Ladys Reproach

Ladys Reproach

A Poem by Zackman220

The ladys reproach to the captains calls.

With the whir of engines in the distance
Which peeked the womans interest
Her heart sped as the noise grew
Away away her mind flew
As her beloved grew closer and closer
She ran and she fussed
Trying not to look mussed
All for her beloved
As she stood all half-dressed and ready
a knock came to her door
hard and steady
Her heart flew at the sound
She mussed and fussed trying to look 
Like she expected him to be there
A loud bash came from the hallway
She ran to see what there was
It was her father ready to kill
But he beloved had the greater will
Unconscious and stunned
her father lay as he beloved
came to take her away.
He swept her off her feet
Away the flew to his captain's seat
There they waited and stayed
Until they were clear to leave
And then there was a great heave
and away they went all nice and free.

© 2010 Zackman220

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Added on November 4, 2010
Last Updated on December 19, 2010
Tags: Lady, Steampunk, Steam, Zackman220, captain, airship, dirigible, fussed.



Eastlake, OH

Well, let's begin. I am a very novice Science Fiction and Fantasy writer. but I am working hard to become a better one. I am beginning to work my way into more of the steampunk genre than anything els.. more..

Steam Steam

A Poem by Zackman220