Fantasy: Chapter 5: Stress

Fantasy: Chapter 5: Stress

A Chapter by Linis Arizen



                “What’s wrong with you?!”

The Thing I dread the most is when her serene, majestic voice turns twisted and dark. Cat glared at me as I sat on my bed, my left arm now  bandaged from the wrist to my elbow, apparently I had cut four three inch cuts in my forearm, I haven’t looked to see how deep they are, but judging from the never ending flow of my crimson blood, they were deep.

“Cat, I don’t know…I…I went to sleep…and...”

“Bull! Leon, I’m not stupid, you don’t just go to sleep and wake up braking mirrors and cutting yourself!”

“Cat! Please! I didn’t know what I was doing!”

“Shut Up!”

When she is this upset, there is no reasoning with her. You may be wondering why, well I have a past of cutting myself, and a few suicide attempts here and there. I didn’t have a great past life, while growing up I dealt with my drunk father, my mother, brother and Jack were the only family I had, when I was twelve my brother was murdered, by his girlfriend’s jealous obsessive ex. The killer soon after jumped head first off an interstate bridge. When I was thirteen, around Christmas my mother was killed in a car accident, after that, Jack and me were on our own. My dad moved when I was fifteen, I haven’t heard from him since, and I don’t care if I do. This isn’t the only time she’s yelled at me about this, last time when I was sixteen, I vowed I would never do it again, now, I’m as lost as ever.

“Leon…why…” Cat kneels in front of me and puts her head on my knees, I felt her tears seep through my jeans. I put my hand on her shoulder and knelt down in front of her and stared at her right in her eyes.

“Hun, I truly don’t know…I was sleeping..and…I had this dream…and..”

“Dream?” She looked at me like I was crazy, a look I was use to.

“Yes..a dream..I’ve been having these weird dreams lightly, and for the first time in a week, this one was different form the last ones. Hun, you’ve got to believe me, I wouldn’t do it again, why would I? I have no reason to…”

She looked down, Jack walked into the room and looked at us, “I have to agree with the dream thing, he seemed like he was in a daze when I walked in”

Cat looked at him, then to me, “Leon..I..I’m sorry…I…”

“Shhh…its ok…” I put my index finger on her lips, I move gently close to her and kiss her lightly, I sat back and stared into her crystal blue eyes, when she cries her eyes glow a silverish color, I didn’t like it. I hug her tightly, “Everything will be ok, I love you”.

She holds me tightly, “I Love You too”.

I smiled and held her close, “Hun, I’m tired…”.

Jack nodded and walked out of my room, shutting my door. I stood and looked at Cat, I laid in my bed, she then laid down next to me, she wraps her arms around me smiling, she stopped crying, I looked at my clock, 12:45 am, no wonder I’m tired. I looked at my ceiling, I raised my arm and slammed my hand down on my clock, hitting the power button, Cat adjusted and rubbed her head against my chest. Soon after she fell asleep, I stared at my ceiling as I held her, I was afraid to go to sleep, I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, would I go back to Craven’s world? Or will I see that Guy again? And end up hurting myself, or worse, Cat.

As I sat there pondering what could happen, I slowly slip into that dark abyss.


                I looked around after I opened my eyes, I was inside a tent, not where I remember I was at last. I sat up, I heard movement approaching the tent, I quickly reached for my sword, I held it, not out, but within defense reach. Craven walks in and nods, “Oy, your awake earlier than I figured you’d be, how you feeling?”.

I looked around, “Uhh...I…I feel fine… long was I out?”.

Craven looks at me with a deranged look, “Out? You just came inside the tent like…three hours ago…”. I looked at him even more confused than ever, “..Wha…what?”


“How far are we from Corvas?”

“Not that far, we’re not far from the Faein village, Diau. After that we have the rest of the forest, and then the Tiatui Outfields, then we’re there. We will also encounter many other villages on our way there.” I stood up and looked at Craven as he explained, from the sounds of it, even though I was awake, I, well the me in this dream world kept going, I don’t like that at all.

I nod, “Well, shall we keep going?”.

Craven smiles, “Why not, lets go”.

After walking awhile from the campsite that we put up, we came to an entrance to a village, I looked around marveled how beautiful this place was. We stood in front of Diau’s Gate, Craven looks at me, “I will warn you, that they aren’t, that trusting and or grateful to, visits by…people like us…” as he said that his face turned grim, he started walking into the village. I followed behind him, ready for anything.

When we got inside the village, we saw Faein men and women, walking around. Doing their daily habits, we saw children playing in a small garden.

“So, these are Faes?” I asked Craven as I stared at the Fox Humanoids, there were, beautiful looking, so elegant and fluid, heck, even the guys looked good, I know, weird.

Craven was moving cautiously, even more than I was, I think I’m right about Craven being a Norbid, question is, what is he a mix of?

Craven and I walk around, some of the female Faes look at us with fear and walk away, while the others pay us no mind, Craven looks at me, “Ok, I’m going to check out their local Smiths and Supply stores. Faes are known for their, exotic supplies and weapons. Umm don’t get in any trouble, they aren’t very...friendly when outsiders break their rules. Be careful, like I said, their sneaky.” Craven walks off nodding back at me.

I looked around, I’ve never felt so alone. Everyone looked at me with almost hate, and disgust, I slowly walked around the village, cautiously watching the children playing in the garden. I couldn’t help but smile.

“It’s a blessing, no?”

The majestic voice made me shiver and jump a little, it almost made me remember something, or someone else, I turned around slowly, the voice came from a very slim and beautiful Faein  girl, she looks seventeen, well, in human years, I don’t know if they have a different age thing than us. She had long Orange hair, it shined, it had a tint of copper to it as well, her eyes were a dark greenish orange.

“It’s a blessing, No?”

“Wha…what’s a blessing?”

“The little ones, its so great watching them play so peacefully, it makes you almost think there isn’t a Racial War out there…” she looks at the children with so much peace and serenity, I could feel it in the air around her.

“….yeea…they are a blessing…um…” I look at her, “..Racial War?”.

She looks at me with confusion, “You…don’t know about the Racial War, ahh I don’t blame you, its not out there, its quiet and small, not to publicly known, your new around here aren’t you?”


As I tried to respond, everything started to spin, and get blurry, I staggered backwards, I stepped forward trying to not fall into the garden, I fell forward, then I saw darkness.



                I quickly sit up, I looked around, I was back in my room, Cat was laying next to me, I was sweating, I then realized my heart was beating extremely fast, my head, pounded, like drums playing right there by my ears, no in my brain, I felt extremely hot, I stood up and staggered towards my bathroom door, I looked down to the ground and watched the drop of blood fall to the floor. I walked into my bathroom, I stared into the mirror at myself, blood was flowing out of my nose. I grabbed a wash cloth and put some water on it and wipe my face, the blood stopped, I looked into the mirror, I heard footsteps approach me, I turned, my eyes widen, it was him, that guy, he was smiling, his red eyes glaring at me, I stepped back, “Stay back…”

He stepped forward.

I raised my fist, ready for anything, he stops and tilts his head, “Its almost time, my dear puppet.”

I looked at him in pure confusion. “Puppet?”


I turn to Cats voice and walk back into my bedroom, she was sitting on the bed, she stared at me, her crystal blue eyes staring at me, “Hey, guess what day it is…”

I tilted my head, “Umm…” I look around the room.

“It’s May 20th.” she smiles, ‘Happy Birthday you bum.” She stands and hugs me tightly.

Wow, time went by, hey, I’m eighteen now. 


© 2008 Linis Arizen

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Added on February 8, 2008
Last Updated on March 17, 2008


Linis Arizen
Linis Arizen

The Darkness, PA

I'm new at writing, at first I loved to draw(anime), but I started writing a few small things, poems and short stories, etc. (all lost > more..

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