![]() Clot Logs Part TwoA Chapter by aaaa![]() Part two of chapter two Clot Logs, we learn of Marrone's real idenity![]()
The semi-organic tires
had molded into the rough shape of a bench. Sitting on it was most of
the squad, lying in front of them on the ground was a open crate, but he
couldn’t see what was inside because Marrone was blocking his view. He
sat down on the end to see Marrone retrieving several strange tubes from
inside the box. Jessley was leaning against the box bitting the end off
of one of the stick and squeezing the contents into her mouth.
“Ok, this is what we call Clot Logs. Their real name GEnetically MOdified NUtritional Tube or Gemonut™ for short, and if you use that name in front of me I’ll lynch you. They contain everything the growing soldier needs to keep firing that gun, and tastes just about as well as a horse’s a*s. These are fresh from upper orbit so they’re still kinda frozen, but that’s when they’re at there best. And as Jessley is showing you by kindly guzzling down her share, you bite off one side like this.” He bit off one side of the waxy tube and began to squeeze the light brown ooze into his mouth. “Now everyone grab one and try it.” Marrone started throwing one to each of them, Tony fumbled with his as he lifted to his mouth. The waxy material was a rough, but he bit the tip of and squeezed the first but into his mouth. Marrone was right, it tasted terrible. He nearly gagged, but continued to force the repulsive mixture down. While the taste was horrible the texture was even worse. It was like a Slush-pod from the convenient stores back home, except instead of ice it was had a strange organic crunchiness to it, and the over all effect was horrific. He was just finishing the foot long horror when Marrone began to speak again. “Well, I see you’re all gagging, but after a few weeks you won’t be able to live without them.” Be bit the end of his third log and began eating more, beside Jessley was a small pile of spent tubes. “Now down to serious business though. All that I say beyond this point is never to leave the squad, and if anyone of you leak this info I’ll make sure to take you down with me.“ Oh, here is comes, thought Tony. Here it comes. “As most of have probably noticed I look rather like a certain hero that has been blasted across children’s television, the front of cereal boxes, yadda yadda yadda. I just was to tell you that you’re right. My real name is not Marrone, I am actually Kilsher Olmot, The Ghost of Jarrax, The Fist of the Navy, The Human Armada, and many other names each more impressive than the last. This here is Jessley a.k.a. Alexandra Unifict, but she doesn’t have any cool names and was only featured in a few of the movies made about me.” He was interrupted by Jessley as she stopped to bit another end of a Clot Log. “Piss of Kilsh...” She said through a mouthful of goo. “Anyway, I am telling you all this because I want you to be able to trust me as your commander. If we are to work together we must act as if we’re family, we must have complete confidence in one another, we must trust our lives to one another if we want to survive. You all think this is going to be a nice cushy assignment, maybe fight a few rebels here and there and mostly just watch them convert. I’m not supposed to share this with you, but you need to know if you want to survive. These people live in enormous tribes that move around from day to day, and because of the electrical interference in the upper atmosphere we can’t pinpoint where they move. The tribe are uniting against us, those people outside are just those who have been beaten into submission.” He stopped because Kishry had thrust her hand into the air to ask a question, he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “What is it?” “But sir, they are fighting against the good word. We need to spread the faith to them,” said Kishry defiantly. Marrone visibly expanded as his rage seemed to boil over. His eyes bore into Kishry who backed down after a moment. “But at the barrel of a gun!” He roared, and stopped for a moment to calm himself. “I don’t think you are fully grasping the situation here. We are basically in a second crusade, and you’re all little warriors of the word come to shove it down their throats. I know that may seem glamorous to you, but it wasn’t right then and it isn’t right now. The reason I came here instead of rejoining with the navy was to make sure at least a few of the kids dropped in here weren’t warped beyond repair. I’m here to keep you in check, I’m here to make sure none of you turn into shoot first ask questions never kind of people.” “Don’t get me wrong, the word is a great thing, but when you need a gun to make people read it; it’s time to back off.” Tony looked down the line towards everyone else. Most of the people had looks of minor shame on their faces. They knew what he was saying was true, he had thought it was well when he first came into basic training. One night while laying in bed working on Lil T. he realized he was being swept up with the mob. His ideas were being suppressed by the majority, and he didn’t like that one bit. Most people weren’t serious worshipers anyway, dragged along to service once a week as children. It was just something you did, over two fifths of the population did the same thing. The only one who still had a glimmer of defiance was Kishry... she was probably going to cause trouble later. © 2010 aaaaAuthor's Note
6 Reviews Added on August 10, 2010 Last Updated on August 10, 2010 Related WritingPeople who liked this story also liked..