![]() Two Halves: Chapter 47A Chapter by aaaa![]() chapter 27, a long one![]() Twenty-four days later Nicolas was
sitting on the edge of the ship, his legs dangling off the edge. Plans had gone
remarkably well, everything had slotted into place. The smaller faster crafts
of the Cloud Walkers could make the round trip to Cloud Top and back in two
days, so they were receiving regular reports and updates form that city as
well. Apparently the deployment there had gone easier than expected there as
well; the great noble houses, who were the ones who commissioned and
technically owned the great blimps, had always planned to go back to war, and
as such had slowly fitted the zeppelins out for war. For once everything seemed to be
going their way, on Ernie’s side the different mafia groups had finally stopped
bickering and were uniting under a banner that they could all accept.
Ironically, as Ernie had told him, it was the old banner of the Flamel clan.
The hand clasped around the vial. Since the plans were all set in place, and
because the Cloud Walkers were expecting this all along Nicolas had a lot of
free time over the past few weeks. It was a welcomed breather, and it seemed
since coming up with this idea of rebellion all he had been doing was running
and fighting. He had time to rebrew most of the potions he had lost when their
luggage had been trapped in non-space, and had even been able to find suitable
replacements for his clothing and magical tech. Zeckle sat next to him; she laid
back her raven hair sprawled out like a black sun framing her face. She had
stayed away from the Sky Lord once he had told her of what was he was. It was a
curious power to be sure, and Nicolas had never even heard of a null existing
before. Never the less he had been courteous and helpful; he and Jento even had
something in common, for Venlock’s father had close a friendship Jento’s
predecessor. Everything, like puzzle pieces
slotting into place. They had left five days previous, and due to a favorable
headwind had passed through Cloud Top the previous day. The eight great blimps
were surrounded by hundreds of small ships. He and Zeckle were aboard the Cloud
Walker’s flagship, Cerenlius. Their plan
was already making itself evident. Below them was a mushroom shaped construct
with ten shamans dancing around it. under each of the great ships was a shaped
stream of magic. The ships of the Cloud Walkers were shaping the currents of
magic energy that constantly flowed around the planet. Diverting and unifying
the smaller streams into single giant spear heads. The magic had become so think under the ships that it
glowed as waves of incandescent blue miles across. Their entire plan hinged on these
magical projectiles. They were needed to smash through the Mile High Wall. They
would overload the runes and reduce them to nothing in once spot with amounts
of magic that hadn’t been seen in such quantities since the Blaze War. Once the
wall was smashed through magic would flood the city destroying all Salex tech
and allowing them free reign. They were on the planes now, where
the magic runs were deeply set, and once diverted would continue to flow behind
the bulk of the magic projectiles. In the next four days before they reached
the city they would turn from the blue shimmers in the sky to flaming torrent
of sheer magic ferocity. Nothing would be able to stop them, not Salex, not
anyone. “So, this is really it,” said
Zeckle suddenly. “I suppose it is.” Though he had
only really known Zeckle for a few months, he felt a lot closer to her than
that. Though they say you know someone better once you’ve fought alongside them
for five minutes with them than if you’ve been friends with them you’re entire
life. She had come with him on his errands, and had relished the hanging city. “Good, I have been itching to
really get back at these guys. For you all the Blaze War happened years ago,
but time works differently in the demon-scape. For me I was watching him die
less than half a year ago.” “You’ll have your chance, we all
will.” In the distance Nicolas felt like
he could make out the grey splotch of the Mile High Wall, but knew they were at
least a day away from coming into view of it. It was anticipation that did it.
The calm before the storm, and they were bringing a typhoon. The next morning he had dressed in
his combat leathers, and had bought a new demon’s flute. This one was nothing
like the sleek metallic models that Earth-1 employed; instead it was made of
ceramic, carefully carved and hand painted. The outside was glossy and water
proof while white runes lined the surface. He had added in every imp and fiend
he could find in the magic districts of the Terrance, and despite being offered
he had not added in the emotional limiters. After a lengthy and aggravated
speech from Zeckle, who had been with him at the time, on the subject. The leather was made out of
something he couldn’t quite recognize, some kind of mammal though. It was soft
with tufts of fur around the opening, but at the moment he didn’t have the hood
up. Even though it prevented spills from burning the skin it was outrageously
hot. Luckily due to having access to ingredients scarcely available on Earth-1
he had been able to brew up the most power and exotic potions in his arsenal.
Either way he was as prepared as he was ever going to be. Outside he met Zeckle and Bestalel.
The ship was big enough to accommodate the entire crew comfortably, and had
several stations for shamans to rain magic down on the ground below. They
planned to attack at down, and the small fingers of sunlight snaked over the
horizon. The mile high wall was clearly visible now, and it towered over the
landscape like a blemish on the geography. The magic waves had force behind
them now to knock out and entire section of the wall. A whole twenty feet wide suddenly
appeared in the side of the ship, while an identical one appeared at the top.
Even as the second rumble burst over the planes panels were already being put
over the hole the first had made.
Even for a ship as large as these having a hole that big could still
prove a problem if left unattended. The second hit home shredding the
nose of the zeppelin, loose flaps hanging lazily, and a few desperate crewmen
hanging on the wreckage for dear life. The claps became more frequent and
frantic, dozens ringing out at once. There must be at least a dozen Salex
artillery batteries in the city, and they were all aimed at the air ship.
Nicolas tapped his throat muttering a spell. His voice expanded to ear
shattering proportions as he yelled an instruction. “Set protection runes on at the
ship! Protect the magic battering rams!” His voice was so loud that for a
moment he could only stand there as his ears rang. He had used each of the
zeppelins around him, turning each into an enormous subwoofer to carry the
noise from one ship to the next. Such a feat of magic shouldn’t have been
possible, but because of the magic streams being diverted here was so much
ambient energy floating about for him to channel it really didn’t matter. The small ships of the Cloud
Walkers swarmed before the ships, the shaman platforms on each frantic with
activity as they combined and pooled their might to form a barrier. In front of
each ship a barrier like the compression cone on the front of a jet formed.
Luckily the strikes were no longer focused on the Red Crag and the giant slugs of the artillery batteries
smashed against the shield, sending spider webs of cracks over the entire
thing. Nicolas starred along the entire
line as their ship rose in altitude to observe the entire line. The barriers
were holding, but not for long, and to break the wall they would need as much
magic as they could get… Even as he thought this the shield in front of the Dawn
Chaser splintered, hundreds of shards of
the barrier floated lazily towards the ground. The ships began to attempt to
erect a second barrier, but it was too late. All fire on the other ships ended
and the entire front quarter of the Dawn Chaser tattered as it was ripped apart from dozens of
different shots. It began to lose altitude, and quickly. The individual Cloud Walker ships
swarmed along side it as the crew rushed towards the edge in order to jump to
the smaller ship. The hangar unloaded every one of the vessels it could as, but
it could have never gotten them all, and even as Nicolas could see the ship
pick up slightly as the ships attempted to perform levitation spell more of the
bulk ripped apart. The magic ram crawled along the
ground in a roughly hundred-foot wall, each Zeppelin a few thousand feet in the
air above it, but now the Dawn Chaser
was barely a dozen yards above it, and closed fast. Without the sorcerers at
their posts constantly stabilizing the construct it began to lose form. Ribbon
arced off and scored huge holes in the remaining balloon. Finally it struck the
bulk of the power, and disappeared in a white-hot inferno of raw magic
destruction. Luckily it had slowed behind the other ships when it began to
fall, but still the explosion that ensued sent a shockwave the rocked the other
ships quite dangerously. Nicolas looked back and most of the Cloud Walker ships
had gotten away and a good number of the others as well, probably at least
saving two thirds of the crew. The ship was entirely vaporized from the magic
discharge, save for a few scraps of cloth and timber, and all that was left was
a black scorch line more than a mile long. Even though they were closing the
distance between them and the city it would still take them minutes before the
first zeppelin could deliver its payload. Nicolas dashed towards the pilot’s
compartment, Zeckle hot on his heels. Inside he saw the same gruff man from
before, whom he had later learned was named Uzzrick. “Reinforce the Star Catcher’s shield. We can’t afford to lose another ship.”
Uzzrick obliged and they banked left descending towards the Star
Catcher which was on the far right and was
to be first to fire it’s ram. The shield glowed with a renewed energy as the
dozen shaman platforms of the Cerenlius burst into life. The cracks mended themselves after each impact now.
The ships lost with the Dawn Chaser
distributed themselves among the other shields, adding their strength to them.
It seemed they weren’t going to lose another ship, and now there were only
moments away from the wall. They closed fast on the structure.
The warding shield flaring up as the wall of magic neared, the ward was just as
faded as Nicolas had remembered, they had a chance. The Star Catcher sped up as the other ships slowed forming a
staggered line. Nicolas could almost hear the chanting of the final incantation
as the magic wave broke lose. It shot forwards at unnatural speeds for a thing
so large, and impacted the wall. It burst over the structure and washed across
it in a fiery blue wave. The entire dome of the warding field was covered in
it, cutting off the view of the city. Their ship veered right to circle around
the structure, while simultaneously lowering in altitude. They lowered past the
artilleries ability to fire on them now that the ram did not constrict their height.
The Cloud Walker ships broke away
and sped towards to the ground, and theirs was among the first to touch down.
The big-bellied drop ships of the Star Catcher unloaded, each full of the warriors of the Cloud
Beakers. Nicolas had been looking at this
from outside the wind shield, but now went outside again to see Zeckle, her
back morphed and two enormous raven wings there instead. They unfurled in a
display of jet-black feathers, she wore the same chain mail from their other
combat occasions, but this time it extended up to cap her wing’s joints with
spiked metal plates. She dived from the edge of the ship, the decking dozens of
feet from the ground, and he saw her soar with pumps of the wings as she glided
towards the ground. They had chosen an area right of
the break point as the staging ground, by now a total of three ships had
delivered their attacks and were joining them. No one had come out to meet
them, which wasn’t a surprise. Out here they would be sitting ducks for the
Zepplin’s magister cannons, but inside every shot risked collapsing a civilian
building. They were holding the people hostage for their own protection.
Nicolas ran to the ramp downwards and disembarked before coming up besides
Zeckle. “Bit of a show off aren’t you?” He
said with a smile across his face. “Indeed that was a little
unnecessary, once we are inside please refrain from doing that. It’ll make you
a obvious target.” Nicolas and Zeckle spun around to see Bestalel pulling the
hood from his familiar chameleon suit. Nicolas had no idea how he had retrieved
it after the ICO incident, but Bestalel always found a way. Nicolas was
extremely glad to not even see a hint of bronze in his eyes. The last few weeks
the power of Kintera was slowly gaining ground and seemed to be appearing more
often than Bestalel himself did. “Well fine then have it your way
Besty.” Zeckle said this in a false aggravated tone before retracting the
wings. She was obviously glad to see the old Bestalel as Nicolas was. Lines of soldiers were filing into
neat rows as they prepared to move out. Each slowly dividing themselves into
smaller and smaller units until they became individual squads of twenty. Jento
strolled towards them watching the Cloud Walkers come into place in their own
regimental structure. “A good day for some Salex hunting
isn’t it,” he said as the fifth wave burst against the wall. A wall of air
pushing rushing past them as the shock wave reached them. The runes were
completely gone now, and a huge gap had appeared in the city’s barrier. Now the
only thing keeping them from the city was the raw stone of the wall, and even
that was already crumbling. “Would you mind if we attach
ourselves to your command squad Jento?” asked Nicolas unnecessarily. They had
already discussed it earlier. Jento would be taking a mid frontal command of
his troops. Each squad acting on a list of preset orders and objective points.
Each objective double fail saved by multiple squads assigned to each point.
Since Jento was probably the most powerful of the lot, and had chosen for his
squad the most grizzled and power of the lot it was given the hardest
objective. They were going to break the central line towards the ICO office,
which was the staging point they had chosen for unloading the soldiers, than a long
with half a dozen others within the city limits. “Not at all, in fact I would enjoy
the company.” He hefted the pole arm the gem blade on each end trailing an acidic green
aura. Nicolas surveyed the group, two dozen troopers along with Jento, his two
personal guards, and the three of them. In total they had an upwards of twenty
thousand soldiers. Each guard squad supplied more than a thousand, and the
Cloud Walkers fulfilled the rest. © 2010 aaaaAuthor's Note
3 Reviews Added on September 3, 2010 Last Updated on September 3, 2010 Related WritingPeople who liked this story also liked..