![]() Chapter 1: Coming outA Chapter by Zachary Hinson
"Today is the day" Patrick says to himself "Im telling my best friend"
Patrick walks out of his college dorm room where his roommate is asleep and walks across the male side of campus into Johnson Dorm building and walks down the stairs to room 1023. As Patrick opens the door, he notices Ben's roommate passed out at his desk. "Guess he is burned out from study for finals" Patrick says laughing. "Yea, I guess" Jacob said " I told him before he signed up for all those courses he was going to burn himself out. He has 5 exams tomorrow, a paper he hasn't started on due tomorrow and he has two exams on Thursday. Anyway what's up man." "Can we go talk?" Patrick asked. "Sure, where you want to go?" Jacob replied "Let's go for a drive" "Ight, me or you?" "I will." Patrick and Jacob wakes up Ben and heads to Patrick 2003 White Ford Ranger parked behind the dorm under the tree on the far back left of the parking lot. Patrick unlocks the door, they get in and drive off their christian campus. "So, you wanted to talk?" Jacob asked "Yea, um...." Patrick says "Something wrong?" Jacob asked "No, nothing wrong just wanted to ask you a question." "Shoot!" "Ok, well what is your views on Homosexuality?" Patrick asked nervously "Well," Jacob says "I mean i don't approve of it but doesn't mean I'm going to stop loving you for being gay. I have a lot of friends who are openly gay" "Well, I am gay" "I know. Its ok I still love you but you know what the Bible says about it" "Yea I know but I was born this way and can't change it. Do you want to go get something to eat, on me?" "Sure bud" They drive down I 20 to get onto I 26 to go to chick fl a. They get out and go inside to eat. "Can I ask a question?" Jacob asks "Sure" Patrick replies "Do you have a boyfriend?" Jacob asks "No, not yet but I have had sex with both and know for a fact I like dick" "Ok, just wanted to make sure you are positive about this." "I am, well its my time to ask a question." "Ok?" "Are we still friends?" "Of course we are, nothing is going to change the fact that your my friend and that I love you" As they walk back to the truck, some guy yells out f*g and Patrick starts to cry. "What the hell is problem?" Jacob asked noticing that it is a pastor from a local church "That is now way to talk to any human, how do you call yourself a pastor, Jesus loved everyone, he hung out with tax collectors and the sick and your going to treat one of God's creations like that, if I would say Patrick is a better christian than you are, he treats everyone the way God treats us." "God has condemn all f**s to hell." The pastor replied. "Yea, he also condemn those who get divorce Jesus said 'Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery' Matthew 19:8-9 and if I'm not mistaken you have had 4 wives, is that not correct pastor?" Jacob asked "Well yes, but..." "But nothing, according to the Bible that your condemning this man to hell also says you are going to hell" The pastor walks away. "Thanks, Jacob" Patrick said. "No problem" Jacob quietly said. The whole car ride back to school was in quite. As the pull up into the front of the male dorms Patrick stops and lets Jacob out. "Where are you going?" Jacob asked Patrick concerning of what he is going to do. "Its Friday night, I'm going home to think." Patrick replies. Jacob shuts the door and walks back to his dorm as Patrick drives off. Jacob unlocks his door and walks in, Ben is in bed and asleep. When Jacob shuts the door Ben wakes up. "Whats wrong Jacob?" Ben asked concerned. "Well, Patrick told me something very serious and I love him as a brother but people are hateful." Jacob replies "What you mean?" Ben asked with a confused look on his face. "Well, call him, it's best if it comes from him." Jacob said. Ben picks up the phone and calls Patrick. " Hey man, I was just talking to Jacob and he told me to call you. What's up? Something wrong?" Ben asked. "Um, well Ben, I don't know how to tell you this but I'm gay" Patrick says on the urge of tears as the phone goes in and out. "That's fine brother, I still love you and nothing is going to change that man." Ben reassures him. Ben hangs up. "Oh, I see man, yea people here are going to hate him but it is best that we stay by him and love him no matter what. He is one of our brothers in Christ and we just have to be here for him." Ben tells Jacob as he climbs into bed. "Hey man, can you hit the lights?" Jacob asked Ben Ben turns the lights off and they both fall asleep. Patrick turns onto I 20 towards 277 to go back home in York SC. Before Patrick knew it he was going 95 MPH. As he slows down to pull off onto 277 he realizes he forgot his suitcase back at the dorm. He thought to himself f**k it. It's now 1:30 am and Patrick pulls into his driveway in York. Patrick wipes the tears from his face and goes inside and goes straight to bed. The next morning he wakes up to ten text messages. He deletes them and just lays there in bed for the weekend. Sunday after church Patrick goes back home to get some stuff for his dorm room. At 4 pm he gets back into his truck and drives back to school. Patrick turns on his phone to listen to some music. Patrick turns on Steve Grand and he just started crying even harder. At 5:45pm Patrick pulls back into the school, he pulls around to the back of the dorm room and found his spot and he pulls into the spot. He gets out and locks his doors. As he is carrying his stuff back to his dorm this kid from his hall came out to talk to him. "Hey bud." Eric said "What's up?" Patrick said sitting his stuff down to wipe the tears from his eyes "Ben told me!" Eric said kind of excited. "Yea, so." Patrick said being a smart a*s wiping the snot dripping from his red nose "I am too." Eric said "Really?" Patrick said with a big smile "I thought you was sexy from the first time I say. "Well, what would you say if we went down behind the bleachers tonight?" "And do what?" "Maybe make out and might suck each other." "OK!" That night Patrick and Eric walk down to the bleachers and walk behind them. Eric pulls Patrick in closer and starts kissing him. Slowly Patrick starts taking off Eric shirt and Eric starts to unbutton Patricks pants. When they get down doing what they do, they get dressed and start walking the long way back to the dorm holding hands. Once they got close enough for others to see they let go and start talking.
© 2015 Zachary HinsonAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on December 12, 2015 Last Updated on December 14, 2015 Author![]() Zachary HinsonYork, SCAbout22 year old living in york sc trying to make a living writing more..Writing