![]() Two Halves: chapter 29A Chapter by aaaa![]() chapter 29, yeah!![]() “Ok lets get going.” said Nicolas as he got up from his seat. He helped Heather up, and turned to Bestalel, who was shaking his head. “We are leaving for Earth-2 in the morning. I can’t have you tired from this operation. I am used to long operations such as this, another hour to bring her their, explain the situation to Darris, and coming her back will not effect me.” he undid one of the clips on his various pockets covering his Chameleon suit. He pulled out a small slender devise, about the size and shape of a credit card, and tossed it to Nicolas. “I can’t have you do that. She was in danger because of me…” stammered Nicolas as he examined the card. It had what looked to be a speaker on it’s top half and a small receiver on the bottom. A few unmarked buttons marked its surface. “And now she is not in danger, because of you. If you weren’t there I would have probably not negotiated her release. You are the reasons she is Ok now. Let me take her and you get your rest. If there is any trouble I will contact you with that. It is a two-way communicator I use for operations. Nearly untraceable and non-detectable. I will contact you if there is any trouble.” Bestalel walked towards Heather and took her hand. Since he had mentioned the fact that he would not have argued for her release she was looking at him warily. Nicolas slumped back onto the bed. It felt like he hadn’t slept in days. Though it was true, the only real rest he had had since the body mod was the two or so hours of sleep before Bestalel had taken him to Darris’s base. Now that he wasn’t trying to accomplish something the slow lethargy of sleep was creeping over his. His eyes drooping with the accumulated exhaustion of the day’s events. “ Fine, just make sure you keep her safe.” Heather looked at him, her eyes wide with shock and fear. “Don’t worry, Bestalel is the best man I know for this. He will keep you safe.” though at Nicolas’s words she relaxed slightly her body language still conveyed a apprehension towards leaving with Bestalel. “We need to go now. I would like to return as soon as possible. The events that are going to take place tomorrow are pivotal for our entire mission.” he walked towards Heather and put a hand on her shoulder. Then slowly led her out of the room. Once Bestalel had shut the door behind them Zeckle let out a huge exaggerated yawn. “I guess we better hit the hay then. Like Besty said we are going to have a rough time tomorrow.” Nicolas looked in her direction. Her cloths had shifted again. She was wearing loose children’s pajamas with a small cap on top of her head. He has holding what looked to be a stuffed bear in one hand and was rubbing her eye with the other. “You’re mocking me aren’t you? “ as he said this her mouth parted into a huge smile, and she fell back onto the bed in a fit of giggles. “Anyway, there is no “we” tomorrow. You can’t be there. We only have fake identities for Bestalel and me. You are going to have to stay in Imp form until we make it to Earth-2.” her laughter subsided as he said this, and Zeckle slowly sat up on the bed. “Oh I know. Wouldn’t want our adventure to end before it really begins. All this planning is fun and all, but I can’t wait to get back to Earth-2. The magical field is so much more healthy there.” she said this in a voice much more calm than Nicolas would have expected. Before now she had seemed to be here to just have fun, but for a moment a strange seriousness had shined through. Nicolas ignored it as he reached under his bed and pulled out the Demon’s sack suitcase. “Would you get out of here for a
moment. I need to change,” he told Zeckle as he put his hand on top of the
suitcase. He pictured his clothing in his mind and clicked open the magical
locks. A neat pile of sleepwear was sitting inside the case. “Fine. It’s not as if I haven’t
seen you before though. I was there when you were just thiiiiiiis tall” Zeckle
held her hands up to indicate just what height he had been. All her seriousness
now gone she had returned to the normal carefree attitude. She crossed the cold
metallic room and exited through the door. He could hear her moving around
outside the door in her boredom. Nicolas slowly peeled off his
leather jerkin. It had been spattered with sweat from the experiences earlier
and was still faintly damp. He stowed it away inside the case along with his
shoulder harnesses. He slipped off the demons flute and put away the various
potions he had brought with him. It took him a fairly long time to empty out
the reagents from his pockets. Small sacks of fowl smelling herds and small
containers of liquid were stowed away in boxes and jars produced by the demon’s
sack. Once he had finished and pulled on
his pajamas he called back out to Zeckle. She came inside and immediately flopped
onto the bed face first, and buried her face into a pillow. Nicolas sat onto
his own bed and settled himself into the folds of the covers an hour later
Bestalel quietly let himself into the room. He quickly prepared himself for sleep
and entered his own bed. After barely a minute after he lied down his breathing
slowed to that of a sleeping person. Nicolas lay there for a long time thinking about the events
of that day. About how now, instead of it being a fantasy, it really seemed as
if they might do it. He turned over and tried to go to sleep, with the thought
of their plausible victory still floating around inside his head. © 2010 aaaaAuthor's Note
4 Reviews Added on May 20, 2010 Last Updated on May 20, 2010 |