![]() Fantasy: Chapter 9: FaithA Chapter by Linis Arizen Faith: I laid there starring at the ceiling in the room. Cat was sleeping, her head on my chest, her hair loose and silky. I ran my finger down her shoulder and back. Her skin, so soft. I stopped as she moved her head and mumbled abit. I smiled and looked back up at the ceiling. Elmena, Alex, and me. Thinking about them and my dreams makes me think if there are others, what if Dr. Cushowe is having these dreams? Eh I doubt it. Usually I want to sleep to go to this Fantasy world, but now I’m alittle afraid. I’ve kept myself awake since me and Cat finished our passionate time, a time that we barely have, I’ve stayed awake lying there, for four hours now. But, I wonder how Craven is? If I’m careful, and avoid dying in that world, it’s ok, right? As I laid there thinking I didn’t realize I had my eyes shut. My eyes shot open, I looked around, I was still in the Inn. I sat up, Cat wasn’t here, I looked outside the window, it was foggy, very foggy. I walked up to the window and looked around, no cars, no nothing. I looked around the room, I felt someone was here. I walked to the mirror and looked into it, my eyes widen. “Hello again…Leon” I turned around quickly and glared at the man I saw in my bathroom and my mirror before, “Who are you!?” “My name is of no importance yet, but what you can know is that I need your help.” “Freeing me…” “Freeing you?” “Yes…” “How…can I free you? And why should I?” “All we be answered soon enough…for now continue to Crieo, ignore your life in the Dreamland. Mithas knows more than he’ll let on.” “What do you me…” “..an! Ahh!...huh…wha…where am I?” I sat up and looked around, I was in a tent, I was back in Elmemna. I sat up and went outside, I saw Craven down by a lake, I walked down to him and stood beside him, “Hey..uhh..how long have I been out?” Craven turned and faced me he smiled, “Oh, not long, a few hours maybe…I had to carry you a few times cause time is not wasteful. We’re about…three days from Crieo. We’ll be passing through the Trade Town of Gilloim. Then after that the Forest of Sleep and then the Field of Lansin. The trade town is one of the very very very few peaceful places where the races are…nice. The Forest of Sleep is the borderline between the Cushote Province and the Wincroft Province. And the field is like the…entrance to the Wincroft Province. A warning, that province is mainly ran by the Lucian Tribes.” Hmmm Wincroft that sounds familiar. I looked at Craven and nodded, “Ok, well I’m ready when you are.” Craven smiled, “Good, then lets be off.” Craven and me packed up our gear and supplies. He set the camp in a small patch of woods. From what he says it’ll take us a few hours to get to Gilloim. I looked at him and tilted my head, “So…why are you going to Crieo?” He looked up and then straight forward, “I’m…on a mission…I’ve got to look into the Moritas’s plans, and maybe help build a better defense against them and or stop them before a big battle or worse another war. Crieo has also been…taken over by the Moritas clan. I’m going there to also free it, and your going to help, right?” I smiled and nodded, “Hell Yea” He smiled, “Good, sides from my information, Mithas has been forced into hiding. He leads a small group of Lucian warriors to try and take Crieo over again, but, hasn’t been doing to well in that front. With our help, Crieo will be freed.” I looked down confused, then I looked at him, “Craven…umm…if I may ask..I don’t mean to be rude..but..what…rac..” “I’m a norbid…yes…” Craven’s cool calm voice grew dark and low as he interrupted me with an answer to my unasked question. “My mother was a Faein Cleric in the city of Eireas. My father was a Lucian Ranger from the Lost City of Vinteo. They met crossing paths while on a journey, my mother was delivering medication to Kyrika Forest and she was ambushed by a group of Breic Bandits outside Eireas, my father was exploring, she hired him after he disposed of the bandits and they traveled back to Kyrika Forest. During that time they grew close and soon fell in love. After awhile I was born, but my parents were killed in an attack on Kyrika Forest when I was four. My mother died trying to save a young girl, and my father died protecting the main gate. But…heh that’s enough of my past….what about you? Your mother and father? Well…it would pointless to ask wouldn’t it? Since you’re from a different world and all…ehh forget I asked…” as Craven explained his eyes grew dark and sad, I looked down and frowned thinking about my parents. “Its fine…I..wasn’t really expecting you to tell me…” Craven looked at me and smiled abit, “Well, since we’re friends and I trust you. I wanted to…” I smiled as I felt his trust. After a few more hours of walking we finally reached a hill and I saw the Town of Gilloim. It was a good three-hour walk from our spot, between us and the town was a forest, Craven looked at me, “Now, we can stop here and camp or we can keep going forward, the night always welcomes unfriendly things. Its your decision.” I looked at the town, then the forest, then the town, and then Craven, “Lets…keep going…” Craven smiled, “Alright, well lad, you might want to be ever cautious while going through the woods. Shall we?” I nodded, “We shall”. I looked up into the night sky, it was a clear night, both moons glowed brightly, the red one was bigger than the blue one. I felt peace looking at these moons. I heard Craven walking down the hill, I soon followed after him. We entered the woods, it was dark, almost hard to see the trail. Craven pulled out a torch from his backpack and poured some oil on the tips, he then pulled out two small objects and banging rubbing them and hitting them together, I tilted my head, “What are those?” Craven looked up at me in utter confusion, “Wow lad, you really aren’t from this world….this is flint and a small carved rock, its how we make fire.” When he got done telling me what the items were there was a spark and the torch tip caught on fire. Craven smiled, “Now, we can at least see” We can see abit, but the thing is, what can see us now? We kept walking for at least an hour till we came to a clearing, in this clearing the moonlight made the ground glow, the clearing had a stone path around it, and in the middle was a statue of some kind, we cautiously walked up to the statue, it looked very old, centuries old. I looked at it closely, it was of a wolf howling , I looked up and the moon was right above us, like it was ready to crush us. My eyes widen and my mouth opened slowly as I stood there, stunned by the amazing beauty of the Crimson moon and the small Silver moon. Man, I wish we had those moons in the real world. “Leon!” I jumped as I turned to the sound of Craven yelling and the sound of his sword coming out of its sheath, I unsheathed both of my swords and looked around, I heard a lot of movement in the woods around us. Out from the woods, surrounding us, about twenty of them, all with spears and dark reddish brown leather armor, some had no armor on. Craven and me stood together back-to-back, weapons ready, Craven turns his head to me, “Lucian bandits. Probably the Crimson Wave Tribe.” I looked around, at all of them, several had the same small dark red mark of a Crescent moon with a spear going through it. Out of the twenty, one of them walks up to us, it was a male with long dark black hair, his skin was of normal tone, but darker, the bright glow gave his skin a reddish tint to it, made him very intimidating. Me and Craven turned towards him, he stopped about ten feet away from us, he put his spear tip in the ground so it stood there next to him, the spear looked like it was seven feet tall, almost as tall as him, he wore no chest armor, he was very built, and had scars to prove his skills. The most interesting one was the one on his face, it was on his left side, it started at the tip of his forehead and went under his left eye and ended right by his nose, it wasn’t thick, but it wasn’t thin. He smiled as he stood there, he tilted his head, his tribal mark was on the left side of his neck. He raises his right hand toward us, “Look what we have here….a couple of would be adventurers tracking onto our land. If you want to get out of here alive, you must give us all your supplies and coins you got.” Craven tightened his grip on his sword, “I’m sorry Lad, but we’ve got no Coins, and I’m afraid we can’t hand over our supplies to ya. We need them.” The man tilts his head and gives us a cold stare with his dark green eyes, “Well then. We’ll just have to take them from you.” “I know your tribe’s ways, The Crimson Wave tribe has one rule, a one on one duel between your warrior of choice and the poor victim your robbing. To this day no one has survived this way, that’s going to change tonight.” Yelled Craven as he stood straight up and pointed his sword toward the man. The man, which from the looks of things is their chief, smirks, “Well, you seem to know the ways of our faith, lets just hope your faith to what you stand for can let you survive…so be it,” he turned around as he grabs his spear, his dark tail and dark wolf ears noticeable now, he looked at his men, “They have requested a one on one duel!” They all screamed and howled into the air, the chief walked up to where he stood before, he looked around, “ Torvas! You will kill them tonight…” A man from the right side of the clearing walks up, he had chest armor on that covered only his left half of his body, his right arm was armored aswell, he held a spear in his left hand and a shield in his right, the shield looked like it was one with the armor as it scaled up his arm and not out like Cravens shield. His short golden like hair flowed back, his wolf ears were above his human ears, weird they have both ears, so they have like, four ears. His gold eyes glowed in the moonlight as he approached us. Craven looked at me then to Torvas, “Alright lad, lets see what ya got in you. You fight him.” I turned and looked at him, my eyes widen, “Wha…but…” “I remember how you cut down that one bandit leader….I have Faith that you’ll cut this guy down easily. Now, go get em” said Craven as he shoved me towards Torvas. Torvas growled and pointed his spear at me, he smirked. I stood there, alittle confused but then I nodded and held my weapons forward. My scimitar curved down towards me, my defensive weapon, my long sword held out, I stood sideways to him. I hope this ends well.
© 2008 Linis Arizen |
Added on February 8, 2008 Last Updated on March 17, 2008 Author![]() Linis ArizenThe Darkness, PAAboutI'm new at writing, at first I loved to draw(anime), but I started writing a few small things, poems and short stories, etc. (all lost > more..Writing