![]() Fantasy: Chapter 4: WorryA Chapter by Linis Arizen Worry: My eyes shot open, I saw a white ceiling, I heard beeping, my heart was racing, my head was pounding, so much was going on, the beeping, my head, my heart, then, I heard it, that majestic serene voice, but I couldn’t place it, it was all a blur, I saw a figure in front of me, I vision clear, I then recognized the voice, “Cat?” “Oh! Leon! Your awake!” she hugged me, I hugged her back, I was glad to be awake? Wait, was I asleep? That dream though, felt so real, I shake my head clean of those crazy thoughts and hugged Cat close, I spoke softly into her ear, “I love you, and I missed you…”, she hugged me tighter, “I was so worried, the doctors said that there was a very large chance that you would of went into a coma, and if you were to wake up, and even more risk of amnesia…but…you remember me, right?” “And me?” I heard Jack’s voice, I looked at him and smiled, “How could I forget such a buffoon like you…how long was I out?” I look at Cat. “Four days…” I tilted my head and rubbed the back of it, “Wha…what happened again?” “Allen and David got into a fight with the Football F**s and Brian went and threw a stool at David, but you, being the dumbass that you are, jumped in front of it…Brian was arrested, because after you went down, he assaulted the teacher, and then the security guards, and then he punched the principal, and was finally taken down with a Tazor Gun.” Jack stood and explained this all to me like I was dumb, wait did he say tazor gun? “They Tazored Brian? No, you’re pulling my leg…” I looked at Cat, she nods “No hun, they did, it was rather…interesting…” “Heh…wow…I wish I saw it…so, when can I leave?” “Whenever the doctors say its ok…” Cat’s quick answer made me smile, I looked into her beautiful eyes and smiled even more. She smiled and blushes, “What?” “Ahh Mr. Kincad you’re up…” I looked to where the voice came from, it was Doctor Franfurt, this man lives not to far from me and Jack, and he is kind if like my personal doctor, “Yes I am Dr. F, so, when can I go?” “Well, everyone has been telling me you have been sleeping a lot, have you been getting headaches? Any black outs?” I shook my head, “Nope, nadda…” I looked down, I wonder how Craven is doing, I also wonder why I can remember him here, but I can’t remember no one from the real world, then again, your not suppose to remember the real world in a dream, right? “Leon, did you hear me?” I jumped alittle bit as I looked at Dr. F, “Uhhh…” “I’ll take that as a No, well, I’ll just repeat then I guess, I was telling you that we’re going to take a few tests, then you can be off, unless something comes up, and we have to keep you here for more tests…” he nods to Cat and Jack then walks out of the room, he stops and looks at us, “You two will have to leave his room for awhile and let the nurses take blood work, and we’ll get a few X-Rays on his head” “Ok” they both nodded. Jack heads for the door, Cat kisses me and follows him, they leave. Now I’m all alone in this white hospital room, I hate Hospitals. After a few hours of getting blood work and the X-Rays I was standing outside and waiting for Cat to pull up. I stood there and looked around, then I saw him, in the garden across the road, the guy from my mirror, his face was covered in blood, his black hair kind of spiked back, I walked towards him, I had this odd completion to walk to him, as I just kept my eyes on him, I didn’t see the car coming towards me, I heard the honk and then the Guy disappeared, I heard Cat’s voice, “Leon!? Are you Crazy!?” Ow, so much yelling, must she yell? “Can..can you not yell…my head hurts, ya know?” She hugged me and took me to the passenger side door, I got in and watched her go around the car and get into the driver’s seat, and we were soon off towards my house. “So, are Allen and David ok? Jack sits up and rests his head on the back of my seat, “Yea, their ok, a few bruises, well, for David at least, Allen as you know, didn’t get hit, but he did a lot of pounding, that kid is like, really skilled, I’m telling you, he’s FBI…he has to be haha” Jack sits back, I looked out the window, my eyes began to get heavy, I kept them open, I don’t want to sleep, but they got heavier, then everything, went black. I looked around, there was nothing, only…darkness, nothing else. “You will come to a path where you must make the toughest decision in your life, question is, what one would you choose?” I looked around franticly, but I saw no one, then I saw, A tree, and another one, I was looking back through the car window, I recognized those trees, we started pulling into the house driveway. After Cat stopped the car, she looks at me, “ Hun, be careful, ok?” I nod, she then kissed me and then looked at Jack, “Watch him, ok?” Jack nods, “Oh…ok…,I will” Jack and me went inside, Jack laid down on the couch, “So, what are you going to do now?” I shrugged, “I…I’m going to go chill in my room…”. Jack nods, “Ok”. I started to walk up stairs. I walked into my room and shut the door and locked it behind me, I walk over and plummet into my bed, I turned onto my back and stared at my dull lifeless white ceiling. I picked up a remote off of my dresser next to my bed, I pressed the little black triangle button, then the smoothing yet restless sound of Invisible Wounds by Fear Factory plays throughout my room, I put the remote back on the dresser and continue to stare at the ceiling. I replayed all the events in my head, the dreams, the fight at school, Cat, my past, and that Guy. As I laid there, I didn’t realize that everything went dark, I again found myself in the dark abyss. My eyes shot open, I saw my dull lifeless ceiling, though it was a little greyer. I sat up and looked around, it was dark outside, “What…I.I don’t remember…did I dream that time?”. I got up and looked around my room, I looked into my mirror, I saw nothing, just, me. I stood there, I couldn’t help but feel that something wasn’t right, I felt this overwhelming presence watching me, then I felt my feet shake, I looked around and watched my walls as they slowly cracked, the paint peeled and fell to the ground I looked back into the mirror, my room started to shake, in the mirror I saw myself standing there, the mirror cracked, a jagged line goes through my reflection, then I saw half of myself, and the left half of me was that guy, his face bleeding, he had a huge cut on the side of his face, his Dark Red eyes glared at me, he smirked and chuckled, I stepped back and fell, I saw nothing but darkness surround me, I felt impact, then, I felt nothing. “Leon! Leon Wake up! Calm Down!” My eyes shot open as I heard Jack screaming at me, his hands were holding me down on the ground, I looked around, his lip was bleeding, on the ground around us was glass, I looked at my mirror, it was broken, in pieces, I looked at my hands, my left hand was bleeding, my knuckles were cut, and up my arm, on my forearm, were more cuts, self-inflicted, I watched the blood run out of the wounds and flow down my arm and drip to the floor. I sat up and looked at Jack he sits on the floor and rubbed his chin. “…Jack…what…what happened?” “I don’t know, I heard you hit something then scream, I came up here and you were digging a piece of broken glass into your arm…what’s wrong with you man..I thought..I thought you ended that?” he looked at me with worry. I looked down confused and worried myself, I felt the over looming feeling of shame and sadness run over me, “..I don’t know…I…don’t know..”
© 2008 Linis Arizen |
Added on February 8, 2008 Last Updated on March 17, 2008 Author![]() Linis ArizenThe Darkness, PAAboutI'm new at writing, at first I loved to draw(anime), but I started writing a few small things, poems and short stories, etc. (all lost > more..Writing