Fantasy: Chapter 8: Chill

Fantasy: Chapter 8: Chill

A Chapter by Linis Arizen




       Craven and me have been walking for hours. We just left The Kyrika Forest lines, we’re in this field, it was beautiful, gold, white, red, and purple flowers with the green grass and the forest surrounding it. It was as beautiful as a painting, I loved it, it was peaceful.

“Ok, we should be in Crieo in a few days.” said Craven as he walked beside me. I looked at him, up and down, his dark brown leather armor was littered with battle marks and scars, his black under clothing must be making him one-hundred times hotter with this heat. I then looked at my armor, light brown leather armor, unscratched. I too had the black under clothing. Ah no wonder why its so hot.  I then looked at his shield and sword. His shield had scratches and dents in it, it was made from iron and wood. I looked at my swords at my sides, a scimitar and a long sword, I hope I can use them really good. I then realized that I stopped moving, my vision blurred I quickly looked at Craven, “Ahh...umm…I’m…I’ back…la..”

Everything went black.


“Leon! Wake up!”

“…ater!...ahh..what…huh?...ahh Cat?” I looked around franticly, my heart was racing. I was inside Cat’s car, it was dusk outside, I woke up to her shaking me, I looked at her as my vision adjusted.

“We’re there…The Three Brother’s Inn” she pointed to the decent looking three-floor building. I looked at her and smiled.

“Ok..umm..wait here…and I’ll be back..soon”.

She nodded, leaned over and kissed me lightly, “I love you…”

I smiled, “I love you too…”


I looked over to jack as he laid there with his right eye closed, “You two…funny we’re at an Inn, why don’t ya’ll get a room? Hahaha”

“Hahaha funny…maybe we will hehe” I responded as I got out of the car and smiled at Cat, she smiled back.

I walked into the lobby and looked around, it was a well-built place, it looked like it was made in the midevil days, I liked it.

“Can I help you sir?” Said the clerk as he stepped up to the counter, he was a old looking man, he had shaggy grey hear, and had dark brown eyes that almost told anyone his life story.

“Umm..oh uh I was wondering if what room Dr. Cushowe was staying in…”

“Are you one of his appointments?”

What? Appointments? Is this his…second place to work?

“I’ll take that look of confusion as a no, don’t worry I was only messing with you…he’s in room 231…on the second floor up those stairs.” he pointed over to a staircase.

I lightly smiled and nodded, “Thank…you”.

I walked up the stairs, when I reached the second floor a mother and her young boy were coming down the stairs I stood to the side and let them pass, as they passed the boy looked at me, when I looked back I saw not only him but then I saw a young Faein boy then the boy himself, weird. Anyways I walked down the hallway and looked at the numbers till I found room 231, I smiled and knocked lightly.

“I’m coming” I heard a deep voice on the other side of the door, then footsteps, I heard the doorknob turn, I stepped back. The door opened and a middle-aged man with short golden hair and glasses stood there and looked at me, “Can I help you?”

I smiled, “Dr. Cushowe?”

“Yes?” he answered with a small hesitation

“Hi…I’m Leon Kincad and I was wondering if you could tell me more about your book..and maybe help me with a problem I have”

When I mentioned the book his eyes slightly lowered and went dark then he smiled and motioned me into his room. I walked in, he motioned me to go ahead and sit, so I sat on the couch.

“So, you’ve read my book? What one?” he asked me as he sat down and placed a glass of water on the table in front of me.

“The Crimson Moon….” As I said the name of the book his face went grim for a second and then he looked at me.

“So what do you wanna know about it?”

“Well….ehh…I’ve been…”

“Having dreams?”

Ahh he knows. Good then maybe this will be easier than I thought.

 I nodded, “Yes…dreams of this world…the world in your book”

He shut his eyes, “Ehh…you’re not the only one…there have been…three cases…”

I tilted my head in more confusion, “Three?”

He nodded, “Yes…the first one, before I wrote the book was my wife, Elmena…”

Elmena? But that’s the name of..

“Yes, the place in my book is called Elmemna, I named it after her. See, about six years ago she had this dreams, where she would be in this world of Fantasy and adventure. She loved those dreams, but yet was worried by them. They seemed real, if she got hurt in the dream world, she had a scar in the real world…”
I rubbed my right shoulder. Eh a scar?

“…then she began researching but kept finding nothing…she started to get obsessed with it…she kept going on about this man that, in her dreams was trying to gain power to attack our world…yes sounds crazy..I’m not sure if I can believe it or not, but three years ago she killed herself…I then wrote the book. I based the world off of the notes she took. Then about two years ago around this time a young boy named Alex visited me about the same dreams. He said that in his dreams that he was brought into a war…and had to stop this mage named…”

“Lloyd…” I interrupted him, he then gave me a look of confusion.

“Are you going through the same thing?”

I shook my head, “Well…not exactly…it’s a few years after that one war…”

He looked down, “I see…”

I titled my head, “Where…is Alex?”

He shrugged, “No idea…after he left my place, I never saw him again. I even looked in newspapers and watched the news for him, nothing.”

“I see..” I responded and looked down, “You said…that…in the dream world if I get hurt there I get a scar here? So...what happens if I…”

“Die? You die here…”

Ah, what? All of a sudden I got a cold chill up my spine.

“That…isn’t good…”

He shakes his head, “Yea…”

“So…what do I have to do to stop these dreams?”

He looked at me with a pale grim look, “Well…there isn’t a way…at least, I haven’t found it yet.”

I looked down and all of a sudden I feel as though I don’t want to sleep ever again.

He stood up and looked at me, “Well…I hope you figure out a way to stop those dreams…but I must be getting ready, I’m leaving to return home tomorrow.”

I looked at him and smiled, “Thanks again, and if I need anymore help or find out anything I’ll let you know…got a cell phone?”

He nodded and handed me a small card, I looked at it, “Cool…well thanks again…”. I stood up and went outside and downstairs to the lobby, it was ten thirty…Jack and Cat was in the lobby., Cat walked up to me and handed me a key, “We got room 310, Jack has room 311”

I smiled and looked over to Jack, “Told ya we would get a room hahaha”

Jack laughed and walked passed us, “Don’t make to much noise you two love birds.”


Me and Cat went to our room, when we got inside I went into the bedroom and sat on the bed, Cat walked into the bathroom, I took off my shoes and my over shirt, and my tank-top, I was sore and tired for some reason, I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, I saw on my right shoulder a small circular scar, I rubbed it. It sent a sharp chill up my spine.  I heard the bathroom door open, I turned around and saw Cat standing there in nothing but her dark blue panties and her blue bra, she was smiling, I couldn’t help but blush, “Aww is someone blushing?” she said in a seductive voice as she walked over to me, she grabbed my hands and pushed me onto the bed. She then slowly got on top of me and rubbed my chest and shoulders, her hands traced my stomach ran her finger around my belly button, she then kissed me deeply as her hand went down further.





© 2008 Linis Arizen

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Added on February 8, 2008
Last Updated on March 17, 2008


Linis Arizen
Linis Arizen

The Darkness, PA

I'm new at writing, at first I loved to draw(anime), but I started writing a few small things, poems and short stories, etc. (all lost > more..

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