![]() Two Halves: chapter 5A Chapter by aaaa![]() chapter 5 of two halves... :D![]() Two weeks had passed since the meeting with Ole’ Ernie. Not
a word had come from the crying saints. No updates on supplies, nothing. He had
even returned the magic district once to see if Betsalel had gone back to
working in the teashop. He had not, some old balding man with a whining voice
and watery eyes had replaced him. This absence of news might be exactly what
Ole’ Ernie wanted. Without anything to keep him occupied Nicolas was forced to
work out exactly how they were going to slip through dimensional space. Getting into non-dimensional space was not the problem.
Hundreds of people commuted to the land between worlds every day. The problem
was going to present itself when he attempted to enter Earth-2. As soon as he
tried to get to the dimensional gate the Auditors would gun him down. Migration from Earth-1 to Earth-2 was strictly controlled by
Salex Corps. Though truth be told they controlled most things now days. The
greasy fingers of industry stretched into every part of life. The government used to
control it, right after the war, but they had fallen out once their tech proved
to be insufficient. The only reason the government even existed anymore is
because it would be more expensive to remove them than leave it in place. The fact of the matter came down to Nicolas needed
Gene-mods. He needed to become another person, at least temporarily. Ole’ Ernie
would know this by now as well, and he was sure to have connections. Ernie changed
his appearance often enough to stay in with the latest mod fashions. He would
have to contact Ernie and tell him he needed Gene replacement. He rolled off of his bed. Where he had been lost in thought, and picked up the telephone. Ernie always kept a one-time use message drop account open. Betsalel had given him the number of the latest. He imputed this number into the phones sleek black number pad, and spoke one phrase. “Ernie, we need to talk.” A few days went by with still no information. Then on the night of the fourth day, while Nicolas was eating another meal pack on his couch there was a knock on his door. He pressed a button on the remote to show him the image from outside. Betsalel was standing there, no longer in his Chameleon suit. His baggy clothing hid his muscular physique rather handily. Not many people had bodies like him any more, most people who wanted to look good just got body-mods to add muscle on and suck fat. The effect was rather ruined when they ate themselves back to obesity, but Bastalel’s body was the real deal. Something he had worked hard for. Nicolas pressed another button on the cramped face of the remote, and there was a click from the lock. “The door is open, come in.” He
spoke through mouthfuls of gruel. Betsalel walked in and stopped next to the
couch. He had not even glanced around the apartment, all business with him. “Sir, Mr. Ernie would like to see
you. He has set up a appointment for your body-mod with his best surgeon. I am
to take you to him now.” Said Bestalel while starring out the window. “Really, already? How did he know
I wan- never mind about that, he probably knew before I did.” Responded Nicolas
as he finished his bowl. He put it down on the table beside the couch as he got
up. “Lead the way.” He said as he
followed Bestalel out the door. He again chose a winding path through the city,
taking many unnecessary turns and doubling back several times. Nicolas would
never have been able to recreate the route, and that was probably the point. He
knew this town like the back of his hand after ten years, but obviously
Bestalel knew it like his front. They were in the higher end
district of the city; shiny new TeraFlex gleamed with scrubbed surfaces. They
entered one of the smaller buildings near the end of the street. “I am here regarding a
appointment for a Mr. Nicolas. He will be receiving Gene-mods.” Spoke Bestalel
to the woman sitting behind a counter. She looked up at him from behind her
bullet resistant window. She adjusted her glasses as she checked her computer. “Nicolas… Nicolas, oh yes we have
one here. With doctor, oh my.” She gasped slightly in surprise. Ernie had
obviously chosen a viciously expensive surgeon for his own amusement. Having
two men in working cloths come in and claim for the appointment to be for them
probably gave a good chuckle. “Well if you would input your
retina scan sir.” A small devise that looked rather like a shiny silver pistol
popped up from the counter. Nicolas leaned over and starred down the barrel. A flash of light left him momentarily blinded and it was done. “Ok then, if you would just enter
elevator A-1, that’s the one closest to the wall, it will take you directly to
doctor Renti’s office.” She pointed towards an elevator at the back of the
atrium. Nicolas and Bestalel entered this cramped compartment. There were no
buttons, the smooth black door simply shut and the elevator started to slide
slowly upward. Eventually the elevator came to a
stop, and the doors slid open, and revealed a waiting room. It was completely
empty except for a few potted plants. A shadow moved from behind opaque glass
leading to the room next door. A man came through the doorway.
He was wearing the classic white lab coat of doctors, and was smiling hugely. His
body was obviously the product of his own surgery, the strong jaw line, the
sandy blond hair, and the slim yet muscular body type. No one really had that body;
it was just created as some arbitrary standard of beauty for women to look at.
The fact that he was not real became even more evident as he spoke. “Elo boys. What can I do for ya
today?” His voice was deep and calming, with slightly musical overtones. He had
a voice-chip. The things could make you sound like anyone. They had catalogues
of thousands of people you could choose from. “We can’t afford anything extra so don’t try to sweet talk us. Just take me to your bio-engineering room and let us get this started.” Spoke Nicolas to the man. He hated guys like him; all smoke and mirrors. No substance, no soul. “Ok, have it your way, follow me.” The tall man turned around and strode back into his office. © 2010 aaaaFeatured Review
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