![]() Two Halves: chapter 7A Chapter by aaaa![]() chapter 7 of two halves :D![]() He always forgot how nice it was to be in one of the good districts in town. He they had been outside his appartment the car would have been stripped by now. Ernie enjoyed traveling in style. Jet-black stretch limo, and the interior must have had the animal rights movements crying. The air conditioning was powerful and the seats felt frozen. But the car ride was annoying, Nicolas's head kept brushing on the ceiling and his shoulders seemed far to wide. He flexed his new muscled arms. Definitely an upgrade, adding on enough muscle to be powerful, but not enough to slow him down. It was going to take time to get used to this new body, but unfortunately time was something they did not have. He was going to have to learn along the way. “So I have your documents right here. Once you enter non-dimensional space you shall pose as surveyors for the Genha Corporation." He reached into a small box and retrived two foulders. "They are looking to open up several oil-drilling platforms in Earth-2. All the information is inside the files, and your fake name.” Ernie smiled and handed him his folders. Nicolas opened his, and picked up the small card within. “Nicolas Flamel? Really, Ernie? I mean I know you love drama but this is overdoing it. They will know something is up.” Ernie had always loved his jokes, and this was just another small game for him to take up. “That name is almost unknown now days. The only reason you know it is because of who you are. Besides how I am to stay here and do all the boring work if I can’t have a laugh every now and again.” He reached inside of the mini-bar and grasped some small blue bubbling bottle. He popped the cap and the liquid overflowed onto his hand. He began to chug its contents. “I really wish you wouldn’t drink that swill. The stuff tastes like drinking sugar… spiked sugar.” Ernie finished the bottle and tossed it into the front seat where Bestalel was driving. “Sir, we have arrived at the warhouse.” Said Bestalel from the front seat. He pulled up in front of a unmarked warehouse. The only identifying mark was a sign saying B-11. Bestalel got out of the drivers seat and walked towards the small service door. Nicolas followed him carrying the case. It was nearly night out; the sun was slipping below the horizon slowly. It was painting a beautiful picture on the smog, all yellow and purple. “One last thing.” Ernie called from the window. “Don’t die out there. I am going to be pulling a lot of strings to get a force big enough to take on Salex, and if we fail I’ll be ruined.” He pushed a button on a keypad on his armrest, and the car slowly slid away. Nicolas walked to Bestalel who was picking the lock on the door. Nicolas sat down and opened the case. Demon sacks always annoyed him. Inter dimensional pockets in space-time, sure they were useful, but if you did it wrong you might destabilize the universe. He thought Summoner’s flute, and pictured it in his mind. The case opened to reveal the flute sitting on a soft pile of linen. Nicolas picked it up and blew one single note. Black smoke began to leak from the end of the flute. Then it solidified in front of Nicolas into a small winged humanoid shape. “Hello, sir, I’m Zeckle. I’ve kinda been appointed spokesperson the demons you got locked up in this here flute. If you wanna give order give em to me and I’ll relay em to the rest of dem lazy b******s.” The fiend spoke in a high-pitched voice. He was one of the three level-six fiends he had requested. His skin was a pale stony gray and he seemed to be leaking black mist from every pore. His beady eyes flashed with a fierce intelligence and he seemed to have a habit of grinding his little pointy teeth. “D****t! I forgot to tell Ernie to put emotional inhibitors on the flute!” Fumed Nicolas. He didn’t want to deal with demons with personalities. He just wanted servants who took orders. “I really wich ya wouldn’t say dat sir. It hurts up to have everythin bottled up like dat. I’d rather follow you of my own will than have to deal with a monster hangover later.” Nicolas didn’t have the reagents for a personality lock rune, so he would have to deal with the little imp. Behind them there was a crunch of Bestalel breaking the lock. “Ok I need you to go inside that building along with the other shadow fiends. There should be a few guards. Knock them out, but don’t kill them, and wipe their memory of the last few minutes.” Nicolas spoke and Zeckle nodded his head. Then he melted into mist and disappeared back into the flute. Nicolas got up and ran his hands over the metal surface. It was a modern model, sleek and shining. He blew a few notes into the flute and waited, and held it at arms length. Shadow began to erupt from every opening on the flute. It poured onto the ground ands separated into three flows. The flows leapt along the ground and burst though the now open door. There were several moments of silence. Then a shout, and the sound of several bodies hitting the floor. The shadow slunk back through the door and reentered the flute. Nicolas shoved the devise into his back pocket and walked over to peer through the door. There were three guards. One was collapsed in his chair, the other two lay on the floor near a crate where their lunches sat. The defense drone sat powering down in the corner. They seemed to just be ordinary guards, Probably from one of the smaller security companies. “Sir, the shipment we are supposed to board is near the back.” Said Bestalel while he moved the corpses into some semblance of sitting positions. Best for them not to wake up on the floor. Then he crept towards the back of the warehouse. They passed another guard who had passed out and two other powered down security drones. They stopped in front of a large shipping container. “We are to hide in the crates marked Dried Goods. It is from one of Mr. Ernie’s companies and was purposely left empty.” He opened the hatch and they entered. It was a very large shipping container and was packed nearly full. They inched through small gaps between crates and came upon a small clearing in the stacking. Two large crates marked dry goods stood in front of them. Bestalel pried one open and hopped inside. Nicolas was left struggling with the other for a moment before he could get it opened. He hoisted himself into the crate. It was snug, but good enough for now. He positioned himself in the most comfortable position possible. Then he tried to get some sleep. Even though he had been put under during the Gene-mod he felt exhausted. He slipped into a restless slumber only to have it permeated by troubling dreams. © 2010 aaaaAuthor's Note
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