![]() Two Halves: chapter 37A Chapter by aaaa![]() Lets go chapter 37, wooooo!!!!![]() They had been going for hour, and
the mountains were gaining detail in the distance. The Keki grass had started
to become patchy as the landscape become hillier. The days were long on
Earth-2, thirty-six hours of daylight and a further fourteen of night, and the
suns were growing closer to the horizon. On one of the taller hills Nicolas
risked a glance over his shoulder. In the distance he could still see the gray
dot that was the Mile High Walls against the horizon. Conifer trees began to dot the
increasingly rocky landscape. Small flatheads sat on top of the exposed rocks
sunning themselves. Their broad, nearly flat bodies shown with a dark green
sheen, with their six legs spread out for maximum surface area. Once in a while
a larger feline like creature except it bald with a dark gray skin, one they
passed was chewing on one of the scaly flatheads. When they came to one of the
larger patches of conifer Bestalel signaled for them to stop. He turned into
the trees and dismounted under the shade of the large branches. The trunks were
wide and barrel like, with bulges dotting their surface seemingly at random.
About hallways up the structure the branches spread out, and the pointed
needles opened and closed slowly. Bestalel pulled the Krignal under the shade
and pulled off one of the sacks. Inside was shelled and roasted Keki nut, and
once Nicolas and Zeckle had dismounted he passed them some of the purple flesh
around. “We will be leaving again as soon
as we finish the meal.” He sat down and began to eat the nut vigorously. Again
Bestalel opened the rucksack and withdrew a water skin, and was about to life
it to his lips when Nicolas spoke. “Wait, don’t waste the water. We
can do it another way.” Nicolas put down his nut and walked over to one of the
trees. Then ran his hand over a few of the bulges before finding a satisfactory
one. Nicolas brought up his finger and pocked a hold clean through the smooth
white bark. A steady stream of water dribbled out of the hole, and Nicolas put
his mouth under the stream and drank the slightly sweet liquid. After he had
his fill he put his palm over the opening the plug it and turned back towards
the others. “You just got to find one that
gives when you push it. Just poke a hole in it, some friends showed me this
when I was a kid. These things grew by home, but no one drank them because the
bulbs onto fill once every few years.” He smiled as Bestalel put down his water
and walked to a different trunk. Zeckle looked up at them from where she was
munching on her own Keki nut. After a little while longer and a
few more Keki nuts they started to pack up there food. The Krignal had waddled
to the nearest large stone and spread out on top of it. Its bone plates
practically hurt to touch from the heat as they guided it back to the road and
retied the line that attached to the back of Bestalel’s Zenzi. Their altitude started to climb as
they entered the mountain range. The wide beaten path became narrower as they
followed it through the increasingly rocky landscape. The Keki grass had nearly
all disappeared among the exposed stone. Low ferns that clung to the ground
limply and inched their way between crags in the boulders had replaced it. They
passed low valleys where the conifer trees dominated the landscape, and small
furry creatures darted between branches in search of ripe bulges. They had to slow down due to the
path becoming increasingly treacherous; gravel shifted under Zenzies’ feet, and
the large birds became nervous. The only thing that seemed to feel at home was
the Krignal. It was naturally a mountain going animal, along the high peaks
herds would plant themselves in order to soak up the daily heat. At night they
all would eat the tough shrubs that dominated the space between conifer trunks.
“We’re nearly there. Telly showed
me a map, and we reaching the peak that the station is supposed to be under.”
said Bestalel from in front of them, he turned in his seat and tugged the line
to the Krignal, who closed in on his Zenzi to follow more closely. In the
distance a low pounding began, and after they turned a corner it became
apparent why. A waterfall dominated this valley;
it started maybe a hundred feet above the low point of the crevice. Great
troughs lined the edges of the waterfall; water spilled into them and ran down
a series of enormous pipes the valley floor. There was no vegetation there,
instead there was only rushing rapids of the river as it sped away towards
another waterfall at the far end. The pipes were feeding into what looked like
an enormous metal crab. On its back were two building sized boilers that were
being filled, and the crab’s surface was dotted with lights as people worked
along its surface. As they made their way down the path to the inside of the
valley night began to really fall. They hadn’t been able to see the sun for
hours as they climbed between the peaks of the mountains, but they could now
feel it slipping below the horizon. The temperature began to drop dramatically.
As it grew dark they saw where the
station really was. Behind the waterfall something glowed like a jewel casting
beams of light down onto the metallic crab. Spotlights that lit up its surface
began to go out and a steady stream of lights began to make their way up a path
towards the structure behind the waterfall. This is what they made their way
for, and as they drew closer to the metal crab on their way they saw a person
in the distance. Bestalel waved to the figure, who
was carrying a lantern. The figure waved back enthusiastically, and began to
walk over to them. It was a young man dressed in work cloths, and a long curved
stick coming out of his pack supported the lantern. It glowed merrily in the
presence of the magical field. “Hello, travelers. You must be the
ones we received a letter for. I hope the carrier bird returned safe.” he
couldn’t be anything over fourteen, and his crop of orange hair fell limply
around his face. Bestalel produced the medallion and showed to the boy, who
looked at it with barely concealed wonder. “ It is an honor to meet you father, and just to let you know
you’ve been the talk of the station. We don’t have passengers to often as it
is, so when we heard it was you, well… you know.” They followed the boy up the path
to the structure behind the waterfall. As they passed the huge machine Nicolas
took in its components. There were dozens of guns along the surface with
grappling hooks protruding from them barrels. Along the underside of the
machine was an open ramp leading to a cargo bay. Inside were stacks of boxes
and barrels, and a few more still were sitting at the base of one of the legs
where they were waiting to be loaded. Each leg was a monstrosity, towering some
two hundred feet until it reached the first mechanical joint, which were posed
a thirty feet above the first deck of the machine. They passed by where one of
the six legs contacted the ground, and Nicolas reached out to touch the
surface. It looked to be made of bronze, with small rivers of copper to act as
conductors for the magical impulses that controlled the individual parts. The
path became steep, so they had to dismount and lead their Zenzi by hand. The
Krignal clambered over the steep pathway easily with its large padded feet
allowing for excellent traction. The rush of the water over the
falls became deafening as they approached. A few stragglers were still making
there way behind the water in front of them. Each had a lantern attached to poles like the boy. The spray
from the waterfall started to moisten their skin as they drew closer, and it
practically felt like rainfall as they crossed the threshold into the world
behind. The rock surface had become slick and puddles sat in every crag; a
large copper door, green with rust, was open allowing him entry into the cavern
beyond. It looked like the top of the
cavern was covered in stars, and after a moment Nicolas’s eyes adjusted to the
light. The entire ceiling was lined with Jeori crystal, the same crystal that
was used to make Magician’s lanterns. That must have been why the magical
lanterns were so common here. In the presence of the natural magical field
glowed brightly enough to allow them to see. Deeper within the cavern was a
spindly metal structure. Water from the waterfall must somehow gather within
the cavern over time for the structure stood above the water on small stilts,
but it was strange. There was only one building that everyone was piling into,
though it did not seem to get crowded. A pipe led from the bottom of the house
and into the water. On the shore next to it was a small stable, with a few
animals within. The boy followed them as they brought their Zenzi towards a man
with a clipboard. “Hello, how many animals?” droned
the man in rehearsed speech. Bestalel led his Zenzi in front of the man. “Two Zenzi, and a Krignal. We will
be leaving them here for a while so I will be paying for a month feed and care
in advance.” said Bestalel as he retrieved a small pouch from around the
Zenzi’s neck, it jingled softly as it moved. From inside he produced several
gold coins with Cloudtop’s seal on them. “You will take Cloudtop Genzis,
correct?” The man starred in awe at the amount of money that Bestalel had. The
few gold coins alone would not only pay enough for a month, but for several
years after that. “Yes of course.” he said slightly
flustered as a coin was pushed into his hands. “If you would just unpack your
Krignal I will take him and your Zenzies.” Bestalel tugged on the Krignal’s
line and brought him under the stables roof, and began to unpack him. Nicolas
walked over and began to help and Zeckle stroked the Zenzi’s feathers and
cooing to it softly. The boy walked over to help the unpacking. “I’m junior technician Tochi by
the way.” he said as Bestalel turned to look at him when he tried to help. “You
all must be really rich, having a bag full of gold like that. Word will get
around quick, and even though these are good people--- With money like that,
they’ll be tempted. You all should come to stay at my grandfather’s house. I
live with him, and he has lots of extra room. I’m sure he would let you stay
there for the night.” Bestalel turned back to his work and unhooked another
pack. “No.” He said flatly. “Awww… but why not?” said the boy as he continued to try
and help. “We will be staying in the town’s
i---“ started Bestalel, but Tochi cut him off. “It’s full, only got three rooms
to begin with and they’re all full with other travelers. You shouldn’t have
been so late or you woulda’ got one.” “And there is only one?” Asked
Bestalel, this time he did not stop Tochi as he unslung one of the large water
sacks. “Yup, we only get visitors when
the transport comes around, and they only stay for a few days. Old man Hulie
never built more than three rooms.” They had finally finished unloading the
Krignal, and Bestalel began to swing packs onto his back. Tochi attempted to
pick up the water sack he had unloaded, but staggered under its weight.
Bestalel took it from his and put it across his shoulders. They left the
Krignal there, and as they walked away the man with the clipboard hurried over
to put it in its pen. “Ok, We would be honored to stay
at your grandfather’s house. Please, lead the way.” the boy led them to the
stairs to the small building. The flow of people had stemmed as they had
stabled their animals, and only a few people remained. Inside the building
there was only a spiral staircase leading downwards. They took it down below
the water’s surface; every so often a porthole would reveal a view of the
outside. Under the lake was a system of structures connected by large metal
tubes. Strung between the buildings were large nets, sifting through the steady
flow of water. A few men in clunky suits clung to scaffolding behind the nets.
They would reach through and pull the shellfish caught in the next and place
them in large containers. One was loading the crabs into a hopper on the side
of one of the buildings. The staircase case opened up into
a building. Large toughs of the small crabs lined the room, and small stations
sat every few feet where people were picking up the crabs and smashing the tops
of their shells. They would put the lifeless bodies into large ice filled
buckets, and once one of the pales was full another worker would come along to
take it away. “This is the cannery. Most of our
food comes outta the river out there, and most of it is just the spindlefeet.”
As they walked along the troughs one of the worker winked at Tochi and passed
him a small wax paper rapped package bound with string. Nicolas looked at the crabs; they
were rather strange. They had no claws; instead they had two membranes on the
end of their front legs. They would use them as paddles to skim through the
water, as their back four legs streamed uselessly behind them. The small stalks
their eyes sat on swiveled around as they tried to evade the worker’s hands. “What’s in it?” asked Zeckle as
she leaned over Tochi’s shoulder. The young boy blushed and stuttered in his
urgency to answer. Nicolas hadn’t noticed before, but Zeckle had returned her
hair to its previous length, and her horns had reappeared from her scalp. “It’s j-just some s-spindlelfeet.
I know one of the guys who works there, and he always g-gives me a few of the
runty ones free of charge.” he said as he tried to hide his face, which only
cause Zeckle to lean farther and him to blush more deeply. Bestalel scowled at
the situation as they made their way of the cannery. After a few more moment
Zeckle became bored and returned to walk beside Nicolas. They passed through more tunnels
and tubes as they made their way through the underwater city. Large watertight
doors led into individual residences. They continued to pass by them until they
came into a larger tunnel, and instead of the end leading into a residence
sub-grouping it led into a larger door. Tochi came up to the door and banged on
metal water lock. “Grandpa! I brought visitors!”
Shouted Tochi, and at ever time his fist connected to the door it would ring
out like a bell. They stood there for a minute dumbly, and then the valve in
the center of the door began to turn. It was pushed open towards them. A man in
his mid fifties, his hair was flecked with gray, but his body was strong with
broad shoulders. “Well, who’re you then?” he asked
in a deep soothing voice. “Though, if ya come with my Tochi yall can’t be all
bad. Come in, come in!” He ushered them inside his house to small sitting room.
A few large cushions sat on the ground around a low table, which still had the
dishes of a previous meal sitting on it. “Sorry ‘bout the mess, wasn’t
expecting company. Especially night before the launch. I’m Jen Hurkida, and
this is my grandson Tochi Hurkida, it’s nice to meet you.” he picked up the
dishes and exited to the room through a small doorway, and shouted back into
the room. “Tochi, you got the spindlefeet? We’re gonna make a big hotpot
tonight, might even use that bolt squid I’ve been savin’.” “Yeah gramps.” said Tochi as he
carried the black package into the same room. Nicolas and them were left in the
room. Zeckle was the first to sit on one of the cushions, and was soon followed
by Nicolas. Bestalel remained standing as he examined the room. The ceiling was
high, and a staircase led to a second floor. There was the clang of pots and
pans from the room beyond and the sound of Jen speaking a simple fire spell.
After a moment he reentered the room wearing a large white apron. “Tochi can take care of the rest of
the preparations. Now it’s time to meet you. Tochi says you are the last of the
travelers. I’m going to the
controller for the transport tomorrow, so all your lives will be in my hands.”
he let out a deep guffaw at this, and laughed richly at his own strange humor.
He lowered himself into one of the seats and laid his hands on the table. “I was wonderin’ though. Who
really are you?” he let the words hang in the air for a minute; Bestalel tensed
where he stood. “Thing is I’ve been on transports round most of the world, and
no offence, but you looked nothing like a priest. No priest I’ve ever seen
wears a wig either.” Bestalel turned to him and sat down on one of the wide
cushions. “It’s true. I am not a priest,
though I am here on the express permission of Mother Tellaous of the Sisterhood
of Kinsara’s Will. I would ask that you don’t expose me though. I will pay you
for your silence if that is what you require.” Bestalel starred hard at Jen,
who returned the gaze with a bemused smile. “Nah, don’t need money. You seem
like a decent lot and I’m sure yall have your reasons for hiding your identity.
All I needed to know was that ole’ Telly is giving you her blessin’.” He smiled
at Bestalel confused expression. “How do you know Telly?” Bestalel
asked, his normal expressionless voice approaching flustered. “Long time ago, before she was
Mother anythin’ she used to crew a transport, the same transport I was the
controller on. She got on early, ever since she could work, and about six years
back she went to go join the Sisterhood. I am glad she is doin’ well for
herself” Jen laughed again as Bestalel’s expression went from confusion to
exasperation. “She never told me she used to
work on a transport!” he said moodily. Nicolas almost laughed at how flustered
he had become, and Zeckle was already giggling at Bestalel. “Oh, what’s wrong Besty? Is ya
girlfriend livin’ a double life?” she laughed as he turned to her with fury in
his eyes. “This is no time for this, and
besid---“ From the entrance to the kitchen Tochi stood holding a large pot. “Food’s ready.” He said as the
waddled over to the table. The pot was oversized for him and he placed it on
the table. Jen leaned over and put his hand under the table and spoke his fire
charm again. A small brazier crackled into life as sparks poured from long dead
coals. The iron plate at the center of the table began to heat up, and Tochi
put the oversized pot onto it. Once he did he hurried back into the kitchen and
brought in several bowls and a ladle. Jen pulled off the lid of the cast iron
pot and a delicious smell escaped into the room. The pot belched steam towards
the ceiling, and Jen picked up the ladle and spooned the contents into several bowls.
Nicolas took his bowl of the dark
brown stew, chunks of crab and squid floated on the surface, and when he took a
spoon and ate a bite his mouth burst into pain. The stew was so spicy that he
nearly spat it out on the table. He forced the spoonful down, and beside him
Bestalel was suffering a similar effect, but he was much better at hiding it.
Though nothing could hide his sudden perfuse sweating. Zeckle was seemingly unaffected
was shoveling stew into her mouth. “Tochi, get these men drinks. They’re
gonna need it.” Jen laughed one more time and Nicolas tried to suppress the
pain. © 2010 aaaaAuthor's Note
11 Reviews Added on May 31, 2010 Last Updated on May 31, 2010 Related WritingPeople who liked this story also liked..