![]() Fantasy: Chapter 18: ConfrontationA Chapter by Linis Arizen Confrontation: I gripped Seria, tightly as we raced up and down hills on the horse. Craven and Lucia were ahead. I looked around, watching everything go by. I looked up at the sky, we’ve been riding for at least an hour now. The sky was now a dull orange. In the distance I can see the ocean, it glowed an angelic orange as it reflected its higher up. Also in the distance I can barely see the two moons. I looked forward and over Seria’s shoulder. I watched my arms and hand as they were wrapped around her. “So Leon….what are you going to do after you kill Alex?” I looked at her and looked down, “I don’t know…I can’t go back to my world…” She slightly looked at me, “Why?” I noticed that she had a smile for a second there, I don’t blame her for being alittle happy to hear that. I looked at her, “Well…in my world after Allen killed Jack and cat and then himself. I to then killed myself…” “Yea…see since my soul and mind got connected here, I guess when I die in my world, I’d come here. But I was told that if I died in this world, I’d die in my world. Not sure why its like that tough.” She slightly looked at me, “Well…maybe because since your soul and mind was connect here, and you died in your world, your soul and mind had a place to go to. But if you died here, or in a sense, the core essence of your soul, you’d die in your world because your body’s soul was destroyed?” I tiled my head as she went on, “You know what….that sounds crazy but you might just be right…” She laughed abit, “Haha I try to be smart sometimes haha” I smiled abit and looked in front of us as Craven and Lucia stopped at the edge of a hill, Seria and I stopped in between them, my eyes widen as I saw a small settlement was on fire. The sound of screams and metal clashing echoed through the air. I looked at Craven and Lucia and nodded. They nodded back and charged down the hill, Seria and I followed. “Why do you think Alex is doing this?” asked Seria as we charged down the hillside. “I’m not sure…I guess as he and Lloyd were researching our worlds and the Dark Arts and all that he just went loco. Maybe out of fear that he might of returned to Nevatrail. So I guess he let his fear blind him and boom he got sent back still. And now that he’s back he might be looking for a way to stay here forever, and make this world his personal paradise. That’s what I gather anyway from what Lloyd told me and how he acted in my world.” I responded to her quickly as we got closer to the settlement. “Well he sounds like he’s quite the coward” “Yea…” I responded as we neared the settlement entrance. We stopped and got off the horses. The settlement was inside a small patch of forest. There was a path that led into it. We all readied our weapons. Craven gently hit his shield with his sword. Lucia quickly swung her sword around like a stick. Seria stretched her bowstring back and let it go, it went forward so fast it was invisible and it made a dull twanging noise. I took out my swords, my longsword in my left hand and my scimitar in my right I swung them around stood there with them at me sides. I looked at all three of them, “this is going to be a rough battle, maybe the roughest you ever had. Its going to be mine I know that for sure. But I have faith that we can beat him. He’s very deadly and very skilled in the Dark Arts. I told Seria that she needs to get an aim on his head and if we get knocked down, she takes the shot. I won’t lie to any of you, I’m sacred, but I feel safe and feel strong because I have each of you here with me. Craven you showed me how to be a great fighter and showed me great courage. Lucia you showed me hope and care. And Seria….you showed me how to be there and be strong no matter what. You three have taught me alto and I will use everything I’ve learned to put my swords through his chest.” I smiled and looked at each one, Craven was smiling, Lucia was smirking and Seria was blushing and hiding her face in shyness. I giggled alittle bit, “Now lets go kick his a*s.”. They all nod and we began running down the path. Craven, Lucia and I were closer to the front, Seria was behind me. “That was unexpected but yet heart moving Leon…” I slightly looked over my shoulder as Seria smiled at me as she spoke. “What was?” She laughed, “Your speech silly hehe” I smiled and looked forward as we entered the settlement. It was ruined. Most of the houses were on fire. Bodies were everywhere. They were all Sythain. Women, child, elderly, he didn’t spare any of them. We heard the sound of battle, Craven and I charged forward, shortly after, Lucia and Seria did aswell. As we ran through the carnage we saw long tears in the ground, like something cut through the ground. We also noticed some of the bodies were somewhat frozen. As we rounded one house we came to a clearing where he was. Allen stood there as he threw one of the settlement’s guards to the side. We stopped, twenty feet away from him, he turned and faced us. He smirked and tilted his head. I tilted my head as I noticed he had strange symbols on his arms. In his right hand he held a Katana and on his left hand was a small metal shield that covered his forearm like a brace, though it had an indention over his hand, and there was blade on the tip and all over his hand. He looked straight at me. “Well Well….look who’s finally here…I thought you’d never wake up. Even though I disposed of your those fabrications in your dream land.” He smirked and laugh under his breath. “Shut up you b*****d!” “Aww are you still mad at me for that? When will you realize that they weren’t real!” “They were real….your just stupid!!” I gripped my swords tightly and charged forth, I heard Craven and Lucia follow beside me. As we charged in, Allen smiled and stood there, I reached him first. I swung my scimitar downward and ducked as he swung up at me, as I ducked, he brought his knees up and kicked me back as he ducked a swing from Lucia, Craven swung down at him, Allen spun and dodged his swing and kicked Lucia away and charged in after me. I quickly got on my feet and swung my longsword up as he swung down on me, we held for a second as he jumped back as Craven swung down at him. I jumped back and watched him dodge Lucia’s back swing, I charged in and swung both my sword down at him, as I did Craven swung down with me, Allen raised his Katana up and we impacted, he held us as we pressed down, Lucia swung at his back, he reached his left hand behind his head and made a fist quickly and as he did so, a blade the length of his forearm slid out of the metal bracer, he held her and smirked. He pushed me and Craven forward and Lucia back as he quickly spun and threw us off of him. He stood there, I looked over to Seria as I landed about six feet away from him. His back was to Seria, I nodded to her. She nodded back and let go of the string, and in that very second, the arrow was gone. I looked over to Allen. My eyes widen as he had quickly turned and hit the arrow with his Katana, as he turned he smirked, my eyes widen as I recognized that look, the look he gave me as he shot Jack. His left hand glowed a faint purple as he reared his hand back, the blade retraced back inside the bracer, I quickly got up as he began to raise his hand towards Seria. I jumped up and swung upwards with my longsword, I saw Lucia quickly charging behind him as she prepared another upwards slash, her sword gently dragged on the ground. As I swung he leaned and dodged as he swung at me, I used my scimitar to deflect his Katana, the hit knocked me to the ground. And as his hand rose at her, a dark thin wave shot forth at the speed of an arrow, cutting the ground, my eyes widen as I saw the dark fly at her. At my distance the wave covered her. “No!!” I heard her scream, as I landed on the ground. I watched as the wave disappeared, and I hear the sound of metal clang and then Lucia lands next to me. We looked over at the wave as it finally disappeared. My eyes widen as I see Craven standing in front of Seria, his back was covered with blood. He fell to his knees in front of Seria, Seria’s eyes widen as he fell. Lucia quickly got up, “Noooo!!!” Allen stood about ten feet beside us, he was laughing, Lucia got up and swung at him, he ducked and rolled out of her way. I shake my head and grip my swords tightly and quickly get up and charged towards Allen, he kicked Lucia back as she deflected his Katana. I dodged her and spun around swinging my swords at Allen, he blocked me with his Katana but had to use his left hand to brace himself. I looked over his shoulder and saw Craven charge at him. I pushed forward with all my strength, Lucia ran and swung down at him, forcing him to jump back. As Allen fell backwards he angled his body and turned, Craven ran forward, my eyes widen as I saw Allen’s Katana go through Craven’s chest, craven’s sword dug through Allen’s left shoulder, they both fell to their knees. Allen quickly pulled back and rolled away from Craven. His Katana still in Craven’s chest, he raised his hands towards Craven. As he did, three arrows flew and hit him in the chest, he stumbled backwards. He glared over to Seria and smirked. He raised his hands up in the air, the symbols on his arms glowed a faint red. I charged forward, as did Lucia. As we charged he aimed his hands towards the ground in front of us, two large fireballs shot out and blew up the ground in front of Lucia and me. I flew backwards and rolled, debris and smoke covered me. I struggled to get up. I looked around, the smoke finally dispersed and Allen was nowhere, I saw the bushes move, I went to get up but stopped and grabbed my chest and realized that I lost grip of my swords. My eyes widen and I look over to Lucia, she was slowly getting up, I then looked at Craven, he was lying in Seria’s arms. I ran over to them, I knelt next, tears were flowing from Seria’s eyes. I looked at Craven and I felt sadness begin to overwhelm me. “No no no!! Come on man….you can pull through this!” I went to remove the Katana, but he stopped me, I looked at him, a large puddle of his crimson blood was under him from his back, the blood was all over Seria aswell. “…Leon…it…wa..was…an honor…” I shook my head, “No….don’t speak like that….” Lucia ran to his side and gripped his hand tightly, “Craven! Don’t you dare leave….you can’t!!” He looked at Lucia and smiled, “Oh my love…my beautiful…foxy maiden..ah..agh..ehh..” Lucia hung her head as her teas flowed rapidly down her face. I too began to cry, as Craven looked at me. He coughed, blood slowly flowing out of his mouth, “..I M so…glad tha..that we met and that…we got to travel…together…agh…” he coughed as he spoke. He then slowly raised his hand, I grip it tightly. “It was my honor to have been traveling with you…” He smiled faintly, “Promise me something laddy…..hit..him…good fo..me…ah..ah…Lucia…I..lo..ve..you..” I looked down as I felt his hand go cold and watched him shut his eyes. I sat on a nearby rock as I watch Lucia stand over Craven’s grave. I looked around and stared into the pond that I was sitting next to. It had a red tint to it as Seria slowly and with sadness cleaned off her gear. I looked over in the distance, Craven’s blood trail led start back to the settlement, or what was left of it. The horses were tied to a tree by Lucia’s tent. I stood up and walked over to Seria. I sat next to her, she was still crying slightly, I looked down and put my arms around her, she hid her face and then embraced me. I held her close and tightly. “Go and rest.” She nodded and stood up, she went over to her tent. I looked over to Lucia, I started to approach her, but she stood up. “Lloyd’s Estate isn’t far from here…get some rest….” She said as she walked over to her tent. Her voice was cold, lifeless. I looked at Craven’s grave and looked down. I sat down next to it and lay down. © 2008 Linis Arizen |
Added on February 21, 2008 Last Updated on March 17, 2008 Author![]() Linis ArizenThe Darkness, PAAboutI'm new at writing, at first I loved to draw(anime), but I started writing a few small things, poems and short stories, etc. (all lost > more..Writing