The Dinner Doubles or A Clone of Your OwnA Stage Play by ZackOfBridgeA dinner date between a set of clonesTHE DINNER
ACT [1] SCENE [1]
LUSUS Ah Hell! I've left my keys, Dolly. What will I do?
DOLLY You're fine, Lusus.
LUSUS No, wait, yes, and my wallet. I'll have to go back and get it--you go ahead and knock, the conversation must go on.
DOLLY Funny, you don't need either to eat at the neighbor's house. Check your pockets, have you left your sense behind?
LUSUS My cents? Well I imagine that would be in my wallet, dear.
DOLLY Sense.
LUSUS Ah, like of the common sort? Where is my common sense? [Looks around for it as though it were a
little dog] Oh yes. Shall we go home to rewatch our wedding tape? I'll
point out the exact moment it scampers away from neglect.
DOLLY Like a rat?
LUSUS More like a tramp in the street. Remind me again why for the third
time this month our dinner is served on Adam and Evelyn's table instead of our
DOLLY They are--
LUSUS Ahh but tell it to them [He
sweeps his hand over the audience].
DOLLY Whom? The crickets in the lawn?
LUSUS Crickets in the lawn? Don't be dim, you mean you can't see them? [Points at someone in the audience's face] Him? How about Her?
DOLLY Insects, thats all thats out there. [Looks to the audience with disgust] Crickets I imagine,
I can hear them strum their tiny violins for you, Lusus. You appreciate their pity, don't you?
LUSUS Of course I do, it is much deserved. To spend so much time with these people. They're so unoriginal.
DOLLY Don't be ridiculous. [To the
audience] We're the clones of these people.
LUSUS It's vulgar. Did Frankenstein insist that he and the monster meet regularly for drinks and ice cream chasers? All the monster wanted was a companion. And look here I've got one.
DOLLY A monster's companion, you flatter me Lu.
LUSUS Please don't make me go. I really don't see why you enjoy these dinners so much.
DOLLY If we could not share a meal with our own clones a few times out of the month--well it just wouldn't be normal. Borderline Inhumane. Be nice. Have fun with yourself. Adam enjoys your company.
LUSUS HAH! Sure he does. That man could enjoy the company of a wooden post with googly eyes pasted to its front. Inhumane. To have to listen to that most insipid babbling, and then see it come from a mouth just like mine. That's what is inhumane.
DOLLY He trusts you because you've got the same face as he does.
LUSUS Such an unfortunate face! His nose comes out just like this, his smirk, awful hair. Really just a punchable face. And his laugh, HAH! Just exactly like that HAH!
DOLLY I know it well.
The next lines are read at the same time. Dolly still speaks to the
audience and lusus speaks towards dolly.
LUSUS Doubt it would do any good, a punch to his face. It's so elastic, I can see it now, retracting back into place, perfect, unaffected. Like a putty mask.
DOLLY But it's not just Adam. There is Evelyn to consider. She needs my company and I need the company she keeps.
LUSUS I don't doubt it. Actually I am certain of it, Dolly. Dolly I am, certain that's it. He has gone and invented a mask impervious to a good true sock
DOLLY The darling sensitive thing she is. We must visit. Someone must appreciate her for her aesthetic qualities.
LUSUS That's why we were invited, Dolly. Of course what else? 'So tell us about the new and resilient putty mask, constructed from recycled pets and environmentally responsible cell tissue?
DOLLY How the bridge of her nose comes to here, her smile raises to here, just like this [She smiles
to the audience]. Her hair flows like so [bats at her
hair]. Where else in the world could a woman like that be found? And how does one tell a darling sensitive thing like that that her services are no longer required. Its time to move on.
LUSUS Its gluten free and contains zero trans fats, you say? Wow! [Begins to walk away, but Dolly
pulls on his ear]. Ow! D****t, Mrs. Sugarbottom! What is all this?
DOLLY Don't call me that.
LUSUS It's a pet name.
DOLLY Its not, and I am not your pet.
LUSUS If its not a pet name it still happens to be your legal name. The one you took when you married me.
DOLLY I don't like it.
LUSUS It suits me, Mrs. Sugarbo--
DOLLY Stop that.
LUSUS What are we doing here?
DOLLY I already said, they are our clones and---
LUSUS Yes, uh-huh, and its indecent not to spend time with those that are identical to you. Yes. But I don't want to be decent. It's how they look. Stocky bodies, stout faces. what are we doing here? I saw your calendar. Your Calendar, the one with moon cycles and the like. If we are really going to do this, tonight's best. Is this not the best night?
LUSUS So what is this?
DOLLY What is what?
LUSUS What? This! Are we, you, still interested in doing this?
DOLLY This? [Points to the door].
LUSUS No not this, anything but this. This [Points to Evelyn, points to self], you know? Are we still going to do this?
DOLLY Ah, that, yes I think so. It was my idea.
LUSUS You've got me fooled.
DOLLY Don't Lusus.
LUSUS You have. From what I have observed its not done at the dinner table. Not the way we plan on making our round at it. I suppose it is true that it can technically be done at a dinner table, but--
DOLLY No, you are right, we are not doing it at dinner. And I wasn't going to say anything because I know you would just up and drop it, but--
LUSUS Drop it? Whatever it is I certainly would not 'just up and drop it.'
DOLLY You'd drop your c**k if it were tied to your hand. But fine, this thing [Tentatively
touches her stomach] well its already been done. It. Has happened. I could have come alone and still been a plus one.
LUSUS So then why didn't you! [Coughs
and stutters] I mean, Dolly, this is great. This. This is huge.
DOLLY Huge. Yes, I will be. Now shut up, this is what I meant. You become excited. It doesn't look good on you. And don't say anything to Adam and Evie about it.
LUSUS You called her Evie.
DOLLY I did? I must have for short. Short for Evelyn.
LUSUS Yes because the extra syllable is an unbelievable strain.
DOLLY Shhh. I am going to knock now.
LUSUS Clones clones. You know, if they have a child too. The children would be siblings? That is from a genetic perspective.
DOLLY Shut up about children and genetics.
LUSUS But what's left?
DOLLY I hear religion and politics are popular.
They knock on the door. The entire frame falls around them. ACT [1] SCENE
ADAM Clonies! My beautiful clone, Leonard, Come in, come in.
LUSUS Its Lusus, Lusus is my name, but that's perfectly alright. We have only met 48 times this year and I am your clone.
ADAM Maybe if you had let me choose your name I wouldn't have any problem remembering.
LUSUS Again with this.
ADAM I am sorry but Howard McBroDown named his clone,and his clone, Peter Pepperdoodle --on the corner--, named his clone and Peter Pepperdoodle's clone, Poncho Porterville, begot a clone and named him Pregovich Pastovich, and he got to name his clone and here I am, Adam Parsnip, with a clone who insisted on naming himself. It makes us all sound like idiots. Is that what you wanted? Excuse me Dolly, come in. Come in. It seems, louis was it? Is in
something of a mood.
Dolly and lusus look at the doorframe around
them and hesitantly step over it.
DOLLY Tell me about it, oh but first tell it to them [she
sweeps her hand over the audience assuming an audience
remains by this point in the play].
ADAM What?
DOLLY Thats what he said. He had me talking to the
insects in your lawn.
ADAM In our lawn? Of course. We've got an awful case
of them here in the house too. See look right there [gestures
towards the audience].
DOLLY [Dolly crouches at front of stage, stares an
audience member in the face]
Yes I can see that. Look at them. Horrifying. And that smell.
ADAM They reek, I know.
DOLLY Oh they are absolutely pungent, you must get rid
of them, anyway, sorry we're late. Those damned
dinosaurs. Move your crusty cretaceous asses! Thats what I say to
them. I doubt they even understand English. [Scoffs]
They come to this era and don't even bother to learn the language.
Sorry we're late. How they block the freeway. Can you
imagine LA traffic without dinosaurs? I imagine it would be
like flying, so smooth! Nothing to stand in your way!
Sorry we're late.
ADAM You couldn't be late, we didn't invite you. You
can't be late when you're not invited. Its a physical
LUSUS Not invited? Dolly we are bothering them. We are
a bothersome couple. Adam here was probably
screaming at a basket of rotting fruit or splicing the genes of
a minotaur with a mango. He is a scientist you know.
ADAM No, oh please no Larry. Do not let that scare
you two adorable clonies away. The minotaur must be ripe
anyhow. Evelyn will be thrilled to see you. Come in Come
in. Look here, four drinks. [Counts on his finger
1,2,3,4] Thats enough for each of us.
Enter Evelyn
EVELYN Dolly. You brought Lusus.
DOLLY Again, sorry to show up late like this. Those
dinosaurs. They're plain meddlers with no regard for dinner
dates between clones.
EVELYN Creatures like that left all manners in the
mesozoic. They come over here with the mud of Pangina still
stuck to their feet.
ADAM Pangea, darling. They are from Pangea.
EVELYN Yes, Sangria, thank you.
LUSUS Its Pangea.
EVELYN Whatever. Like that's any better, Pangea.
Doesn't it just sound awful, like diarrhea or gonorrhea, or
tortilla. DOLLY Thank you for having the two of us.
EVELYN Of course, there is nothing better than having you, Dolly.
I could have you everyday. Every night.
LUSUS Uh, yes thank you Evelyn. That must be the
hostess in you. My my Adam, your face seems so real--expertly
crafted. [He pinches
and stretches Adam's cheeks] Bully for you.
ADAM Uh, yes thank you. Here, for you.
LUSUS Drinks, you read my mind. [Lusus takes both glasses].
ADAM Read your mind, how fun for me, reading your
mind. I imagine it would be like a pop-up book for small
Lusus drinks from one glass and then the other
and the other in rapid succession until...
EVELYN [Evelyn takes a drink from Lusus and gives it to
Dolly] Those drinks are for the both of you.
DOLLY A drink for me. This, this is what I want.
Alcohol. Thank you, Evie--Evelyn.
LUSUS Mind reading. That reminds me, Adam, have your
boys at the lab gotten to my prompt?
ADAM Regarding telepathy? I assumed you were being
fuh- fuh- Facetious!
DOLLY Bless you, Adam.
LUSUS Facetious! I am being facetious? He shoves
shrunken sperm whales into sardine cans and I am being
ADAM We don't shrink anymore, unfortunately profits
weren't large enough. We are in the business of
stretching now. You wouldn't believe the number of things that can
be stretched: life spans, gas mileage, the truth,
you name it.
EVELYN Doll, you knew the invitation was for you only?
DOLLY Was it?
LUSUS I simply wanted to know whether an illiterate
could read minds and if the deaf could hear
thoughts. I should have known. You invited me into your home to make the
fool of me...To throw me into the volcano.
EVELYN You weren't invited at all.
ADAM You aren't here to be thrown into a volcano,
Lusus. I just don't take you seriously is all.
LUSUS My own clone. Copy. Reflection. Makes me the
fool. The fool boiling in the volcano. Fine. But if I am a
fool, that makes you a fool and your precious Peter
Pepperdoodle too.
EVELYN You're not drinking? You know, I took the fatal
risk of snatching it from your husband, you may know him
as the man boiling in the volcano.
DOLLY Oh I do, its lovely. [Clicks tongue on teeth] It's got an earthy flavor, almost sulphuric.
EVELYN You haven't had even a sip.
DOLLY [She sets the glass down without drinking
from it]. But I have, I am drinking it right at this very
ADAM Dolly, you're drink is okay? DOLLY Oh yes, its brilliant.
EVELYN How would you know? You're lips have yet to
touch the glass.
DOLLY [Flattered] My lips have your eye? [Reconsiders] Its terribly rude to stare.
LUSUS Dolly won't be drinking tonight.
EVELYN And she still came? You're a brave one. Are you
sure we are clones?
ADAM My God, it's the drink.
LUSUS Yes, its the drink, Adam.
DOLLY The drink is fine.
ADAM Of course it's the drink.
DOLLY I am sure it is lovely.
EVELYN Its much better when it is drunk.
ADAM It's awful. I am ashamed.
LUSUS Terrible, Adam. I am mildly offended. We had
better go. [Starts
towards the door] You need some time to think about what you have done. 40 lashes should be ample
for the offense.
ADAM [On his
knees] Oh the spiteful universe! Howard McBrodown, you have forsaken me.
LUSUS Can you put an end to this? Tell them.
EVELYN Tell us?
LUSUS Yes, Dolly has something to tell you two.
DOLLY I have nothing to announce.
LUSUS Come on, Dolly. Out with it. Dolly has been
DOLLY A great burden! I am drunk already.
DOLLY Positively lit. I have a problem.
LUSUS Oh you're drunk are you?
DOLLY Yes, darling. You know this--drunk. My body has
got the dizzies.[Looks at Adam and Lusus]
I am seeing doubles.
EVELYN Dolly, lets go into the kitchen. We'll get you
some bread.
and evelyn exit
ACT [1] SCENE [3]
Light music can be heard.
DOLLY That music. Did you Turn on the Radio?
The music slowly amplifies. They dance with one another.
EVELYN Oh its those tomatoes. They always harmonize around supper time.
DOLLY Beautiful. Sad. Why do you think they sound so conflicted?
EVELYN Its the hormones. Especially, this time of the month. I grow them myself in the garden.
DOLLY You garden? You grow things? I thought you only grew tired of Adam?
EVELYN I have thought about only eating meat, there seems to be so much less agony, less guilt for me that way. I hate dicing a tomato and hearing it squeal like a pig. It's awful. At least if I eat meat, I could have a quiet, peaceful kitchen. Quiet kitchen, quiet conscience.
DOLLY Oh but you have got to love a crisp apple, could you give that up? [Sadly] I
suppose, all of us have to give up something.
EVELYN Oh I don't eat apples. Orders from the big man, my doctor. So that wouldn't be a problem.
DOLLY Doctor?
EVELYN Yes, a doctor. Adam makes me go. He thinks there
is something wrong with me. He wants me to be
happy. But nothing he can do makes me happier than that
first time I grabbed your hand.
DOLLY Didn't it flop around like a fish?
EVELYN Or when our legs met under the table. Do you
remember what you did?
DOLLY I spat a grape in Lu's drink...And so did you.
EVELYN Your leg was like a cactus. Oh Dolly how I love
you. Funny, I'm the only person I ever loved.
DOLLY Gee [frightened]
that's swell.
DOLLY Yes, it's swell. Among other things that are
EVELYN Swell. No, having exact change is swell. Finding
a dollar in a pair of jeans is swell. The price of fuel
falling from eighty dollars a gallon to seventy-nine is
swell. Swell!
DOLLY Stop saying that. Its lost all meaning.
EVELYN Has love lost all meaning? Or is everything just
swell? My apologies. Swell! Like an infected wound or a
stubbed toe. What is this, Doll?
DOLLY What is what?
EVELYN This. There is something the matter with you. I
know you are not drunk. Is it your husband? It must be.
To be married to a man with such a ridiculous name,
DOLLY It's Lusus.
EVELYN I knew it was him! The man won't even let you
drink. Not a good sign.
DOLLY He and I are having a child, Evelyn. We won't be
coming over for dinner anymore.
EVELYN A child? No dinner? But surely, you will still
come over. To uh, uh, dance. Like we are doing now, like we
have been.
DOLLY No, no more dancing.
EVELYN You know I don't mean dancing?
DOLLY Yes, I understood that.
EVELYN You're done with all of it then?
DOLLY I'll be devoting that time to Lusus and this [gestures to stomach].
EVELYN To your stomach? Has he put you on a diet too?
That chauvinistic b*****d! Oh, the child, right. Well
isn't that swell?
DOLLY Among other things that are swell.
ACT [1] SCENE [4] ADAM I had no idea about Dolly, Lusus.
LUSUS She's---
ADAM It explains so much, lately Evelyn has had her share of troubles.
LUSUS No, you don't---
ADAM I can't read anything from her. It's like she is always facing away. Her back is always to me. It might be better if that were true that she didn't look at me, but she does. In her face there is nothing. No adoration, excitement, not even disgust. I miss her scowl of disapproval greatly. Look at me talk. You know exactly what I mean! what with her and Dolly being of the same genetic caste.
LUSUS No, no, Dolly has got an expressive face. She could beat you at a round of chess with her eyebrows alone. Its just you.
ADAM But I am a decent enough man. I use mouthwash! I rinse for the full minute-- sixty seconds of swish, I do it until my eyes tear up. I am a good man! I am trying! And I floss! I'm not saying I am any Saint Kanye of West [He crosses himself; taps his head, his chest, left shoulder and right], but d****t I floss my teeth until blood runs from the gums.
LUSUS You are a regular martyr. Do you write erotic love letters to your dentist as well?
ADAM Evelyn is despondent, quiet, melancholic, dare I say it? Analytic! She--Can I tell you Lusus. We had some tests run...They call it an imbalance of her humors. Her levels of black bile are in dangerous excess. Its causing all manners of grief. LUSUS [Sarcastically] That is
awful. Did you have an apothecary brew something up for that?
ADAM Am I a sap? Of course I did. Nothing, and none of the doctor's suggested treatments are helping either.
LUSUS What are you doing in way of treatment?
ADAM I say we have tried everything: Electro-shock, mercury drops, even Advanced-invasive gardening. Nothing helps. And you know what, I can't help but to blame you for all this.
LUSUS Naturally.
ADAM Yes. Naturally.
LUSUS How have I done this?
ADAM It started when you gave yourself that ridiculous name. What kind of name is Lupus?
LUSUS It's Lusus!
ADAM Oh what does it matter, its ridiculous. Its taken its toll on me, and that stress, Evelyn must be feeling it too. I swear the only thing that makes her feel better is when you and Dolly come to visit. And you have gone and ruined that too.
LUSUS Ruined? But how can we ruin a night we weren't invited too? [Imitates Adam's voice, so basically nothing changes] Its a physical impossibility.
ADAM Look at Dolly, she's drunk already.
LUSUS She's not drunk.
ADAM She couldn't even look at the drink in her hand. Its terrible. You come all this way and the night is ruined just like that. Which reminds me. When will you have a clone of your own?
LUSUS A clone of my own?
ADAM Yes, you will have to move into the neighborhood so we can be close to the fellow. It could do some good for all of us.
LUSUS [Dread engulfs Lusus's face]
As therapeutic as that might be, I am not having a clone of my own. Dolly and I are having a child. I was trying to tell you she's not an alcoholic, she's pregnant.
ADAM [Laughs] A child. You and
Dolly all mixed together. Very vintage. That's funny.
LUSUS The truth often is.
ADAM The truth? Who's talking about the truth? You can't be serious. You can't have a child. How could you! How could you! [Voice lowers into a
secretive whisper] How do you? Could you explain that to me?
LUSUS Oh its simple really, what happens is---
ADAM Oh stop it! You are insane. What will Howard McBroDown think of you?
LUSUS What will he think of me or that other fellow? Lupus was his name?
ADAM Forget you, what will he think of me if my own clone goes and mucks it all up?
LUSUS What do I care what he thinks?
ADAM What do you care? He begot Peter Pepperdoodle who begot Poncho Porterville who begot Pregovich Pastovich who begot me. You will be the end of the line. An anticlimax. I knew I should have named you! Letting you name yourself was the first ski on a slippery slope to utter disgrace.
LUSUS Did you ever think trying to please all these people is what made you crack? Did you ever think its not Evelyn or me or anybody. Its you. Frankly I'm surprised you didn't think of it first. A child, something none of those who came before you had. I'll be the first.
ADAM [Brightens] Well, I hadn't
thought of--
ADAM [Adam hugs Lusus in fright]
What was that? Was it my conscience again? It always says the most hateful things to me.
Enter Evelyn and Dolly
EVELYN Adam, we are having child.
ADAM [Still holding onto Lusus, he
grins at him] Evelyn that is a beautiful idea. We can start now. [Clears the table with an aggressive swipe of his arm, sits Evelyn on table] No, that
hardly seems appropriate. Of course we need to meet with our physician, have
some tests run, consult with an oracle, sacrifice at least three---
EVELYN Stop that. You're too happy. That's not what this is. I want one now, Adam. No physical, no oracle. No before this, afterbirth that, I want one now.
LUSUS She wants one now, Adam.
ADAM That is what she said.
DOLLY Evie, can I speak to you?
EVELYN Oh yes, I would love to talk with my dolly. Oh Dolly, I love you too. What was that? You really mean it? That we'll be the bestest friends forever and ever until the sun explodes and dinosaurs rain from the sky? Anything you want to say to me you can say in front of my child. My child [looks around for it as though
it were a little dog]. Where is my child, Adam?
Adam picks up phone, but it doesn't have to a be a phone.
DOLLY Put it down, Adam.
ADAM Yes, hello, I would like to place an order for delivery. No not a clone, A child, yes. What do I want on it? Geez, I hadn't thought. A nose, eyes for sure, maybe throw in a couple freckles.
EVELYN There will be not a single freckle on my child!
ADAM Oh no no, not a single freckle. What size? Let's see, I am pretty average, my wife is exceedingly average, lets have an average. Sounds great [hangs
up phone].
EVELYN What did they say? Will I have my child?
ADAM I would say so. If the child comes after 30 minutes, its free. Oh the excitement, Evelyn and I all mixed together. I must tell Poncho Porterville!
Adam skips to the door, if any spare flower petals are present he
throws them as he skips. He opens door, a man and young girl stand at the door.
The man is dressed like a mail man or a milk man or a mechanic.
MAN I told them a million times, why do the little beasts need teeth? Does no good for me to have their dental records stamped into my hand.
ADAM That was much quicker than I expected.
MAN All they did was make a kid. It's simple. Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it. Sign there [signals to forehead; Adam signs]. Initial here [raises shirt and signals just above
belly button; Adam signs]. Sir, would you like to donate today to send an underprivileged dinosaur to college?
ADAM Donate! Sure! Maybe when dinosaurs fall from the sky!...I suppose then seeking higher education would be the least of their worries. MAN [Takes a note on sheet of paper,
tongue sticking partially out of mouth in
concentration] "When dinosaurs fall from the sky". Okay, there is your instruction manual. That 'bout does 'er.
ADAM That does not 'bout do 'er.' [Adam
pinches The Daughter's cheeks. Opens her jaw
to inspect her teeth. She bites him] She bit me!
MAN They do that, nasty little creatures.
ADAM Nasty!? It's wonderful, such bite strength. Bet she'll floss just like her old man. I floss! I am a good man, I'm no Saint John of Cusak, but I floss!
MAN Really though, watch out for her, she bit the head off a bat on the way here.
DAUGHTER Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy, Oy Oy Oy
ADAM She killed it just like that? Not even a hint of compassion or empathy at all?
MAN None that I can speak of.
ADAM By god! She'll be a scientist!
MAN One more thing--
ADAM Shh. Shh. All quiet.
Adam reveals a magnifying glass and inspects the daughter closely. He
gags from what he sees.
ADAM Three freckles!
EVELYN I said not a single freckle!
ADAM She said not a single freckle! What is it you boys do at that warehouse of yours?
MAN We did exactly as you asked, sir. You said not a single freckle. We gave you three. Besides you already signed there and initialed here. If it makes you feel any better they say freckles are angel's kisses.
ADAM Well you tell this sick "Angel" fellow to stay away from my daughter!
Pulls girl into home and closes door on man. There is a knock. Adam
opens door.
MAN One more thing, there seem to be a storm marching in, eating up homes like cream filled bonbons. Could I possibly come in? I would ask to use your restroom but judging from the smell that s**t has sailed.
ADAM Leave immediately. MAN But I'm afwaid.
Adam slams door
ADAM This is our child, Evelyn. Our daughter.
EVELYN Does she know how to use the bathroom?
Girl shakes head no.
EVELYN And television?
ADAM [Flipping through booklet]
They say she needs immediate and significant parental stimulus. Its all in here, here look.
EVELYN [Slaps booklet away] You
know I only read morse code. Theres no time, Adam. Didn't you hear? She needs immediate stimulus.
ADAM Oh yes yes, immediate stimulus. Says so right here in this.
EVELYN [To Daughter] Do you have a
favorite program dear?
Daughter nods head yes.
EVELYN Make yourself decent and set her in front of the Television.
ADAM [Talking to himself] Evelyn
tells me to set her in front of the television. Here she is in front of the TV.
LUSUS Gotta listen to the wolf [coughs]
wife. Say does this one have a name?
ADAM [Brightens] Well I hadn't
even considered. I've been so swamped lately taking care of the child I hadn't even gotten around to naming her.
DAUGHTER I have a name, I gave it to myself.
ADAM You-You what? But you can't name yourself.
LUSUS [To the daughter] You and I
are about to become very good friends. Sure she can name herself, if she's bright enough to bite you upon meeting you, she's at least capable of naming herself.
ADAM Don't encourage her, it says here never to encourage children [gestures to booklet].
What is this name you've given yourself?
DAUGHTER Salvador Dalí.
LUSUS What a name, Adam. You could call her Sallí for short.
ADAM She'll never make anything of herself with a name like that. [Pokes Lusus in the chest]
What did you do?
SALLÍ I'm going to be an artist papa, a great artist. My skeletal remains will be put on exhibit in the Louvre.
ADAM Art? Do you mean that ghastly thing hanging above motel room beds? You will do nothing of the sort. [Pokes Lusus in the chest again] Leonidas, I'm going
to kill you before the incredibly stinted life span of a clone does!
LUSUS My name is Lusus! Not Larry, not louis, not Lupus!
EVELYN My child is an artist, Dolly. Does your child do anything at all?
DOLLY It hasn't bitten anybody yet.
EVELYN It seems to me the most this child [points to Dolly's stomach], if that is what you
are willing to call it, can do is deprive you of drink and uh, dance. But my child, just watch, get mommy a drink, Sallí. [Snaps her fingers at Sallí. Sallí does not
move from television].
DOLLY You're angry, Evelyn.
EVELYN I am not angry. I. Am. A. Mother. You're angry. My child's an artist, her skeleton will be on exhibit in the Louvre before your child can spit up on your shoulder. So hah!
DOLLY Angry? I'm concerned. Are you hearing yourself? You're hurt, and I'm sorry for that, but I didn't want to sneak around to make myself feel better anymore. With this [gestures to stomach] I feel
better. No sneaking around, in a couple months this will be as obvious as it gets.
SALLÍ [She speaks at a pace that is
too fast] DINOSAURS!
EVELYN Do not interrupt the adults.
SALLÍ [She speaks at a pace that is
too Slow] DINOSAURS!
EVELYN She did it again. Adam, she's busted. I told them no freckles and now look at her.
ADAM [Adam flips fervently through
booklet] I'm looking darling, I'm looking.
EVELYN Can we refund her?
LUSUS Return her? But what about her bite strength?
DOLLY Yeah, she nearly took off Adam's finger. Isn't that worth something?
ADAM Of course, but if she's busted...We can't refund her, Evelyn. I signed there and initialed here [Points to forehead and belly
That's as binding as our marriage. Maybe she's hungry? Do children get hungry?
EVELYN What, like a person? She has the television, she needs more than that?
SALLÍ [She speaks at a pace that is
just right] DINOSAURS!
The thumping of audience members leaving and slamming the door on the
way out can be heard.
DOLLY Dinosaurs! Raining from the sky.
ADAM Oh, its just a drizzle. Sprinkling. [A thump and a shriek shakes the stage] A mist if you will.
Minor puddles.
LUSUS We'll be puddles if we stay here! You did this, Adam! I know it was you. Dinosaurs fall in your name.
EVELYN [Laughing, opens an umbrella]
Everyone gather under my umbrella. Oh no! I opened the umbrella under the roof. Now we'll have the worst of luck.
Everyone gathers under umbrella. Another thump and the lights fade out
and then back on. The light shines only on them under the umbrella all else is
DOLLY Evelyn no! Take your hand out of there. Evelyn, You can't touch me there anymore.
EVELYN That's not my hand. I am holding the umbrella.
ADAM And what a great job of holding it you are doing. It's really a gift of yours
EVELYN [Flattered] Thank you, Adam
darling. It comes naturally. It must be a maternal instinct. [A
thump and a shriek from a dinosaur falling from
the sky]
Sallí how about that drink now? The ice and liquor are over in that dark corner.
LUSUS Its my hand. What did you mean 'anymore' Dolly? Are you saying this has happened before?
DOLLY Anymore? Thats not what I said, you misheard. I said, "Evelyn, you can't touch me there you w***e!"
EVELYN I am not touching you! You told me we weren't doing that anymore. Frankly, I am glad. I have to devote my time to Adam and my daughter--That drink Sallí! Are the freckles impeding your hearing?
ADAM No darling, they gave her ears, I made sure to check.
Thump and shriek
LUSUS OW! She bit me!
ADAM She bit me too, she must like you, Luther.
LUSUS You want your drink? Fine! [He
stomps away, Sallí, still biting his hand,
follows him. A thump and a shriek accompany their exit
from the stage].
DOLLY Lusus, wait!
Dolly exits. A thump and shriek. The stage goes dark. The stage illuminates. Evelyn and Adam stand at a door.
ADAM Ah Hell! I've left my keys, Dolly. What will I do?
EVELYN You're fine, Lusus.
ADAM No, wait, yes, and my wallet. I'll have to go back and get it--you go ahead and knock, the conversation must go on.
EVELYN Funny, you don't need either to eat at the neighbor's house. Check your pockets, have you left your sense behind? © 2015 ZackOfBridge |
Added on December 17, 2015 Last Updated on December 17, 2015 Author