Fantasy: Chapter 3: Journey

Fantasy: Chapter 3: Journey

A Chapter by Linis Arizen




            I looked around the hut, I sat up, “This place again…” I turned my head as I heard someone approaching the hut, Craven walked through the make-shift door, he looks at me and smiles, “Ahh you awake, you can really sleep, you been out for four days now, your wound is healed now, so when your ready we can get out of here… I got to go to Corvas and…well, I just got to get there, so get yourself ready, and I’ll be out here.” He walks back out of the hut, “..Corvas?” I looked around the room and found my shirt and gear, a sword laid on top of it all, I stood up and put the shirt on, and I looked at the leather armor and put it on, it took me awhile to figure it out but I got it on and it fit perfectly, I looked at the sword and picked it up, I took it out of its sheath, the blade was indeed real, I ran my finger along the blade, I cut my index finger and watched the blood drip to the ground, “ Tah…that hurt…this is so..werid..ahh..oh Craven..” I sheathed the sword and walked outside, by the entrance was a pair of leather boots, I put the socks on that were inside them and put the boots on, Craven stands there, a bow slung over his right shoulder and a long sword to his right side, “Good, your ready, well lets go, we don’t have any horses so its going to be quite the walk, call it a small Journey if you will, haha” he turns and rubs the back of his head, I walk up next to him, “ So…whats on the way to Corvas?” he looks at me, “Well, we’ll have to go through Kyrika Woods, which is inhabited by Fae villages.” He tilts his head and looks at me, I look at him with a bewildered look, “Umm…what..whats a Fae?” when I asked this question, Craven’s jaw sort of dropped, he then looks at me, “Oh yah…I forgot you don’t know much about this place, well then mate, let me educate you, a Fae is humanoid, now don’t call them foxes, its rude, now, hey look human, except for their long furry ears that point straight up, now not like super long but maybe as long as your hand, and they also have semi-bushy tails, their eyes look like a foxes eye as well, their good at hearing, stealing, and are the second fastest race here, now, besides us humans and Faes, there are, Luciens which are wolf humanoids, now, they almost look like Syths, which are the cat humanoids, but the luciens have pointed ears, fangs, and bushy tails, they are known for their good sense of smell, tracking and are the third fastest race, the Syths have cat ears, cat eyes, and, depending on what type, their tails are normal cat like tails, they are known for their cunning sense of direction, good eyesight, and are the fastest race. Umm..lets see..OH and there are, the Norbids, or in the tongue of not so nice people, the Half-Breeds, the norbids tend to hide themselves, its very rare to see one, and even more rare to see one in a group of other races, now norbids can be, half-human and half-fae or half-fae and half-syth, its hard to tell who is what when you meet a norbid, it all depends on what genes show through the most…” he looks around, “Well, we should be going, you ready?”

I nod, “Thanks for the…lesson..” we start walking towards the forest line. Wow, humans and animals that look human but, have animal features, I must be on something.


                I looked around the bright woods, the green trees carpeted the area above me, it was, peaceful, it made me think of something, no, someone, but I can’t remember who, I looked around watched deer eat and run away as they fear Craven and me. I looked at Craven, his purple eyes glowed in the sunlight, I began to wonder that of he is one of those things, a norbid? Because, his eyes were so, weird, but yet cool at the same time. He looked at me, “What? I have something on my face?”

I shake my head, “Ahh no no…” I look forward, the trail seemed endless, and from what it feels like, we’ve been walking for, I think three hours now, I was starting to get hungry, I hope we run into a village soon.

“So lad, you remember where your from yet?”

I shake my head, “No…not yet…I feel that I’m forgetting someone important too” I look down to the ground. Craven pats me on the back, “Its all right lad, you’ll remember someday, you will” he smiles and looks forward. I continued walking with Craven, looking around making sure nothing sneaked up on us, Craven warned me of bandits and stuff like that. As we were walking we came across a small camp, I had my hand on the hilt of my sword, and as did Craven. The camp had five tents, and the worse thing about it was, is there people inside them? If there is, are they friendish, or foeish?

We got to the middle of the camp site, we heard footsteps, we looked around, we saw a man come out of one of the tents, and another walking up behind us, this man held a very unique looking sword, its blade was curved, not like the letter C. but covered like the inside of an O, he stopped and looked at us, I looked around, we were surrounded by men holding standard long swords all wearing leather armor, the man spoke with a cold tone, “We’ve been watching you, and we’ve been waiting, ever since that day you cut down Ushuea, I have sworn vengeance.”.

Craven stood straight, “What do you mean, I didn’t kill anyone lately…”. The man cocked his head to the left, “Not you…” he looks at me, “You”.

I stood up straight and looked at him, I don’t remember killing anyone, I thought for a second, that man, in the fog. But, I blackout and woke up, so how did I kill him? “But..I..”

“I don’t care for your excuses!  DIE!” The man lunged at us, and simultaneously the other bandits lunged at us, Craven ducks under and swings his sword upwards, I stepped back and swing forward. Craven twist and dodges two of the men while at the same time slashing two of them in their chest, his sword cut through their armor like butter. I swung and dodged, I rolled to the left and shoved my sword into one of then men’s chest, his blood ran down my blade like a red river, I rolled backwards. Craven took down another two, there were only three left, mister leader boy, and two underlings, Craven and I stood next to each other, we had blood dripping from our armor and swords, surprisingly not our own blood. The Leader stood there and smirked, “Heh, maybe we underestimated you…both…” he nodded his head, and the two underlings lunged at us, Craven stepped back throwing a dagger at one, the dagger hit the man right in the neck, the man fell to his knees gasping for air, the other man still charged forward, I stepped forward down, e brought his sword up, our swords connected, I stepped back ducking and shoving my sword into the man’s lower gut, his blood spread out onto my face, he fell and I stood up wiping my face with my hand, I shake my hand wildly to get any loose blood off, their Leader stood there, he looked at me and nodded, “Just you…” he points his sword at me, I nod and readied myself, he lunged at me, I sidestepped and brought my sword down, he foresaw my attack and rolls to the ground to his left and stood back up and lunged at me again, I quickly step back dodging his blade, I swing my blade, he bent his back, bringing in his stomach, barely dodging my blade, I stepped forward forcing my blade into his stomach, he grunts in pain and brings his sword up, I grab his forearm with my left hand, I held him there, slowly pushing my blade further into his body, I could see the tip of my sword protruding from his back, I pushed forward again, he then stumbled backwards and falls to the ground, my sword still in my hand, I stood there and looked at the man, he had a smile on his face, “ Heh..tis..a good death……I..I’m coming…” he raised his hand then it fell to the ground without life, I looked at Craven, he had already sheathed his weapons, “Well…I think its safe to say lad, that we should take a wee bit of a rest after that little bit, don’t you agree?”  I nod, “Yeeeaah…I think so too…but, not here, and shouldn’t we…like bury the bodies?” Craven shakes his head, “No…tis a common thing to see the bodies of bandits on the ground around here, sooner or later a creature comes and takes them, so no need, if you want, take his sword, or anything else you want, he’s not going to need there anytime soon, haha” Craven looks around and pulls out his dagger from the one bandit’s throat, he then walked to a nearby tent and went inside, I looked at the Leader’s sword, I picked it up and examined it, it was a one handed, I took his sheath and tied it around my waist, I sheathed his sword, I now had a long sword to my left and this curved one to my right.

“Well, we got some gold, not much, but some, hey, pick a tent, lay down and rest, I don’t think anyone is going to pick a fight with us since we just took down a entire camp of bandits, I’m gonna catch some rest in abit, I’m going to search the other tents first though,” Craven walks up to me, my vision of him blurred, I felt my heart race, I barely heard Craven speak, “Oy, laddy you ok? Leon?”

Everything went black.


© 2008 Linis Arizen

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Haha Yeea
Tis what dad said >

Posted 16 Years Ago

I really enjoyed this chapter with it's action packed sequences. Great descriptions. One thing though, you kept changing the tense of your words, often going from past to present and it throws the reader off when it is written that way. Be very mindful of that in the future.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 8, 2008
Last Updated on March 17, 2008


Linis Arizen
Linis Arizen

The Darkness, PA

I'm new at writing, at first I loved to draw(anime), but I started writing a few small things, poems and short stories, etc. (all lost > more..

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