![]() Fantasy: Chapter 10: DesireA Chapter by Linis Arizen Desire: I jumped back as Torvas swung his spear down at me, I slid to a halt as I blocked his shield with my swords. The sound of the other Crimson Wave members made it hard to concentrate, their howling is deafening. I quickly looked back to Torvas just as he started to swing his shield down at me I raised my swords quickly, when his shield hit my blades, I felt his strength. I pushed forward, slightly moving him back, ducked and swung my scimitar, I felt it hit him. Torvas quickly stepped back and looked at his new wound. The wound bleed as the cut was deep, he growl then smirked as he looked at me. He charged at me with his spear, I rolled out of his way and swung my long sword as he ran past me, I didn’t hit him. Damn he’s fast. He turned and started stabbing his spear at me, I started to dodge as much as I could, his spear had a good five-foot reach. Stepping back while dodging his spear I hit a rock, breaking my concentration. “Agh!” I looked at the spear as it had hit and went through the left side of my chest, blood started to quickly drip out and roll down my armor. I looked at the make of the spear, more closely, duh. It wasn’t metal, but yet, not wood, I looked at Torvas and then realized that I was still moving. “Gah! Oph ahh…d****t..” I felt my body hit a broken piece of a wall, I looked at Torvas again, I smiled and swung my scimitar down as hard and as fast as I could. My scimitar stuck into it, I then swung my long sword inwards after moving my arm out of its range, hitting right where the scimitar did, finally breaking the spear in half, I fell to the ground and quickly stood up, Torvas quickly stepped back. I pulled out the now two and a half foot long piece of spear out of my chest, blood ran down my chest and leg now. Torvas looked around, he threw his broken spear to the ground and ducked into a defensive position, I charged at him, feeling my adrenaline pump throughout my body. I switched my long sword with the spear so I was holding the sword in my right hand. I swung down hitting his shield, the moment it hit he pressed up, slightly lifting me into the air and he quickly jabbed me in the chest with his fist, I flew backward, managed to land on my feet and looked at him. I smiled as I charged again, this time when he lifted me up, I stabbed forward with the spear, reaching it all the way to the bottom, I felt it make contact. I fell backwards and stood, Torvas stood there, the spear was sticking out of his collarbone at an angle, I would assume the tip was angled down inside his body. I ran forward and quickly swung my sword diagonally up to the right. Cutting his exposed skin deep. He fell to his knees, the howling slowly stopped and went silent. I looked at him and pointed the sword at him. “Finish him breic!” I looked up at the chieftain as he points to Torvas. I looked down to Torvas, he looked up at me with pride, “I am honored to die by your hands, you’re a great warrior, I will not die at anyone else’s hands.” He shut his eyes. I stood there, shocked, but understood his words. I raised my sword and swung down, I felt he blade hit and dig into his neck. I looked around as his body fell to the ground, blood drip and formed a small puddle under his neck. I walked forward, everything slowed, my vision blurred, then it all went dark. I quickly sat up gasping for air, I grabbed the left side of my chest as it hurt, pain surged throughout my body, then it went numb, then normal. I stood up and looked in the mirror, I ran my fingers on my new scar. I looked around, I was back in the Inn. Cat wasn’t in the bed, I looked around and then heard the shower running from the other side of the door. I smiled and sat back on the bed. “I hope…Craven is ok…d****t what a time to wake up…” I looked around and stood up. I walked over to the window. It was a bright day. I walked to the bed and picked up my shirt, I put it on and found my shoes, slipped them on and knocked on the bathroom door. The water stopped and her voice carried through the door like a small wave of peaceful healing angels. “Yea?” I smiled, “Hey Beautiful” I heard her giggle abit, “hehe yes my Sleepy Handsome Prince?” “Hehe, I’m gonna go walk around abit. I’ll be back soon.” “Ok, I love you” I smiled, “I love you too” The water turned back on and I walked out into the hallway. I looked up and down it, I rubbed my chin, “Well…now what…” I walked down the hallway and knocked on Jack’s door. There was no answer, I tilted my head, “Now where could he have gone?” I looked around again and walked down to the main lobby. I walked outside. I looked around, birds chirping, warm air, cloudless sky. It’s going to be a good day here in the real world. I sat on a bench and watched a car pull up into the parking lot, it was a small white and gray BMW. Out of the car, Dr. Cushowe walked up, he looked at me and walked up to me, “I assume you went there again last night?” I nodded He pointed to the bench, “May I?” “Ye..Yes of course” I said sitting straight up, he walked over and sat down next to me, he placed the bag he was carrying next to him. “So, what else has happened in Elmemna?” he asked with a sad voice “Eh, looks like some other Breic…eh human leader is trying to rid it of all the other races…” “Hmm I see…” he responded while looking into the sky I looked up with him then quickly looked at him, “Hey, have you ever been visited? Like by someone from that world? A man has been visiting me in my dreams…but not the dreams of Elmemna, but of this world…” He looked at me with a small look of shock, “No...no I haven’t…whats he looks like?” “He has medium long black hair, umm dark purple-ish red eyes, and wears black clothes. “ “Hmmm….” He rubbed his chin, “It sounds like it could be Lloyd…” “He said that I need to free him..” “Free…hmm maybe Alex didn’t kill Lloyd…” “I guess so, from the sounds of it he just...locked him away…” He looked at me, “I wouldn’t suggest trying to free him…” I nodded and then looked at him with a confused look, “Wait…I thought you were leaving today?” “Oh um…yes I am, but I’m just getting some last minute things before leaving. My stuff is all still here so yea…” “Ahh…so anyways back to Lloyd…but if Lloyd is trying to get free then what happened to Alex? Hmm what was his last name?” I asked him with a look of realization “Umm…his last name….hmmm….I can’t remember, if you would like to come to my room I could give you more information.” He responded with a hint of disappointment. “Yes of course” I nodded as we both stood up, he grabbed his bag and we walked into the lobby, sitting at the table was Jack, I looked at him he had his head phones on and his eyes shut, best not bother him. We arrived at Dr. Cushowe’s room and went inside, I sat down on the couch as he went to his desk and set his bag on the ground by it, he went through papers and notes. He smiled and walked over to me,” Alex Wincroft ..” Ah that’s the name of the one Province. “Wait…that’s the name of a Province…” “They must have named it after Alex…” I looked around, I rubbed my face gently. “D****t…this all doesn’t make sense…” There was a knock at the door, I looked at Dr. Cushowe, he walked over and opened the door, Cat stood there with a smile and looked over at me. “Hey…sorry to interrupt but, hun we should get going…I got your stuff in the car already. It’s a long drive back…so…” I nodded and stood up, as I walked over to the door, Dr. Cushowe handed me a paper, “That’s my cell if you need or learn anything.” He walked back to his desk, “Good travels Leon” I nodded, “Thanks for all your help Doctor…” I walked out and shut his door. Cat looked at me and smiled, she took my hand and we began walking down the hall. “So, Leon, why did we come all the way out here to see him?” Cat asked as she looked at me. I looked down, “Eh...well..I’ve been having these weird dreams…and they seem so..real…and he wrote a book on this place, the place I’ve been going to in my dreams…” Cat tilted her head, and looked forward,” Interesting…well did he help?” “Alittle…” “And what about the cuts on your arms…why did you do that? Because of the dreams?” I nodded, “Yes” She nodded and shielded her eyes as we stopped outside, Jack was in the car already, and we walked up to the car and got in. Cat turned the key and started driving out of the parking lot and onto the main road. I watched the trees and houses zip past us, shortly after, my desire to stay awake faded, and I soon fell asleep. I woke up in another tent, I sat up and looked around, my wound was bandaged, I slowly stood up and grabbed my leather armor and put it on. I walked outside, I looked around, it was daytime. “Oy Laddy your up?” I turned quickly and saw Craven walking towards me, he had a dark brown bag in his left hand, he stopped in front of me, “How ye feeling?” I rubbed my wound, which wasn’t a scar here, “Ow…ehh…hehe ok considering haha” I responded as I moved my hand away from the wound. “Good, here this is your weapons and a little gift from the Crimson Tribe.” He said as he handed me the bag. I took out my swords and sheathed them. After I took out the swords I pulled out a dagger and a headband with the Crimson Tribe’s symbol on it, I put the headband on and unsheathed the dagger. The blade was a bright silver and deadly sharp, the blade kind of curved back. The handle when I held it felt as though it encased my hand. A firm tight grip, I clipped the dagger on my belt on my back. My last resort weapon. I looked at Craven and smiled then looked around, “So, where are we?” Craven smiled, “We’re outside Gilloim, I wanted you to be awake as we went through.” I nodded. Craven nodded and started walking up the hill to Gilloim’s gates. I ran up after him, “Wait Craven, what about the tent?” “Not ours…” “Ohhh…” We went through the town gates, at the gates were two guards, a Feain and a Sythain, they nodded as we went through. I rubbed my head and looked at Craven, “Hey, I thought you had to go to Corvas? “I do, Corvas is near Crieo.” “Ohhh…” I looked around as we walked into the main square of the town. People of all races ran about. Some wore normal clothes, others wore leather and some wore metal armor. A lot of them looked very intimidating. It seems the Briec’s wore the most heavy metal armor. The Lucian’s wore a lot of light metal armor. The Sythain’s wore a mix of light armor and medium armor. And the Feain’s had light to almost no armor. Seeing the Sythain’s for the first time, I’d say their the second most beautiful race here. Craven started to walk forward, I followed behind him. “Hey, lad if there is anything you desire from here I’d get it now. Here” said Craven as he turned and handed me a small pouch that weighed almost as much as my sword did, I opened it and my eyes widen as I stared at the gold coins. “Theres about…two hundred or so coins in there, use them wisely.” “Thanks” I looked around as Craven began walking up to one stand getting herbs of some sort, I walked up to an armor shop. I went inside, I smelt fine leather, burnt metal and steel. I looked around looking at the armor’s that were on display. I turned to face the female Sythain as she walked up to me, her dark hair covered some of her face, in the light her hair had a dark blue tint to it, under her left eye was a small wave like mark, her eyes were a piercing green, her body was slim but yet had muscle. She had on a low cut shirt that showed her belly, around her belly button was another mark, it had two wavy lines on the sides of the belly button, one went up, the other down. It was a fine mark. I shook my head and cleared my thoughts. “uh..um uh..well I don’t know…” The girl giggled abit and poked my armor, “Hehe well I can tell you this, you’re going to need a new set of armor, this is so…weak hehe. What do you see yourself wearing? Since you have what….two..oh no three weapons. No bow hmm I’d say medium armor. Strange, most Breic men have Claymores and what not. Hmmm I suggest this…” she points to a stand that had a dark brown almost black leather shirt with thin but hard metal shoulder pads and chain mail showing through on the sides, on the elbows and on the knees of the pants. I smiled and nodded, I liked this outfit. “How much?” “One hundred and eighty pieces of gold. Hehe” I smiled, “Ok cool, I’ll take it” When I said this her face showed shock, “Wow, I like you hehe and I have the perfect pair of boots that go with it.” She went behind the counter and walked up with this black leather boots. I nodded in approval. She smiled and walked up to me and undid my leather armor, “Ya know, Breic, you haven’t stopped blushing yet hehe” My eyes widen, I didn’t even know I was blushing. “Uh…umm…sorry?” my voice stuttered and I know could feel my cheeks warming up as I blushed more. “Hehe its ok, my name is Seria Mourfang.” She stepped in front of me and offered her hand. I gently grabbed her hand, “Leon…Leon Kincad nice to meet you.” “Seria!” A loud dark voice came from the back of the shop, Seria’s face went grim, the voice quickly annoyed her, she smiled, “I’ll be right back. Oh if you want that armor, “she dropped my leather shirt on the ground and took the leather chain shirt and pants and carried them to this room behind the counter, “You can change here, and I’ll be right back.” I went into the room and she handed me the new armor. I took off my old gear and put on the new gear. This armor was like it was made for me, felt comfy, not to tight not too loose. I walked out of the room and stood at the counter and waited for Seria to come back. “Sorry about that, so I take it you like it?” she smiled I nodded and handed her the bag of coins, “Yes I do” She smiled, “Good, cause I made it hehe I call it Shade. Because its dark and might help you hide in dark places, and its quiet, even with the metal.” She said as she took the coins she needed from the bag and she handed it back to me. “Have a good day” I smiled and began walking to the door, before leaving I turned and looked at her, she smiled at me. I smiled back and walked out of the shop and walked up to Craven. “Nice outfit.” Says Craven as he walked up to me, it looks like he got some new leather aswell, it wasn’t as light as it was before. “So, lad, you get everything you wanted?” I nodded I couldn’t get Seria of my mind, I then thought about Lucia in Kyrika. Both very beautiful. Everyone’s been asking what I desire, I know now what I desire.
© 2008 Linis Arizen |
Added on February 8, 2008 Last Updated on March 17, 2008 Author![]() Linis ArizenThe Darkness, PAAboutI'm new at writing, at first I loved to draw(anime), but I started writing a few small things, poems and short stories, etc. (all lost > more..Writing