![]() Two Halves: chapter 15A Chapter by aaaa![]() well here ya go![]() Bestalel led them down into the bar, and out into the
street. It was no less crowded than it was earlier, and luckily there were
enough strangely dressed people walking the street that neither of them stood
out. Though Bestalel did still have the affect on the shop owners. Many
eyed him warily as he and Nicolas passed. Bestalel led them away from the more crowded streets into
the back alleys that sprouted like branches from the central trunk of the
market. He led them down a series of corridors. Nicolas was sure that they had
gone in a circle at least once and doubled back on themselves. Even though
Bestalel was walking confidently, and obviously knew where he was going. “Bestalel, why are taking this route? I know you are making
it overly complicated. Can’t we just take the direct path?” Asked Nicolas
looking at the back of Bestalel’s head. He broke stride for a moment and
stopped, and then looked around to face Nicolas. “I am sorry sir, but this was one of the conditions of the
Laughing Cowboy. He does not want you to be able to recreate the route if you
were to come here again. I am sorry, but this is the only way I could get him
to agree.” He replied and turned around. Nicolas was still wondering who this
“laughing cowboy” was and what he had to do with this. The suddenly Bestalel
stopped in front of him. There was a door to his right. In the dark it was
almost completely invisible. Grime and tags from numerous gangs covered its surface, but
what dominated it was a picture of a bucket with a cowboy’s hat on top. The
bottom looked rusted and was leaking a painted stream of water. Bestalel
knocked on the door, and continued to bang a strange melody onto the frame. It
was some form of code for the people beyond the door. Finally there was a click and the door slowly swung forward.
There was no room beyond, just what looked like an elevator, except with no
walls. It was simple a platform with rails to prevent you from falling.
Bestalel stepped onto this platform; it swayed dangerously. “Get on, sir.” Bestalel said when Nicolas eyes the platform
suspiciously. He was not entirely sure it could bear both their weights, but he
was going to have to trust it in order to get down. He stepped onto it, and the
wood creaked ominously. Bestalel closed the door and they began to descend. He
looked up to see the rope looked sturdy enough. It was one of the carbon
crystal studded fiber cables. They had been moving slowly downwards for over a
minute until Zeckle spoke. “Can I change back now? We aren’t going to see any civilians
down here. Please Nick...” He said from atop Nicolas’s shoulder. Nicolas
thought about it for a moment, and then nodded. Zeckle hopped from his shoulder
and fluttered his wings slightly before hitting the floor. Her form changed
back into a woman. Her features remained the same she had decided upon when she
was in the market, but her cloths were different. She was in what looked like chain mail armor, except it had
what looked like woven metallic scales. It covered her entire body, except for
around her joints which were made easier to move with leather. She had two
swords, one on either side of her waist, along with a bow and quiver draped
across her back. “Dress to impress, I always say. We need to show this
Laughing Cowboy guy who is in charge here.” She said confidently as she puts
her hands on her waist. Bestalel sighed quietly behind her, but she was too
absorbed in her moment to hear. Before they had just been traveling through a single
metallic shaft, but suddenly they burst out over a lake. They had come out of a
ceiling overlooking one of lakes of petroleum he had seen from the train. Out
of it stock hundreds of metal shafts each covered with huge amounts of rust.
Some as small as inches wide, but some others over fifty feet in diameter. Around
these shafts were built what looked like a base. The rope bridges and towers
were built on the girders. They connected each of them to form a metallic
structure that covered several acres. Lights flicked on and off in the windows
on the building, and a spotlight shone on the tallest tower. From it a flag had
been erected. It was red with the same bucket and hat symbol from the door. One bridge that looked much more permanent led to shore.
Several fires were going on the shore, and metal had been fashioned into many
huts gathered around base of the bridge. This is where their elevator was
heading. It was slowly lowering down onto a platform near the back of the
village. People had gathered around the base of the structure as they touched
down. An excited looked man in black overalls came to greet them. “Hello, I’m Machone. I am kinda the second in command round
dese parts. I’ll be leadin ya to the bosses private room.” His face was nearly
completely covered by facial hair, and his beard extended down nearly to his
waste. It was a tangled mess of black curls. He walked down the stairs from the
platform to the surface below. Nicolas could now see it was simply hard packed garbage. Tin
cans and battle caps had been flattened on the surface to form a sort of road.
This was a island of garbage in a sea of oil, and people had decided to live on
it. Most of the people were dressed badly, most in ragged home-spun looking
shirts. They were whispering among themselves and staring at him. Every so
often he would hear a snatch of conversation. “They say he is the alchemist” “No couldn’t be, died years
ago” “but, talk is at the compound” “who is the woman with them? Is she a
demon?” “Why would Bestalel bring the alchemist to us?” These snatches drifted
over the crowd, but whenever he looked in their direction they would silence
immediately. They eventually made it across the town to the base of the
bride. Machone held out his hand for them to stop. Then he looked past the
bridge to the compound and made a series of complicated hand signs. Two partial
lancers stationed on the side of the bridge eased up on their aim. When they
had crossed the bridge several people came into view. They were walking the
outer wall or were sitting in either partial lancer turrets or small guard
houses along the outer perimeter. They all glowered down at them. “They seem to be a happy bunch.” Whispered Zeckle from
beside Nicolas, she had been silent ever since they had touched down, but had
reveled over the attention they had received in the village. “They don’t seem to be looking at us, they are all staring
at Bestalel.” muttered Nicolas in response. Bestalel stayed silent, and if he
had heard he gave no indication. The structure seemed to be secure despite be
built out of scraps. They walked across several rope bridges and along cat
walks until they came to the building bearing the flag. Machone knocked on the door, and there was the scraping of a
chair from inside. A figure’s shadow came behind the grubby glass in the door,
and opened it. “Hello, I’m The Laughing Cowboy, and I guess you are who
they call The Alchemist.” Spoke the man. © 2010 aaaaAuthor's Note
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7 Reviews Added on April 28, 2010 Last Updated on April 28, 2010 Related WritingPeople who liked this story also liked..