

Rash Decisions - Chapter 2

A Story by Zara87

The Keria and Daneel saga continues


Chapter 2


“Daniel where do you think you’re going?” Trisha’s voice came out of the window above him. Now she appeared. When he didn’t want to see her.


He still felt a little hollow as he stood outside the house breathing in the night air.


“I’m just getting some air” he replied but she had already left the window.


“Have you seen her yet?” she asked.


“You still find a way to creep up on people even after all this time?” he complained jokingly, ignoring her question.


“I don’t creep up on people!” she protested lightly punching him on the arm.


“And you’re as violent as ever!” he added teasingly


“Keira was the violent one, not me!” she replied


“So, how does it feel to be an old woman?” he asked, diverting her again


“Oi, I’m only 4 months older than you! You’ll be 27 soon enough” she linked her arm in his.


They stood quietly for a while, Daniel thinking back to what he’d heard upstairs and Trisha working out how she was going to get the two of her friend’s together.


“Let’s go back inside” she said, dragging him by his arm


“In a bit” he replied, not quite sure if he was ready to see Keira.


“Don’t be too long” she replied


Daniel watched her disappear into the house.


After a few more moments in the cold night, Daniel made his way back to the party only to have Keira crash into him in her rush to leave the house.


“Ow, sorry” she said before looking up at him.


He was so surprised by the moment that he couldn’t help but stare stupidly at her. She stared back at him wide eyed for a moment before walking past without a word.


So they were still on no speaking terms.


But why was she leaving? And where was her boyfriend?


*           *           *           *           *

Just her damn luck. She hadn’t seem him in 8 years, she’d managed to avoid seeing him at the party and on her way out she’d almost knocked him over. He hadn’t even spoken to her. Just looked at her with cold eyes and a blank look. Like he barely recognised her.


This day had to rank as the worst possible.


Her house phone rang as soon as she opened her front door. Probably Trisha calling to find out where she’d gotten to.




‘Hi Keira’


Keira’s heart plummeted. It was Blake.


Something that sounded more like a strangled plea escaped from her throat. She cleared it.


‘Hi’ her voice no more than a whisper


“I’m coming over” he said, before hanging up.



*           *           *           *           *           *           *


Keira thought she heard a familiar voice in her head. But that wasn’t possible because she was jumping on a trampoline in an empty blue garden. The garden started to disappear and a loud buzzing noise filled the air. Her blue coloured garden reformed into her familiar living room.


She’d fallen asleep on the couch, still in her party clothes. Suddenly she heard the doorbell ring. Who could that be? She had a feeling she was forgetting something.


She pulled the door open to find a very angry, very sexy, very tall, Blake on the doorstep.


‘Why didn’t you answer my calls? Or the door? Do you know how close I was to calling the police? I thought something had happened to you!’  He practically yelled at her


‘What the hell is wrong with you? I only dozed off for a couple of minutes…what time is it anyway?’ she said, suddenly conscious that she must look a fright having just woken up.


Blake looked furious ‘A few minutes? It’s been 2 hours!’


That long? ‘Stop yelling! It’s not my fault I fell asleep!’ she tried closing the door on him but he stepped into the house and closed the door behind him.


‘Blake, get out. As you can see I need to catch up on some sleep. And as much as I’m looking forward to arguing with you all night I rather wouldn’t’


‘When was the last time you ate? You’re even thinner than before if that’s possible’ he said, walking straight through to her kitchen.


‘That’s none of your business’ she replied angrily. Here she was being called too thin, her hair a mess with no make up on whilst he looked like more of an Adonis than usual.


‘It used to be my business’ he muttered as he rummaged though the fridge ‘Why is your fridge empty?’ he asked disapprovingly.


‘Blake-’ Keira pleaded, not wanting another argument


‘Keira, just go sit down. I’ll make you something to eat’ he said mildly, catching her off guard. An angry, argumentative Blake she could contend with, but a caring Blake she never could.


Keira went to her room and changed into more comfortable clothing, namely a large man sized T-shirt and loose jogging bottoms.


When she stepped back into the kitchen he’d already taken off his jacket, his sleeves rolled up with a frying pan in hand. She watched him for a minute, admiring his physique. She wasn’t going to lie to herself. He had an amazing body.


‘When you’re done admiring my behind, perhaps you’d like to make me a coffee’ he said amusedly, not even turning to face her.


‘I wasn’t admiring anything, much less your behind’ Keira retorted, embarrassed.


‘Of course not’ he said laughing and turning around to face her. His hair was spiked up from his incessant habit of running his hands through it.


‘Why are you here Blake? What do you want?’ Keira asked breaking eye contact and entering the kitchen to make coffee.


‘I told you, for a catch up’ his tone blasé


Keira tried to reach for the coffee from the top shelf without touching him but he moved so she was flush against the side of his body.


‘Steady there. Someone’s eager’ he said jokingly


Keira hadn’t been in a particularly good mood all night and he wasn’t helping matters. She left the kitchen in the midst of making him coffee and walked back to the living room. Let him make his own coffee.


She curled up onto the couch. She didn’t need the aggro.


‘Here you go. Eat up’ his voice came out of nowhere a few minutes later, a delicious looking omelette on the table in front of her.


She took the plate mumbling a thank you. He stood there watching her and only sat down next to her once she started to eat.


‘Are you not having any?’ she asked politely, sitting up straight and in the process moving away from him


‘No, I’ve already eaten. Besides you’re the one who looks like they’re wasting away’


‘No I’m not” she argued, self consciously pulling her dress down over her knees.


‘I already caught a peak of your panties so there’s no point being so modest now.  Besides, I’ve seen you naked, remember?’


‘Blake!’ she exclaimed, almost choking on her food


Blake chuckled unapologetically and sprawled himself out on the seat


‘Look, thank you for feeding me but can you go now?’ she asked, looking at the television


‘I make you dinner and that’s all the thanks I get?’ he feigned upset


‘I didn’t ask you to’ she replied sullenly


‘You didn’t have to’ he replied.


Suddenly he sighed ‘Are you having man troubles? Did the two of you argue or something?’


‘Who are you talking about?’ she asked confused


‘Your boyfriend, your current squeeze, your plaything’ he listed, with a hint of resentment


‘Blake, I know you hate me and you have every right to. I messed you about. But do you still need to continue punishing me for it?’ she pleaded setting aside her empty plate on the table and facing him on the sofa.


His eyes were cool and calm but she saw the muscle in his jaw flex before he spoke.


‘I don’t hate you’ he denied quietly ‘And I meant what I said,  I’m still-’


‘I’m stuffed. Thanks for the food’ she interrupted loudly, getting up. She did not need that right now. She looked at him expectantly, ready to usher him out.


He narrowed his eyes and stood up next to her. She was trapped between the table and him as he towered over her. She looked at her feet waiting for him to move aside but he didn’t.


‘Tell me that you don’t feel the same way. Say it’ he demanded


She looked up to face him. She’d already done the unthinkable and hurt him. Why was he still convinced that there was still something between them? What was stopping her?


She couldn’t keep hanging around forever on the off chance something might happen. It couldn’t. It wouldn’t.


‘Tell me you don’t feel anything for me’ he urged


‘I don’t’ she whispered. She knew that he loved her; he’d made that clear. But she’d never said the words back to him, because she didn’t love him.


Did she love him now? No, she didn’t. What was wrong with her? He was gorgeous, loving, kind and he’d been the perfect boyfriend. But he wasn’t…him. He never would be.


She could see his face coming closer


‘Blake-’ she wanted to make clear that this would lead to nothing but his mouth cut her off.


He was gentle at first; slowly coaxing her lips open with his tongue, but the pace changed when Keira let out a soft moan. Suddenly she felt herself being lifted up and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist.


She’d been yearning for someone’s touch, and her body was telling her she needed this. Her mind however, was reminding her that it was someone else’s touch she was craving. She pushed the thought aside as he gently laid her down onto the sofa without breaking the kiss.


Her hands desperately fumbled for the buttons on his shirt whilst his hands worked there way under her t-shirt.


The doorbell rang causing his fingers to stop halfway on their delicious journey across her midriff. She didn’t stop though, her hands finally reaching his warm and hard chest. He broke their kiss, which caused her to make a frustrated sigh.


Blake laughed a deep sexy laugh that she could feel through his chest

‘Are you expecting anyone?’ he asked moving off her.


‘No’ she said her voice cracking. Now they’d stopped mauling each other, she realised she’d been about to make a terrible mistake. What was she thinking? That she’d use him and then discard him tomorrow morning?


Blake must have seen something in her face ‘Don’t you dare shut down on me now-’. The doorbell rang again.


He reached out his hand to her and she reluctantly held it as he helped her up from the sofa.


She walked toward the door, hoping it was someone who planned to stay. Blake’s hand was securely wrapped around hers.


“Trisha!” she almost cried in relief at seeing her friend at the door


“Where did you disappear...?” Trisha’s voice trailed off when she noticed Blake.


Cocking her brow in an altogether non-approving look her tone dropped several degrees “I’m sorry I didn’t realise the two of you were an item again”


Keira immediately yanked her hand out of Blake’s.


“We’re not” Keira replied quickly, not daring to look at Blake


“Not yet anyway” Blake added


“You didn’t say hello to Daniel” she said, her voice suspiciously accusing


“Why would I?” she retorted defensively


“Daniel who?” Blake asked


“He’s going to be here from now on, so you better get used to the idea of seeing him” Trisha replied, ignoring Blake


“What’s there to get use to? If I see him I see him” Keira retorted, directing her anger for Daniel at Trisha. Why did she always take his side?


“Well in that case you won’t mind coming to dinner at mine tomorrow night at 7pm? Daniel will be there of course”


Keira saw the challenging look in Trisha’s eyes. If there’s one thing she knew about Trisha, it was that she always told the truth. So if she refused the dinner invite now she would tell Daniel that she hadn’t wanted to come.


“Okay. I’ll come to dinner tomorrow” she replied, momentarily enjoying the look of shock on Trisha’s face,


“You will?” Trisha asked, a smile breaking out on her face.


“Yes, and Blake will be coming with me” Keira added smiling at Blake. She couldn’t decide on who was more shocked at the extended invite, Trisha, Blake or herself.


“I will?”


“He will?”


“So if you guys don’t mind I am absolutely tired so I’ll speak to you both tomorrow...Good night”


And with that Keira effectively herded a pleased looking Blake and an angry looking Trisha out of her house.


What on earth had she set herself up for?

© 2012 Zara87

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its magical till now i guess...

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 2, 2012
Last Updated on October 2, 2012
Tags: love, romance, angst, broken heart



London, United Kingdom

I love reading and writing. I particularly love to read science fiction but don't have the nerve to write such a complex genre. So I write romance - not that it's any less complex! I've never had.. more..
