![]() Fantasy: Chapter 15: TensionA Chapter by Linis Arizen Tension: I quickly sat up and looked around, Cat was sitting up, grabbing her stomach, my eyes widen and I gently rubbed her back, “Hun you ok!?” She quenched in pain, “Ehh yea haha its been like this for a few days now..” “How long have you been…pregnant?” I asked her with concern. She looked at me, “A few weeks now…” I hugged her and held her close to me, “I love you” She embraced me, ignoring her pain, “I love you too” She laid back down and rolled onto her side. I looked out my window, it was daytime. I stood up and walked downstairs and went to the fridge. Inside was a gallon of two percent milk. A gallon of chocolate milk. Cheese, meat, veggies, and eggs. That’s what I’m looking for. I grabbed the carton of eggs. “Hey” “Ah!” I jumped, dropping the eggs as Allen walked up behind me, “Aww hell…” Allen looked at the eggs, “Sorry..?” I looked at Allen, I tilted me head as I noticed that he didn’t look to good. His skin was pale and clammy looking. “Allen, you ok?” He rubbed his forehead, “Yeea….just been having headaches for the past few days, I’m fine though” “Alright, just making sure, because you don’t look so good…maybe you should go lay down?” He shook his head, “Nah I’ve been doing enough of that…I need to move around.” I looked up as I heard movement upstairs, Cat must be getting up. I looked at Allen, “You seen Jack or Dave?” Allen tilted his head, “Jack was here…maybe he’s..” “Jack’s right here…” interrupted Jack as he walked down the stairs. “…in the game room…right?” asked Allen condescendingly. Jack nodded, “Of course” I laughed alittle bit as I wiped the last of the egg gook off the floor. I looked at Allen and Jack. Jack walked over and sat down on the couch and Allen leaned against the wall by the stairs. I watched him carefully, for he looked like he could pass out at any moment. I heard cat come down the stairs, I smiled as she walked up to me. I tilted my head as I finally noticed that her belly was more, rounder than usually, “Haha and all this time I thought you were gaining weight ha Ow!” as she walked passed me she slapped my shoulder as I spoke my, somewhat funny remark. “Not funny Leon” she said as she sat at the table. I rubbed my shoulder, “I kinda noticed that…” Allen laughed abit, “So its true then?” We looked at him. “Your going to be a daddy Leon?” I smiled, “Yea I’m so excited” He smiled, “Sweet I can’t wait to have a kid of my own…then again they are a pain in the a*s…” he stated as he looked up, he then grabbed his head and coughed. Cat stood up, “Allen you should go lay down…” “Nah I’m..” “Now!” demanded Cat. “Yes ma’am…”responded Allen as he slowly went up the stairs, Jack followed him laughing abit, “I’ll help and watch him.” Hah, yea whenever Cat sees one of else is ill in any way, its lay down till your better, no if ands or buts about it. She walked up to me, “Come on lets go up with them.” She insisted by grabbing my hand. I followed her up the stairs to my room. Allen was in bed, and Jack was taking his temp, “He doesn’t have a temp but he does indeed need to sleep, hell the moment he laid down, he passed out.” Said Jack as he sat down on the floor. I carried a chair in from the other room for Cat, I set it by the door, and she sat down. I sat at her feet on the floor. Jack put his headset on. My body tenses as Cat began to massage my shoulders, “Ohh ahh mmm….ohh where did this come from?” She giggled, “Well I haven’t given you one in a long time so why not hehe” I smiled as she rubbed my shoulders. “So your excited about the baby huh?” “Hell yea…why wouldn’t I be?” She giggled, “Well it’s a big step…you sure your up to the challenge?” I laughed abit, “Hah hell yea. I think I can be a decent dad. And sides, the kid has an amazing Mum so I’m sure its going to be great.” She giggled, “Aww thank you and I know you’ll be a great dad. Hehe ya know though I think since I’m pregnant I should just finally move in huh?” I nodded, “Yea I think you should, then again I thought you should of done that ages ago hahaha.” I responded with a laugh. She giggled as she pressed my shoulders and my upper back, “Leon, do you still have that gun?” I tilted my head, “You mean the one Jack bought just in case of robbers or something? Yea I still have it, its under my bed.” “Well I’m not going to say toss it, I mean it is for protection…but like…we’ll have to find a more…secure place for it…I mean theres a lot we’ll have to do to like….baby proof the house..” I nodded, “I agree, but we can do it.” She giggled, “So how about names?” I laughed abit, “Uh haha what about them?” “Well, how about we get them out of the way now? How about this, you think of the boy’s names and I think of the girls names. You go first though hehe.” I tilted my head, “Hmmm…well how about…wait what about the last name? We’re not married so like…” “Well, that can be done soon to ya know” I smiled, “well then…” “Yes Leon I will marry you hehe” she giggled as she interrupted me. “Heey….I thought you wanted to be proposed to in a…unforgettable manner…” “Well I’ll never forget this day hehe” I smiled, “Well then…name wise if it’s a boy hmmm…Kyle Lee Kincad..?” “Ehh not bad…hmm my turn, how about, Lucy Lin Kincad.” I nodded, “I like hehe mmmm” She giggled as she pressed the back of my neck, doing that makes me so relaxed, then tired. I smiled as I shortly began to lose my urge to stay awake. Shortly after, everything went dark. I slowly open my eyes, I looked around, the room was foggy, I knew what that means. I turned around, “Lloyd” He nodded, “Leon…your very close now…but yet time is running thin. When you find me, destroy the white orb. That should realize the spell that he put me on, after you set me free I will explain all I can.” :What do you mean he put you under? What do you mean all that you can?” I looked around, “Time is thin…I can’t talk now…find me and then…” My eyes shot open, I set up and look around, again I was in a tent. I heard movement outside. I went outside and saw Seria by the fire pit, it was morning here aswell. I walked up to her, “Hey...uh where are we?” She smiled and looked over her shoulder, “We’re right by Lloyd’s cave. Craven and Lucia are out gathering herbs and stuff.” I smiled and looked over the hillside, I saw the cave, I looked at her, and noticed that she had a sad look, “Hey you ok?” She faintly smiled, “Ehh…well…no…” I sat down next to her, ‘Whats wron…” “I don’t want you to go Leon…” she said as she quickly hugged me tightly, “I don’t know why but I just..I feel really connected with you...” My eyes widen abit. I gently rub her back, “I...I’m sorry but...I don’t really know what’ll happen. I mean I could still be able to come back….” She held me tighter, “I don’t know why I feel like this…we’ve only just like met…” I rubbed her back and held her, “Shh….right now I’m here…its ok…” I looked up as Craven and Lucia walked up the hillside, I put my finger up to motion them to be quiet. I pointed to the cave, signaling to wait there, they both nodded and went back down. I held Seria still, gently rubbing her back as she cried. Now that I know this, its kind of making me sad that I will most likely be leaving. I shut my eyes and sat there with her.
© 2008 Linis Arizen |
Added on February 8, 2008 Last Updated on March 17, 2008 Author![]() Linis ArizenThe Darkness, PAAboutI'm new at writing, at first I loved to draw(anime), but I started writing a few small things, poems and short stories, etc. (all lost > more..Writing