![]() Fantasy: Chapter 11: TimeA Chapter by Linis Arizen Time: Craven walked slightly ahead of me, watching the surroundings. It’s been a day since we left Gilloim. We were now on the outskirts of the Forest of Sleep. Craven said that we’re now two days away from Crieo and after this forest it’s the Field of Lansin. I looked around, the sky was a bright orange, I then looked at my wrist and wondered what time it was in the real world. As I was pondering I didn’t realize Craven was kneeling on a hillside, he grabbed me and pulled me down to him, “Leon, hey snap out of it” I shook my head, “Oh crap..sorry..whats wrong?” I looked around quickly and then looked at him. “We’re at the entrance of the Forest…now be careful in this place. Its known for many things.” “So…like…how big is it?” “It’ll take us at least a day to pass through…I’ve been through it once a long time again. There are a few ruins of old Forts. It’s been the home of the many bandits and other creatures such as walking skeletons and the such” said Craven as he peered over the hillside into the dark forest, it looked dead. I looked at him when he said walking skeletons, “So you mean..undead..?” He nods, “Yes Lad. So needless to say I got some vials of antidote and what not just in case you’re bitten.” I looked over to the woods. Bandits and Undead, interesting. Craven stood, so how long do you think you have in this world Leon?” I looked up at Craven with alittle shock and stood up, ‘Uh…umm not sure…last time I was….I..” Craven looked at me with a bewildered look, “You..?” I was thinking so hard, but I can’t remember what I was doing, I remember Cat and me went somewhere, and I met the Doc then what.. “Oh we’re heading back to my home…I’m sleeping quite contently so I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere” I responded quickly as my memory of my real life came back. Craven looked at me with some worry, “Alright lad…well then lets be off.” He then started down the hill. I looked down, why couldn’t I remember right of bat? I shook my head and followed behind Craven. Craven stopped in front of the wood line and looked at me, “Stay close, the path is very hard to find and is very hidden. With the bandits, the undead and the over all general look of this place, not many folks pass through. But it’s the quickest way to Crieo and I’m sure we can handle it.” I nodded as we began walking into the think woods, in here the sunlight barely reached in, it was dark, like night time, but the bright orange light from the outside shined in through the wood line giving the entrance a good glow, made it alittle creepier but made it alittle easier to see. I followed behind Craven, his hand was by his sword, he was ready for anything, I took note and had my hands ready as well. We walked till we found the remains of a small cottage. Craven looks inside and motion me in, I went in as he followed in behind me. “A little break.” He said as he sat down. I sat down and looked around, broken remains of a table and chairs laid about. I lay down and stared at the ceiling, what was there at least. Slowly, my vision darkened and then, silence. I woke up to and looked around, the car was parked in the middle of a parking lot, it was dark out. I look at Cat sleeping in the driver’s seat, I looked to the back seats to see Jack sleeping aswell, I looked around outside, ever so often a car would drive by. I took out my cell and looked at the time, 6:56 am. It’s only been ten hours since we left the Inn. But it’s been a day in Elmemna. I guess time does really travel differently in your dreams. I adjusted myself and gently opened the car door, I got out and gently shut it and walked over to the hillside that was off to right of the car. I stood staring over a vast ocean of trees. I smiled thinking about how Craven and me are in the Forest camping out. I looked to the sky and stared at the moon, our one solitary moon. “So your awake?” I turned quickly as I heard an angelic, sleepy voice. “Yea…I didn’t think I was so tired haha” Cat walked up and hugged me “Mmmm we’ll be home soon, and then no more dream stuff…right?” She looked up at me. “I doubt it…I mean there…” I stood there and thought, will she believe me? Eh I doubt it. “Their kinda fun and I mean its nothing to worry about now my love” I hugged her after I thought what to say, she hugged back tightly. “So my handsome prince, when you get back to your lovely castle, what ya gonna do?” asked Cat as she nuzzled my neck. “Well I don’t know the place is kinda messy so clean, then cook you dinner and chill with you.” After I answered I kissed her gently. As I was kissing her I couldn’t help but imagine Lucia and Seria. But not sure why. As we we’re kissing Jack walked up to us, “Aww so cute. How’d ya sleep lug head?” “Eh pretty good” I answered as me and Cat stopped kissing. “That’s good…heh..” Jack walked passed us and sat on the railing on the wall and peered over the forest. “I remember when we would sit and stare off into space.” He said with a cheery tone as he looked up into the night sky. Cat and me walked up to him and looked up aswell. “Yea it’s been a long time since we walked outside and looked into the stars…” Cats voice felt with peace and content. I smiled and nodded. As I stared at the stars, I felt relaxed. Two different worlds, and the stars remain the same. I held Cat close and stared into the stars. We sat there until the sun rose up and lit the sky, Jack jumped down and walked to the car, “Time to hit the road again haha” Cat followed behind him, and I behind her. We got into the car and Cat started it and began to pull out of the parking lot, I laid back and looked out the window. I slowly shut my eyes as Cat looks over to me, she was saying something but I couldn’t hear her, soon I couldn’t see a thing. My eyes shot open, I blinked and tilted my head as I stared at a tree through a broken windshield, upside down, I shook my head and undid the seat belt I gently fell out of the seat and opened the door, I rolled out of the car, it was very foggy out. I stood up and looked over my body, no wounds. I looked around, I couldn’t see much of the road forward or back. I ran up to Cat as I saw her laying in a small brush, she was out, her head bleeding. “ So, how far are you from Crieo?” I quickly turned and faced the car, there sitting on it was that guy again, he looked at me with a stone cold look, disregarding the wreckage and Cat. “Grr what happened?!” He tilted his head, “Well it seems your car tumbled off the road…I don’t know how but it did. But anyways you’re a few days away from Crieo?” “Yes…we’re in the Forest of Sleep. Your Lloyd aren’t you….” He smirks, “Yes, I’m Lloyd Coseirlio.” “So what happened to Alex?” “Ahh…” He grabbed his chest “Oh I must be going, tell you what I’ll tell you everything you want to know when you free me..” “But how do I do tha…” “..t!! Ahh..wha..ah..ggrr..that b*****d…ah wait…” I looked around, I was back in the cottage, I sat up, Craven was sleeping still. I sat there. I wonder if we really wreaked or if that’s what Lloyd wanted me to see. And why did he grab his chest? I stood up and looked outside the broken window. I could tell what time it was. I heard movement behind me and I quickly turned and drew my dagger, Craven sat there and looked at me with a content look, “Well, at least your reaction time is good.” I shook my head and put my dagger back, “Oh my…I’m sorry I…you just startled me is all” “Its ok Lad, so you get enough rest?” He stood up and stretched. “Yea I got my rest. So, how far till we get out of this place? I don’t like it here…” Craven looked at me and went to the door, picking up his gear, “Um soon…hopefully we can avoid encounters.” I nodded, “Yea encounters are bad and we don’t have time for them…” I quickly stood up and followed Craven back outside. We walked for hours, the air was stagnant and cold. My hands where near my swords ready for anything, I turned around and looked behind me, watching. I can’t help but feel that we’re being followed. I turned and caught up with Craven, he looked at me over his shoulder, “So you feel like we’re being followed aswell? I’ve been getting that feeling since we left the cottage.” He quickened his pace, I did aswell. Shortly we came to a small clearing where the remains of a Fort stood out, the sky was still unseen. I looked up and realized that theres a small layer of fog that blocks any view of the sky. I walked up to Craven, he had his hand on his sword as we approached the ruins. As we came close, the ground shook as five skeletons rose. Three had rusty armor and rusty and rusty maces. The other two had barely anything on and had clubs of some sort. Craven took out his sword and readied himself for combat, I unsheathed my swords and stepped into a defensive stance, as moving I notice something moving on the second floor of the Fort. I then look around, scanning the area, the Fort was a small one, the outside walls were two floors, the wall in front of us had a hole in it. I motioned towards Craven pointing to the second floor he looked up and nodded. The skeletons charged at us, I ducked a swing and brought my longsword up, hitting the skeleton’s rub cage. I was shocked to see that it didn’t shatter and fall apart when I hit it, it was like some force was holding it together. “It looks like we got ourselves a Nec Bandit!” I heard Craven yell over to me as he bashed one skeleton with his shield. “Whats a Nec bandit?” I asked as I finally cut down the one skeleton, after it fell another charged in. “A Necromancer that’s with the bandits.” Responded Craven as he bashed another skeleton. “We’ll have to find this Nec bandit, I think I saw him in the ruins!” I shouted as I rolled forward dodging to swings from different skeletons. Craven swung his sword and cut another skeleton down, looking around, three more of them rose. Craven looked at me, “Go inside and kill the Bloody B*****d, I’ll handle this guys!” I nodded and ran for the hole in the wall, I climbed up and over the broken edge. I was on the first floor. I saw the stairs on the side of the hall. I slowly began to approach them, there was a doorway, I leaned against the edge of the doorway and peered into the open room, nothing. I ran past and went up the stairs, I looked over into the clearing and saw Craven beating down more skeletons. I walked around the room, ready for anything. “Well it looks like that not everyone that comes through here is stupid.” I turned quickly to face where the voice came from. There stood four breic men. One had two shortswords and wore light armor. The second one had a giant axe and wear barely any armor. The third one had shield and a longsword and had medium armor. The last one had a dagger and a staff, and wore a dark brown and purple cloak, around his neck was a green amulet that glowed lightly, that’s my target. I stepped back and watched their movements. I shut my eyes and reopened them, I stared at the four, each one was ready, the three bandit fighters all stepped forward, I held my ground, then stepped back and charged forward. I ran and swung my longsword, the three bandit fighters didn’t expect my charge, my longsword cut downwards on the bandit with the longsword and shield, he fell down, the axe wielder swung as I rolled in between him and the smaller bandit. I ducked and heard the axe swing above me and hit the smaller bandit, blood sprayed around and on me. I then turned and swung my scimitar up and cut the bigger one’s chest I spun and shoved my longsword through his chest, I stood there and watched his eyes turn lifeless, I pushed him off and charged at the Nec Bandit, he swung his staff, dropping his dagger. I swung and hit the staff with my longsword pushing it away and stepped forward and pinned him to the stonewall behind him, his mouth agape, his eyes widen. I stepped back as his lifeless body slid to the ground, I pulled off the necklace and smashed it against the wall. I walked over to where Craven could see me, he looked up at me and nodded. I smiled then heard something move behind me, but before I could turn I felt something zip pass my face, slightly cutting my cheek and neck, after I heard a dull thud then I felt something push against me, I quickly maneuvered myself, but lost balance. I was falling backwards, what pushed me was the Bandit with the longsword, in his forehead, an arrow stuck out, I tilted my head and then everything went black. © 2008 Linis Arizen |
Added on February 8, 2008 Last Updated on March 17, 2008 Author![]() Linis ArizenThe Darkness, PAAboutI'm new at writing, at first I loved to draw(anime), but I started writing a few small things, poems and short stories, etc. (all lost > more..Writing