Fantasy: Chapter 13: Meaning

Fantasy: Chapter 13: Meaning

A Chapter by Linis Arizen





                Craven was at the lead, Lucia behind him, then me. Seria was following behind me as we walked through the fields of Lansin. We were a day away from Crieo. It was almost bewildering walking through these fields. Surrounded by blue, red and purple flowers and dark green grass. The sky was a pale blue, clear, almost peaceful as the gold glowing sun set its warmth upon us. Its funny how I love it here so much. Adventure, mystery, I look behind me and smile at Seria as she smiled at me, and beauty. But yet its all a dream. How can love it so much. When in reality I have someone I love so much and someone I love with all my heart. It me sad almost thinking about it, then I looked up at the clear blue sky. The sooner I can stop these dreams, the better. Right?

“Sooo…it’s too quiet…”

“Ah…wha..huh?” I shook my head and looked over my shoulder as Seria was right behind me.

I looked forwarded, “So um what about you?” I asked as we walked, I now realized that she was walking next to me.

“Oh not much to tell…I’m a Sythain Armor smith. I was raised in Gilloim by my ever so greatful father…”

I heard a very noticeable hint of sarcasm with her remark about her father.

“You…don’t like your father? And what your bow? Your quite the shot with the bow and arrow…”

She looked down with alittle sadness, “uh…hehe um…”


Seria and I both quickly looked up as Craven and Seria were standing at the top of the hill. Craven motioned us to hurry up, we quickened our pace and in a few seconds we were there. My eyes widen as I stared at the darkened town in the distance.

“That my dear friend is….Crieo…well whats left of it anyways. We’ll get to the small alcove and camp then we’ll be there in no time.” Says Craven as he points to a small hillside that stuck out like a mouth. We all nodded and began to go down the hill. We’re almost to Crieo, so does that mean that Cat, Jack, and me are almost home?

As I was walking down the hill I felt a wave of dizziness, I stumbled, I heard Seria call out my name, but I couldn’t do anything. I stood there and fell backwards, then everything went black.


“Time is short. But you are here. And now you can get a piece of the puzzle.”

I looked around quickly, I was back in that field, Lloyd was standing by the tree.

“What do you mean?” How do I free you? Why should I?”

He grabbed his chest, “Because, I’m not the bad guy…and well Alex is, back in the Dream world. Sadly I’m stuck here in Purgatory. I want you to free me so I can be at peace. Alex is…clever. And deviant. He too is, locked away. But yet, his grasp has me still…”

I tilted my head in confusion, “So…Alex is indeed back in…my world?”

“Yes he is….but he is locked away in this one…ahh…” he answered quickly as he grabbed his chest in immense pain, “Hurry…I’m in a small cave outside of Crieo…”


My eyes shot open as I heard a loud honk as the car behind us jetted past I looked around, Cat shook her head as the other car flew passed us. I looked at her as I noticed our surroundings. We were a good forty minutes from home.

“Ah your awake…” said Cat as she sighs, “That’s the fourth lunatic to zip pass us, seriously people need to think about others while they drive..”

I smiled as I stared at her.

“Its rude to stare hun..”

“Ah…hehe sorry. I just can’t help but stare at your beauty…”

She blushed lightly, “Awww hehe thank you. So Leon, after we get hoe and you clean and cook me dinner are you going to catch up on your school work?”

My smile faded fast and I looked down making a face a little boy would make when his mother told him to clean his room.

“I’ll…I’ll get to it…”

Honestly I forgot all about school.

“Ohh Allen called…he was wanting to know that when we get back if you and him could hang out…”

I raised my eyebrow. Allen, wants to hang out?


“Haha that’s what I said” she responded with alittle chuckle.

I looked around, “Hey, whats Allen last name again?” I asked Cat as I looked back to her.

“Uhh…Allen Wimcroe I believe.” She answered after thinking a moment.

Hmm that’s an odd last name, no wonder I forgot. I shrugged and looked back to Jack, he was sleeping still, such a lug head.

I looked out the window and watch the familiar settings go by, I smiled as we approached our driveway, drove down it and parked. Cat smiled and got out of the car.

“I already told the boys that we have plans for tonight, and I think they might of cleaned the house already.” She said as she smirked at me. I returned the smirk and threw a rock at Jack, waking him up. He quickly sits up and gets out of the car. He shook his head and yawned, “Since you two lover’s got plans I’m going down to Dave’s place, chow ya’ll.” He said as he walked down the driveway. Cat walked up the stairs and went inside, I looked around, the sky was a dull purple as the sun was setting. I smiled and walked up the stairs aswell. When I got inside the house was indeed cleaned already. Cat was upstairs already, getting dressed most likely. I went into the kitchen and pulled out a small pot out of the cabinet and placed it in the sink. I turn it on and feel the pot up with hot water and place it on the stove, I turn the burner on and then walked over to the couch and sat down. I looked around and smiled. Dreams are nice and all, but I’d rather be here any day. As long as she’s with me, I don’t need some adventurous dream world, no matter how weird and crazy it is. I heard her walk down the stairs. I turn and stood up, watching her, I smiled as she came up and hugged me. She was wearing a dark red dress. She was beautiful like always. Granted we don’t go to some fancy restaurant or something. She gets dressed up for anything we do. Tonight is movie night, some comedies, a few love doves and then a nice old horror hah.


After a few minutes of snuggling on the couch it was time to add the noodles to our Mac and Cheese. I got up and poured in the noodles and stirred them alittle bit and got two bowls and sat them on the table. Cat was standing by the couch, watching me.

“Say Leon…uhh…you ever think about starting a family..?”

I stopped, my heart did aswell, my back was facing her, she noticed my stop in movement.

“I uh..well I mean…that would great…” I turned and faced her as I responded with a smile.

She smiled, “Mmm I like that…”

“Why you want to start one? Because like we can forget the mo…” she walked up and placed a finger on my lips.

“Theres no need…”

My eyes widen. Oh…



“…I’m pregnant.”


“Hehe. I’ve been wanting to tell you, but then you made us go on the trip to see that Doctor dude.”

I stood there, my heart was racing. My cheeks were hot, and my eyes still widen.

“Leon?” Cat tilted her head, realizing that I haven’t moved since she told me. “Leon? You ok?”

“I…I’m be a…Dad…”

Cat chuckled and hugged me tightly, “yes I know its so great”

I stood there, still in a daze. I defiantly need to get the work in Elmemna done, now.  I can’t risk my life there if I have a child coming on the way.

I smiled and hugged her tightly, “I love you Catherine.”

She hugged me tighter, “Oh I love you too”

I pull her back and kissed her deeply. She smiled and pulled back away, she tilted her head and pointed to the stove, “I think its time to eat hehe”

I turned and saw that foam and water was overflowing from the pot, “Oh S**t…”



© 2008 Linis Arizen

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Added on February 8, 2008
Last Updated on March 17, 2008


Linis Arizen
Linis Arizen

The Darkness, PA

I'm new at writing, at first I loved to draw(anime), but I started writing a few small things, poems and short stories, etc. (all lost > more..

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